Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

+Neriyah 24_JER_32_12 And I gave (05414 +nathan ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Maaseiah (04271 +Machceyah ) , in the sight (05869 +(ayin ) of Hanameel (02601 +Chanam)el ) mine uncle s (01733 +dowdah ) [ son ] , and in the presence (05869 +(ayin ) of the witnesses (05707 +(ed ) that subscribed (03789 +kathab ) the book (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) , before (05869 +(ayin ) all (03605 +kol ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) that sat (03427 +yashab ) in the court (02691 +chatser ) of the prison (04307 +mattara) ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_32_16 . Now when I had delivered (05414 +nathan ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) , I prayed (06419 +palal ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

+Neriyah 24_JER_36_04 Then Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) called (07121 +qara) ) Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ):and Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) wrote (03789 +kathab ) from the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) all (03605 +kol ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he had spoken (01696 +dabar ) unto him , upon a roll (04039 +m@gillah ) of a book (05612 +cepher ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_36_08 And Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) did (06213 +(asah ) according to all (03605 +kol ) that Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) commanded (06680 +tsavah ) him , reading (07121 +qara) ) in the book (05612 +cepher ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) in the LORD S (03068 +Y@hovah ) house (01004 +bayith ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_36_14 Therefore all (03605 +kol ) the princes (08269 +sar ) sent (07971 +shalach ) Jehudi (03065 +Y@huwdiy ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Nethaniah (05418 +N@thanyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shelemiah (08018 +Shelemyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Cushi (03569 +Kuwshiy ) , unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Take (03947 +laqach ) in thine hand (03027 +yad ) the roll (04039 +m@gillah ) wherein (00834 +)aher ) thou hast read (07121 +qara) ) in the ears (00241 +)ozen ) of the people (05971 +(am ) , and come (03212 +yalak ) . So Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) took (03947 +laqach ) the roll (04039 +m@gillah ) in his hand (03027 +yad ) , and came (00935 +bow) ) unto them .

+Neriyah 24_JER_36_32 Then took (03947 +laqach ) Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) another (00312 +)acher ) roll (04039 +m@gillah ) , and gave (05414 +nathan ) it to Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the scribe (05608 +caphar ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) ; who wrote (03789 +kathab ) therein (05921 +(al ) from the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) all (03605 +kol ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the book (05612 +cepher ) which (00834 +)aher ) Jehoiakim (03079 +Y@howyaqiym ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) had burned (08313 +saraph ) in the fire (00784 +)esh ):and there were added (03254 +yacaph ) besides (05750 +(owd ) unto them many (07227 +rab ) like (01922 +hadar ) words (01697 +dabar ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_43_03 But Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) setteth (05496 +cuwth ) thee on against us , for to deliver (05414 +nathan ) us into the hand (03027 +yad ) of the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) , that they might put us to death (04191 +muwth ) , and carry (01540 +galah ) us away captives (01540 +galah ) into Babylon (00894 +Babel ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_43_06 [ Even (00853 +)eth ) ] men (01397 +geber ) , and women (00802 +)ishshah ) , and children (02945 +taph ) , and the king s (04428 +melek ) daughters (01121 +ben ) , and every (03605 +kol ) person (05315 +nephesh ) that Nebuzaradan (05018 +N@buwzaradan ) the captain (07227 +rab ) of the guard (02876 +tabbach ) had left (03240 +yanach ) with Gedaliah (01436 +G@dalyah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Ahikam (00296 +)Achiyqam ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Shaphan (08227 +shaphan ) , and Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) , and Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) .

+Neriyah 24_JER_45_01 . The word (01697 +dabar ) that Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) spake (01696 +dabar ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) , when he had written (03789 +kathab ) these words (01697 +dabar ) in a book (05612 +cepher ) at the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) , in the fourth (07243 +r@biy(iy ) year (08141 +shaneh ) of Jehoiakim (03079 +Y@howyaqiym ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Josiah (02977 +Yo)shiyah ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

+Neriyah 24_JER_51_59 . The word (01697 +dabar ) which (00834 +)aher ) Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) commanded (06680 +tsavah ) Seraiah (08304 +S@rayah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Neriah (05374 {+Neriyah} ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Maaseiah (04271 +Machceyah ) , when he went (03212 +yalak ) with Zedekiah (06667 +Tsidqiyah ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) into Babylon (00894 +Babel ) in the fourth (07243 +r@biy(iy ) year (08141 +shaneh ) of his reign (04427 +malak ) . And [ this ] Seraiah (08304 +S@rayah ) [ was ] a quiet (04496 +m@nuwchah ) prince (08269 +sar ) .

-Neri 42_LUK_03_27 Which was [ the son ] of Joanna 2489 -Ioanna - , which was [ the son ] of Rhesa 4488 -Rhesa - , which was [ the son ] of Zorobabel 2216 -Zorobabel - , which was [ the son ] of Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel - , which was [ the son ] of Neri 3518 {-Neri} - ,

-poneria 46_1CO_05_08 Therefore (5620 -hoste -) let us keep (1858 -heortazo -) the feast (1858 -heortazo -) , not with old (3820 -palaios -) leaven (2219 -zume -) , neither (3366 -mede -) with the leaven (2219 -zume -) of malice (2549 -kakia -) and wickedness (4189 {-poneria} -) ; but with the unleavened (0106 -azumos -) [ bread ] of sincerity (1505 -eilikrineia -) and truth (0225 -aletheia -) .

-poneria 44_ACT_03_26 Unto you first (4412 -proton -) God (2316 -theos -) , having raised (0450 -anistemi -) up his Son (3816 -pais -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , sent (0649 -apostello -) him to bless (2127 -eulogeo -) you , in turning (0654 -apostrepho -) away (0654 -apostrepho -) every (1538 -hekastos -) one of you from his iniquities (4189 {-poneria} -) .

-poneria 49_EPH_06_12 For we wrestle (3823 -pale -) not against (4314 -pros -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) and blood (0129 -haima -) , but against (4314 -pros -) principalities (0746 -arche -) , against (4314 -pros -) powers (1849 -exousia -) , against (4314 -pros -) the rulers (2888 -kosmokrator -) of the darkness (4655 -skotos -) of this (5127 -toutou -) world (0165 -aion -) , against (4314 -pros -) spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) wickedness (4189 {-poneria} -) in high (2032 -epouranios -) [ places ] .

-poneria 42_LUK_11_39 And the Lord 2962 -kurios - said 2036 -epo - unto him , Now 3568 -nun - do ye Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - make 2511 -katharizo - clean 2511 -katharizo - the outside 1855 -exothen - of the cup 4221 -poterion - and the platter 4094 -pinax - ; but your 5216 -humon - inward 2081 -esothen - part is full 1073 -gemo - of ravening 0724 -harpage - and wickedness 4189 {-poneria} - .

-poneria 41_MAR_07_22 Thefts (2829 -klope -) , covetousness (4124 -pleonexia -) , wickedness (4189 {-poneria} -) , deceit (1388 -dolos -) , lasciviousness (0766 -aselgeia -) , an evil (4190 -poneros -) eye (3788 -ophthalmos -) , blasphemy (0988 -blasphemia -) , pride (5243 -huperephania -) , foolishness (0877 -aphrosune -) :

-poneria 40_MAT_22_18 But Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) perceived (1097 -ginosko -) their wickedness (4189 {-poneria} -) , and said (2036 -epo -) , Why (5101 -tis -) tempt (3985 -peirazo -) ye me , [ ye ] hypocrites (5273 -hupokrites -) ?

-poneria 45_ROM_01_29 Being filled (4137 -pleroo -) with all (3956 -pas -) unrighteousness (0093 -adikia -) , fornication (4202 -porneia -) , wickedness (4189 {-poneria} -) , covetousness (4124 -pleonexia -) , maliciousness (2549 -kakia -) ; full (3324 -mestos -) of envy (5355 -phthonos -) , murder (5408 -phonos -) , debate (2054 -eris -) , deceit (1388 -dolos -) , malignity (2550 -kakoetheia -) ; whisperers (5588 -psithuristes -) ,

Neri 42_LUK_03_27 Which was [ the son ] of Joanna 2489 -Ioanna - , which was [ the son ] of Rhesa 4488 -Rhesa - , which was [ the son ] of Zorobabel 2216 -Zorobabel - , which was [ the son ] of Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel - , which was [ the son ] of {Neri} 3518 -Neri - ,

Neriah 24_JER_32_12 And I gave (05414 +nathan ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Maaseiah (04271 +Machceyah ) , in the sight (05869 +(ayin ) of Hanameel (02601 +Chanam)el ) mine uncle s (01733 +dowdah ) [ son ] , and in the presence (05869 +(ayin ) of the witnesses (05707 +(ed ) that subscribed (03789 +kathab ) the book (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) , before (05869 +(ayin ) all (03605 +kol ) the Jews (03064 +Y@huwdiy ) that sat (03427 +yashab ) in the court (02691 +chatser ) of the prison (04307 +mattara) ) .

Neriah 24_JER_32_16 . Now when I had delivered (05414 +nathan ) the evidence (05612 +cepher ) of the purchase (04736 +miqnah ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) , I prayed (06419 +palal ) unto the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

Neriah 24_JER_36_04 Then Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) called (07121 +qara) ) Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ):and Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) wrote (03789 +kathab ) from the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) all (03605 +kol ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he had spoken (01696 +dabar ) unto him , upon a roll (04039 +m@gillah ) of a book (05612 +cepher ) .

Neriah 24_JER_36_08 And Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) did (06213 +(asah ) according to all (03605 +kol ) that Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) commanded (06680 +tsavah ) him , reading (07121 +qara) ) in the book (05612 +cepher ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) in the LORD S (03068 +Y@hovah ) house (01004 +bayith ) .

Neriah 24_JER_36_14 Therefore all (03605 +kol ) the princes (08269 +sar ) sent (07971 +shalach ) Jehudi (03065 +Y@huwdiy ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Nethaniah (05418 +N@thanyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Shelemiah (08018 +Shelemyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Cushi (03569 +Kuwshiy ) , unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Take (03947 +laqach ) in thine hand (03027 +yad ) the roll (04039 +m@gillah ) wherein (00834 +)aher ) thou hast read (07121 +qara) ) in the ears (00241 +)ozen ) of the people (05971 +(am ) , and come (03212 +yalak ) . So Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) took (03947 +laqach ) the roll (04039 +m@gillah ) in his hand (03027 +yad ) , and came (00935 +bow) ) unto them .

Neriah 24_JER_36_32 Then took (03947 +laqach ) Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) another (00312 +)acher ) roll (04039 +m@gillah ) , and gave (05414 +nathan ) it to Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the scribe (05608 +caphar ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) ; who wrote (03789 +kathab ) therein (05921 +(al ) from the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) all (03605 +kol ) the words (01697 +dabar ) of the book (05612 +cepher ) which (00834 +)aher ) Jehoiakim (03079 +Y@howyaqiym ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) had burned (08313 +saraph ) in the fire (00784 +)esh ):and there were added (03254 +yacaph ) besides (05750 +(owd ) unto them many (07227 +rab ) like (01922 +hadar ) words (01697 +dabar ) .

Neriah 24_JER_43_03 But Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) setteth (05496 +cuwth ) thee on against us , for to deliver (05414 +nathan ) us into the hand (03027 +yad ) of the Chaldeans (03778 +Kasdiy ) , that they might put us to death (04191 +muwth ) , and carry (01540 +galah ) us away captives (01540 +galah ) into Babylon (00894 +Babel ) .

Neriah 24_JER_43_06 [ Even (00853 +)eth ) ] men (01397 +geber ) , and women (00802 +)ishshah ) , and children (02945 +taph ) , and the king s (04428 +melek ) daughters (01121 +ben ) , and every (03605 +kol ) person (05315 +nephesh ) that Nebuzaradan (05018 +N@buwzaradan ) the captain (07227 +rab ) of the guard (02876 +tabbach ) had left (03240 +yanach ) with Gedaliah (01436 +G@dalyah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Ahikam (00296 +)Achiyqam ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Shaphan (08227 +shaphan ) , and Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) , and Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) .

Neriah 24_JER_45_01 . The word (01697 +dabar ) that Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) spake (01696 +dabar ) unto Baruch (01263 +Baruwk ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) , when he had written (03789 +kathab ) these words (01697 +dabar ) in a book (05612 +cepher ) at the mouth (06310 +peh ) of Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) , in the fourth (07243 +r@biy(iy ) year (08141 +shaneh ) of Jehoiakim (03079 +Y@howyaqiym ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Josiah (02977 +Yo)shiyah ) king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

Neriah 24_JER_51_59 . The word (01697 +dabar ) which (00834 +)aher ) Jeremiah (03414 +Yirm@yah ) the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) commanded (06680 +tsavah ) Seraiah (08304 +S@rayah ) the son (01121 +ben ) of {Neriah} (05374 +Neriyah ) , the son (01121 +ben ) of Maaseiah (04271 +Machceyah ) , when he went (03212 +yalak ) with Zedekiah (06667 +Tsidqiyah ) the king (04428 +melek ) of Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) into Babylon (00894 +Babel ) in the fourth (07243 +r@biy(iy ) year (08141 +shaneh ) of his reign (04427 +malak ) . And [ this ] Seraiah (08304 +S@rayah ) [ was ] a quiet (04496 +m@nuwchah ) prince (08269 +sar ) .

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