midnight 016 003 Jug /^{midnight /and arose at
midnight , and took the doors of the gate of the city , and the
two posts , and went away with them, bar and all, and put them
upon his shoulders , and carried them up to the top of an hill
that is before Hebron .

midnight 034 020 Job /^{midnight /and pass away :
and the mighty shall be taken away without hand .

midnight 011 005 Luk /${midnight /and say unto
him , Friend , lend me three loaves ;

midnight 003 020 IKi /^{midnight /and took my son
from beside me, while thine handmaid slept , and laid it in her
bosom , and laid her dead child in my bosom .

midnight 016 003 Jug /^{midnight /and took the
doors of the gate of the city , and the two posts , and went
away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders ,
and carried them up to the top of an hill that is before Hebron .

midnight 119 006 Psa /^{midnight /I will rise to
give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments .

midnight 013 035 Mar /${midnight /or at the
cockcrowing , or in the morning :

midnight 016 025 Act /${midnight /Paul and Silas
prayed , and sang praises unto God : and the prisoners heard
them .

midnight 003 008 Rut /^{midnight /that the man
was afraid , and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his
feet .

midnight 012 029 Exo /^{midnight /the LORD smote
all the firstborn in the land of Egypt , from the firstborn of
Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive
that was in the dungeon ; and all the firstborn of cattle .

midnight 027 027 Act /${midnight /the shipmen
deemed that they drew near to some country ;

midnight 025 006 Mat /${midnight /there was a cry
made , Behold , the bridegroom cometh ; go ye out to meet him .

midnight 011 004 Exo /^{midnight /will I go out
into the midst of Egypt :

nigh 008 011 Jos /^{nigh /and came before the
city , and pitched on the north side of Ai : now there was a
valley between them and Ai .

nigh 005 019 Isa /^{nigh /and come , that we
may know it!

nigh 009 020 Est /^{nigh /and far ,

nigh 034 032 Exo /^{nigh /and he gave them in
commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai

nigh 010 013 IISa /^{nigh /and the people that
were with him, unto the battle against the Syrians : and they
fled before him.

nigh 021 031 Luk /${nigh /at hand .

nigh 019 042 Joh /${nigh /at hand .

nigh 021 030 Luk /${nigh /at hand .

nigh 011 055 Joh /${nigh /at hand : and many
went out of the country up to Jerusalem before the passover , to
purify themselves .

nigh 002 001 Joe /^{nigh /at hand ;

nigh 019 014 ICh /^{nigh /before the Syrians
unto the battle ; and they fled before him.

nigh 002 013 Eph /${nigh /by the blood of
Christ .

nigh 013 029 Mar /${nigh /even at the doors .

nigh 019 037 Luk /${nigh /even now at the
descent of the mount of Olives , the whole multitude of the
disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for
all the mighty works that they had seen ;

nigh 034 030 Exo /^{nigh /him.

nigh 003 005 Exo /^{nigh /hither : put off
thy shoes from off thy feet , for the place whereon thou
standest is holy ground .

nigh 010 003 Lev /^{nigh /me, and before all
the people I will be glorified . And Aaron held his peace .

nigh 024 002 Exo /^{nigh /neither shall the
people go up with him.

nigh 025 049 Lev /^{nigh /of kin unto him of
his family may redeem him; or if he be able , he may redeem
himself .

nigh 002 019 Deu /^{nigh /over against the
children of Ammon , distress them not, nor meddle with them: for
I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon any
possession ; because I have given it unto the children of Lot
for a possession .

nigh 001 051 Num /^{nigh /shall be put to
death .

nigh 003 010 Num /^{nigh /shall be put to
death .

nigh 003 038 Num /^{nigh /shall be put to
death .

nigh 018 007 Num /^{nigh /shall be put to
death .

nigh 073 002 Psa /^{nigh /slipped .

nigh 119 015 Psa /^{nigh /that follow after
mischief : they are far from thy law .

nigh 002 001 IKi /^{nigh /that he should die ;
and he charged Solomon his son , saying ,

nigh 047 029 Gen /^{nigh /that Israel must
die : and he called his son Joseph , and said unto him, If now I
have found grace in thy sight , put , I pray thee, thy hand
under my thigh , and deal kindly and truly with me; bury me not,
I pray thee, in Egypt :

nigh 014 010 Exo /^{nigh /the children of
Israel lifted up their eyes , and, behold, the Egyptians marched
after them; and they were sore afraid : and the children of
Israel cried out unto the LORD .

nigh 005 008 Pro /^{nigh /the door of her
house :

nigh 018 022 Num /^{nigh /the tabernacle of
the congregation , lest they bear sin , and die .

nigh 018 003 Num /^{nigh /the vessels of the
sanctuary and the altar , that neither they, nor ye also, die .

nigh 011 021 IISa /^{nigh /the wall ? then say
thou, Thy servant Uriah the Hittite is dead also.

nigh 010 008 Rom /${nigh /thee , even in thy
mouth , and in thy heart : that is , the word of faith , which
we preach ;

nigh 091 007 Psa /^{nigh /thee.

nigh 085 009 Psa /^{nigh /them that fear him;
that glory may dwell in our land .

nigh 012 040 ICh /^{nigh /them, even unto
Issachar and Zebulun and Naphtali , brought bread on asses , and
on camels , and on mules , and on oxen , and meat , meal , cakes
of figs, and bunches of raisins , and wine , and oil , and oxen ,
and sheep abundantly : for there was joy in Israel .

nigh 024 017 Num /^{nigh /there shall come a
Star out of Jacob , and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel , and
shall smite the corners of Moab , and destroy all the children
of Sheth .

nigh 001 007 Deu /^{nigh /thereunto, in the
plain , in the hills , and in the vale , and in the south , and
by the sea side , to the land of the Canaanites , and unto
Lebanon , unto the great river , the river Euphrates .

nigh 091 010 Psa /^{nigh /thy dwelling .

nigh 019 029 Luk /${nigh /to Bethphage and
Bethany , at the mount called the mount of Olives , he sent two
of his disciples ,

nigh 004 008 Jam /${nigh /to God , and he
will draw nigh to you . Cleanse your hands , ye sinners ; and
purify your hearts , ye double minded .

nigh 015 005 IISa /^{nigh /to him to do him
obeisance , he put forth his hand , and took him, and kissed him.

nigh 019 011 Luk /${nigh /to Jerusalem , and
because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately
appear .

nigh 011 001 Mar /${nigh /to Jerusalem , unto
Bethphage and Bethany , at the mount of Olives , he sendeth
forth two of his disciples ,

nigh 009 038 Act /${nigh /to Joppa , and the
disciples had heard that Peter was there , they sent unto him
two men , desiring him that he would not delay to come to them .

nigh 017 048 ISa /^{nigh /to meet David ,
that David hasted , and ran toward the army to meet the
Philistine .

nigh 021 021 Lev /^{nigh /to offer the bread
of his God .

nigh 021 021 Lev /^{nigh /to offer the
offerings of the LORD made by fire : he hath a blemish ; he
shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God .

nigh 019 020 Joh /${nigh /to the city : and
it was written in Hebrew , and Greek , and Latin .

nigh 007 012 Luk /${nigh /to the gate of the
city , behold , there was a dead man carried out , the only son
of his mother , and she was a widow : and much people of the
city was with her .

nigh 015 025 Luk /${nigh /to the house , he
heard musick and dancing .

nigh 004 008 Jam /${nigh /to you . Cleanse
your hands , ye sinners ; and purify your hearts , ye double
minded .

nigh 020 010 Deu /^{nigh /unto a city to
fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.

nigh 145 018 Psa /^{nigh /unto all them that
call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth .

nigh 006 008 Heb /${nigh /unto cursing ;
whose end is to be burned .

nigh 022 006 Act /${nigh /unto Damascus about
noon , suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round
about me .

nigh 002 030 Php /${nigh /unto death , not
regarding his life , to supply your lack of service toward me .

nigh 002 027 Php /${nigh /unto death : but
God had mercy on him ; and not on him only , but on me also ,
lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow .

nigh 007 019 Heb /${nigh /unto God .

nigh 002 004 Mar /${nigh /unto him for the
press , they uncovered the roof where he was : and when they had
broken it up , they let down the bed wherein the sick of the
palsy lay .

nigh 021 003 Lev /^{nigh /unto him, which
hath had no husband ; for her may he be defiled .

nigh 032 006 Psa /^{nigh /unto him.

nigh 018 035 Luk /${nigh /unto Jericho , a
certain blind man sat by the way side begging :

nigh 011 018 Joh /${nigh /unto Jerusalem ,
about fifteen furlongs off :

nigh 021 001 Mat /${nigh /unto Jerusalem ,
and were come to Bethphage , unto the mount of Olives , then
sent Jesus two disciples ,

nigh 015 008 Mat /${nigh /unto me with their
mouth , and honoureth me with their lips ; but their heart is
far from me .

nigh 069 018 Psa /^{nigh /unto my soul , and
redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies .

nigh 021 023 Lev /^{nigh /unto the altar ,
because he hath a blemish ; that he profane not my sanctuaries :
for I the LORD do sanctify them.

nigh 020 002 Deu /^{nigh /unto the battle ,
that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people ,

nigh 032 019 Exo /^{nigh /unto the camp ,
that he saw the calf , and the dancing : and Moses anger waxed
hot , and he cast the tables out of his hands , and brake them
beneath the mount .

nigh 010 009 Act /${nigh /unto the city ,
Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour :

nigh 011 020 IISa /^{nigh /unto the city when
ye did fight ? knew ye not that they would shoot from the wall ?

nigh 088 003 Psa /^{nigh /unto the grave .

nigh 008 059 IKi /^{nigh /unto the LORD our
God day and night , that he maintain the cause of his servant ,
and the cause of his people Israel at all times , as the matter
shall require:

nigh 005 011 Mar /${nigh /unto the mountains
a great herd of swine feeding .

nigh 006 023 Joh /${nigh /unto the place
where they did eat bread , after that the Lord had given thanks :

nigh 008 019 Num /^{nigh /unto the sanctuary .

nigh 005 021 Mar /${nigh /unto the sea .

nigh 015 029 Mat /${nigh /unto the sea of
Galilee ; and went up into a mountain , and sat down there .

nigh 006 019 Joh /${nigh /unto the ship : and
they were afraid .

nigh 024 028 Luk /${nigh /unto the village ,
whither they went : and he made as though he would have gone
further .

nigh 030 014 Deu /^{nigh /unto thee, in thy
mouth , and in thy heart , that thou mayest do it.

nigh 013 007 Deu /^{nigh /unto thee, or far
off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other
end of the earth ;

nigh 022 002 Deu /^{nigh /unto thee, or if
thou know him not, then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house
, and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it, and
thou shalt restore it to him again .

nigh 034 018 Psa /^{nigh /unto them that are
of a broken heart ; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit .

nigh 004 007 Deu /^{nigh /unto them, as the
LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?

nigh 010 009 Luk /${nigh /unto you .

nigh 010 011 Luk /${nigh /unto you .

nigh 018 004 Num /^{nigh /unto you.

nigh 012 001 Ecc /^{nigh /when thou shalt say
, I have no pleasure in them;

nigh 027 008 Act /${nigh /whereunto was the
city of Lasea .

nigh 007 017 Act /${nigh /which God had sworn
to Abraham , the people grew and multiplied in Egypt ,

nigh 022 001 Luk /${nigh /which is called the
Passover .

night 074 016 Psa /^{night /also is thine:
thou hast prepared the light and the sun .

night 019 035 Gen /^{night /also: and the
younger arose , and lay with him; and he perceived not when she
lay down , nor when she arose .

night 019 034 Gen /^{night /also; and go thou
in , and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father .

night 008 009 Jos /^{night /among the people .

night 011 025 IICo /${night /and a day I have
been in the deep ;

night 011 032 Num /^{night /and all the next
day , and they gathered the quails : he that gathered least
gathered ten homers : and they spread them all abroad for
themselves round about the camp .

night 001 008 Zec /^{night /and behold a man
riding upon a red horse , and he stood among the myrtle trees
that were in the bottom ; and behind him were there red horses ,
speckled , and white .

night 019 039 Joh /${night /and brought a
mixture of myrrh and aloes , about an hundred pound weight.

night 077 002 Psa /^{night /and ceased not: my
soul refused to be comforted .

night 006 014 IIKi /^{night /and compassed the
city about .

night 025 016 ISa /^{night /and day , all the
while we were with them keeping the sheep .

night 014 017 Jer /^{night /and day , and let
them not cease : for the virgin daughter of my people is broken
with a great breach , with a very grievous blow .

night 004 027 Mar /${night /and day , and the
seed should spring and grow up , he knoweth not how .

night 002 009 ITh /${night /and day , because
we would not be chargeable unto any of you , we preached unto
you the gospel of God .

night 008 029 IKi /^{night /and day , even
toward the place of which thou hast said , My name shall be
there: that thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which thy
servant shall make toward this place .

night 005 005 Mar /${night /and day , he was
in the mountains , and in the tombs , crying , and cutting
himself with stones .

night 003 008 IITh /${night /and day , that we
might not be chargeable to any of you :

night 002 037 Luk /${night /and day .

night 005 005 ITi /${night /and day .

night 027 003 Isa /^{night /and day .

night 001 003 IITi /${night /and day ;

Night 003 010 ITh /${Night /and day praying
exceedingly that we might see your face , and might perfect that
which is lacking in your faith ?

night 020 031 Act /${night /and day with tears

night 002 014 Mat /${night /and departed into
Egypt :

night 031 015 Pro /^{night /and giveth meat to
her household , and a portion to her maidens .

night 003 005 IKi /^{night /and God said , Ask
what I shall give thee.

night 119 005 Psa /^{night /and have kept thy
law .

night 005 005 Luk /${night /and have taken
nothing : nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net .

night 028 008 ISa /^{night /and he said , I
pray thee, divine unto me by the familiar spirit , and bring me
him up , whom I shall name unto thee.

night 015 016 ISa /^{night /And he said unto
him, Say on .

night 001 002 Lam /^{night /and her tears are
on her cheeks : among all her lovers she hath none to comfort
her: all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, they are
become her enemies .

night 022 008 Num /^{night /and I will bring
you word again , as the LORD shall speak unto me: and the
princes of Moab abode with Balaam .

night 004 005 Hos /^{night /and I will destroy
thy mother .

night 033 025 Jer /^{night /and if I have not
appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth ;

night 028 019 Isa /^{night /and it shall be a
vexation only to understand the report .

night 003 013 Rut /^{night /and it shall be in
the morning , that if he will perform unto thee the part of a
kinsman , well ; let him do the kinsman's part : but if he will
not do the part of a kinsman to thee, then will I do the part of
a kinsman to thee, as the LORD liveth : lie down until the
morning .

night 009 025 Act /${night /and let him down
by the wall in a basket .

night 001 014 Gen /^{night /and let them be
for signs , and for seasons , and for days , and years :

night 019 006 Jug /^{night /and let thine
heart be merry .

night 006 005 Jer /^{night /and let us destroy
her palaces .

night 014 021 Exo /^{night /and made the sea
dry land, and the waters were divided .

night 031 040 Gen /^{night /and my sleep
departed from mine eyes .

night 004 010 Jon /^{night /and perished in a
night :

night 026 024 Gen /^{night /and said , I am
the God of Abraham thy father : fear not, for I am with thee,
and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant
Abraham's sake.

night 046 002 Gen /^{night /and said , Jacob ,
Jacob . And he said , Here am I.

night 012 031 Exo /^{night /and said , Rise up
, and get you forth from among my people , both ye and the
children of Israel ; and go , serve the LORD , as ye have said .

night 020 003 Gen /^{night /and said to him,
Behold, thou art but a dead man , for the woman which thou hast
taken ; for she is a man's wife .

night 003 002 Joh /${night /and said unto him ,
Rabbi , we know that thou art a teacher come from God : for no
man can do these miracles that thou doest , except God be with
him .

night 007 012 IICh /^{night /and said unto him,
I have heard thy prayer , and have chosen this place to myself
for an house of sacrifice .

night 022 020 Num /^{night /and said unto him,
If the men come to call thee, rise up , and go with them; but
yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do .

night 031 024 Gen /^{night /and said unto him,
Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad .

night 007 012 IIKi /^{night /and said unto his
servants , I will now shew you what the Syrians have done to us.
They know that we be hungry ; therefore are they gone out of the
camp to hide themselves in the field , saying , When they come
out of the city , we shall catch them alive , and get into the
city .

night 028 066 Deu /^{night /and shalt have
none assurance of thy life :

night 001 012 Rut /^{night /and should also
bear sons ;

night 014 034 ISa /^{night /and slew them

night 008 021 IIKi /^{night /and smote the
Edomites which compassed him about , and the captains of the
chariots : and the people fled into their tents .

night 021 009 IICh /^{night /and smote the
Edomites which compassed him in , and the captains of the
chariots .

night 014 015 Gen /^{night /and smote them,
and pursued them unto Hobah , which is on the left hand of
Damascus .

night 014 036 ISa /^{night /and spoil them
until the morning light , and let us not leave a man of them.
And they said , Do whatsoever seemeth good unto thee. Then said
the priest , Let us draw near hither unto God .

night 027 064 Mat /${night /and steal him away
, and say unto the people , He is risen from the dead : so the
last error shall be worse than the first .

night 028 013 Mat /${night /and stole him away
while we slept .

night 033 020 Jer /^{night /and that there
should not be day and night in their season ;

night 019 007 IISa /^{night /and that will be
worse unto thee than all the evil that befell thee from thy
youth until now.

Night 001 005 Gen /^{Night /And the evening
and the morning were the first day .

night 019 033 Gen /^{night /and the firstborn
went in , and lay with her father ; and he perceived not when
she lay down , nor when she arose .

night 002 032 IISa /^{night /and they came to
Hebron at break of day .

night 009 034 Jug /^{night /and they laid wait
against Shechem in four companies .

night 024 054 Gen /^{night /and they rose up
in the morning , and he said , Send me away unto my master .

night 005 007 ITh /${night /and they that be
drunken are drunken in the night .

night 020 005 Jug /^{night /and thought to
have slain me: and my concubine have they forced , that she is
dead .

night 001 018 Gen /^{night /and to divide the
light from the darkness : and God saw that it was good .

night 032 022 Gen /^{night /and took his two
wives , and his two womenservants , and his eleven sons , and
passed over the ford Jabbok .

night 032 013 Gen /^{night /and took of that
which came to his hand a present for Esau his brother ;

night 031 012 ISa /^{night /and took the body
of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan ,
and came to Jabesh , and burnt them there.

night 019 002 Gen /^{night /and wash your feet
, and ye shall rise up early , and go on your ways . And they
said , Nay; but we will abide in the street all night .

night 016 033 Act /${night /and washed their
stripes ; and was baptized , he and all his , straightway .

night 010 013 Exo /^{night /and when it was
morning , the east wind brought the locusts .

night 012 012 Exo /^{night /and will smite all
the firstborn in the land of Egypt , both man and beast ; and
against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment : I am the

night 007 002 Dan /^{night /and, behold , the
four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea .

night 026 007 ISa /^{night /and, behold, Saul
lay sleeping within the trench , and his spear stuck in the
ground at his bolster : but Abner and the people lay round about

night 015 001 Isa /^{night /Ar of Moab is laid
waste , and brought to silence ; because in the night Kir of
Moab is laid waste , and brought to silence ;

night 007 004 Job /^{night /be gone ? and I am
full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day .

night 003 007 Job /^{night /be solitary , let
no joyful voice come therein.

night 004 009 Neh /^{night /because of them.

night 003 019 IKi /^{night /because she
overlaid it.

night 028 011 Gen /^{night /because the sun
was set ; and he took of the stones of that place , and put them
for his pillows , and lay down in that place to sleep .

night 026 034 Mat /${night /before the cock
crow , thou shalt deny me thrice .

night 014 030 Mar /${night /before the cock
crow twice , thou shalt deny me thrice .

night 088 001 Psa /^{night /before thee:

night 019 009 Jug /^{night /behold, the day
groweth to an end , lodge here, that thine heart may be merry ;
and to morrow get you early on your way , that thou mayest go
home .

night 007 050 Joh /${night /being one of them ,

night 001 013 Son /^{night /betwixt my breasts

night 019 005 Gen /^{night /bring them out
unto us, that we may know them.

night 019 010 Jug /^{night /but he rose up and
departed , and came over against Jebus , which is Jerusalem ;
and there were with him two asses saddled , his concubine also
was with him.

night 014 007 Zec /^{night /but it shall come
to pass, that at evening time it shall be light .

night 030 005 Psa /^{night /but joy cometh in
the morning .

night 009 012 Neh /^{night /by a pillar of
fire , to give them light in the way wherein they should go .

night 018 009 Act /${night /by a vision , Be
not afraid , but speak , and hold not thy peace :

night 002 015 Neh /^{night /by the brook , and
viewed the wall , and turned back , and entered by the gate of
the valley , and so returned .

night 002 013 Neh /^{night /by the gate of the
valley , even before the dragon well , and to the dung port ,
and viewed the walls of Jerusalem , which were broken down , and
the gates thereof were consumed with fire .

night 052 007 Jer /^{night /by the way of the
gate between the two walls , which was by the king's garden ;
and they went by the way of the plain .

night 025 004 IIKi /^{night /by the way of the
gate between two walls , which is by the king's garden : and the
king went the way toward the plain .

night 039 004 Jer /^{night /by the way of the
king's garden , by the gate betwixt the two walls : and he went
out the way of the plain .

night 026 010 Job /^{night /come to an end .

night 009 004 Joh /${night /cometh , when no
man can work .

night 006 001 Est /^{night /could not the king
sleep , and he commanded to bring the book of records of the
chronicles ; and they were read before the king .

night 001 007 IICh /^{night /did God appear
unto Solomon , and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.

night 040 005 Gen /^{night /each man according
to the interpretation of his dream , the butler and the baker of
the king of Egypt , which were bound in the prison .

night 006 018 Dan /^{night /fasting : neither
were instruments of musick brought before him: and his sleep
went from him .

night 023 011 Act /${night /following the Lord
stood by him , and said , Be of good cheer , Paul : for as thou
hast testified of me in Jerusalem , so must thou bear witness
also at Rome .

night 020 010 Rev /${night /for ever and ever .

night 136 009 Psa /^{night /for his mercy
endureth for ever .

night 026 031 Mat /${night /for it is written ,
I will smite the shepherd , and the sheep of the flock shall be
scattered abroad .

night 014 027 Mar /${night /for it is written ,
I will smite the shepherd , and the sheep shall be scattered .

night 006 040 Jug /^{night /for it was dry
upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground .

night 001 006 Neh /^{night /for the children
of Israel thy servants , and confess the sins of the children of
Israel , which we have sinned against thee: both I and my
father's house have sinned .

night 009 001 Jer /^{night /for the slain of
the daughter of my people !

night 030 015 Gen /^{night /for thy son's
mandrakes .

night 004 005 Isa /^{night /for upon all the
glory shall be a defence .

night 013 022 Exo /^{night /from before the
people .

night 002 018 Lam /^{night /give thyself no
rest ; let not the apple of thine eye cease .

night 014 015 Deu /^{night /hawk , and the
cuckow , and the hawk after his kind ,

night 011 016 Lev /^{night /hawk , and the
cuckow , and the hawk after his kind ,

night 006 048 Mar /${night /he cometh unto
them , walking upon the sea , and would have passed by them .

night 001 016 Gen /^{night /he made the stars

night 049 027 Gen /^{night /he shall divide
the spoil .

night 011 010 Joh /${night /he stumbleth ,
because there is no light in him .

night 021 037 Luk /${night /he went out , and
abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives .

night 012 030 Exo /^{night /he, and all his
servants , and all the Egyptians ; and there was a great cry in
Egypt ; for there was not a house where there was not one dead .

night 042 008 Psa /^{night /his song shall be
with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life .

night 026 007 Act /${night /hope to come . For
which hope's sake , king Agrippa , I am accused of the Jews .

night 041 011 Gen /^{night /I and he; we
dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream .

night 002 012 Neh /^{night /I and some few men
with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart
to do at Jerusalem : neither was there any beast with me, save
the beast that I rode upon .

night 077 006 Psa /^{night /I commune with
mine own heart : and my spirit made diligent search .

night 021 012 Isa /^{night /if ye will enquire
, enquire ye: return , come .

night 013 021 Exo /^{night /in a pillar of
fire , to give them light ; to go by day and night :

night 019 013 Jug /^{night /in Gibeah , or in
Ramah .

night 007 015 Rev /${night /in his temple :
and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them .

night 006 012 Luk /${night /in prayer to God .

night 001 013 Joe /^{night /in sackcloth , ye
ministers of my God : for the meat offering and the drink
offering is withholden from the house of your God .

night 002 019 Lam /^{night /in the beginning
of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face
of the Lord : lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy
young children , that faint for hunger in the top of every
street .

night 032 021 Gen /^{night /in the company .

night 016 002 Jug /^{night /in the gate of the
city , and were quiet all the night , saying , In the morning ,
when it is day , we shall kill him.

night 016 003 Isa /^{night /in the midst of
the noonday ; hide the outcasts ; bewray not him that wandereth .

night 007 006 Hos /^{night /in the morning it
burneth as a flaming fire .

night 031 054 Gen /^{night /in the mount .

night 017 016 IISa /^{night /in the plains of
the wilderness , but speedily pass over ; lest the king be
swallowed up , and all the people that are with him.

night 040 038 Exo /^{night /in the sight of
all the house of Israel , throughout all their journeys .

night 003 002 Rut /^{night /in the
threshingfloor .

night 003 010 IIPe /${night /in the which the
heavens shall pass away with a great noise , and the elements
shall melt with fervent heat , the earth also and the works that
are therein shall be burned up .

night 033 020 Jer /^{night /in their season ;

night 011 023 ICo /${night /in which he was
betrayed took bread :

night 003 003 Job /^{night /in which it was
said , There is a man child conceived .

night 017 012 Job /^{night /into day : the
light is short because of darkness .

night 008 013 Jos /^{night /into the midst of
the valley .

night 024 014 Job /^{night /is as a thief .

night 013 012 Rom /${night /is far spent , the
day is at hand : let us therefore cast off the works of darkness
, and let us put on the armour of light .

night 014 025 Mat /${night /Jesus went unto
them , walking on the sea .

night 015 001 Isa /^{night /Kir of Moab is
laid waste , and brought to silence ;

night 003 006 Job /^{night /let darkness seize
upon it; let it not be joined unto the days of the year , let it
not come into the number of the months .

night 008 012 Rev /${night /likewise .

night 006 006 Psa /^{night /make I my bed to
swim ; I water my couch with my tears .

night 034 010 Isa /^{night /nor day ; the
smoke thereof shall go up for ever : from generation to
generation it shall lie waste ; none shall pass through it for
ever and ever .

night 091 005 Psa /^{night /nor for the arrow
that flieth by day ;

night 005 005 ITh /${night /nor of darkness .

night 021 004 Isa /^{night /of my pleasure
hath he turned into fear unto me.

night 002 002 Jos /^{night /of the children of
Israel to search out the country .

night 012 042 Exo /^{night /of the LORD to be
observed of all the children of Israel in their generations .

night 003 001 Son /^{night /on my bed I sought
him whom my soul loveth : I sought him, but I found him not.

night 005 019 Act /${night /opened the prison
doors , and brought them forth , and said ,

night 004 016 Est /^{night /or day : I also
and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the
king , which is not according to the law : and if I perish , I
perish .

night 012 006 Act /${night /Peter was sleeping
between two soldiers , bound with two chains : and the keepers
before the door kept the prison .

night 012 008 Exo /^{night /roast with fire ,
and unleavened bread ; and with bitter herbs they shall eat it.

night 004 008 Rev /${night /saying , Holy ,
holy , holy , Lord God Almighty , which was , and is , and is to
come .

night 016 002 Jug /^{night /saying , In the
morning , when it is day , we shall kill him.

night 022 002 Psa /^{night /season , and am
not silent .

night 030 017 Job /^{night /season : and my
sinews take no rest .

night 016 007 Psa /^{night /seasons .

night 008 035 Lev /^{night /seven days , and
keep the charge of the LORD , that ye die not: for so I am
commanded .

night 139 011 Psa /^{night /shall be light
about me .

night 003 006 Mic /^{night /shall be unto you,
that ye shall not have a vision ; and it shall be dark unto you,
that ye shall not divine ; and the sun shall go down over the
prophets , and the day shall be dark over them.

night 008 022 Gen /^{night /shall not cease .

night 019 002 Psa /^{night /sheweth knowledge .

night 139 012 Psa /^{night /shineth as the day
: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

night 034 025 Job /^{night /so that they are
destroyed .

night 134 001 Psa /^{night /stand in the house
of the LORD .

night 005 008 Amo /^{night /that calleth for
the waters of the sea , and poureth them out upon the face of
the earth : The LORD is his name :

night 008 059 IKi /^{night /that he maintain
the cause of his servant , and the cause of his people Israel at
all times , as the matter shall require:

night 022 019 Num /^{night /that I may know
what the LORD will say unto me more .

night 060 011 Isa /^{night /that men may bring
unto thee the forces of the Gentiles , and that their kings may
be brought .

night 019 035 IIKi /^{night /that the angel of
the LORD went out , and smote in the camp of the Assyrians an
hundred fourscore and five thousand : and when they arose early
in the morning , behold, they were all dead corpses .

night 009 021 Num /^{night /that the cloud was
taken up , they journeyed .

night 007 009 Jug /^{night /that the LORD said
unto him, Arise , get thee down unto the host ; for I have
delivered it into thine hand .

night 006 025 Jug /^{night /that the LORD said
unto him, Take thy father's young bullock , even the second
bullock of seven years old , and throw down the altar of Baal
that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it:

night 017 003 ICh /^{night /that the word of
God came to Nathan , saying ,

night 007 004 IISa /^{night /that the word of
the LORD came unto Nathan , saying ,

night 001 008 Jos /^{night /that thou mayest
observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then
thou shalt make thy way prosperous , and then thou shalt have
good success .

night 027 023 Act /${night /the angel of God ,
whose I am , and whom I serve ,

night 011 009 Num /^{night /the manna fell
upon it.

night 023 010 Deu /^{night /then shall he go
abroad out of the camp , he shall not come within the camp :

night 021 025 Rev /${night /there .

night 022 005 Rev /${night /there ; and they
need no candle , neither light of the sun ; for the Lord God
giveth them light : and they shall reign for ever and ever .

night 017 034 Luk /${night /there shall be two
men in one bed ; the one shall be taken , and the other shall be
left .

night 016 009 Act /${night /There stood a man
of Macedonia , and prayed him , saying , Come over into
Macedonia , and help us .

night 035 014 IICh /^{night /therefore the
Levites prepared for themselves, and for the priests the sons of
Aaron .

night 021 003 Joh /${night /they caught
nothing .

night 055 010 Psa /^{night /they go about it
upon the walls thereof: mischief also and sorrow are in the
midst of it.

night 004 022 Neh /^{night /they may be a
guard to us, and labour on the day .

night 049 009 Jer /^{night /they will destroy
till they have enough .

night 002 023 Ecc /^{night /This is also
vanity .

night 009 032 Jug /^{night /thou and the
people that is with thee, and lie in wait in the field :

night 017 003 Psa /^{night /thou hast tried me,
and shalt find nothing; I am purposed that my mouth shall not
transgress .

night 002 029 IISa /^{night /through the plain ,
and passed over Jordan , and went through all Bithron , and
they came to Mahanaim .

night 032 004 Psa /^{night /thy hand was heavy
upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer .
Selah .

night 012 020 Luk /${night /thy soul shall be
required of thee : then whose shall those things be , which thou
hast provided ?

night 005 011 Isa /^{night /till wine inflame

night 023 031 Act /${night /to Antipatris .

night 012 042 Exo /^{night /to be much
observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of
Egypt : this is that night of the LORD to be observed of all the
children of Israel in their generations .

night 009 024 Act /${night /to kill him .

night 019 011 ISa /^{night /to morrow thou
shalt be slain .

night 009 019 Neh /^{night /to shew them light
, and the way wherein they should go .

night 001 033 Deu /^{night /to shew you by
what way ye should go , and in a cloud by day .

night 036 030 Jer /^{night /to the frost .

night 014 020 Exo /^{night /to these: so that
the one came not near the other all the night .

night 019 013 Lev /^{night /until the morning .

night 016 004 Deu /^{night /until the morning .

night 019 025 Jug /^{night /until the morning :
and when the day began to spring , they let her go .

night 017 010 Act /${night /unto Berea : who
coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews .

night 018 007 Luk /${night /unto him , though
he bear long with them ?

night 019 002 Psa /^{night /unto night sheweth
knowledge .

night 006 009 Lev /^{night /unto the morning ,
and the fire of the altar shall be burning in it.

night 029 019 Job /^{night /upon my branch .

night 012 016 IISa /^{night /upon the earth .

night 006 020 IICh /^{night /upon the place
whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to
hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this
place .

night 021 023 Deu /^{night /upon the tree ,
but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day ; is accursed of
God ; that thy land be not defiled , which the LORD thy God
giveth thee for an inheritance .

night 029 007 Isa /^{night /vision .

night 002 019 Dan /^{night /vision . Then
Daniel blessed the God of heaven .

night 007 007 Dan /^{night /visions , and
behold a fourth beast , dreadful and terrible , and strong
exceedingly ; and it had great iron teeth : it devoured and
brake in pieces , and stamped the residue with the feet of it:
and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and
it had ten horns .

night 007 013 Dan /^{night /visions , and,
behold , one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven ,
and came to the Ancient of days , and they brought him near
before him.

night 005 030 Dan /^{night /was Belshazzar the
king of the Chaldeans slain .

night 027 027 Act /${night /was come , as we
were driven up and down in Adria , about midnight the shipmen
deemed that they drew near to some country ;

night 119 014 Psa /^{night /watches , that I
might meditate in thy word .

night 063 006 Psa /^{night /watches .

night 021 011 Isa /^{night /Watchman , what of
the night ?

night 059 010 Isa /^{night /we are in desolate
places as dead men.

night 030 029 Isa /^{night /when a holy
solemnity is kept ; and gladness of heart , as when one goeth
with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD , to the
mighty One of Israel .

night 004 013 Job /^{night /when deep sleep
falleth on men ,

night 033 015 Job /^{night /when deep sleep
falleth upon men , in slumberings upon the bed ;

night 036 020 Job /^{night /when people are
cut off in their place.

night 016 013 Jer /^{night /where I will not
shew you favour .

night 019 024 ISa /^{night /Wherefore they say
, Is Saul also among the prophets ?

night 104 020 Psa /^{night /wherein all the
beasts of the forest do creep forth.

night 031 035 Jer /^{night /which divideth the
sea when the waves thereof roar ; The LORD of hosts is his name :

night 042 003 Psa /^{night /while they
continually say unto me, Where is thy God ?

night 014 011 Rev /${night /who worship the
beast and his image , and whosoever receiveth the mark of his
name .

night 006 010 Neh /^{night /will they come to
slay thee.

night 038 012 Isa /^{night /wilt thou make an
end of me.

night 038 013 Isa /^{night /wilt thou make an
end of me.

night 078 014 Psa /^{night /with a light of
fire .

night 001 005 Oba /^{night /would they not
have stolen till they had enough ? if the grapegatherers came to
thee, would they not leave some grapes ?

night 062 006 Isa /^{night /ye that make
mention of the LORD , keep not silence ,

night 026 009 Isa /^{night /yea, with my
spirit within me will I seek thee early : for when thy judgments
are in the earth , the inhabitants of the world will learn
righteousness .

nights 007 004 Gen /^{nights /and every living
substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of
the earth .

nights 002 013 Job /^{nights /and none spake a
word unto him: for they saw that his grief was very great .

nights 010 010 Deu /^{nights /and the LORD
hearkened unto me at that time also, and the LORD would not
destroy thee.

nights 007 003 Job /^{nights /are appointed to

nights 009 025 Deu /^{nights /as I fell down at
the first; because the LORD had said he would destroy you.

nights 034 028 Exo /^{nights /he did neither
eat bread , nor drink water . And he wrote upon the tables the
words of the covenant , the ten commandments .

nights 004 002 Mat /${nights /he was afterward
an hungred .

nights 009 018 Deu /^{nights /I did neither eat
bread , nor drink water , because of all your sins which ye
sinned , in doing wickedly in the sight of the LORD , to provoke
him to anger .

nights 009 009 Deu /^{nights /I neither did eat
bread nor drink water :

nights 012 040 Mat /${nights /in the heart of
the earth .

nights 012 040 Mat /${nights /in the whale's
belly ; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights
in the heart of the earth .

nights 009 011 Deu /^{nights /that the LORD
gave me the two tables of stone , even the tables of the
covenant .

nights 019 008 IKi /^{nights /unto Horeb the
mount of God .

yesternight 031 029 Gen /^{yesternight /saying ,
Take thou heed that thou speak not to Jacob either good or bad .

yesternight 019 034 Gen /^{yesternight /with my
father : let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou
in , and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father .
