couches 006 004 Amo /^{couches /and eat the
lambs out of the flock , and the calves out of the midst of the
stall ;

couches 005 015 Act /${couches /that at the
least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of
them .

ouches 039 018 Exo /^{ouches /and put them on
the shoulderpieces of the ephod , before it .

ouches 028 025 Exo /^{ouches /and put them on
the shoulderpieces of the ephod before it .

ouches 039 016 Exo /^{ouches /of gold , and two
gold rings ; and put the two rings in the two ends of the
breastplate .

ouches 039 006 Exo /^{ouches /of gold , graven ,
as signets are graven , with the names of the children of
Israel .

ouches 028 011 Exo /^{ouches /of gold .

ouches 028 013 Exo /^{ouches /of gold ;

ouches 039 013 Exo /^{ouches /of gold in their
inclosings .
