Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-ekplesso- ......... amazed 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... And they were astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... being astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... him , they were amazed 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... him were astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... that they were astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... this , they were astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... was astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-ekplesso- ......... were astonished 1605 -ekplesso- >

-epiplesso- ......... Rebuke 1969 -epiplesso- >

-plesso- ......... was smitten 4141 -plesso- >

blameless ......... and are blameless 0338 -anaitios->

blameless ......... and blameless 0298 -amometos->

blameless ......... be blameless 0410 -anegkletos->

blameless ......... be blameless 0483 -antilego->

blameless ......... blameless 0273 -amemptos->

blameless ......... blameless 0274 -amemptos->

blameless ......... found blameless 0410 -anegkletos->

blameless ......... that they may be blameless 0483 -antilego->

blameless ......... That ye may be blameless 0273 -amemptos->

blameless ......... that ye may be blameless 0410 -anegkletos->

bless ......... bless 2127 -eulogeo->

Bless ......... Bless 2127 -eulogeo->

bless ......... him to bless 2127 -eulogeo->

bless ......... I will bless 2127 -eulogeo->

bless ......... thou shalt bless 2127 -eulogeo->

bless ......... we bless 2127 -eulogeo->

bless ......... you : bless 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... And blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... And blessed is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->

blessed ......... and he blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... And thou shalt be blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... are blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... be blessed 1757 -eneulogeo->

Blessed ......... Blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

Blessed ......... Blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

Blessed ......... Blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... But blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... for that blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... hath blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... he blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... is blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... is blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

blessed ......... is the blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... is with thee : blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... man shall be blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... me blessed 3106 -makarizo->

blessed ......... of Abraham 11> , and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

Blessed ......... of the Blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

blessed ......... of the blessed 3107 -makarios->

Blessed ......... Saying , Blessed 3107 -makarios->

Blessed ......... unto him , Blessed 3107 -makarios->

blessed ......... upon them , and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessed ......... ye blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

blessedness ......... blessedness 3108 -makarismos->

blessedness ......... the blessedness 3108 -makarismos->

blessing ......... a blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... and blessing 2127 -eulogeo->

blessing ......... and blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... blessing 2129 -eulogia->

Blessing ......... Blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... of blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... of the blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... That the blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessing ......... the blessing 2129 -eulogia->

blessings ......... blessings 2129 -eulogia->

bottomless ......... of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

bottomless ......... of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

bottomless ......... out of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

bottomless ......... the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

childless ......... childless 0815 -ateknos->

comfortless ......... you comfortless 3737 -orphanos->

doubtless ......... doubtless 1065 -ge->

doubtless ......... doubtless 3304 -menounge->

doubtless ......... for me doubtless 1211 -de->

endless ......... and endless 0562 -aperantos->

endless ......... of an endless 0179 -akatalutos->

faithless ......... and be not faithless 0571 -apistos->

faithless ......... O faithless 0571 -apistos->

fatherless ......... the fatherless 3737 -orphanos->

faultless ......... faultless 0273 -amemptos->

faultless ......... you faultless 0299 -amomos->

guiltless ......... the guiltless 0338 -anaitios->

harmless ......... and harmless 0185 -akeraios->

harmless ......... harmless 0172 -akakos->

lawless ......... man , but for the lawless 0459 -anomos->

less ......... and that I may be the less 0253 -alupoteros->

less ......... is less 3398 -mikros->

less ......... the less 1640 -elasson->

less ......... the less 3398 -mikros->

less ......... to be less 0820 -atimos->

less ......... Unto me , who am less 1647 -elachistoteros->

less ......... you , the less 2276 -hetton->

nevertheless ......... from me : nevertheless 0235 -alla->

nevertheless ......... from me : nevertheless 4133 -plen->

nevertheless ......... nevertheless 0235 -alla->

Nevertheless ......... Nevertheless 0235 -alla->

nevertheless ......... nevertheless 1161 -de->

Nevertheless ......... Nevertheless 1161 -de->

Nevertheless ......... Nevertheless 2544 -kaitoige->

Nevertheless ......... Nevertheless 3305 -mentoi->

nevertheless ......... nevertheless 4133 -plen->

Nevertheless ......... Nevertheless 4133 -plen->

nevertheless ......... nevertheless for the oath s 3727 -horkos->

nevertheless ......... things : nevertheless 0235 -alla->

nevertheless ......... you : nevertheless 0235 -alla->

speechless ......... And he was speechless 5392 -phimoo->

speechless ......... speechless 1769 -enneos->

speechless ......... speechless 2974 -kophos->

unless ......... unto you , unless 1622 -ektos->