neck GEN 027 016 And she put <03847 +labash > the skins <05785
+ of the kids <01423 +g@diy > of the goats <05795 + > upon his hands <03027 +yad > , and upon the smooth <02513
+chelqah > of his {neck} <06677 +tsavva>r > :

neck GEN 027 040 And by thy sword <02719 +chereb > shalt thou
live <02421 +chayah > , and shalt serve <05647 + thy
brother <00251 +>ach > ; and it shall come <01961 +hayah > to
pass when <00834 +>aher > thou shalt have the dominion <07300
+ruwd > , that thou shalt break <06561 +paraq > his yoke
<05923 +
    from off <05921 + thy {neck} <06677
    +tsavva>r > .

    neck GEN 033 004 And Esau <06215 + ran <07323 +ruwts >
    to meet <07125 +qir>ah > him , and embraced <02263 +chabaq >
    him , and fell <05307 +naphal > on <05921 + his {neck}
    <06677 +tsavva>r > , and kissed <05401 +nashaq > him : and
    they wept <01058 +bakah > .

    neck GEN 041 042 And Pharaoh <06547 +Par took <05493
    +cuwr > off his ring <02885 +tabba from his hand <03027
    +yad > , and put <05414 +nathan > it upon Joseph s <03130
    +Yowceph > hand <03027 +yad > , and arrayed <03847 +labash >
    him in vestures <00899 +beged > of fine linen <08336 +shesh > ,
    and put <07760 +suwm > a gold <02091 +zahab > chain <07242
    +rabiyd > about <05921 + his {neck} <06677 +tsavva>r > ;

    neck GEN 045 014 And he fell <05307 +naphal > upon his brother
    <00251 +>ach > Benjamin s <01144 +Binyamiyn > neck <06677
    +tsavva>r > , and wept <01058 +bakah > ; and Benjamin <01144
    +Binyamiyn > wept <01058 +bakah > upon his {neck} <06677
    +tsavva>r > .

    neck GEN 045 014 And he fell <05307 +naphal > upon his brother
    <00251 +>ach > Benjamin s <01144 +Binyamiyn > {neck} <06677
    +tsavva>r > , and wept <01058 +bakah > ; and Benjamin <01144
    +Binyamiyn > wept <01058 +bakah > upon his neck <06677
    +tsavva>r > .

    neck GEN 046 029 And Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > made ready
    <00631 +>acar > his chariot <04818 +merkabah > , and went
    <05927 + up to meet <07125 +qir>ah > Israel <03478
    +Yisra>el > his father <1> , to Goshen <01657 +Goshen > , and
    presented <07200 +ra>ah > himself unto him ; and he fell
    <05307 +naphal > on <05921 + his neck <06677 +tsavva>r >
    , and wept <01058 +bakah > on <05921 + his {neck} <06677
    +tsavva>r > a good <05750 + while <05750 + .

    neck GEN 046 029 And Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > made ready
    <00631 +>acar > his chariot <04818 +merkabah > , and went
    <05927 + up to meet <07125 +qir>ah > Israel <03478
    +Yisra>el > his father <1> , to Goshen <01657 +Goshen > , and
    presented <07200 +ra>ah > himself unto him ; and he fell
    <05307 +naphal > on <05921 + his {neck} <06677 +tsavva>r
    > , and wept <01058 +bakah > on <05921 + his neck <06677
    +tsavva>r > a good <05750 + while <05750 + .

    neck GEN 049 008 . Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , thou [ art he
    ] whom thy brethren <00251 +>ach > shall praise <03034 +yadah
    > : thy hand <03027 +yad > [ shall be ] in the {neck} <06203
    + of thine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > ; thy father s <1>
    children <01121 +ben > shall bow <07812 +shachah > down <07812
    +shachah > before thee .

    neck EXO 013 013 And every <03605 +kol > firstling <06363
    +peter > of an ass <02543 +chamowr > thou shalt redeem <06299
    +padah > with a lamb <07716 +seh > ; and if <00518 +>im >
    thou wilt not redeem <06299 +padah > it , then thou shalt
    break <06202 + his {neck} <06203 + : and all
    <03605 +kol > the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > of man <00120
    +>adam > among thy children <01121 +ben > shalt thou redeem
    <06299 +padah > .

    neck EXO 034 020 But the firstling <06363 +peter > of an ass
    <02543 +chamowr > thou shalt redeem <06299 +padah > with a
    lamb <07716 +seh > : and if <00518 +>im > thou redeem <06299
    +padah > [ him ] not , then shalt thou break <06202 + > his {neck} <06203 + . All <03605 +kol > the
    firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > of thy sons <01121 +ben > thou
    shalt redeem <06299 +padah > . And none <03808 +lo> > shall
    appear <07200 +ra>ah > before <06440 +paniym > me empty <07387
    +reyqam > .

    neck LEV 005 008 And he shall bring <00935 +bow> > them unto
    the priest <03548 +kohen > , who shall offer <07126 +qarab >
    [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] for the sin <02403
    +chatta>ah > offering first <07223 +ri>shown > , and wring
    <04454 +malaq > off his head <07218 +ro>sh > from his {neck}
    <06203 + , but shall not divide <02505 +chalaq > [
    it ] asunder :

    neck DEU 021 004 And the elders <02205 +zaqen > of that city
    <05892 + shall bring <02381 +Chaziy>el > down <03381
    +yarad > the heifer <05697 + unto a rough <00386
    +>eythan > valley <05158 +nachal > , which <00834 +>aher > is
    neither <03808 +lo> > eared <05647 + nor <03808 +lo> >
    sown <02232 +zara< > , and shall strike off the heifer s
    <05697 + {neck} <06203 + there <08033 +sham >
    in the valley <05158 +nachal > :

    neck DEU 028 048 Therefore shalt thou serve <05647 +
    thine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > shall send <07971 +shalach > against thee ,
    in hunger <07457 +ra , and in thirst <06772 +tsama> > ,
    and in nakedness <05903 + , and in want <02640
    +chocer > of all <03605 +kol > [ things ] : and he shall put
    <05414 +nathan > a yoke <05923 +
      of iron <01270 +barzel
      > upon thy {neck} <06677 +tsavva>r > , until <05704 + he
      have <01961 +hayah > destroyed <08045 +shamad > thee .

      neck DEU 031 027 For I know <03045 +yada< > thy rebellion
      <04805 +m@riy > , and thy stiff <07186 +qasheh > {neck}
      <06203 + : behold <02005 +hen > , while I am yet
      <05750 + alive <02416 +chay > with you this day <03117
      +yowm > , ye have been <01961 +hayah > rebellious <04784
      +marah > against <05973 + the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ;
      and how <00637 +>aph > much <07227 +rab > more after <00310
      +>achar > my death <04194 +maveth > ?

      stiffnecked EXO 032 009 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said
      <00559 +>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , I have seen
      <07200 +ra>ah > this <02088 +zeh > people <05971 + ,
      and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , it [ is ] a {stiffnecked}
      people <05971 + :

      stiffnecked EXO 033 003 Unto a land <00776 +>erets > flowing
      <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and honey <01706
      +d@bash > : for I will not go <05927 + up in the midst
      <07130 +qereb > of thee ; for thou [ art ] a {stiffnecked}
      people <05971 + : lest <06435 +pen > I consume <03615
      +kalah > thee in the way <01870 +derek > .

      stiffnecked EXO 033 005 For the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had
      said <00559 +>amar > unto Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , Say <00559
      +>amar > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
      +Yisra>el > , Ye [ are ] a {stiffnecked} people <05971 + > : I will come <05927 + up into the midst <07130
      +qereb > of thee in a moment <07281 +rega< > , and consume
      <03615 +kalah > thee : therefore now <06258 + put
      <03381 +yarad > off thy ornaments <05716 + from thee ,
      that I may know <03045 +yada< > what <04100 +mah > to do
      <06213 + unto thee .

      stiffnecked EXO 034 009 And he said <00559 +>amar > , If
      <00518 +>im > now <04994 +na> > I have found <04672 +matsa> >
      grace <02580 +chen > in thy sight <05869 + , O Lord
      <00136 +>Adonay > , let my Lord <00136 +>Adonay > , I pray
      <04994 +na> > thee , go <03212 +yalak > among <07130 +qereb
      > us ; for it [ is ] a {stiffnecked} people <05971 + ;
      and pardon <05545 +calach > our iniquity <05771 + and
      our sin <02403 +chatta>ah > , and take us for thine
      inheritance <05157 +nachal > .

      stiffnecked DEU 009 006 Understand <03045 +yada< > therefore ,
      that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430 +>elohiym >
      giveth <05414 +nathan > thee not this <02063 +zo>th > good
      <02896 +towb > land <00776 +>erets > to possess <03423
      +yarash > it for thy righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > ; for
      thou [ art ] a {stiffnecked} people <05971 + .

      stiffnecked DEU 009 013 Furthermore the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
      spake <00559 +>amar > unto me , saying <00559 +>amar > , I
      have seen <07200 +ra>ah > this <02088 +zeh > people <05971
      + , and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , it [ is ] a
      {stiffnecked} people <05971 + :

      stiffnecked DEU 010 016 Circumcise <04135 +muwl > therefore
      the foreskin <06190 + of yourheart <03824 +lebab > ,
      and be no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + {stiffnecked} .

