plains Jos_12_08 /^{plains /and in the springs ,
and in the wilderness , and in the south country ; the Hittites
, the Amorites , and the Canaanites , the Perizzites , the
Hivites , and the Jebusites :

plains 2Ch_26_10 /^{plains /husbandmen also, and
vine dressers in the mountains , and in Carmel : for he loved
husbandry .

plains 2Ch_09_27 /^{plains /in abundance .

plains Jos_04_13 /^{plains /of Jericho .

plains Jos_05_10 /^{plains /of Jericho .

plains 2Ki_25_05 /^{plains /of Jericho : and all
his army were scattered from him.

plains Jer_39_05 /^{plains /of Jericho : and
when they had taken him, they brought him up to Nebuchadnezzar
king of Babylon to Riblah in the land of Hamath , where he gave
judgment upon him.

plains Jer_52_08 /^{plains /of Jericho ; and
all his army was scattered from him.

plains Gen_18_01 /^{plains /of Mamre : and he
sat in the tent door in the heat of the day ;

plains Jos_13_32 /^{plains /of Moab , on the
other side Jordan , by Jericho , eastward .

plains Num_31_12 /^{plains /of Moab , which are
by Jordan near Jericho .

plains Num_33_49 /^{plains /of Moab .

plains Num_33_50 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho , saying ,

plains Num_35_01 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho , saying ,

plains Num_26_03 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho , saying ,

plains Num_33_48 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho .

plains Num_26_63 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho .

plains Num_36_13 /^{plains /of Moab by Jordan
near Jericho .

plains Num_22_01 /^{plains /of Moab on this
side Jordan by Jericho .

plains Deu_34_08 /^{plains /of Moab thirty days
: so the days of weeping and mourning for Moses were ended .

plains Deu_34_01 /^{plains /of Moab unto the
mountain of Nebo , to the top of Pisgah , that is over against
Jericho . And the LORD shewed him all the land of Gilead , unto
Dan ,

plains Deu_11_30 /^{plains /of Moreh ?

plains 2Sa_17_16 /^{plains /of the wilderness ,
but speedily pass over ; lest the king be swallowed up , and all
the people that are with him.

plains Jos_11_02 /^{plains /south of Chinneroth
, and in the valley , and in the borders of Dor on the west ,

plains 1Ch_27_28 /^{plains /was Baalhanan the
Gederite : and over the cellars of oil was Joash :
