departed Act_28_25 /${departed /after that Paul
had spoken one word , Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the
prophet unto our fathers ,

departed Joh_06_15 /${departed /again into a
mountain himself alone .

departed Joh_04_03 /${departed /again into
Galilee .

departed Mat_02_09 /${departed /and , lo , the
star , which they saw in the east , went before them , till it
came and stood over where the young child was .

departed Mar_05_20 /${departed /and began to
publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him :
and all men did marvel .

departed 1Ki_20_09 /^{departed /and brought him
word again .

departed 1Sa_22_05 /^{departed /and came into the
forest of Hareth .

departed Jud_19_10 /^{departed /and came over
against Jebus , which is Jerusalem ; and there were with him two
asses saddled , his concubine also was with him.

departed Jud_18_07 /^{departed /and came to Laish
, and saw the people that were therein , how they dwelt careless
, after the manner of the Zidonians , quiet and secure ; and
there was no magistrate in the land , that might put them to
shame in any thing ; and they were far from the Zidonians , and
had no business with any man .

departed 2Ki_10_12 /^{departed /and came to
Samaria . And as he was at the shearing house in the way ,

departed 1Ki_14_17 /^{departed /and came to
Tirzah : and when she came to the threshold of the door , the
child died ;

departed Act_21_08 /${departed /and came unto
Caesarea : and we entered into the house of Philip the
evangelist , which was one of the seven ; and abode with him .

departed Joh_12_36 /${departed /and did hide
himself from them .

departed Jer_41_17 /^{departed /and dwelt in the
habitation of Chimham , which is by Bethlehem , to go to enter
into Egypt ,

departed Act_28_29 /${departed /and had great
reasoning among themselves .

departed Gen_45_24 /^{departed /and he said unto
them, See that ye fall not out by the way .

departed Isa_38_12 /^{departed /and is removed
from me as a shepherd's tent : I have cut off like a weaver my
life : he will cut me off with pining sickness : from day even
to night wilt thou make an end of me.

departed 1Sa_20_42 /^{departed /and Jonathan went
into the city .

departed Jud_18_21 /^{departed /and put the
little ones and the cattle and the carriage before them.

departed Gen_31_55 /^{departed /and returned unto
his place .

departed Jos_02_21 /^{departed /and she bound the
scarlet line in the window .

departed Joh_05_15 /${departed /and told the Jews
that it was Jesus , which had made him whole .

departed 2Ki_05_05 /^{departed /and took with him
ten talents of silver , and six thousand pieces of gold , and
ten changes of raiment .

departed 1Ki_20_38 /^{departed /and waited for
the king by the way , and disguised himself with ashes upon his
face .

departed Gen_21_14 /^{departed /and wandered in
the wilderness of Beersheba .

departed Mat_27_05 /${departed /and went and
hanged himself .

departed Isa_37_37 /^{departed /and went and
returned , and dwelt at Nineveh .

departed 2Ki_19_36 /^{departed /and went and
returned , and dwelt at Nineveh .

departed Luk_04_42 /${departed /and went into a
desert place : and the people sought him , and came unto him ,
and stayed him , that he should not depart from them .

departed Act_12_17 /${departed /and went into
another place .

departed Act_21_05 /${departed /and went our way ;
and they all brought us on our way , with wives and children ,
till we were out of the city : and we kneeled down on the shore ,
and prayed .

departed Act_18_23 /${departed /and went over all
the country of Galatia and Phrygia in order , strengthening all
the disciples .

departed Luk_09_06 /${departed /and went through
the towns , preaching the gospel , and healing every where .

departed 1Ch_21_04 /^{departed /and went
throughout all Israel , and came to Jerusalem .

departed Rev_06_14 /${departed /as a scroll when
it is rolled together ; and every mountain and island were moved
out of their places .

departed Gen_12_04 /^{departed /as the LORD had
spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy
and five years old when he departed out of Haran .

departed Act_15_39 /${departed /asunder one from
the other : and so Barnabas took Mark , and sailed unto Cyprus ;

departed Act_11_25 /${departed /Barnabas to
Tarsus , for to seek Saul :

departed Mat_02_13 /${departed /behold , the
angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream , saying ,
Arise , and take the young child and his mother , and flee into
Egypt , and be thou there until I bring thee word : for Herod
will seek the young child to destroy him .

departed Act_15_40 /${departed /being recommended
by the brethren unto the grace of God .

departed Luk_08_38 /${departed /besought him that
he might be with him : but Jesus sent him away , saying ,

departed 1Ch_16_43 /^{departed /every man to his
house : and David returned to bless his house .

departed Jud_09_55 /^{departed /every man unto
his place .

departed 2Sa_06_19 /^{departed /every one to his
house .

departed Phm_01_15 /${departed /for a season ,
that thou shouldest receive him for ever ;

departed Gen_24_10 /^{departed /for all the goods
of his master were in his hand : and he arose , and went to
Mesopotamia , unto the city of Nahor .

departed Psa_105_38 /^{departed /for the fear of
them fell upon them.

departed Act_20_01 /${departed /for to go into
Macedonia .

departed 1Sa_15_06 /^{departed /from among the
Amalekites .

departed Act_17_33 /${departed /from among them .

departed Act_18_01 /${departed /from Athens , and
came to Corinth ;

departed Num_33_08 /^{departed /from before
Pihahiroth , and passed through the midst of the sea into the
wilderness , and went three days journey in the wilderness of
Etham , and pitched in Marah .

departed Num_33_13 /^{departed /from Dophkah ,
and encamped in Alush .

departed Num_33_35 /^{departed /from Ebronah ,
and encamped at Eziongaber .

departed 2Ki_08_14 /^{departed /from Elisha , and
came to his master ; who said to him, What said Elisha to thee?
And he answered , He told me that thou shouldest surely recover .

departed Mat_19_01 /${departed /from Galilee ,
and came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan ;

departed Num_33_30 /^{departed /from Hashmonah ,
and encamped at Moseroth .

departed Num_33_18 /^{departed /from Hazeroth ,
and pitched in Rithmah .

departed Luk_01_38 /${departed /from her .

departed 1Ki_20_36 /^{departed /from him , a lion
found him, and slew him.

departed Mar_01_42 /${departed /from him , and he
was cleansed .

departed Luk_09_33 /${departed /from him , Peter
said unto Jesus , Master , it is good for us to be here : and
let us make three tabernacles ; one for thee , and one for Moses
, and one for Elias : not knowing what he said .

departed Luk_05_13 /${departed /from him .

departed Act_12_10 /${departed /from him .

departed 2Ki_05_19 /^{departed /from him a little
way .

departed Luk_04_13 /${departed /from him for a
season .

departed Gen_26_31 /^{departed /from him in peace

departed Act_22_29 /${departed /from him which
should have examined him : and the chief captain also was afraid
, after he knew that he was a Roman , and because he had bound
him .

departed 2Ki_03_27 /^{departed /from him, and
returned to their own land .

departed 2Ch_24_25 /^{departed /from him, him in
great diseases , his own servants conspired against him for the
blood of the sons of Jehoiada the priest , and slew him on his
bed , and he died : and they buried him in the city of David ,
but they buried him not in the sepulchres of the kings .

departed Jud_16_20 /^{departed /from him.

departed 1Sa_16_23 /^{departed /from him.

departed Deu_01_19 /^{departed /from Horeb , we
went through all that great and terrible wilderness , which ye
saw by the way of the mountain of the Amorites , as the LORD our
God commanded us; and we came to Kadeshbarnea .

departed Num_33_45 /^{departed /from Iim , and
pitched in Dibongad .

departed 1Sa_04_21 /^{departed /from Israel :
because the ark of God was taken , and because of her father in
law and her husband .

departed 1Sa_04_22 /^{departed /from Israel : for
the ark of God is taken .

departed Hos_10_05 /^{departed /from it.

departed Mat_20_29 /${departed /from Jericho , a
great multitude followed him .

departed Jer_37_05 /^{departed /from Jerusalem .

departed Isa_07_17 /^{departed /from Judah ; even
the king of Assyria .

departed Num_33_17 /^{departed /from
Kibrothhattaavah , and encamped at Hazeroth .

departed Isa_37_08 /^{departed /from Lachish .

departed 2Ki_19_08 /^{departed /from Lachish .

departed Php_04_15 /${departed /from Macedonia ,
no church communicated with me as concerning giving and
receiving , but ye only .

departed 1Sa_10_02 /^{departed /from me to day ,
then thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border
of Benjamin at Zelzah ; and they will say unto thee, The asses
which thou wentest to seek are found : and, lo, thy father hath
left the care of the asses , and sorroweth for you, saying ,
What shall I do for my son ?

departed 1Ki_20_36 /^{departed /from me, a lion
shall slay thee. And as soon as he was departed from him , a
lion found him, and slew him.

departed 1Sa_28_15 /^{departed /from me, and
answereth me no more, neither by prophets , nor by dreams :
therefore I have called thee, that thou mayest make known unto
me what I shall do .

departed Eze_06_09 /^{departed /from me, and with
their eyes , which go a whoring after their idols : and they
shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed
in all their abominations .

departed Gen_31_40 /^{departed /from mine eyes .

departed Num_33_31 /^{departed /from Moseroth ,
and pitched in Benejaakan .

departed Num_33_41 /^{departed /from mount Hor ,
and pitched in Zalmonah .

departed 2Sa_22_22 /^{departed /from my God .

departed Psa_18_21 /^{departed /from my God .

departed Num_33_44 /^{departed /from Oboth , and
pitched in Ijeabarim , in the border of Moab .

departed Num_12_10 /^{departed /from off the
tabernacle ; and, behold, Miriam became leprous , white as snow :
and Aaron looked upon Miriam , and, behold, she was leprous .

departed Eze_10_18 /^{departed /from off the
threshold of the house , and stood over the cherubims .

departed Act_13_14 /${departed /from Perga , they
came to Antioch in Pisidia , and went into the synagogue on the
sabbath day , and sat down .

departed Num_33_43 /^{departed /from Punon , and
pitched in Oboth .

departed Num_33_03 /^{departed /from Rameses in
the first month , on the fifteenth day of the first month ; on
the morrow after the passover the children of Israel went out
with an high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians .

departed Num_33_15 /^{departed /from Rephidim ,
and pitched in the wilderness of Sinai .

departed Exo_19_02 /^{departed /from Rephidim ,
and were come to the desert of Sinai , and had pitched in the
wilderness ; and there Israel camped before the mount .

departed Num_33_20 /^{departed /from Rimmonparez ,
and pitched in Libnah .

departed Num_33_19 /^{departed /from Rithmah ,
and pitched at Rimmonparez .

departed 1Sa_16_14 /^{departed /from Saul , and
an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.

departed 1Sa_18_12 /^{departed /from Saul .

departed Num_33_06 /^{departed /from Succoth ,
and pitched in Etham , which is in the edge of the wilderness .

departed Num_33_27 /^{departed /from Tahath , and
pitched at Tarah .

departed Jos_22_09 /^{departed /from the children
of Israel out of Shiloh , which is in the land of Canaan , to go
unto the country of Gilead , to the land of their possession ,
whereof they were possessed , according to the word of the LORD
by the hand of Moses .

departed Num_10_33 /^{departed /from the mount of
the LORD three days journey : and the ark of the covenant of
the LORD went before them in the three days journey , to search
out a resting place for them.

departed Num_33_48 /^{departed /from the
mountains of Abarim , and pitched in the plains of Moab by
Jordan near Jericho .

departed Exo_35_20 /^{departed /from the presence
of Moses .

departed Act_05_41 /${departed /from the presence
of the council , rejoicing that they were counted worthy to
suffer shame for his name .

departed Ezr_08_31 /^{departed /from the river of
Ahava on the twelfth day of the first month , to go unto
Jerusalem : and the hand of our God was upon us, and he
delivered us from the hand of the enemy , and of such as lay in
wait by the way .

departed Mat_24_01 /${departed /from the temple :
and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of
the temple .

departed Rev_18_14 /${departed /from thee , and
all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee ,
and thou shalt find them no more at all .

departed Rev_18_14 /${departed /from thee , and
thou shalt find them no more at all .

departed 1Sa_28_16 /^{departed /from thee, and is
become thine enemy ?

departed Dan_04_31 /^{departed /from thee.

departed Act_19_09 /${departed /from them , and
separated the disciples , disputing daily in the school of one
Tyrannus .

departed Act_19_12 /${departed /from them , and
the evil spirits went out of them .

departed Act_15_38 /${departed /from them from
Pamphylia , and went not with them to the work .

departed Num_14_09 /^{departed /from them, and
the LORD is with us: fear them not.

departed Lev_13_58 /^{departed /from them, then
it shall be washed the second time, and shall be clean .

departed Mat_15_29 /${departed /from thence , and
came nigh unto the sea of Galilee ; and went up into a mountain ,
and sat down there .

departed Psa_119_010 /^{departed /from thy
judgments : for thou hast taught me.

departed Num_33_42 /^{departed /from Zalmonah ,
and pitched in Punon .

departed Luk_07_24 /${departed /he began to speak
unto the people concerning John , What went ye out into the
wilderness for to see ? A reed shaken with the wind ?

departed Act_10_07 /${departed /he called two of
his household servants , and a devout soldier of them that
waited on him continually ;

departed Luk_10_35 /${departed /he took out two
pence , and gave them to the host , and said unto him , Take
care of him ; and whatsoever thou spendest more , when I come
again , I will repay thee .

departed Gen_37_17 /^{departed /hence ; for I
heard them say , Let us go to Dothan . And Joseph went after his
brethren , and found them in Dothan .

departed Lam_01_06 /^{departed /her princes are
become like harts that find no pasture , and they are gone
without strength before the pursuer .

departed Psa_34_01 /^{departed /I will bless the
LORD at all times : his praise shall continually be in my mouth .

departed Act_28_11 /${departed /in a ship of
Alexandria , which had wintered in the isle , whose sign was
Castor and Pollux .

departed Mar_06_32 /${departed /into a desert
place by ship privately .

departed Mar_06_46 /${departed /into a mountain
to pray .

departed Mar_01_35 /${departed /into a solitary
place , and there prayed .

departed Mat_02_14 /${departed /into Egypt :

departed Mat_04_12 /${departed /into Galilee ;

departed Mat_15_21 /${departed /into the coasts
of Tyre and Sidon .

departed Mat_02_12 /${departed /into their own
country another way .

departed Mat_11_07 /${departed /Jesus began to
say unto the multitudes concerning John , What went ye out into
the wilderness to see ? A reed shaken with the wind ?

departed Luk_10_30 /${departed /leaving him half
dead .

departed 2Ki_15_18 /^{departed /not all his days
from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to
sin .

departed 2Ki_10_29 /^{departed /not from after
them, to wit, the golden calves that were in Bethel , and that
were in Dan .

departed 2Ki_13_11 /^{departed /not from all the
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel sin : but he
walked therein.

departed 2Ki_14_24 /^{departed /not from all the
sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin .

departed 2Ki_18_06 /^{departed /not from following
him, but kept his commandments , which the LORD commanded Moses .

departed 2Ch_34_33 /^{departed /not from following
the LORD , the God of their fathers .

departed 2Ch_20_32 /^{departed /not from it, doing
that which was right in the sight of the LORD .

departed 2Ch_08_15 /^{departed /not from the
commandment of the king unto the priests and Levites concerning
any matter , or concerning the treasures .

departed 2Ki_10_31 /^{departed /not from the sins
of Jeroboam , which made Israel to sin .

departed 2Ki_15_28 /^{departed /not from the sins
of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin .

departed 2Ki_15_09 /^{departed /not from the sins
of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin .

departed 2Ki_15_24 /^{departed /not from the sins
of Jeroboam the son of Nebat , who made Israel to sin .

departed 2Ki_13_06 /^{departed /not from the sins
of the house of Jeroboam , who made Israel sin , but walked
therein: and there remained the grove also in Samaria .

departed Luk_02_37 /${departed /not from the
temple , but served God with fastings and prayers night and day .

departed Neh_09_19 /^{departed /not from them by
day , to lead them in the way ; neither the pillar of fire by
night , to shew them light , and the way wherein they should go .

departed 2Ki_17_22 /^{departed /not from them;

departed Num_14_44 /^{departed /not out of the
camp .

departed Exo_33_11 /^{departed /not out of the
tabernacle .

departed 2Ki_03_03 /^{departed /not therefrom.

departed 2Ki_13_02 /^{departed /not therefrom.

departed Gen_12_04 /^{departed /out of Haran .

departed Mat_17_18 /${departed /out of him : and
the child was cured from that very hour .

departed Deu_24_02 /^{departed /out of his house ,
she may go and be another man's wife.

departed Jud_06_21 /^{departed /out of his sight .

departed 1Sa_23_13 /^{departed /out of Keilah ,
and went whithersoever they could go . And it was told Saul that
David was escaped from Keilah ; and he forbare to go forth .

departed Jud_17_08 /^{departed /out of the city
from Bethlehemjudah to sojourn where he could find a place: and
he came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah , as he journeyed

departed 2Sa_11_08 /^{departed /out of the king's
house , and there followed him a mess of meat from the king .

departed Mal_02_08 /^{departed /out of the way ;
ye have caused many to stumble at the law ; ye have corrupted
the covenant of Levi , saith the LORD of hosts .

departed Mat_28_08 /${departed /quickly from the
sepulchre with fear and great joy ; and did run to bring his
disciples word .

departed Luk_08_35 /${departed /sitting at the
feet of Jesus , clothed , and in his right mind : and they were
afraid .

departed Mat_09_31 /${departed /spread abroad his
fame in all that country .

departed 2Sa_17_21 /^{departed /that they came up
out of the well , and went and told king David , and said unto
David , Arise , and pass quickly over the water : for thus hath
Ahithophel counselled against you.

departed Act_18_07 /${departed /thence , and
entered into a certain man's house , named Justus , one that
worshipped God , whose house joined hard to the synagogue .

departed Mar_09_30 /${departed /thence , and
passed through Galilee ; and he would not that any man should
know it.

departed Joh_04_43 /${departed /thence , and went
into Galilee .

departed Mat_12_09 /${departed /thence , he went
into their synagogue :

departed Mat_09_27 /${departed /thence , two
blind men followed him , crying , and saying , Thou Son of David
, have mercy on us .

departed Mat_13_53 /${departed /thence .

departed Mat_19_15 /${departed /thence .

departed Jud_21_24 /^{departed /thence at that
time , every man to his tribe and to his family , and they went
out from thence every man to his inheritance .

departed Mat_14_13 /${departed /thence by ship
into a desert place apart : and when the people had heard
thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities .

departed Mat_11_01 /${departed /thence to teach
and to preach in their cities .

departed 1Sa_22_01 /^{departed /thence, and
escaped to the cave Adullam : and when his brethren and all his
father's house heard it, they went down thither to him.

departed 1Ki_19_19 /^{departed /thence, and found
Elisha the son of Shaphat , who was plowing with twelve yoke of
oxen before him, and he with the twelfth : and Elijah passed by
him, and cast his mantle upon him.

departed Gen_26_17 /^{departed /thence, and
pitched his tent in the valley of Gerar , and dwelt there .

departed 2Ki_10_15 /^{departed /thence, he lighted
on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him: and he
saluted him, and said to him, Is thine heart right , as my heart
is with thy heart ? And Jehonadab answered , It is . If it be,
give me thine hand . And he gave him his hand ; and he took him
up to him into the chariot .

departed Gen_42_26 /^{departed /thence.

departed Act_28_10 /${departed /they laded us
with such things as were necessary .

departed Jer_41_10 /^{departed /to go over to the
Ammonites .

departed Mat_09_07 /${departed /to his house .

departed Luk_05_25 /${departed /to his own house ,
glorifying God .

departed Luk_01_23 /${departed /to his own house .

departed Mar_08_13 /${departed /to the other side

departed 2Sa_19_24 /^{departed /until the day he
came again in peace .

departed 2Sa_12_15 /^{departed /unto his house .
And the LORD struck the child that Uriah's wife bare unto David ,
and it was very sick .

departed Act_13_04 /${departed /unto Seleucia ;
and from thence they sailed to Cyprus .

departed 1Ki_12_16 /^{departed /unto their tents .

departed 2Ti_04_10 /${departed /unto Thessalonica ;
Crescens to Galatia , Titus unto Dalmatia .

departed Act_14_20 /${departed /with Barnabas to
Derbe .

departed Num_22_07 /^{departed /with the rewards
of divination in their hand ; and they came unto Balaam , and
spake unto him the words of Balak .

departed 2Ch_21_20 /^{departed /without being
desired . Howbeit they buried him in the city of David , but not
in the sepulchres of the kings .

departed Luk_24_12 /${departed /wondering in
himself at that which was come to pass .

imparted Job_39_17 /^{imparted /to her
understanding .

imparted 1Th_02_08 /${imparted /unto you , not
the gospel of God only , but also our own souls , because ye
were dear unto us .

parted Gen_02_10 /^{parted /and became into
four heads .

parted Luk_24_51 /${parted /from them , and
carried up into heaven .

parted Mat_27_35 /${parted /his garments ,
casting lots : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by
the prophet , They parted my garments among them , and upon my
vesture did they cast lots .

parted Mar_15_24 /${parted /his garments ,
casting lots upon them , what every man should take .

parted Luk_23_34 /${parted /his raiment , and
cast lots .

parted 2Ki_02_14 /^{parted /hither and thither:
and Elisha went over .

parted Mat_27_35 /${parted /my garments among
them , and upon my vesture did they cast lots .

parted Joe_03_02 /^{parted /my land .

parted Joh_19_24 /${parted /my raiment among
them , and for my vesture they did cast lots . These things
therefore the soldiers did .

parted 2Ki_02_11 /^{parted /them both asunder ;
and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven .

parted Act_02_45 /${parted /them to all men, as
every man had need .

parted Job_38_24 /^{parted /which scattereth
the east wind upon the earth ?
