neighbour 5997 ## meaning to associate; companionship; hence (concretely) a
comrade or kindred man: -- another, fellow, {neighbour}.[ql

neighbour 7138 ## qarowb {kaw-robe'}; or qarob {kaw-robe'}; from
7126; near (in place, kindred or time): -- allied, approach, at
hand, + any of kin, kinsfold(-sman), (that is) near (of kin),
{neighbour}, (that is) next, (them that come) nigh (at hand),
more ready, short(-ly).[ql

neighbour 7453 ## rea< {ray'-ah}; or reya< {ray'-ah}; from 7462;
an associate (more or less close): -- brother, companion, fellow,
friend, husband, lover, {neighbour}, X (an-)other.[ql

neighbour 7468 ## r@ 7453; a female associate; generally an additional one: -- +
another, mate, {neighbour}.[ql

neighbour 7934 ## shaken {shaw-kane'}; from 7931; a resident; by
extension, a fellow-citizen: -- inhabitant, {neighbour}, nigh.[ql

neighbour 1069 # geiton {ghi'-tone}; from 1093; a neighbour (as
adjoining one's ground); by implication, a friend: --

neighbour 4040 # perioikos {per-ee'-oy-kos}; from 4012 and 3624;
housed around, i.e. neighboring (used elliptically as a noun): --

neighbour 4139 # plesion {play-see'-on}; neuter of a derivative
of pelas (near); (adverbially) close by; as noun, a neighbor, i.
e. fellow (as man, countryman, Christian or friend): -- near,
