English to Hebrew and Greek Thesaurus
The - is marking the Old Testament words. The * is marking the New Testament Words. English list of words is 15,684 * Hebrew Numbers refered to 8,674 * Greek Numbers refered to 5,624 * Unique English words in N.T. 5,437 * Unique English words in O.T. 10,254
English to Hebrew and Greek Thesaurus
- forasmuch , 0310 , 3282 , 3588 , 5704 ,
* forasmuch , 1487 , 1893 , 1894 , 5607 ,
- inasmuch , 1115 , 3588 ,
* inasmuch , 2526 , 3745 ,
* insomuch , 1519 , 5620 ,
* much , 0023 , 2425 , 2579 , 3123 , 3366 , 3383 , 3386 , 3433 , 3588 , 3745 , 3761 , 4056 , 4173 , 4180 , 4183 , 4214 , 5118 ,
- much , 0634 , 0637 , 0834 , 1431 , 1571 , 1767 , 1931 , 2479 , 3254 , 3498 , 3515 , 3524 , 3605 , 3966 , 4276 , 4767 , 5704 , 6079 , 6581 , 7114 , 7225 , 7227 , 7230 , 7235 , 7335 , 7690 ,
* overmuch , 4055 ,