pearls Rev_18_12 /${pearls /and fine linen ,
and purple , and silk , and scarlet , and all thyine wood , and
all manner vessels of ivory , and all manner vessels of most
precious wood , and of brass , and iron , and marble ,

pearls Mat_07_06 /${pearls /before swine , lest
they trample them under their feet , and turn again and rend you

pearls Rev_21_21 /${pearls /every several gate
was of one pearl : and the street of the city was pure gold , as
it were transparent glass .

pearls Job_28_18 /^{pearls /for the price of
wisdom is above rubies .

pearls Rev_17_04 /${pearls /having a golden cup
in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her
fornication :

pearls 1Ti_02_09 /${pearls /or costly array ;
