legs Lev_11_21 /^{legs /above their feet , to
leap withal upon the earth ;

legs 1Sa_17_06 /^{legs /and a target of brass
between his shoulders .

legs Lev_09_14 /^{legs /and burnt them upon
the burnt offering on the altar .

legs Lev_04_11 /^{legs /and his inwards , and
his dung ,

legs Exo_29_17 /^{legs /and put them unto his
pieces , and unto his head .

legs Isa_03_20 /^{legs /and the headbands ,
and the tablets , and the earrings ,

legs Exo_12_09 /^{legs /and with the
purtenance thereof.

legs Son_05_15 /^{legs /are as pillars of
marble , set upon sockets of fine gold : his countenance is as
Lebanon , excellent as the cedars .

legs Lev_08_21 /^{legs /in water ; and Moses
burnt the whole ram upon the altar : it was a burnt sacrifice
for a sweet savour , and an offering made by fire unto the LORD ;
as the LORD commanded Moses .

legs Joh_19_31 /${legs /might be broken , and
that they might be taken away .

legs Psa_147_10 /^{legs /of a man .

legs Dan_02_33 /^{legs /of iron , his feet
part of iron and part of clay .

legs Joh_19_32 /${legs /of the first , and of
the other which was crucified with him .

legs Pro_26_07 /^{legs /of the lame are not
equal : so is a parable in the mouth of fools .

legs Amo_03_12 /^{legs /or a piece of an ear ;
so shall the children of Israel be taken out that dwell in
Samaria in the corner of a bed , and in Damascus in a couch .

legs Lev_01_09 /^{legs /shall he wash in
water : and the priest shall burn all on the altar , to be a
burnt sacrifice , an offering made by fire , of a sweet savour
unto the LORD .

legs Deu_28_35 /^{legs /with a sore botch
that cannot be healed , from the sole of thy foot unto the top
of thy head .

legs Lev_01_13 /^{legs /with water : and the
priest shall bring it all, and burn it upon the altar : it is a
burnt sacrifice , an offering made by fire , of a sweet savour
unto the LORD .
