-allegoreo- ......... things are an allegory 0238 -allegoreo- >

-antilego- ......... again 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... against 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... and gainsaying 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... and spake 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... be blameless 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... contradicting 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... deny 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... it is spoken 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... spake 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... speaketh 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... that they may be blameless 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... the gainsayers 0483 -antilego- >

-antilego- ......... which shall be spoken 0483 -antilego- >

-apelegmos- ......... nought 0557 -apelegmos- >

-diakatelegchomai- ......... convinced 1246 -diakatelegchomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... And as he reasoned 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... And he reasoned 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... and reasoned 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... days reasoned 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... disputed 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... disputing 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... he disputed 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... preached 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... preaching 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... speaketh 1256 -dialegomai- >

-dialegomai- ......... they had disputed 1256 -dialegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... and of them he chose 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... and they chose 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... as he hath chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... but I have chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... choice 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... chose 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... hath chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... he had chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... he hath chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... I have chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... made 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... me , but I have chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... them , Have not I chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... they chose 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... thou hast chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-eklegomai- ......... Ye have not chosen 1586 -eklegomai- >

-elegcho- ......... and are convinced 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... and rebuke 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... and to convince 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... being reproved 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... he is convinced 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... he will reprove 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... him his fault 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... I rebuke 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... it , being convicted 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... of you convinceth 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... rebuke 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... reprove 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... should be reproved 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... things that are reproved 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegcho- ......... when thou art rebuked 1651 -elegcho- >

-elegchos- ......... and tell 1650 -elegchos- >

-elegchos- ......... for , the evidence 1650 -elegchos- >

-elegchos- ......... for reproof 1650 -elegchos- >

-elegxis- ......... But was rebuked 1649 -elegxis- >

-epilegomai- ......... chose 1951 -epilegomai- >

-epilegomai- ......... is called 1951 -epilegomai- >

-exelegcho- ......... and to convince 1827 -exelegcho- >

-katalego- ......... be taken 2639 -katalego- >

-katalego- ......... into the number 2639 -katalego- >

-legeon- ......... is Legion 3003 -legeon- >

-legeon- ......... Legion 3003 -legeon- >

-legeon- ......... legions 3003 -legeon- >

-legeon- ......... the legion 3003 -legeon- >

-lego- ......... a place called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And as he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And he put 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and he that was called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and not be called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and not be called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and Peter saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And Pilate saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and speakest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and speaking 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and telleth 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And there was one named 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And they said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And they say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and they say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and thou sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And when he had said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... and ye say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... And yet I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... are called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... are spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... As he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... as saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... as they speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... boasting 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... but he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... but I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But I tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... but said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But they said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But unto you I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... But ye say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... by him that said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... by said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... callest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... calleth 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... day , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... describeth 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... down to him , and saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... for he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... for I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For I tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For she said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For that ye ought to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... for they say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... For they that say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... for we say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... forth 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... giving 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... had said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... he calleth 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... He said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... He saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... He spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... He that saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... he to speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... her , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... her : for she saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... herself , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , and say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , and saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , and to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , Sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him , they said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him . And he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him : but he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him ? They said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him by certain which said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him not , but saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... him up , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... house , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... house certain which said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... How that they told 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I asked 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I call 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I do not say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I have told 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I shew 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I should say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... I tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... in , he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... in that case , he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... In that he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... is called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... is he ? He said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... is he ? They say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... is it I ? He said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... is to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it , he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it , said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it . And he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it is said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it is that saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... it to them , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... man , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... me , saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... me : and I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... me ? saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... me that I should not call 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... named 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... not ; and yet I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... not that he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Not that I speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... not to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... of him , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... of the things which we have spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... of them , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... of them said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... of you , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... on him , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... on him : for they said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... one of them to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... one of you saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... one that saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ones ; for I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... out , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... out , and say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... out , and saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... out , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ow that they told 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... sayings 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... seed , ye might say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... She saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... speakest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... speaketh 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that , as I said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that , said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that he had said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that he had spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that is called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that is to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that it was said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that thou sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... that we say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... the things which were spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thee , and sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thee . He saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... their minds , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them not , saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them that they should tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them to him , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... them unto him , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... then saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... there be that are called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they call 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... They said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... They say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they shall say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... they the things which were spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thing to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... things ? They say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... things I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... things saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... things to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... things which were spoken 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... This I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thou ? She saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thou me ? He saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thou say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Thou sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... thou sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... Thou that sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... time , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to be called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to be uttered 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to him , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to him , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to pass , as he spake 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... to thee , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... told 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , Say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , Tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him , Thou sayest 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto him to speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto me , and saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto them , I tell 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto them , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto them , Ye say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... unto you I say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... up , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... upon him , and said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... upon me , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... upon them saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... us , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... us . He saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... us unto thee , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... was called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... we ( that we say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... we say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... when he said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... which is called 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... which is to say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... which said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with ? They say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with me , saying 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with me ; which said 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with them , and saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with them , he saith 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... with you , I told 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ye call 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ye say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ye speak 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ye that say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... ye up ? They say 3004 -lego- >

-lego- ......... you , say 3004 -lego- >

-paralegomai- ......... passing 3881 -paralegomai- >

-paralegomai- ......... thence , they sailed 3881 -paralegomai- >

-Phlegon- ......... Phlegon 5393 -Phlegon- >

-plege- ......... for the plague 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... In stripes 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... in stripes 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... not of her plagues 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... of stripes 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... of the plague 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... plagues 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... shall her plagues 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... stripes 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... the wound 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... their stripes 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... unto him the plagues 4127 -plege- >

-plege- ......... wound 4127 -plege- >

-plegma- ......... hair 4117 -plegma- >

-plegma- ......... not with broided 4117 -plegma- >

-plegma- ......... was above 4117 -plegma- >

-prolego- ......... and foretell 4302 -prolego- >

-prolego- ......... I tell 4302 -prolego- >

-prolego- ......... we were with you , we told 4302 -prolego- >

-prolego- ......... you before 4302 -prolego- >

-prolego- ......... you in time past 4302 -prolego- >

-sullego- ......... and gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... and gathered 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... and they shall gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... are gathered 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... Do men gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... Gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... men do not gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... while ye gather 4816 -sullego- >

-sullego- ......... ye together 4816 -sullego- >

alleging ......... and alleging 3908 -paratithemi->

allegory ......... things are an allegory 0238 -allegoreo->

Legion ......... is Legion 3003 -legeon->

Legion ......... Legion 3003 -legeon->

legion ......... the legion 3003 -legeon->

legions ......... legions 3003 -legeon->

lego- ......... lego- >

legs ......... not his legs 4628 -skelos->

legs ......... that their legs 4628 -skelos->

legs ......... the legs 4628 -skelos->

Phlegon ......... Phlegon 5393 -Phlegon->

sacrilege ......... sacrilege 2416 -hierosuleo->
