be ye lift up

but lift thou up thy rod

canst thou lift up thy voice

cherubims lift up their wings

cities thereof lift up

floods lift up their waves

for if thou lift up thy tool upon it

for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot

have lift up mine hand unto

he lift up his eyes

he lift up his spear <2SA23 -:8 >

he shall lift you up

he will lift up an ensign

hell he lift up his eyes

it might not lift itself up

it was lift up above

lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven

let us lift up our heart with

lift it up

lift not up

lift not up your horn on high

lift them up for ever

lift thou up

lift up <1CH25 -:5 >

lift up

lift up

lift up

lift up

lift up her voice

lift up himself as

lift up my face

lift up my hand

lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle

lift up my soul

lift up my soul

lift up my soul unto thee

lift up myself

lift up now thine eyes

lift up now thine eyes

lift up now thine eyes

lift up thine eyes now

lift up thine eyes round about

lift up thine eyes round about

lift up thine eyes unto

lift up thine eyes westward

lift up thine hand

lift up thy feet unto

lift up thy hands toward him for

lift up thy voice

lift up thy voice

lift up thy voice like

lift up thy voice with strength

lift up thyself

lift up thyself because

lift up unto thy commandments

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes

lift up your eyes on high

lift up your eyes toward your idols

lift up your hands

lift up your heads

lift up your heads

lift up your heads

lift ye up

lord lift up his countenance upon thee

lord shall lift up

nation shall not lift up

nation shall not lift up sword against nation

neither lift up

neither lift up cry nor prayer for them

no man did lift up his head

no wise lift up

nor lift up

not lift up my head

one will lift up his fellow

over which no man hath lift up

shall lift up his staff against thee

shalt lift up thy face unto god

so shall he lift it up after

staff should lift up

therefore shall he lift up

they shall lift up

they shall lift up their voice

thou shalt not lift up

thou shalt not lift up thine eyes unto them

thy watchmen shall lift up

wherefore lift up <2KI19 -:4 >

wherefore lift up

wherefore lift up

wherefore then lift ye up yourselves

will lift up mine eyes unto

will lift up mine hand

will lift up my hands

without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot >

would not lift up so much as

yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up thine head :13 >

yet within three days shall pharaoh lift up thy head from off
