neighbours 044 013 Psa /^{neighbours /a scorn and a
derision to them that are round about us.

neighbours 079 004 Psa /^{neighbours /a scorn and
derision to them that are round about us.

neighbours 031 011 Psa /^{neighbours /and a fear to
mine acquaintance : they that did see me without fled from me.

neighbours 049 010 Jer /^{neighbours /and he is not.

neighbours 001 058 Luk /${neighbours /and her
cousins heard how the Lord had shewed great mercy upon her ; and
they rejoiced with her .

neighbours 080 006 Psa /^{neighbours /and our
enemies laugh among themselves.

neighbours 009 016 Jos /^{neighbours /and that they
dwelt among them.

neighbours 028 003 Psa /^{neighbours /but mischief
is in their hearts .

neighbours 022 012 Eze /^{neighbours /by extortion ,
and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord GOD .

neighbours 023 012 Eze /^{neighbours /captains and
rulers clothed most gorgeously , horsemen riding upon horses ,
all of them desirable young men .

neighbours 004 003 IIKi /^{neighbours /even empty
vessels ; borrow not a few .

neighbours 004 017 Rut /^{neighbours /gave it a
name , saying , There is a son born to Naomi ; and they called
his name Obed : he is the father of Jesse , the father of David .

neighbours 016 026 Eze /^{neighbours /great of
flesh ; and hast increased thy whoredoms , to provoke me to
anger .

neighbours 014 012 Luk /${neighbours /lest they
also bid thee again , and a recompence be made thee .

neighbours 015 006 Luk /${neighbours /saying unto
them , Rejoice with me ; for I have found my sheep which was
lost .

neighbours 079 012 Psa /^{neighbours /sevenfold
into their bosom their reproach , wherewith they have reproached
thee, O Lord .

neighbours 012 014 Jer /^{neighbours /that touch
the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit ;
Behold, I will pluck them out of their land , and pluck out the
house of Judah from among them.

neighbours 009 008 Joh /${neighbours /therefore ,
and they which before had seen him that he was blind , said , Is
not this he that sat and begged ?

neighbours 015 009 Luk /${neighbours /together ,
saying , Rejoice with me ; for I have found the piece which I
had lost .

neighbours 029 023 Jer /^{neighbours /wives , and
have spoken lying words in my name , which I have not commanded
them; even I know , and am a witness , saith the LORD .
