Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

4467 + lewdness +/ . rhaidiourgema {hrad-ee-oorg'-ay-mah}; from a comparative of rhaidios (easy, i .e . reckless) and 2041 + deeds 2041- deeds 2041- deed + work + doing + works + deeds + a work + in deed + of works + and deed + by works + and work + my works + his work + the work + his deeds + the deeds + the works + not works + his works + thy works + man s work + by my works + their works + as his work + but in deed + their deeds + of the work + is the work + in the work + to her works + me the works + by the works + for the work + man his work + and in deeds + but in works + to our works + in the works + Not by works + by the deeds + Not of works + to his works + and by works + not the work + and the work + to his deeds + not of works + of my labour + for the works + and thy works + his own works + not the works + and the works + not the works + are thy works + are the works + of their deeds + that his deeds + to their works + them the works + it be of works + with his works + and their works + and I have works + for their work s + not of the works + for by the works + how that by works + but that the works + not of their deeds + are not ye my work + as are of the works + of it that the works + and not by the works + me for the very works + not with them to the work + but as it were by the works +/ ; easy-going behavior, i .e . (by extension) a crime: --lewdness .

4468 + mischief +/ . rhaidiourgia {hrad-ee-oorg-ee'-a}; from the same as 4467 + lewdness +/ ; recklessness, i .e . (by extension) malignity: --mischief .