pastors Jer_03_15 /^{pastors /according to mine
heart , which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding .

pastors Jer_02_08 /^{pastors /also transgressed
against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal , and walked
after things that do not profit .

pastors Eph_04_11 /${pastors /and teachers ;

pastors Jer_22_22 /^{pastors /and thy lovers
shall go into captivity : surely then shalt thou be ashamed and
confounded for all thy wickedness .

pastors Jer_10_21 /^{pastors /are become brutish
, and have not sought the LORD : therefore they shall not
prosper , and all their flocks shall be scattered .

pastors Jer_12_10 /^{pastors /have destroyed my
vineyard , they have trodden my portion under foot , they have
made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness .

pastors Jer_23_01 /^{pastors /that destroy and
scatter the sheep of my pasture ! saith the LORD .

pastors Jer_23_02 /^{pastors /that feed my
people ; Ye have scattered my flock , and driven them away , and
have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of
your doings , saith the LORD .
