learn ......... I learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... let them learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... may learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... sakes ; that ye might learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... that they may learn 3811 -paideuo->

learn ......... they learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... upon you , and learn 3129 -manthano->

learn ......... ye and learn 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... and hath learned 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... for I have learned 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... learned 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... thou hast learned 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... was learned 3811 -paideuo->

learned ......... ye have learned 3129 -manthano->

learned ......... yet learned 3129 -manthano->

learning ......... for our learning 1319 -didaskalia->

learning ......... learning 1121 -gramma->

learning ......... learning 3129 -manthano->

unlearned ......... and unlearned 0521 -apaideutos->

unlearned ......... in those that are unlearned 2399 -idiotes->

unlearned ......... of the unlearned 2399 -idiotes->

unlearned ......... one unlearned 2399 -idiotes->

unlearned ......... that they were unlearned 0062 -agrammatos->

unlearned ......... they that are unlearned 0261 -amathes->
