Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1103 + true + my own + mine own + the sincerity + will naturally +/ . gnesios {gnay'-see-os}; from the same as 1077 + birthday + on his birthday +/ ; legitimate (of birth), i .e . genuine: --own, sincerity, true .

1657 + liberty + she is at + of liberty + is liberty + unto liberty + them liberty + is my liberty + in the liberty + use not liberty + out our liberty +/ . eleutheria {el-yoo-ther-ee'-ah}; from 1658 + free + liberty + is free + As free + nor free + I not free + being free + she is free + ye were free + by a freewoman + but of the free + ye shall be free + of the freewoman + For though I be free + but he of the freewoman +/ ; freedom (legitimate or licentious, chiefly moral or ceremonial): --liberty .

3541 + are ye bastards +/ . nothos {noth'-os}; of uncertain affinity; a spurious or illegitimate son: --bastard .

4806 + together + us together + hath quickened + hath he quickened +/ . suzoopoieo {sood-zo-op-oy-eh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2227 + life + alive + quicken + be made + have given + quickeneth + giveth life + but quickened + and quickeneth + that quickeneth + is not quickened + was made a quickening +/ ; to reanimate conjointly with (figuratively): --quicken together with .