afternoon 019 008 Jug /^{afternoon /and they did
eat both of them.

noon 008 009 Amo /^{noon /and I will darken
the earth in the clear day :

noon 004 020 IIKi /^{noon /and then died .

noon 020 016 IKi /^{noon /But Benhadad was
drinking himself drunk in the pavilions , he and the kings , the
thirty and two kings that helped him.

noon 002 004 Zep /^{noon /day , and Ekron
shall be rooted up .

noon 043 025 Gen /^{noon /for they heard that
they should eat bread there.

noon 001 007 Son /^{noon /for why should I be
as one that turneth aside by the flocks of thy companions ?

noon 018 026 IKi /^{noon /saying , O Baal ,
hear us. But there was no voice , nor any that answered . And
they leaped upon the altar which was made .

noon 022 006 Act /${noon /suddenly there
shone from heaven a great light round about me .

noon 018 027 IKi /^{noon /that Elijah mocked
them, and said , Cry aloud : for he is a god ; either he is
talking , or he is pursuing , or he is in a journey , or
peradventure he sleepeth , and must be awaked .

noon 055 017 Psa /^{noon /will I pray , and
cry aloud : and he shall hear my voice .

noon 006 004 Jer /^{noon /Woe unto us! for
the day goeth away , for the shadows of the evening are
stretched out .

noonday 005 014 Job /^{noonday /as in the night .

noonday 059 010 Isa /^{noonday /as in the night ;
we are in desolate places as dead men.

noonday 028 029 Deu /^{noonday /as the blind
gropeth in darkness , and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways :
and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore , and no
man shall save thee.

noonday 016 003 Isa /^{noonday /hide the
outcasts ; bewray not him that wandereth .

noonday 015 008 Jer /^{noonday /I have caused
him to fall upon it suddenly , and terrors upon the city .

noonday 011 017 Job /^{noonday /thou shalt shine
forth , thou shalt be as the morning .
