priest's Mat_26_51 /${priest's /and smote off his
ear .

priest's Lev_05_13 /^{priest's /as a meat
offering .

priest's Lev_22_12 /^{priest's /daughter also be
married unto a stranger , she may not eat of an offering of the
holy things .

priest's Lev_22_13 /^{priest's /daughter be a
widow , or divorced , and have no child , and is returned unto
her father's house , as in her youth , she shall eat of her
father's meat : but there shall no stranger eat thereof.

priest's Deu_18_03 /^{priest's /due from the
people , from them that offer a sacrifice , whether it be ox or
sheep ; and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder , and
the two cheeks , and the maw .

priest's Lev_14_18 /^{priest's /hand he shall
pour upon the head of him that is to be cleansed : and the
priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD .

priest's Lev_14_29 /^{priest's /hand he shall put
upon the head of him that is to be cleansed , to make an
atonement for him before the LORD .

priest's Jud_18_20 /^{priest's /heart was glad ,
and he took the ephod , and the teraphim , and the graven image ,
and went in the midst of the people .

priest's Luk_22_54 /${priest's /house . And Peter
followed afar off .

priest's Mal_02_07 /^{priest's /lips should keep
knowledge , and they should seek the law at his mouth : for he
is the messenger of the LORD of hosts .

priest's Exo_31_10 /^{priest's /office ,

priest's Exo_28_01 /^{priest's /office , even
Aaron , Nadab and Abihu , Eleazar and Ithamar , Aaron's sons .

priest's Luk_01_09 /${priest's /office , his lot
was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord .

priest's Exo_35_19 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_29_44 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Num_03_03 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_28_41 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_39_41 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_40_13 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_30_30 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_28_03 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Exo_28_04 /^{priest's /office .

priest's 1Ch_24_02 /^{priest's /office .

priest's Num_03_10 /^{priest's /office : and the
stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death .

priest's Exo_40_15 /^{priest's /office : for
their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood
throughout their generations .

priest's Exo_29_01 /^{priest's /office : Take one
young bullock , and two rams without blemish ,

priest's Lev_07_35 /^{priest's /office ;

priest's Luk_01_08 /${priest's /office before God
in the order of his course ,

priest's Num_18_07 /^{priest's /office for every
thing of the altar , and within the vail ; and ye shall serve :
I have given your priest's office unto you as a service of gift :
and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death .

priest's Lev_16_32 /^{priest's /office in his
father's stead, shall make the atonement , and shall put on the
linen clothes , even the holy garments :

priest's Deu_10_06 /^{priest's /office in his

priest's Num_03_04 /^{priest's /office in the
sight of Aaron their father .

priest's Exo_29_09 /^{priest's /office shall be
theirs for a perpetual statute : and thou shalt consecrate Aaron
and his sons .

priest's 2Ch_11_14 /^{priest's /office unto the

priest's Num_18_07 /^{priest's /office unto you
as a service of gift : and the stranger that cometh nigh shall
be put to death .

priest's 2Ch_24_11 /^{priest's /officer came and
emptied the chest , and took it, and carried it to his place
again . Thus they did day by day , and gathered money in
abundance .

priest's Mat_26_58 /${priest's /palace , and went
in , and sat with the servants , to see the end .

priest's Joh_18_10 /${priest's /servant , and cut
off his right ear . The servant's name was Malchus .

priest's 1Sa_02_15 /^{priest's /servant came ,
and said to the man that sacrificed , Give flesh to roast for
the priest ; for he will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw .

priest's 1Sa_02_13 /^{priest's /servant came ,
while the flesh was in seething , with a fleshhook of three
teeth in his hand ;

priest's Lev_14_13 /^{priest's /so is the
trespass offering : it is most holy :

priest's Lev_07_09 /^{priest's /that offereth it.

priest's Lev_07_14 /^{priest's /that sprinkleth
the blood of the peace offerings .

priest's Eze_44_30 /^{priest's /ye shall also
give unto the priest the first of your dough , that he may cause
the blessing to rest in thine house .
