coping 1Ki_07_09 /^{coping /and so on the
outside toward the great court .

creeping Psa_104_25 /^{creeping /innumerable ,
both small and great beasts .

creeping Gen_01_24 /^{creeping /thing , and beast
of the earth after his kind : and it was so.

creeping Gen_08_19 /^{creeping /thing , and every
fowl , and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth , after their
kinds , went forth out of the ark .

creeping Gen_06_07 /^{creeping /thing , and the
fowls of the air ; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

creeping Lev_22_05 /^{creeping /thing , whereby
he may be made unclean , or a man of whom he may take
uncleanness , whatsoever uncleanness he hath;

creeping Gen_06_20 /^{creeping /thing of the
earth after his kind , two of every sort shall come unto thee,
to keep them alive .

creeping Lev_11_43 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth , neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them,
that ye should be defiled thereby.

creeping Gen_07_21 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth , and every man :

creeping Lev_11_44 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth .

creeping Gen_01_26 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth .

creeping Gen_08_17 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth ; that they may breed abundantly in the
earth , and be fruitful , and multiply upon the earth .

creeping Gen_07_14 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth after his kind , and every fowl after
his kind , every bird of every sort .

creeping Lev_11_41 /^{creeping /thing that
creepeth upon the earth shall be an abomination ; it shall not
be eaten .

creeping Deu_14_19 /^{creeping /thing that flieth
is unclean unto you: they shall not be eaten .

creeping Lev_11_21 /^{creeping /thing that goeth
upon all four , which have legs above their feet , to leap
withal upon the earth ;

creeping Eze_08_10 /^{creeping /things , and
abominable beasts , and all the idols of the house of Israel ,
pourtrayed upon the wall round about .

creeping Psa_148_10 /^{creeping /things , and
flying fowl :

creeping Act_10_12 /${creeping /things , and
fowls of the air .

creeping Act_11_06 /${creeping /things , and
fowls of the air .

creeping Lev_05_02 /^{creeping /things , and if
it be hidden from him; he also shall be unclean , and guilty .

creeping 1Ki_04_33 /^{creeping /things , and of
fishes .

creeping Gen_07_23 /^{creeping /things , and the
fowl of the heaven ; and they were destroyed from the earth :
and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the
ark .

creeping Hab_01_14 /^{creeping /things , that
have no ruler over them?

creeping Lev_11_23 /^{creeping /things , which
have four feet , shall be an abomination unto you.

creeping Rom_01_23 /${creeping /things .

creeping Hos_02_18 /^{creeping /things of the
ground : and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle
out of the earth , and will make them to lie down safely .

creeping Eze_38_20 /^{creeping /things that creep
upon the earth , and all the men that are upon the face of the
earth , shall shake at my presence , and the mountains shall be
thrown down , and the steep places shall fall , and every wall
shall fall to the ground .

creeping Lev_11_42 /^{creeping /things that creep
upon the earth , them ye shall not eat ; for they are an
abomination .

creeping Lev_11_29 /^{creeping /things that creep
upon the earth ; the weasel , and the mouse , and the tortoise
after his kind ,

crisping Isa_03_22 /^{crisping /pins ,

dropping Pro_27_15 /^{dropping /in a very rainy
day and a contentious woman are alike .

dropping Son_05_13 /^{dropping /sweet smelling
myrrh .

encamping Exo_14_09 /^{encamping /by the sea ,
beside Pihahiroth , before Baalzephon .

harping Rev_14_02 /${harping /with their harps :

helping Psa_22_01 /^{helping /me, and from the
words of my roaring ?

helping Ezr_05_02 /^{helping /them.

helping 2Co_01_11 /${helping /together by prayer
for us , that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many
persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf .

hoping Luk_06_35 /${hoping /for nothing again ;
and your reward shall be great , and ye shall be the children of
the Highest : for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil

hoping 1Ti_03_14 /${hoping /to come unto thee
shortly :

jumping Nah_03_02 /^{jumping /chariots .

keeping Deu_08_11 /^{keeping /his commandments ,
and his judgments , and his statutes , which I command thee this
day :

Keeping Exo_34_07 /^{Keeping /mercy for
thousands , forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin , and
that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children , and upon the children's children,
unto the third and to the fourth generation.

keeping Eze_17_14 /^{keeping /of his covenant it
might stand .

keeping 1Co_07_19 /${keeping /of the
commandments of God .

keeping 1Pe_04_19 /${keeping /of their souls to
him in well doing , as unto a faithful Creator .

keeping Psa_19_11 /^{keeping /of them there is
great reward .

keeping Num_03_28 /^{keeping /the charge of the
sanctuary .

keeping Num_03_38 /^{keeping /the charge of the
sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel ; and the
stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death .

keeping Dan_09_04 /^{keeping /the covenant and
mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his
commandments ;

keeping 1Sa_25_16 /^{keeping /the sheep .

keeping Neh_12_25 /^{keeping /the ward at the
thresholds of the gates .

keeping Luk_02_08 /${keeping /watch over their
flock by night .

leaping 2Sa_06_16 /^{leaping /and dancing before
the LORD ; and she despised him in her heart .

leaping Act_03_08 /${leaping /and praising God .

leaping Act_03_08 /${leaping /up stood , and
walked , and entered with them into the temple , walking , and
leaping , and praising God .

leaping Son_02_08 /^{leaping /upon the mountains
, skipping upon the hills .

opinions 1Ki_18_21 /^{opinions /if the LORD be
God , follow him: but if Baal , then follow him. And the people
answered him not a word .

pin Jud_16_14 /^{pin /and said unto him, The
Philistines be upon thee, Samson . And he awaked out of his
sleep , and went away with the pin of the beam , and with the
web .

pin Eze_15_03 /^{pin /of it to hang any
vessel thereon?

pin Jud_16_14 /^{pin /of the beam , and with
the web .

pine Isa_41_19 /^{pine /and the box tree
together :

pine Lam_04_09 /^{pine /away , stricken
through for want of the fruits of the field .

pine Eze_24_23 /^{pine /away for your
iniquities , and mourn one toward another .

pine Lev_26_39 /^{pine /away in their
iniquity in your enemies lands ; and also in the iniquities of
their fathers shall they pine away with them.

pine Eze_33_10 /^{pine /away in them, how
should we then live ?

pine Lev_26_39 /^{pine /away with them.

pine Neh_08_15 /^{pine /branches , and myrtle
branches , and palm branches , and branches of thick trees , to
make booths , as it is written .

pine Isa_60_13 /^{pine /tree , and the box
together , to beautify the place of my sanctuary ; and I will
make the place of my feet glorious .

pineth Mar_09_18 /${pineth /away : and I spake
to thy disciples that they should cast him out ; and they could
not .

pining Isa_38_12 /^{pining /sickness : from day
even to night wilt thou make an end of me.

pinnacle Mat_04_05 /${pinnacle /of the temple ,

pinnacle Luk_04_09 /${pinnacle /of the temple ,
and said unto him , If thou be the Son of God , cast thyself
down from hence :

pins Exo_39_40 /^{pins /and all the vessels
of the service of the tabernacle , for the tent of the
congregation ,

pins Num_04_32 /^{pins /and their cords ,
with all their instruments , and with all their service : and by
name ye shall reckon the instruments of the charge of their
burden .

pins Num_03_37 /^{pins /and their cords .

pins Exo_35_18 /^{pins /of the court , and
their cords ,

pins Exo_27_19 /^{pins /of the court , shall
be of brass .

pins Exo_38_31 /^{pins /of the court round
about .

pins Exo_38_31 /^{pins /of the tabernacle ,
and all the pins of the court round about .

pins Exo_38_20 /^{pins /of the tabernacle ,
and of the court round about , were of brass .

pins Exo_35_18 /^{pins /of the tabernacle ,
and the pins of the court , and their cords ,

pins Exo_27_19 /^{pins /thereof, and all the
pins of the court , shall be of brass .

reaping Luk_19_22 /${reaping /that I did not sow

reaping 1Sa_06_13 /^{reaping /their wheat
harvest in the valley : and they lifted up their eyes , and saw
the ark , and rejoiced to see it.

reaping Mat_25_24 /${reaping /where thou hast
not sown , and gathering where thou hast not strawed :

shipping Joh_06_24 /${shipping /and came to
Capernaum , seeking for Jesus .

skipping Son_02_08 /^{skipping /upon the hills .

sleeping Mar_14_37 /${sleeping /and saith unto
Peter , Simon , sleepest thou ? couldest not thou watch one hour

sleeping Act_12_06 /${sleeping /between two
soldiers , bound with two chains : and the keepers before the
door kept the prison .

sleeping Luk_22_45 /${sleeping /for sorrow ,

sleeping Isa_56_10 /^{sleeping /lying down ,
loving to slumber .

sleeping 1Sa_26_07 /^{sleeping /within the trench
, and his spear stuck in the ground at his bolster : but Abner
and the people lay round about him.

spin Luk_12_27 /${spin /not ; and yet I say
unto you , that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like
one of these .

spin Exo_35_25 /^{spin /with their hands ,
and brought that which they had spun , both of blue , and of
purple , and of scarlet , and of fine linen .

spindle Pro_31_19 /^{spindle /and her hands hold
the distaff .

stamping Jer_47_03 /^{stamping /of the hoofs of
his strong horses, at the rushing of his chariots , and at the
rumbling of his wheels , the fathers shall not look back to
their children for feebleness of hands ;

stooping Joh_20_05 /${stooping /down , and
looking in, saw the linen clothes lying ; yet went he not in .

stooping Luk_24_12 /${stooping /down , he beheld
the linen clothes laid by themselves , and departed , wondering
in himself at that which was come to pass .

sweeping Pro_28_03 /^{sweeping /rain which
leaveth no food .

weeping Isa_15_03 /^{weeping /abundantly .

weeping Jer_41_06 /^{weeping /all along as he
went : and it came to pass, as he met them, he said unto them,
Come to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam .

weeping Joh_20_11 /${weeping /and as she wept ,
she stooped down , and looked into the sepulchre ,

weeping Luk_07_38 /${weeping /and began to wash
his feet with tears , and did wipe them with the hairs of her
head , and kissed his feet , and anointed them with the ointment

weeping Ezr_10_01 /^{weeping /and casting
himself down before the house of God , there assembled unto him
out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and
children : for the people wept very sore .

weeping Luk_13_28 /${weeping /and gnashing of
teeth , when ye shall see Abraham , and Isaac , and Jacob , and
all the prophets , in the kingdom of God , and you yourselves
thrust out .

weeping Mat_24_51 /${weeping /and gnashing of
teeth .

weeping Mat_08_12 /${weeping /and gnashing of
teeth .

weeping Mat_22_13 /${weeping /and gnashing of
teeth .

weeping Mat_25_30 /${weeping /and gnashing of
teeth .

weeping Mat_02_18 /${weeping /and great mourning
, Rachel weeping for her children , and would not be comforted ,
because they are not .

weeping Deu_34_08 /^{weeping /and mourning for
Moses were ended .

weeping Job_16_16 /^{weeping /and on my eyelids
is the shadow of death ;

weeping Act_09_39 /${weeping /and shewing the
coats and garments which Dorcas made , while she was with them .

weeping Jer_03_21 /^{weeping /and supplications
of the children of Israel : for they have perverted their way ,
and they have forgotten the LORD their God .

weeping Joh_11_33 /${weeping /and the Jews also
weeping which came with her , he groaned in the spirit , and was
troubled ,

weeping Jer_31_16 /^{weeping /and thine eyes
from tears : for thy work shall be rewarded , saith the LORD ;
and they shall come again from the land of the enemy .

weeping Isa_22_12 /^{weeping /and to mourning ,
and to baldness , and to girding with sackcloth :

weeping Rev_18_15 /${weeping /and wailing ,

weeping Jer_09_10 /^{weeping /and wailing , and
for the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation , because
they are burned up , so that none can pass through them; neither
can men hear the voice of the cattle ; both the fowl of the
heavens and the beast are fled ; they are gone .

weeping Rev_18_19 /${weeping /and wailing ,
saying , Alas , alas , that great city , wherein were made rich
all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness ! for
in one hour is she made desolate .

weeping Est_04_03 /^{weeping /and wailing ; and
many lay in sackcloth and ashes .

weeping Mal_02_13 /^{weeping /and with crying
out , insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or
receiveth it with good will at your hand .

weeping Joe_02_12 /^{weeping /and with mourning :

weeping Jer_31_09 /^{weeping /and with
supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the
rivers of waters in a straight way , wherein they shall not
stumble : for I am a father to Israel , and Ephraim is my
firstborn .

weeping 2Sa_15_30 /^{weeping /as they went up .

weeping Num_25_06 /^{weeping /before the door of
the tabernacle of the congregation .

weeping 2Sa_03_16 /^{weeping /behind her to
Bahurim . Then said Abner unto him, Go , return . And he
returned .

weeping Mat_02_18 /${weeping /for her children ,
and would not be comforted , because they are not .

weeping Jer_31_15 /^{weeping /for her children
refused to be comforted for her children , because they were not.

weeping Eze_08_14 /^{weeping /for Tammuz .

weeping Psa_30_05 /^{weeping /may endure for a
night , but joy cometh in the morning .

weeping Jer_48_32 /^{weeping /of Jazer : thy
plants are gone over the sea , they reach even to the sea of
Jazer : the spoiler is fallen upon thy summer fruits and upon
thy vintage .

weeping Isa_16_09 /^{weeping /of Jazer the vine
of Sibmah : I will water thee with my tears , O Heshbon , and
Elealeh : for the shouting for thy summer fruits and for thy
harvest is fallen .

weeping Ezr_03_13 /^{weeping /of the people :
for the people shouted with a loud shout , and the noise was
heard afar off .

weeping Jer_31_15 /^{weeping /Rahel weeping for
her children refused to be comforted for her children , because
they were not.

weeping Isa_65_19 /^{weeping /shall be no more
heard in her, nor the voice of crying .

weeping Jer_48_05 /^{weeping /shall go up ; for
in the going down of Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of
destruction .

weeping Isa_15_05 /^{weeping /shall they go it
up ; for in the way of Horonaim they shall raise up a cry of
destruction .

weeping Php_03_18 /${weeping /that they are the
enemies of the cross of Christ :

weeping Jer_50_04 /^{weeping /they shall go ,
and seek the LORD their God .

weeping Joh_11_33 /${weeping /which came with
her , he groaned in the spirit , and was troubled ,

wiping 2Ki_21_13 /^{wiping /it, and turning it
upside down .

worshipping Mat_20_20 /${worshipping /him, and
desiring a certain thing of him .

worshipping 2Ki_19_37 /^{worshipping /in the house of
Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote
him with the sword : and they escaped into the land of Armenia .
And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

worshipping Isa_37_38 /^{worshipping /in the house
of Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons
smote him with the sword ; and they escaped into the land of
Armenia : and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

worshipping Col_02_18 /${worshipping /of angels ,
intruding into those things which he hath not seen , vainly
puffed up by his fleshly mind ,

worshipping 2Ch_20_18 /^{worshipping /the LORD .
