or abide by thy crib

or accept thy person

or addeth thereto

or after <2KI17 -:34 >

or after their ordinances <2KI17 -:34 >

or against

or against this people

or against thy servants

or all

or all her bonds

or among all my people

or among your cattle

or an angel from heaven

or an enchanter

or an extortioner <1CO5 -:11 >

or an hebrew woman

or an hired servant

or an idolater <1CO5 -:11 >

or an ox

or another gospel <2CO11 -:4 >

or any

or any

or any abominable unclean

or any beast

or any likeness

or any meat

or any poor without covering

or any such thing

or any thing

or any thing

or any thing superfluous

or any valiant man <1SA14 -:52 >

or apollos <1CO3 -:22 >

or apparel

or as <1PE4 -:15 >

or as

or as

or as an hidden untimely birth

or as he

or as one

or as one man mocketh another

or as when

or ass

or astrologer

or at <1CO14 -:27 >

or at

or at

or at midnight

or athirst

or bald forehead

or be cast away

or be hurt

or be reconciled <1CO7 -:11 >

or be scurvy

or be troubled <2TH2 -:2 >

or beat

or blind

or bore his jaw through with

or born

or born abroad

or bought with money

or bound her soul by

or brethren

or brethren

or brethren

or bright spot

or broken

or broken

or brokenhanded

or buyest

or by

or by

or by any manner

or by death

or by doctrine <1CO14 -:6 >

or by fowl

or by knowledge <1CO14 -:6 >

or by prophesying <1CO14 -:6 >

or by what name

or caldron <1SA2 -:14 >

or came it unto you only <1CO14 -:36 >

or can

or can thine hands be strong

or canst thou guide arcturus with his sons

or canst thou thunder with

or caterpillars <2CH6 -:28 >

or cephas <1CO3 -:22 >

or chaldean

or children

or children

or children

or cities

or come

or come unto one

or compare ourselves with some <2CO10 -:12 >

or concerning <2CH8 -:15 >

or concerning

or costly array <1TI2 -:9 >

or country

or covetous <1CO5 -:11 >

or covetousness

or crookbacked

or crown <1TH2 -:19 >

or crushed

or custom

or customs

or cut

or darkness

or daughter

or deaf

or deaf

or death <1CO3 -:22 >

or declare us things for

or descended

or despise ye <1CO11 -:22 >

or despisest thou

or did

or did he ever fight against them

or did others tell it thee

or die

or die

or distress

or divorced

or do

or do evil

or do we look for another

or dominions

or doth

or dried

or drink <1CO10 -:31 >

or drink

or driven away

or eggs

or else <1KI21 -:6 >

or else

or else

or else

or else

or else be absent

or else believe me for

or else by

or else he will hold

or else he will hold

or else how can one enter into

or else let these same

or else make

or else three days <1CH21 -:12 >

or even

or even

or even as this publican

or ever

or ever

or ever

or ever he come near

or ever thou hadst formed

or extortioners <1CO5 -:10 >

or fallen down dead suddenly

or family

or famine <2CH20 -:9 >

or famine

or far off from thee

or father

or father

or fatherless child

or figs

or fill

or flocks

or for

or for

or for

or for

or for any sin

or for daughter

or for his land

or for his mother

or for his mother

or for his sister

or for mercy

or for mother

or for one ram

or for our

or for sacrifices

or for sheep

or for sister

or for son

or for strong drink

or for whatsoever thy soul desireth

or for wine

or for yourselves

or forward

or from

or gather together

or gen

or given us inheritance

or go back ten degrees <2KI20 -:9 >

or go wheresoever it seemeth

or goat

or god

or gold <1TI2 -:9 >

or gold

or had run

or hast thou seen

or hast thou seen

or hast thou walked

or hath

or hath be deu

or hath deceived his neighbour

or hath god assayed

or hath he given us any gift <2SA19 -:42 >

or hath he spoken

or hath his privy member cut off

or hath his stones broken

or have

or have

or have cast upon him any thing without laying

or have caused

or have caused

or have committed any thing worthy

or have eaten my morsel myself alone

or have found

or have gored

or have said

or have ye not read

or having

or he

or he

or he

or he

or he is <1KI18 -:27 >

or he is pursuing <1KI18 -:27 >

or he shall descend into battle <1SA26 -:10 >

or heave offering

or her daughter's daughter

or her husband may make it void

or him <2CH36 -:17 >

or his ass

or his bald forehead

or his day shall come <1SA26 -:10 >

or his flesh be stopped from his issue

or his head with fish spears

or his maid

or his maidservant

or his maidservant's tooth

or his manservant

or his mother

or his mother

or his mother's daughter

or his parents

or his tongue with

or his uncle's son

or honour <2CH1 -:11 >

or how can

or how can he be clean

or how knowest thou <1CO7 -:16 >

or how shall

or how shall we clear ourselves

or how wilt thou say

or hurl at him by laying

or if <2CH7 -:13 >

or if <2CH7 -:13 >

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if

or if he ask

or if he be able

or if he be found

or if he have sold

or if he shall ask an egg

or if he touch

or if his sin

or if his sin

or if it be known

or if it be not redeemed

or if it run beyond

or if my foot hath hasted

or if there be

or if they be visited after

or if thou hast thought evil

or if thou know him not

or if thou shalt take

or if your soul abhor my judgments

or increase

or into

or into some valley <2KI2 -:16 >

or is made weak

or is offended

or is there

or is torn

or is torn

or jesus which is called christ

or joy <1TH2 -:19 >

or kettle <1SA2 -:14 >

or knowest thou

or lamb

or lands

or lands

or left

or lest

or let him take hold

or let me speak

or let them hear

or life <1CO3 -:22 >

or lifted up myself when evil found him

or look we for another

or look we for another

or loose

or loweth

or maimed

or mildew <2CH6 -:28 >

or ministers

or ministry

or molten

or moon

or mother

or mother

or my brethren

or my mouth hath kissed my hand

or naked

or naked

or nakedness

or no

or no

or no

or no

or not

or not

or not

or not

or not

or not

or oil

or oil

or on <1SA16 -:7 >

or on

or on

or on any thing whereon she sitteth

or on earth beneath <1KI8 -:23 >

or one

or one dead

or one member be honoured <1CO12 -:26 >

or one slain

or opened

or ought else <2SA3 -:35 >

or our brethren <2CO8 -:23 >

or our epistle <2TH2 -:15 >

or out <2CO12 -:3 >

or out <2KI6 -:27 >

or out

or out

or out

or oweth

or parents

or peace offerings unto

or pearls <1TI2 -:9 >

or peeped

or peril

or persecution

or pestilence <2CH20 -:9 >

or pot <1SA2 -:14 >

or pottage

or powers

or principalities

or profane

or profane

or profane person

or putteth

or railing for railing <1PE3 -:9 >

or raiment

or ranges for pots

or rather are known

or receiveth

or ruler

or sack

or saith he <1CO9 -:10 >

or saith not <1CO9 -:8 >

or say unto him

or scabbed

or scabbed

or scurvy

or seest thou as man seeth

or sell it

or selleth him

or shall <1KI22 -:6 >

or shall <2CH18 -:14 >

or shall <2CH18 -:5 >

or shall

or shall

or shall

or shall all

or shall he break

or shall they be sold unto us

or shall we forbear <1KI22 -:15 >

or shall we not give

or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us

or sheep

or sheep

or shot through

or showeth unto me <1SA22 -:8 >

or sick

or silver

or sisters

or sisters

or sit here under my footstool

or skin

or speak

or spiritual <1CO14 -:37 >

or stolen by night

or stone

or stretched out our hands

or suffer them

or swear an oath

or sword

or than

or their border greater than your border

or theirs

or there

or these years <1SA29 -:3 >

or they <1CO15 -:11 >

or things <1CO3 -:22 >

or things

or things present <1CO3 -:22 >

or thirsty

or those eighteen

or thou mayest sell it unto an alien

or three months <1CH21 -:12 >

or three witnesses

or through

or thrust through with

or thy daughter

or thy friend

or thy son

or thy work

or torn

or touch

or toward

or tribe

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or two young pigeons

or tychicus

or unbelievers <1CO14 -:23 >

or under

or unleavened wafers anointed with oil

or unto

or unto

or unto governors <1PE2 -:14 >

or unto one

or upon

or upon

or uttered ought out

or vessels <2KI12 -:13 >

or vinegar

or wast thou made before

or went into

or were ye baptized <1CO1 -:13 >

or what <1SA20 -:10 >

or what

or what

or what

or what

or what emboldeneth thee

or what evil <1SA26 -:18 >

or what hast thou

or what king

or what likeness will ye compare unto him

or what man is there

or what manner <1PE1 -:11 >

or what part hath he <2CO6 -:15 >

or what profit

or what receiveth he

or what shall

or what shall

or what shall be done unto thee

or what there is present <1SA21 -:3 >

or what ye shall drink

or what ye shall drink

or what ye shall say

or whatsoever hath more feet among all creeping things :42 >

or whatsoever thing

or whatsoever ye do <1CO10 -:31 >

or when

or when saw we thee sick

or when they come near

or when they come near unto

or where were

or whether

or whether

or whether out <2CO12 -:2 >

or whether they be come out for war <1KI20 -:18 >

or whether they both

or whether they will forbear

or whether they will forbear

or whether they will forbear

or whether thou choose

or whether we be comforted <2CO1 -:6 >

or whether we be sober <2CO5 -:13 >

or which

or white

or whither shall

or who

or who can say

or who can stay

or who else can hasten

or who feedeth <1CO9 -:7 >

or who hath been his counsellor

or who hath begotten

or who hath disposed

or who hath first given

or who hath given understanding

or who hath loosed

or who hath opened his eyes

or who hath stretched

or who is he

or who laid

or who maketh

or who shall bemoan thee

or who shall enter into our habitations

or who shall go aside

or who shall stand

or whom have <1SA12 -:3 >

or whose ass have <1SA12 -:3 >

or whosoever

or whosoever putteth

or whosoever toucheth any creeping thing

or why

or why dost thou set at nought thy brother

or why look ye so earnestly on us

or wife

or wife

or wife

or will

or will he harrow

or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens

or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies <2SA24 -:
13 >

or wilt thou leave thy labour

or wine

or wings

or with <1CO5 -:10 >

or with

or with

or with any stone

or with idolaters <1CO5 -:10 >

or with princes

or with speeches wherewith he can do no good

or with them <2CH14 -:11 >

or with what comparison shall we compare it

or woman

or woof

or woof

or woof

or would god we had died

or wrinkle
