Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0737 + day + now + Now + I now + But now + For now + not now + present + is even + you now + thee now + hitherto + them now + Hitherto + unto this + though now + he who now + henceforth + doth he now + For do I now + with you now + me henceforth + them Do ye now + it to be so now + things unto this + unto this present + in whom though now + unto you Hereafter + and from henceforth +/ . arti {ar'-tee}; adverb from a derivative of 0142 + Take + take + Away + away + took + taken + taking + lifted + be put + taketh + loosing + by Take + to bear + to take + is taken + and took + and take + him away + out Away + was taken + they took + he taketh + and taketh + thou takest + for to take + it up taketh + let him take + unto me Take + them and took + him he taketh + with him away + and was taken + And they took + and they took + to us and took + unto thee Take + unto them Take + shall be taken + dost thou make + they have taken + Be thou removed + they shall bear + unto us he took + which was borne + therein to take + man should take + They shall take + And they lifted + that they lifted + for ye have taken + for thee to carry + that he might take + not shall be taken + when they had taken + and there was taken + and him that taketh + him and I will take + unto them They have taken + them that they should take + not from him shall be taken + and that they might be taken + not that thou shouldest take + of thee ; and of him that taketh +/ (compare 0740 + loaf + bread + loaves + by bread + of bread + The bread + the bread + and bread + the loaves + have bread + them bread + that bread + man s bread + is the bread + and the bread + of that bread + For the bread + is that bread + of the loaves + men with bread + and the shewbread + not the miracle of the loaves +/ ) through the idea of suspension; just now: --this day (hour), hence[-forth], here[-after], hither[-to], (even) now, (this) present .
0740 + loaf + bread + loaves + by bread + of bread + The bread + the bread + and bread + the loaves + have bread + them bread + that bread + man s bread + is the bread + and the bread + of that bread + For the bread + is that bread + of the loaves + men with bread + and the shewbread + not the miracle of the loaves +/ . artos {ar'-tos}; from 0142 + Take + take + Away + away + took + taken + taking + lifted + be put + taketh + loosing + by Take + to bear + to take + is taken + and took + and take + him away + out Away + was taken + they took + he taketh + and taketh + thou takest + for to take + it up taketh + let him take + unto me Take + them and took + him he taketh + with him away + and was taken + And they took + and they took + to us and took + unto thee Take + unto them Take + shall be taken + dost thou make + they have taken + Be thou removed + they shall bear + unto us he took + which was borne + therein to take + man should take + They shall take + And they lifted + that they lifted + for ye have taken + for thee to carry + that he might take + not shall be taken + when they had taken + and there was taken + and him that taketh + him and I will take + unto them They have taken + them that they should take + not from him shall be taken + and that they might be taken + not that thou shouldest take + of thee ; and of him that taketh +/ ; bread (as raised) or a loaf: --(shew-)bread, loaf .
1411 + work + might + deeds + power + powers + virtue + mighty + ability + workers + my power + in power + strength + miracles + the power + wonderful + and power + a miracle + and might + them power + and mighty + with power + the mighty + and powers + with might + their power + of miracles + that virtue + of his power + the miracles + by the power + the violence + of the power + but in power + and of power + but of power + in the power + and strength + to the power + hand of power + and the power + him his power + of his mighty + the abundance + that miracles + with the power + in me mightily + for the powers + and the powers + that the power + and with power + in his strength + it is the power + not the meaning + with his mighty + and the strength + up but the power + but in the power + hand of the power + him and the power + unto you the power + For to their power + and from his power + for it is the power + with him by the power + upon thee and the power + for thee for my strength +/ . dunamis {doo'-nam-is}; from 1410 + may + May + Can + can + able + I can + might + canst + Could + could + we may + cannot + we can + ye may + is able + but can + Who can + him can + was able + ye could + that can + he could + are able + then can + I cannot + I am able + me cannot + and could + it cannot + me ye can + ye cannot + he cannot + we cannot + Ye cannot + For ye may + and cannot + thou canst + they might + that could + they could + he is able + For we can + Are ye able + are ye able + be not able + thou mayest + out he could + unto him Can + and not able + which cannot + And he could + For it might + For we cannot + and we cannot + unto them Can + shall be able + to you cannot + when we might + and they could + that they could + it but he could + unto him We can + for thou mayest + it were possible + ye were not able + that ye are able + ye shall be able + but are not able + shall not be able + and when he could + thither ye cannot + ye that I am able + he was ; and could + thou that I cannot + him ; but she could + that we may be able + that ye may be able + And when they could + unto him We are able + in him and he cannot + that they which could + unto him that is able + him but if thou canst + with them they cannot + sake . He that is able + unto him that was able + unto you but ye cannot + to him that is of power + him out ; and they could + unto them as they were able +/ ; force (literally or figuratively); specially, miraculous power (usually by implication, a miracle itself): --ability, abundance, meaning, might(-ily, -y, -y deed), (worker of) miracle(-s), power, strength,violence, mighty (wonderful) work .
1412 + Strengthened +/ . dunamoo {doo-nam-o'-o}; from 1411 + work + might + deeds + power + powers + virtue + mighty + ability + workers + my power + in power + strength + miracles + the power + wonderful + and power + a miracle + and might + them power + and mighty + with power + the mighty + and powers + with might + their power + of miracles + that virtue + of his power + the miracles + by the power + the violence + of the power + but in power + and of power + but of power + in the power + and strength + to the power + hand of power + and the power + him his power + of his mighty + the abundance + that miracles + with the power + in me mightily + for the powers + and the powers + that the power + and with power + in his strength + it is the power + not the meaning + with his mighty + and the strength + up but the power + but in the power + hand of the power + him and the power + unto you the power + For to their power + and from his power + for it is the power + with him by the power + upon thee and the power + for thee for my strength +/ ; to enable: --strengthen .
4592 + sign + signs + wonder + a sign + miracle + wonders + miracles + the sign + was a sign + with signs + them a sign + of miracles + the miracle + his miracles + and miracles + the miracles + is the token + of him a sign + are for a sign + and for a sign + shall be a sign + it but the sign + shall be the sign + to it but the sign + unto it but the sign + ye not discern the signs +/ . semeion {say-mi'-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 4591 + signs + in signs + and signs + the signs + signifying + with signs + and signified + he signifying + and that signs + And there shall be signs + and not withal to signify +/ ; an indication, especially ceremonially or supernaturally: --miracle, sign, token, wonder .
4593 + note +/ . semeioo {say-mi-o'-o}; from 4592 + sign + signs + wonder + a sign + miracle + wonders + miracles + the sign + was a sign + with signs + them a sign + of miracles + the miracle + his miracles + and miracles + the miracles + is the token + of him a sign + are for a sign + and for a sign + shall be a sign + it but the sign + shall be the sign + to it but the sign + unto it but the sign + ye not discern the signs +/ ; to distinguish, i .e . mark (for avoidance): --note .