

netophathi -5200 {netophathi} , netophathite , netophathites ,

netophathite -5200 netophathi , {netophathite} , netophathites ,

netophathites -5200 netophathi , netophathite , {netophathites} ,


Netophathite 5200 -- N@tophathiy -- {Netophathite}.




Netophathite 5200 ## N@tophathiy {net-o-faw-thee'}; patronymic
from 5199; a Netophathite, or inhabitant of Netophah: --


Netophathite 025 023 IIKi /^{Netophathite /and
Jaazaniah the son of a Maachathite , they and their men .

Netophathite 040 008 Jer /^{Netophathite /and
Jezaniah the son of a Maachathite , they and their men .

Netophathite 011 030 ICh /^{Netophathite /Heled the
son of Baanah the Netophathite ,

Netophathite 023 029 IISa /^{Netophathite /Ittai the
son of Ribai out of Gibeah of the children of Benjamin ,

Netophathite 027 015 ICh /^{Netophathite /of Othniel :
and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

Netophathite 027 013 ICh /^{Netophathite /of the
Zarhites : and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

Netophathites 002 054 ICh /^{Netophathites /Ataroth ,
the house of Joab , and half of the Manahethites , the Zorites .



netophathi And the sons of the singers gathered

themselves together, both out of the plain country round about

Jerusalem, and from the villages of {Netophathi};
