mixed Interlinear Index Study

mixed EXO 012 038 And a {mixed} <06154 + multitude <07227
+rab > went <05927 + up also <01571 +gam > with them ;
and flocks <06629 +tso>n > , and herds <01241 +baqar > , [ even
] very <03966 +m@ much <03515 +kabed > cattle <04735
+miqneh > .

mixed NEH 013 003 Now it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , when
they had heard <08085 +shama< > the law <08451 +towrah > , that
they separated <00914 +badal > from Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
all <03605 +kol > the {mixed} <06154 + multitude <06154
+ .

mixed PRO 023 030 They that tarry <00309 +>achar > long at
<05921 + the wine <03196 +yayin > ; they that go <00935
+bow> > to seek <02713 +chaqar > {mixed} <04469 +mamcak > wine
<04469 +mamcak > .

mixed ISA 001 022 Thy silver <03701 +keceph > is become <01961
+hayah > dross <05509 +ciyg > , thy wine <05435 +cobe> > {mixed}
<04107 +mahal > with water <04325 +mayim > :

mixed DAN 002 041 And whereas <01768 +diy > thou sawest <02370
+chaza> > the feet <07271 +r@gal > and toes <00677 +>etsba< > ,
part <04481 +min > of potters <06353 +pechar > clay <02635
+chacaph > , and part <04481 +min > of iron <06523 +parzel > ,
the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > shall be divided <06386 +p@lag > ;
but there shall be in it of the strength <05326 +nitsbah > of
the iron <06523 +parzel > , forasmuch as thou sawest <02370
+chaza> > the iron <06523 +parzel > {mixed} <06151 + with
miry <02917 +tiyn > clay <02635 +chacaph > .

mixed DAN 002 043 And whereas <01768 +diy > thou sawest <02370
+chaza> > iron <06523 +parzel > mixed <06151 + with miry
<02917 +tiyn > clay <02635 +chacaph > , they shall mingle <06151
+ themselves with the seed <02234 +z@ra< > of men <00606
+>enash > : but they shall not cleave <01693 +d@baq > one <01836
+den > to another <01836 +den > , even <01887 +he> > as iron
<06523 +parzel > is not {mixed} <06151 + with clay <02635
+chacaph > .

mixed DAN 002 043 And whereas <01768 +diy > thou sawest <02370
+chaza> > iron <06523 +parzel > {mixed} <06151 + with
miry <02917 +tiyn > clay <02635 +chacaph > , they shall mingle
<06151 + themselves with the seed <02234 +z@ra< > of men
<00606 +>enash > : but they shall not cleave <01693 +d@baq > one
<01836 +den > to another <01836 +den > , even <01887 +he> > as
iron <06523 +parzel > is not mixed <06151 + with clay
<02635 +chacaph > .

mixed HOS 007 008 . Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > , he hath
{mixed} <01101 +balal > himself <01931 +huw> > among the people
<05971 + ; Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > is a cake <05692
+ not turned <02015 +haphak > .

mixed HEB 004 002 For unto us was the gospel <2097 -euaggelizo -
> preached <2097 -euaggelizo -> , as well <2509 -kathaper -> as
unto them : but the word <3056 -logos -> preached <0189 -akoe ->
did not profit <5623 -opheleo -> them , not being {mixed} <4786 -
sugkerannumi -> with faith <4102 -pistis -> in them that heard
<0191 -akouo -> [ it ] .
