English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
approach - 0676 {approach},

approaching - 1448 {approaching}, at, came, come, hand, himself, near, nigh,

approve - 1381 allowed, {approve}, approvest, examine, like, prove, proved, proving, tried, trieth, try,

approved - 0584 {approved}, forth, prove, set, shewing,

approved - 1384 {approved}, tried,

approved - 4921 {approved}, approving, commend, commended, commendeth, commending, consist, make, standing,

approvest - 1381 allowed, approve, {approvest}, examine, like, prove, proved, proving, tried, trieth, try,

approving - 4921 approved, {approving}, commend, commended, commendeth, commending, consist, make, standing,

aprons - 4612 {aprons},

leprosy - 3014 {leprosy},

proceed - 1607 come, cometh, depart, departed, forth, go, goeth, going, gone, issued, {proceed}, proceeded, proceedeth, proceeding, went,

proceed - 1831 abroad, away, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, depart, departed, departing, escaped, forth, get, go, gone, {proceed}, proceeded, proceedeth, spread, went,

proceed - 4298 increase, {proceed}, profited, wax,

proceeded - 1607 come, cometh, depart, departed, forth, go, goeth, going, gone, issued, proceed, {proceeded}, proceedeth, proceeding, went,

proceeded - 1831 abroad, away, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, depart, departed, departing, escaped, forth, get, go, gone, proceed, {proceeded}, proceedeth, spread, went,

proceeded - 4369 add, added, given, laid, more, {proceeded}, spoken,

proceedeth - 1607 come, cometh, depart, departed, forth, go, goeth, going, gone, issued, proceed, proceeded, {proceedeth}, proceeding, went,

proceedeth - 1831 abroad, away, came, camest, come, cometh, coming, depart, departed, departing, escaped, forth, get, go, gone, proceed, proceeded, {proceedeth}, spread, went,

proceeding - 1607 come, cometh, depart, departed, forth, go, goeth, going, gone, issued, proceed, proceeded, proceedeth, {proceeding}, went,

prochorus - 4402 {prochorus},

proclaiming - 2784 preach, preached, preachest, preacheth, preaching, {proclaiming}, publish, published,

profane - 0952 {profane},

profane - 0953 {profane},

profess - 3670 confess, confessed, confesseth, {profess}, professed, promised, thanks,

professed - 3670 confess, confessed, confesseth, profess, {professed}, promised, thanks,

professed - 3671 confession, {professed}, profession,

professing - 1861 made, {professing}, promise, promised,

professing - 5335 affirmed, {professing}, say, saying,

profession - 3671 confession, professed, {profession},

profit - 3786 advantageth, {profit},

profit - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, {profit}, profitable, together,

profit - 5539 {profit},

profit - 5622 advantage, {profit},

profit - 5623 bettered, prevail, {profit}, profited, profiteth,

profitable - 2173 meet, {profitable},

profitable - 4851 better, brought, expedient, good, profit, {profitable}, together,

profited - 4298 increase, proceed, {profited}, wax,

profited - 5623 bettered, prevail, profit, {profited}, profiteth,

profiteth - 2076 been, called, dureth, endure, hast, have, mean, meaneth, owneth, {profiteth}, which,

profiteth - 5623 bettered, prevail, profit, profited, {profiteth},

profiting - 4297 furtherance, {profiting},

promise - 1860 message, {promise}, promises,

promise - 1861 made, professing, {promise}, promised,

promise - 1862 {promise}, promises,

promised - 1861 made, professing, promise, {promised},

promised - 3670 confess, confessed, confesseth, profess, professed, {promised}, thanks,

promised - 4279 afore, {promised},

promises - 1860 message, promise, {promises},

promises - 1862 promise, {promises},

proof - 1382 experiment, {proof}, trial,

proof - 1732 declare, evident, {proof}, token,

proof - 4136 assurance, full, {proof},

proofs - 5039 {proofs},

proper - 0791 fair, {proper},

proper - 2398 acquaintance, alone, apart, aside, business, company, due, home, own, private, privately, {proper}, several, severally, your,

prophecies - 4394 {prophecies}, prophecy, prophesying, prophesyings,

prophecy - 4394 prophecies, {prophecy}, prophesying, prophesyings,

prophecy - 4397 {prophecy},

prophesied - 4395 {prophesied}, prophesieth, prophesy, prophesying,

prophesieth - 4395 prophesied, {prophesieth}, prophesy, prophesying,

prophesy - 4395 prophesied, prophesieth, {prophesy}, prophesying,

prophesying - 4394 prophecies, prophecy, {prophesying}, prophesyings,

prophesying - 4395 prophesied, prophesieth, prophesy, {prophesying},

prophesyings - 4394 prophecies, prophecy, prophesying, {prophesyings},

prophet - 4396 {prophet}, prophets,

prophet - 5578 false, {prophet}, prophets,

prophetess - 4398 {prophetess},

prophets - 4396 prophet, {prophets},

prophets - 5573 lies, {prophets}, speaking,

prophets - 5578 false, prophet, {prophets},

propitiation - 2434 {propitiation},

propitiation - 2435 mercyseat, {propitiation},

proselyte - 4339 {proselyte}, proselytes,

proselytes - 4339 proselyte, {proselytes},

prosper - 2137 journey, {prosper}, prospered, prospereth, prosperous,

prospered - 2137 journey, prosper, {prospered}, prospereth, prosperous,

prospereth - 2137 journey, prosper, prospered, {prospereth}, prosperous,

prosperous - 2137 journey, prosper, prospered, prospereth, {prosperous},

protest - 3513 {protest},

proud - 5187 highminded, pride, {proud}, smoking,

proud - 5244 {proud},

prove - 0584 approved, forth, {prove}, set, shewing,

prove - 1381 allowed, approve, approvest, examine, like, {prove}, proved, proving, tried, trieth, try,

prove - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, {prove}, provide, shew, shewed, stand, standing, stood,

prove - 3985 about, assayed, examine, gone, {prove}, tempt, tempted, tempter, tempteth, tempting, tried, try,

proved - 1381 allowed, approve, approvest, examine, like, prove, {proved}, proving, tried, trieth, try,

proved - 4256 before, {proved},

proverb - 3942 parable, {proverb}, proverbs,

proverbs - 3942 parable, proverb, {proverbs},

provide - 2532 also, both, either, else, even, indeed, like, likewise, moreover, nor, now, or, {provide}, same, so, then, therefore, thus, verily, very, well, who, yea, yet,

provide - 3936 about, before, brought, come, commendeth, give, here, present, presented, presently, prove, {provide}, shew, shewed, stand, standing, stood,

provide - 4306 {provide}, providing,

provided - 4265 {provided},

providence - 4307 {providence},

providing - 4306 provide, {providing},

province - 1885 {province},

proving - 1381 allowed, approve, approvest, examine, like, prove, proved, {proving}, tried, trieth, try,

proving - 4822 assuredly, compacted, gathering, instruct, knit, {proving}, together,

provocation - 3894 {provocation},

provoke - 2042 {provoke}, provoked,

provoke - 3863 {provoke}, reject,

provoke - 3893 {provoke},

provoke - 3948 contention, {provoke},

provoke - 3949 {provoke}, wrath,

provoked - 2042 provoke, {provoked},

provoked - 3947 {provoked}, stirred,

provoking - 4292 {provoking},

reproach - 0819 dishonour, {reproach}, shame, vile,

reproach - 3679 cast, {reproach}, reproached, revile, reviled, teeth, upbraid, upbraided, upbraideth,

reproach - 3680 {reproach},reproaches,

reproached - 3679 cast, reproach, {reproached}, revile, reviled, teeth, upbraid, upbraided, upbraideth,

reproaches - 3680 reproach, {reproaches},

reproaches - 5196 harm, hurt, {reproaches},

reproachfully - 5484 because, cause, {reproachfully},

reprobate - 0096 castaway, rejected, {reprobate}, reprobates,

reprobates - 0096 castaway, rejected, reprobate, {reprobates},

reproof - 1650 evidence, {reproof}, tell,

reprove - 1651 convicted, convince, convinced, convinceth, fault, rebuke, rebuked, {reprove}, reproved,

reproved - 1651 convicted, convince, convinced, convinceth, fault, rebuke, rebuked, reprove, {reproved},

unprofitable - 0255 {unprofitable},

unprofitable - 0512 {unprofitable}, unprofitableness,

unprofitable - 0888 {unprofitable},

unprofitable - 0889 become, {unprofitable},

unprofitable - 0890 {unprofitable},

unprofitableness - 0512 unprofitable, {unprofitableness},

unreproveable - 0410 blameless, {unreproveable},

uproar - 0387 down, madest, trouble, turned, {uproar},

uproar - 2350 ado, make, making, noise, set, trouble, {uproar},

uproar - 2351 tumult, {uproar},

uproar - 4714 dissension, insurrection, sedition, standing, {uproar},

uproar - 4797 affliction, confounded, confused, stirred, {uproar},