claws Deu_14_06 /^{claws /and cheweth the cud
among the beasts , that ye shall eat .

claws Zec_11_16 /^{claws /in pieces .

law Mic_07_06 /^{law /a man's enemies are
the men of his own house .

law Php_03_05 /${law /a Pharisee ;

law Jam_02_08 /${law /according to the
scripture , Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself , ye do
well :

law Luk_12_53 /${law /against her daughter
in law , and the daughter in law against her mother in law .

law Mat_10_35 /${law /against her mother in
law .

law Luk_12_53 /${law /against her mother in
law .

law Mic_07_06 /^{law /against her mother in
law ; a man's enemies are the men of his own house .

law Exo_18_08 /^{law /all that the LORD had
done unto Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake , and
all the travail that had come upon them by the way , and how the
LORD delivered them.

law Gal_02_19 /${law /am dead to the law ,
that I might live unto God .

law Isa_08_16 /^{law /among my disciples .

law Deu_27_23 /^{law /And all the people
shall say , Amen .

law Eze_22_11 /^{law /and another in thee
hath humbled his sister , his father's daughter .

law Rom_02_12 /${law /and as many as have
sinned in the law shall be judged by the law ;

law Joh_19_07 /${law /and by our law he
ought to die , because he made himself the Son of God .

law Act_23_03 /${law /and commandest me to
be smitten contrary to the law ?

law 2Ch_19_10 /^{law /and commandment ,
statutes and judgments , ye shall even warn them that they
trespass not against the LORD , and so wrath come upon you, and
upon your brethren : this do , and ye shall not trespass .

law 2Ki_17_34 /^{law /and commandment which
the LORD commanded the children of Jacob , whom he named Israel ;

law Exo_24_12 /^{law /and commandments which
I have written ; that thou mayest teach them.

law Jer_32_11 /^{law /and custom , and that
which was open :

law Deu_31_09 /^{law /and delivered it unto
the priests the sons of Levi , which bare the ark of the
covenant of the LORD , and unto all the elders of Israel .

law Exo_18_24 /^{law /and did all that he
had said .

law Exo_18_07 /^{law /and did obeisance ,
and kissed him; and they asked each other of their welfare ; and
they came into the tent .

law 1Sa_22_14 /^{law /and goeth at thy
bidding , and is honourable in thine house ?

law Eze_22_26 /^{law /and have profaned mine
holy things : they have put no difference between the holy and
profane , neither have they shewed difference between the
unclean and the clean , and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths
, and I am profaned among them.

law 1Sa_04_21 /^{law /and her husband .

law 1Sa_04_19 /^{law /and her husband were
dead , she bowed herself and travailed ; for her pains came upon

law Est_04_16 /^{law /and if I perish , I
perish .

law Deu_30_10 /^{law /and if thou turn unto
the LORD thy God with all thine heart , and with all thy soul .

law 2Ch_31_21 /^{law /and in the commandments
, to seek his God , he did it with all his heart , and prospered

law Act_24_14 /${law /and in the prophets :

law Jam_04_01 /${law /and judgeth the law :
but if thou judge the law , thou art not a doer of the law , but
a judge .

law Est_01_13 /^{law /and judgment :

law Isa_42_21 /^{law /and make it honourable

law Rom_02_17 /${law /and makest thy boast
of God ,

law Psa_119_016 /^{law /and nothing shall
offend them.

law Num_15_16 /^{law /and one manner shall
be for you, and for the stranger that sojourneth with you.

law Pro_31_05 /^{law /and pervert the
judgment of any of the afflicted .

law Deu_31_26 /^{law /and put it in the side
of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God , that it may be
there for a witness against thee.

law Exo_04_18 /^{law /and said unto him, Let
me go , I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in
Egypt , and see whether they be yet alive . And Jethro said to
Moses , Go in peace .

law 1Sa_18_27 /^{law /And Saul gave him
Michal his daughter to wife .

law Gen_38_16 /^{law /And she said , What
wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

law Mat_05_40 /${law /and take away thy coat
, let him have thy cloke also .

law 2Ki_17_37 /^{law /and the commandment ,
which he wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore ;
and ye shall not fear other gods .

law 2Ch_14_04 /^{law /and the commandment .

law Luk_12_53 /${law /and the daughter in
law against her mother in law .

law 1Sa_18_26 /^{law /and the days were not
expired .

law Neh_10_36 /^{law /and the firstlings of
our herds and of our flocks , to bring to the house of our God ,
unto the priests that minister in the house of our God :

law Neh_08_07 /^{law /and the people stood
in their place .

law Joh_01_45 /${law /and the prophets , did
write , Jesus of Nazareth , the son of Joseph .

law Mat_07_12 /${law /and the prophets .

law Mat_22_40 /${law /and the prophets .

law Rom_03_21 /${law /and the prophets ;

law Act_13_15 /${law /and the prophets the
rulers of the synagogue sent unto them , saying , Ye men and
brethren , if ye have any word of exhortation for the people ,
say on .

law Luk_16_16 /${law /and the prophets were
until John : since that time the kingdom of God is preached ,
and every man presseth into it .

law Rom_09_04 /${law /and the service of God,
and the promises ;

law 2Ch_33_08 /^{law /and the statutes and
the ordinances by the hand of Moses .

law Isa_02_03 /^{law /and the word of the
LORD from Jerusalem .

law Zec_07_12 /^{law /and the words which
the LORD of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets
: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts .

law Deu_17_19 /^{law /and these statutes ,
to do them:

law Act_21_28 /${law /and this place : and
further brought Greeks also into the temple , and hath polluted
this holy place .

law Gen_19_12 /^{law /and thy sons , and thy
daughters , and whatsoever thou hast in the city , bring them
out of this place :

law 1Ch_16_17 /^{law /and to Israel for an
everlasting covenant ,

law Psa_105_10 /^{law /and to Israel for an
everlasting covenant :

law Isa_08_20 /^{law /and to the testimony :
if they speak not according to this word , it is because there
is no light in them.

law Psa_89_30 /^{law /and walk not in my
judgments ;

law Joh_07_19 /${law /and yet none of you
keepeth the law ? Why go ye about to kill me ?

law Jam_02_10 /${law /and yet offend in one
point, he is guilty of all .

law Rom_02_14 /${law /are a law unto
themselves :

law Joh_07_49 /${law /are cursed .

law Gal_03_10 /${law /are under the curse :
for it is written , Cursed is every one that continueth not in
all things which are written in the book of the law to do them .

law 1Co_07_39 /${law /as long as her husband
liveth ; but if her husband be dead , she is at liberty to be
married to whom she will ; only in the Lord .

law Pro_07_02 /^{law /as the apple of thine
eye .

law 2Ch_06_16 /^{law /as thou hast walked
before me.

law Jam_02_09 /${law /as transgressors .

law 1Co_09_20 /${law /as under the law ,
that I might gain them that are under the law ;

law Lev_24_22 /^{law /as well for the
stranger , as for one of your own country : for I am the LORD
your God .

law 1Co_09_21 /${law /as without law , not
without law to God , but under the law to Christ , that I might
gain them that are without law .

law Mal_02_07 /^{law /at his mouth : for he
is the messenger of the LORD of hosts .

law Rut_03_06 /^{law /bade her.

law 1Ch_02_04 /^{law /bare him Pharez and
Zerah . All the sons of Judah were five .

law Rom_04_14 /${law /be heirs , faith is
made void , and the promise made of none effect :

law Est_01_15 /^{law /because she hath not
performed the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the
chamberlains ?

law Exo_18_15 /^{law /Because the people
come unto me to enquire of God :

law Deu_31_11 /^{law /before all Israel in
their hearing .

law Exo_18_12 /^{law /before God .

law Neh_08_02 /^{law /before the
congregation both of men and women , and all that could hear
with understanding , upon the first day of the seventh month .

law 1Co_06_01 /${law /before the unjust ,
and not before the saints ?

law Neh_09_26 /^{law /behind their backs ,
and slew thy prophets which testified against them to turn them
to thee, and they wrought great provocations .

law Gal_03_13 /${law /being made a curse for
us : for it is written , Cursed is every one that hangeth on a
tree :

law Php_03_06 /${law /blameless .

law Rut_02_20 /^{law /Blessed be he of the
LORD , who hath not left off his kindness to the living and to
the dead . And Naomi said unto her, The man is near of kin unto
us, one of our next kinsmen .

law Lev_20_12 /^{law /both of them shall
surely be put to death : they have wrought confusion ; their
blood shall be upon them.

law Jam_04_01 /${law /but a judge .

law Gal_02_16 /${law /but by the faith of
Jesus Christ , even we have believed in Jesus Christ , that we
might be justified by the faith of Christ , and not by the works
of the law : for by the works of the law shall no flesh be
justified .

law Gal_06_13 /${law /but desire to have you
circumcised , that they may glory in your flesh .

law Rom_02_25 /${law /but if thou be a
breaker of the law , thy circumcision is made uncircumcision .

law Jam_04_01 /${law /but if thou judge the
law , thou art not a doer of the law , but a judge .

law Pro_03_01 /^{law /but let thine heart
keep my commandments :

law Jer_06_19 /^{law /but rejected it.

law Rut_01_14 /^{law /but Ruth clave unto

law Php_03_09 /${law /but that which is
through the faith of Christ , the righteousness which is of God
by faith :

law Hos_08_12 /^{law /but they were counted
as a strange thing .

law Rom_04_13 /${law /but through the
righteousness of faith .

law Act_23_29 /${law /but to have nothing
laid to his charge worthy of death or of bonds .

law Rom_04_16 /${law /but to that also which
is of the faith of Abraham ; who is the father of us all ,

law Rom_06_14 /${law /but under grace .

law Rom_06_15 /${law /but under grace ? God
forbid .

law Rom_07_04 /${law /by the body of Christ ;
that ye should be married to another , even to him who is
raised from the dead , that we should bring forth fruit unto God

law Act_07_53 /${law /by the disposition of
angels , and have not kept it.

law Exo_18_05 /^{law /came with his sons and
his wife unto Moses into the wilderness , where he encamped at
the mount of God :

law Jud_19_05 /^{law /Comfort thine heart
with a morsel of bread , and afterward go your way .

law Joh_08_05 /${law /commanded us , that
such should be stoned : but what sayest thou ?

law Pro_28_04 /^{law /contend with them.

law Psa_119_004 /^{law /continually for ever
and ever .

law Rom_08_03 /${law /could not do , in that
it was weak through the flesh , God sending his own Son in the
likeness of sinful flesh , and for sin , condemned sin in the
flesh :

law Exo_18_27 /^{law /depart ; and he went
his way into his own land .

law Rom_07_05 /${law /did work in our
members to bring forth fruit unto death .

law Heb_10_28 /${law /died without mercy
under two or three witnesses :

law Rom_02_23 /${law /dishonourest thou God ?

law Rom_02_14 /${law /do by nature the
things contained in the law , these , having not the law , are a
law unto themselves :

law Psa_119_016 /^{law /do I love .

law Psa_119_011 /^{law /do I love .

law Gal_04_21 /${law /do ye not hear the law

law Psa_01_02 /^{law /doth he meditate day
and night .

law Rom_05_20 /${law /entered , that the
offence might abound . But where sin abounded , grace did much
more abound :

law Dan_09_11 /^{law /even by departing ,
that they might not obey thy voice ; therefore the curse is
poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses
the servant of God , because we have sinned against him.

law Pro_28_09 /^{law /even his prayer shall
be abomination .

law Deu_33_04 /^{law /even the inheritance
of the congregation of Jacob .

law Isa_51_07 /^{law /fear ye not the
reproach of men , neither be ye afraid of their revilings .

law Lev_14_54 /^{law /for all manner of
plague of leprosy , and scall ,

law Gal_02_16 /${law /for by the works of
the law shall no flesh be justified .

law Lev_12_07 /^{law /for her that hath born
a male or a female .

law Num_15_29 /^{law /for him that sinneth
through ignorance , both for him that is born among the children
of Israel , and for the stranger that sojourneth among them.

law Rom_07_07 /${law /for I had not known
lust , except the law had said , Thou shalt not covet .

law Rom_10_04 /${law /for righteousness to
every one that believeth .

law 1Jo_03_04 /${law /for sin is the
transgression of the law .

law Neh_12_44 /^{law /for the priests and
Levites : for Judah rejoiced for the priests and for the Levites
that waited .

law Deu_33_02 /^{law /for them.

law Lev_07_07 /^{law /for them: the priest
that maketh atonement therewith shall have it.

law Tit_03_09 /${law /for they are
unprofitable and vain .

law Rom_09_32 /${law /For they stumbled at
that stumblingstone ;

law Job_22_22 /^{law /from his mouth , and
lay up his words in thine heart .

law Gal_03_21 /${law /given which could have
given life , verily righteousness should have been by the law .

law Rut_01_08 /^{law /Go , return each to
her mother's house : the LORD deal kindly with you, as ye have
dealt with the dead , and with me.

law Gen_38_13 /^{law /goeth up to Timnath to
shear his sheep .

law Psa_119_002 /^{law /graciously .

law Psa_119_009 /^{law /had been my delights
, I should then have perished in mine affliction .

law Act_05_34 /${law /had in reputation
among all the people , and commanded to put the apostles forth a
little space ;

law Rom_07_07 /${law /had said , Thou shalt
not covet .

law Pro_29_18 /^{law /happy is he.

law Rom_07_01 /${law /hath dominion over a
man as long as he liveth ?

law Gen_38_24 /^{law /hath played the harlot
; and also, behold, she is with child by whoredom . And Judah
said , Bring her forth , and let her be burnt .

law Act_22_12 /${law /having a good report
of all the Jews which dwelt there,

law Heb_10_01 /${law /having a shadow of
good things to come , and not the very image of the things , can
never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year
continually make the comers thereunto perfect .

law Joh_19_07 /${law /he ought to die ,
because he made himself the Son of God .

law Heb_09_19 /${law /he took the blood of
calves and of goats , with water , and scarlet wool , and hyssop
, and sprinkled both the book , and all the people ,

law Exo_18_01 /^{law /heard of all that God
had done for Moses , and for Israel his people , and that the
LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt ;

law Gen_11_31 /^{law /his son Abram's wife ;
and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees , to go
into the land of Canaan ; and they came unto Haran , and dwelt

law Luk_10_26 /${law /how readest thou ?

law Mat_12_05 /${law /how that on the
sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath , and
are blameless ?

law Rom_07_01 /${law /how that the law hath
dominion over a man as long as he liveth ?

law Joh_10_34 /${law /I said , Ye are gods ?

law Deu_31_24 /^{law /in a book , until they
were finished ,

law Deu_17_18 /^{law /in a book out of that
which is before the priests the Levites :

law Psa_78_05 /^{law /in Israel , which he
commanded our fathers , that they should make them known to
their children :

law Rom_07_23 /${law /in my members ,
warring against the law of my mind , and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members .

law 2Ch_25_04 /^{law /in the book of Moses ,
where the LORD commanded , saying , The fathers shall not die
for the children , neither shall the children die for the
fathers , but every man shall die for his own sin .

law 2Ch_34_15 /^{law /in the house of the
LORD . And Hilkiah delivered the book to Shaphan .

law 2Ki_22_08 /^{law /in the house of the
LORD . And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan , and he read it.

law 1Sa_18_21 /^{law /in the one of the
twain .

law Gal_03_11 /${law /in the sight of God ,
it is evident : for , The just shall live by faith .

law Jer_31_33 /^{law /in their inward parts ,
and write it in their hearts ; and will be their God , and they
shall be my people .

law Psa_78_01 /^{law /incline your ears to
the words of my mouth .

law Rom_04_15 /${law /is , there is no
transgression .

law Pro_28_07 /^{law /is a wise son : but he
that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father .

law Gal_05_14 /${law /is fulfilled in one
word , even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself .

law Rut_01_15 /^{law /is gone back unto her
people , and unto her gods : return thou after thy sister in law

law 1Ti_01_08 /${law /is good , if a man use
it lawfully ;

law Rom_07_12 /${law /is holy , and the
commandment holy , and just , and good .

law Pro_06_23 /^{law /is light ; and
reproofs of instruction are the way of life :

law Rom_03_21 /${law /is manifested , being
witnessed by the law and the prophets ;

law Psa_119_017 /^{law /is my delight .

law Psa_119_007 /^{law /is my delight .

law Lam_02_09 /^{law /is no more; her
prophets also find no vision from the LORD .

law 1Ti_01_09 /${law /is not made for a
righteous man , but for the lawless and disobedient , for the
ungodly and for sinners , for unholy and profane , for murderers
of fathers and murderers of mothers , for manslayers ,

law Gal_03_12 /${law /is not of faith : but ,
The man that doeth them shall live in them .

law Act_19_38 /${law /is open , and there
are deputies : let them implead one another .

law Hab_01_04 /^{law /is slacked , and
judgment doth never go forth : for the wicked doth compass about
the righteous ; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth .

law Rom_07_14 /${law /is spiritual : but I
am carnal , sold under sin .

law Rom_03_20 /${law /is the knowledge of
sin .

law Psa_119_014 /^{law /is the truth .

law Psa_40_08 /^{law /is within my heart .

law Rut_02_22 /^{law /It is good , my
daughter , that thou go out with his maidens , that they meet
thee not in any other field .

law Psa_119_009 /^{law /it is my meditation
all the day .

law Gal_03_18 /${law /it is no more of
promise : but God gave it to Abraham by promise .

law 1Co_14_21 /${law /it is written , With
men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this
people ; and yet for all that will they not hear me , saith the
Lord .

law Gal_03_19 /${law /It was added because
of transgressions , till the seed should come to whom the
promise was made ; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of
a mediator .

law Exo_18_06 /^{law /Jethro am come unto
thee, and thy wife , and her two sons with her.

law Joh_07_51 /${law /judge any man , before
it hear him , and know what he doeth ?

law Rom_02_27 /${law /judge thee , who by
the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law ?

law Mat_23_23 /${law /judgment , mercy , and
faith : these ought ye to have done , and not to leave the other
undone .

law Jer_02_08 /^{law /knew me not: the
pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets
prophesied by Baal , and walked after things that do not profit .

law Act_18_15 /${law /look ye to it; for I
will be no judge of such matters.

law Heb_07_19 /${law /made nothing perfect ,
but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw
nigh unto God .

law Heb_07_28 /${law /maketh men high
priests which have infirmity ; but the word of the oath , which
was since the law , maketh the Son , who is consecrated for
evermore .

law Heb_07_28 /${law /maketh the Son , who
is consecrated for evermore .

law Exo_13_09 /^{law /may be in thy mouth :
for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt .

law Rom_08_04 /${law /might be fulfilled in
us , who walk not after the flesh , but after the Spirit .

law Est_01_08 /^{law /none did compel : for
so the king had appointed to all the officers of his house ,
that they should do according to every man's pleasure .

law Neh_09_34 /^{law /nor hearkened unto thy
commandments and thy testimonies , wherewith thou didst testify
against them.

law Jer_44_23 /^{law /nor in his statutes ,
nor in his testimonies ; therefore this evil is happened unto
you, as at this day .

law Jer_44_10 /^{law /nor in my statutes ,
that I set before you and before your fathers .

law 1Co_09_21 /${law /not without law to God
, but under the law to Christ , that I might gain them that are
without law .

law Heb_07_16 /${law /of a carnal
commandment , but after the power of an endless life .

law Gal_06_02 /${law /of Christ .

law Eph_02_15 /${law /of commandments
contained in ordinances ; for to make in himself of twain one
new man , so making peace ;

law Rom_03_27 /${law /of faith .

law 027 026 Jos /^{law /of God , and took a
great stone , and set it up there under an oak , that was by the
sanctuary of the LORD .

law Rom_08_07 /${law /of God , neither
indeed can be .

law Neh_10_28 /^{law /of God , their wives ,
their sons , and their daughters , every one having knowledge ,
and having understanding ;

law Neh_08_18 /^{law /of God . And they kept
the feast seven days ; and on the eighth day was a solemn
assembly , according unto the manner .

law Rom_07_25 /${law /of God ; but with the
flesh the law of sin .

law Rom_07_22 /${law /of God after the
inward man :

law Neh_08_08 /^{law /of God distinctly ,
and gave the sense , and caused them to understand the reading .

law Rom_07_02 /${law /of her husband .

law Lev_14_32 /^{law /of him in whom is the
plague of leprosy , whose hand is not able to get that which
pertaineth to his cleansing .

law Lev_15_32 /^{law /of him that hath an
issue , and of him whose seed goeth from him, and is defiled

law Dan_06_05 /^{law /of his God .

law Psa_37_31 /^{law /of his God is in his
heart ; none of his steps shall slide .

law Num_06_21 /^{law /of his separation .

law Est_04_11 /^{law /of his to put him to
death , except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden
sceptre , that he may live : but I have not been called to come
in unto the king these thirty days .

law Num_05_29 /^{law /of jealousies , when a
wife goeth aside to another instead of her husband , and is
defiled ;

law Pro_31_26 /^{law /of kindness .

law Lev_14_57 /^{law /of leprosy .

law Jam_01_25 /${law /of liberty , and
continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer , but a doer
of the work , this man shall be blessed in his deed .

law Jam_02_12 /${law /of liberty .

law Dan_09_13 /^{law /of Moses , all this
evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD
our God , that we might turn from our iniquities , and
understand thy truth .

law Jos_08_31 /^{law /of Moses , an altar of
whole stones , over which no man hath lift up any iron : and
they offered thereon burnt offerings unto the LORD , and
sacrificed peace offerings .

law Luk_24_44 /${law /of Moses , and in the
prophets , and in the psalms , concerning me .

law Act_28_23 /${law /of Moses , and out of
the prophets , from morning till evening .

law Jud_04_11 /^{law /of Moses , had severed
himself from the Kenites , and pitched his tent unto the plain
of Zaanaim , which is by Kedesh .

law 1Ki_02_03 /^{law /of Moses , that thou
mayest prosper in all that thou doest , and whithersoever thou
turnest thyself:

law Jos_23_06 /^{law /of Moses , that ye
turn not aside therefrom to the right hand or to the left ;

law 1Co_09_09 /${law /of Moses , Thou shalt
not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn . Doth
God take care for oxen ?

law 2Ki_14_06 /^{law /of Moses , wherein the
LORD commanded , saying , The fathers shall not be put to death
for the children , nor the children be put to death for the
fathers ; but every man shall be put to death for his own sin .

law Jos_08_32 /^{law /of Moses , which he
wrote in the presence of the children of Israel .

law Ezr_07_06 /^{law /of Moses , which the
LORD God of Israel had given : and the king granted him all his
request , according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.

law Neh_08_01 /^{law /of Moses , which the
LORD had commanded to Israel .

law 2Ch_23_18 /^{law /of Moses , with
rejoicing and with singing , as it was ordained by David .

law Act_13_39 /${law /of Moses .

law Act_15_05 /${law /of Moses .

law 2Ki_23_25 /^{law /of Moses ; neither
after him arose there any like him.

law Mal_04_04 /^{law /of Moses my servant ,
which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel , with the
statutes and judgments .

law Joh_07_23 /${law /of Moses should not be
broken ; are ye angry at me , because I have made a man every
whit whole on the sabbath day ?

law Ezr_03_02 /^{law /of Moses the man of
God .

law 2Ch_30_16 /^{law /of Moses the man of God
: the priests sprinkled the blood , which they received of the
hand of the Levites .

law Dan_09_11 /^{law /of Moses the servant
of God , because we have sinned against him.

law Luk_02_22 /${law /of Moses were
accomplished , they brought him to Jerusalem , to present him to
the Lord ;

law Rom_07_23 /${law /of my mind , and
bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my
members .

law Isa_01_10 /^{law /of our God , ye people
of Gomorrah .

law Rom_09_31 /${law /of righteousness ,
hath not attained to the law of righteousness .

law Rom_09_31 /${law /of righteousness .

law Neh_06_18 /^{law /of Shechaniah the son
of Arah ; and his son Johanan had taken the daughter of
Meshullam the son of Berechiah .

law Rom_07_25 /${law /of sin .

law Rom_08_02 /${law /of sin and death .

law Rom_07_23 /${law /of sin which is in my
members .

law Lev_11_46 /^{law /of the beasts , and of
the fowl , and of every living creature that moveth in the
waters , and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth :

law Lev_07_37 /^{law /of the burnt offering ,
of the meat offering , and of the sin offering , and of the
trespass offering , and of the consecrations , and of the
sacrifice of the peace offerings ;

law Lev_06_09 /^{law /of the burnt offering :
It is the burnt offering , because of the burning upon the
altar all night unto the morning , and the fire of the altar
shall be burning in it.

law Act_22_03 /${law /of the fathers , and
was zealous toward God , as ye all are this day .

law Ezr_07_12 /^{law /of the God of heaven ,
perfect peace, and at such a time .

law Ezr_07_21 /^{law /of the God of heaven ,
shall require of you, it be done speedily ,

law Psa_81_04 /^{law /of the God of Jacob .

law Eze_43_12 /^{law /of the house .

law Eze_43_12 /^{law /of the house ; Upon
the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about
shall be most holy . Behold, this is the law of the house .

law 2Ki_08_27 /^{law /of the house of Ahab .

law Act_25_08 /${law /of the Jews , neither
against the temple , nor yet against Caesar , have I offended
any thing at all .

law Ezr_07_26 /^{law /of the king , let
judgment be executed speedily upon him , whether it be unto
death , or to banishment , or to confiscation of goods , or to
imprisonment .

law Lev_14_02 /^{law /of the leper in the
day of his cleansing : He shall be brought unto the priest :

law 2Ch_35_26 /^{law /of the LORD ,

law Luk_02_24 /${law /of the Lord , A pair
of turtledoves , or two young pigeons .

law 2Ch_12_01 /^{law /of the LORD , and all
Israel with him.

law Amo_02_04 /^{law /of the LORD , and have
not kept his commandments , and their lies caused them to err ,
after the which their fathers have walked :

law Ezr_07_10 /^{law /of the LORD , and to
do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments .

law Luk_02_23 /${law /of the Lord , Every
male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord ;

law Luk_02_39 /${law /of the Lord , they
returned into Galilee , to their own city Nazareth .

law 1Ch_16_40 /^{law /of the LORD , which he
commanded Israel ;

law 119 000 Psa /^{law /of the LORD .

law 2Ch_31_04 /^{law /of the LORD .

law 2Ch_31_03 /^{law /of the LORD .

law Isa_30_09 /^{law /of the LORD :

law Psa_01_02 /^{law /of the LORD ; and in
his law doth he meditate day and night .

law 2Ch_34_14 /^{law /of the LORD given by
Moses .

law 2Ki_10_31 /^{law /of the LORD God of
Israel with all his heart : for he departed not from the sins of
Jeroboam , which made Israel to sin .

law Psa_19_07 /^{law /of the LORD is perfect
, converting the soul : the testimony of the LORD is sure ,
making wise the simple .

law Jer_08_08 /^{law /of the LORD is with
us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is
in vain .

law Isa_05_24 /^{law /of the LORD of hosts ,
and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel .

law Neh_09_03 /^{law /of the LORD their God
one fourth part of the day ; and another fourth part they
confessed , and worshipped the LORD their God .

law 1Ch_22_12 /^{law /of the LORD thy God .

law 2Ch_17_09 /^{law /of the LORD with them,
and went about throughout all the cities of Judah , and taught
the people .

law Lev_06_14 /^{law /of the meat offering :
the sons of Aaron shall offer it before the LORD , before the
altar .

law Dan_06_08 /^{law /of the Medes and
Persians , which altereth not .

law Dan_06_12 /^{law /of the Medes and
Persians , which altereth not .

law Dan_06_15 /^{law /of the Medes and
Persians is, That no decree nor statute which the king
establisheth may be changed .

law Num_06_13 /^{law /of the Nazarite , when
the days of his separation are fulfilled : he shall be brought
unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation :

law Num_06_21 /^{law /of the Nazarite who
hath vowed , and of his offering unto the LORD for his
separation , beside that that his hand shall get : according to
the vow which he vowed , so he must do after the law of his
separation .

law Lev_13_59 /^{law /of the plague of
leprosy in a garment of woollen or linen , either in the warp ,
or woof , or any thing of skins , to pronounce it clean , or to
pronounce it unclean .

law Lev_07_11 /^{law /of the sacrifice of
peace offerings , which he shall offer unto the LORD .

law Lev_06_25 /^{law /of the sin offering :
In the place where the burnt offering is killed shall the sin
offering be killed before the LORD : it is most holy .

law Rom_08_02 /${law /of the Spirit of life
in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death .

law Jud_15_06 /^{law /of the Timnite ,
because he had taken his wife , and given her to his companion .
And the Philistines came up , and burnt her and her father with
fire .

law Lev_07_01 /^{law /of the trespass
offering : it is most holy .

law Pro_13_14 /^{law /of the wise is a
fountain of life , to depart from the snares of death .

law Ezr_07_26 /^{law /of thy God , and the
law of the king , let judgment be executed speedily upon him ,
whether it be unto death , or to banishment , or to confiscation
of goods , or to imprisonment .

law Hos_04_06 /^{law /of thy God , I will
also forget thy children .

law Ezr_07_14 /^{law /of thy God which is in
thine hand ;

law Pro_01_08 /^{law /of thy mother :

law Pro_06_20 /^{law /of thy mother :

law Psa_119_007 /^{law /of thy mouth is
better unto me than thousands of gold and silver .

law Mal_02_06 /^{law /of truth was in his
mouth , and iniquity was not found in his lips : he walked with
me in peace and equity , and did turn many away from iniquity .

law Rom_03_27 /${law /of works ? Nay : but
by the law of faith .

law Rom_07_09 /${law /once : but when the
commandment came , sin revived , and I died .

law 1Co_06_07 /${law /one with another . Why
do ye not rather take wrong ? why do ye not rather suffer
yourselves to be defrauded ?

law Gal_03_02 /${law /or by the hearing of
faith ?

law Gal_03_05 /${law /or by the hearing of
faith ?

law Exo_16_04 /^{law /or no.

law Mat_05_17 /${law /or the prophets : I am
not come to destroy , but to fulfil .

law Gen_47_26 /^{law /over the land of Egypt
unto this day , that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; except
the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's .

law 1Sa_04_19 /^{law /Phinehas wife , was
with child , near to be delivered : and when she heard the
tidings that the ark of God was taken , and that her father in
law and her husband were dead , she bowed herself and travailed ;
for her pains came upon her.

law Pro_28_04 /^{law /praise the wicked :
but such as keep the law contend with them.

law Mat_11_13 /${law /prophesied until John .

law Heb_09_22 /${law /purged with blood ;
and without shedding of blood is no remission .

law Gen_38_11 /^{law /Remain a widow at thy
father's house , till Shelah my son be grown : for he said ,
Lest peradventure he die also, as his brethren did. And Tamar
went and dwelt in her father's house .

law Rut_03_01 /^{law /said unto her, My
daughter , shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well
with thee?

law Rut_02_19 /^{law /said unto her, Where
hast thou gleaned to day ? and where wroughtest thou? blessed be
he that did take knowledge of thee. And she shewed her mother in
law with whom she had wrought , and said , The man's name with
whom I wrought to day is Boaz .

law Exo_18_17 /^{law /said unto him, The
thing that thou doest is not good .

law Rom_03_19 /${law /saith , it saith to
them who are under the law : that every mouth may be stopped ,
and all the world may become guilty before God .

law Exo_18_14 /^{law /saw all that he did to
the people , he said , What is this thing that thou doest to the
people ? why sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people
stand by thee from morning unto even ?

law Rut_02_18 /^{law /saw what she had
gleaned : and she brought forth , and gave to her that she had
reserved after she was sufficed .

law Hag_02_11 /^{law /saying ,

law Deu_01_05 /^{law /saying ,

law Gen_38_25 /^{law /saying , By the man ,
whose these are, am I with child : and she said , Discern , I
pray thee, whose are these, the signet , and bracelets , and
staff .

law 1Sa_18_23 /^{law /seeing that I am a
poor man , and lightly esteemed ?

law Rom_02_12 /${law /shall also perish
without law : and as many as have sinned in the law shall be
judged by the law ;

law Rom_02_12 /${law /shall be judged by the
law ;

law Exo_12_49 /^{law /shall be to him that
is homeborn , and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

law Mic_04_02 /^{law /shall go forth of Zion
, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem .

law Gal_02_16 /${law /shall no flesh be
justified .

law Jos_01_08 /^{law /shall not depart out
of thy mouth ; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night ,
that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written
therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous , and then
thou shalt have good success .

law Rom_02_26 /${law /shall not his
uncircumcision be counted for circumcision ?

law Jer_18_18 /^{law /shall not perish from
the priest , nor counsel from the wise , nor the word from the
prophet . Come , and let us smite him with the tongue , and let
us not give heed to any of his words .

law Eze_07_26 /^{law /shall perish from the
priest , and counsel from the ancients .

law Isa_51_04 /^{law /shall proceed from me,
and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the people .

law Lev_18_15 /^{law /she is thy son's wife ;
thou shalt not uncover her nakedness .

law Rut_03_16 /^{law /she said , Who art
thou, my daughter ? And she told her all that the man had done
to her.

law Gal_03_23 /${law /shut up unto the faith
which should afterwards be revealed .

law Rom_07_07 /${law /sin ? God forbid . Nay
, I had not known sin , but by the law : for I had not known
lust , except the law had said , Thou shalt not covet .

law Rom_07_08 /${law /sin was dead .

law Rut_02_11 /^{law /since the death of
thine husband : and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother
, and the land of thy nativity , and art come unto a people
which thou knewest not heretofore .

law Luk_05_17 /${law /sitting by , which
were come out of every town of Galilee , and Judaea , and
Jerusalem : and the power of the Lord was present to heal them .

law Rom_07_03 /${law /so that she is no
adulteress , though she be married to another man .

law Rom_07_21 /${law /that , when I would do
good , evil is present with me .

law Deu_28_58 /^{law /that are written in
this book , that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name

law Rom_07_06 /${law /that being dead
wherein we were held ; that we should serve in newness of spirit
, and not in the oldness of the letter .

law Joh_12_34 /${law /that Christ abideth
for ever : and how sayest thou , The Son of man must be lifted
up ? who is this Son of man ?

law Rom_03_19 /${law /that every mouth may
be stopped , and all the world may become guilty before God .

law 2Ch_34_19 /^{law /that he rent his
clothes .

law 2Ki_22_11 /^{law /that he rent his
clothes .

law 1Co_09_20 /${law /that I might gain them
that are under the law ;

law Gal_02_19 /${law /that I might live unto
God .

law Heb_07_05 /${law /that is , of their
brethren , though they come out of the loins of Abraham :

law Rom_07_16 /${law /that it is good .

law 2Ki_21_08 /^{law /that my servant Moses
commanded them.

law Rut_01_06 /^{law /that she might return
from the country of Moab : for she had heard in the country of
Moab how that the LORD had visited his people in giving them
bread .

law Rom_10_05 /${law /That the man which
doeth those things shall live by them .

law Joh_08_17 /${law /that the testimony of
two men is true .

law Neh_13_03 /^{law /that they separated
from Israel all the mixed multitude .

law Gal_04_05 /${law /that we might receive
the adoption of sons .

law Jos_08_34 /^{law /the blessings and
cursings , according to all that is written in the book of the
law .

law Jud_19_04 /^{law /the damsel's father ,
retained him; and he abode with him three days : so they did eat
and drink , and lodged there.

law Jud_19_09 /^{law /the damsel's father ,
said unto him, Behold, now the day draweth toward evening , I
pray you tarry all night : behold, the day groweth to an end ,
lodge here, that thine heart may be merry ; and to morrow get
you early on your way , that thou mayest go home .

law Joh_18_31 /${law /The Jews therefore
said unto him , It is not lawful for us to put any man to death :

law Exo_03_01 /^{law /the priest of Midian :
and he led the flock to the backside of the desert , and came to
the mountain of God , even to Horeb .

law 1Co_09_08 /${law /the same also ?

law Deu_28_61 /^{law /them will the LORD
bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed .

law Gal_03_21 /${law /then against the
promises of God ? God forbid : for if there had been a law given
which could have given life , verily righteousness should have
been by the law .

law Gal_02_21 /${law /then Christ is dead in
vain .

law Rom_03_20 /${law /there shall no flesh
be justified in his sight : for by the law is the knowledge of
sin .

law Rom_02_14 /${law /these , having not the
law , are a law unto themselves :

law Joh_15_25 /${law /They hated me without
a cause .

law Jer_32_23 /^{law /they have done nothing
of all that thou commandedst them to do : therefore thou hast
caused all this evil to come upon them:

law Deu_33_10 /^{law /they shall put incense
before thee, and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar .

law Jam_04_01 /${law /thou art not a doer of
the law , but a judge .

law Rom_02_23 /${law /through breaking the
law dishonourest thou God ?

law Rom_03_31 /${law /through faith ? God
forbid : yea , we establish the law .

law Rom_02_25 /${law /thy circumcision is
made uncircumcision .

law Mat_05_18 /${law /till all be fulfilled .

law Joh_18_13 /${law /to Caiaphas , which
was the high priest that same year .

law 1Co_09_21 /${law /to Christ , that I
might gain them that are without law .

law Gal_03_10 /${law /to do them .

law Deu_27_26 /^{law /to do them. And all
the people shall say , Amen .

law Luk_16_17 /${law /to fail .

law 1Co_09_21 /${law /to God , but under the
law to Christ , that I might gain them that are without law .

law Rom_07_02 /${law /to her husband so long
as he liveth ; but if the husband be dead , she is loosed from
the law of her husband .

law Neh_13_28 /^{law /to Sanballat the
Horonite : therefore I chased him from me.

law 1Sa_18_18 /^{law /to the king ?

law Act_15_24 /${law /to whom we gave no
such commandment :

law Exo_18_12 /^{law /took a burnt offering
and sacrifices for God : and Aaron came , and all the elders of
Israel , to eat bread with Moses father in law before God .

law Exo_18_02 /^{law /took Zipporah , Moses
wife , after he had sent her back ,

law 1Ti_01_07 /${law /understanding neither
what they say , nor whereof they affirm .

law Rom_02_14 /${law /unto themselves :

law Jud_19_07 /^{law /urged him: therefore
he lodged there again .

law Deu_27_08 /^{law /very plainly .

law Joh_01_17 /${law /was given by Moses ,
but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ .

law Gal_03_24 /${law /was our schoolmaster
to bring us unto Christ , that we might be justified by faith .

law Num_10_29 /^{law /We are journeying unto
the place of which the LORD said , I will give it you: come thou
with us, and we will do thee good : for the LORD hath spoken
good concerning Israel .

law Jud_01_16 /^{law /went up out of the
city of palm trees with the children of Judah into the
wilderness of Judah , which lieth in the south of Arad ; and
they went and dwelt among the people .

law Num_19_14 /^{law /when a man dieth in a
tent : all that come into the tent , and all that is in the tent
, shall be unclean seven days .

law Deu_27_03 /^{law /when thou art passed
over , that thou mayest go in unto the land which the LORD thy
God giveth thee, a land that floweth with milk and honey ; as
the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee.

law 2Ki_17_13 /^{law /which I commanded your
fathers , and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets .

law Jer_26_04 /^{law /which I have set
before you,

law Jer_09_13 /^{law /which I set before
them, and have not obeyed my voice , neither walked therein;

law Deu_04_08 /^{law /which I set before you
this day ?

law Rut_04_15 /^{law /which loveth thee,
which is better to thee than seven sons , hath born him.

law Gen_19_14 /^{law /which married his
daughters , and said , Up , get you out of this place ; for the
LORD will destroy this city . But he seemed as one that mocked
unto his sons in law .

law Jos_01_07 /^{law /which Moses my servant
commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the
left , that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest .

law Deu_04_44 /^{law /which Moses set before
the children of Israel :

law Jos_22_05 /^{law /which Moses the
servant of the LORD charged you, to love the LORD your God , and
to walk in all his ways , and to keep his commandments , and to
cleave unto him, and to serve him with all your heart and with
all your soul .

law Num_31_21 /^{law /which the LORD
commanded Moses ;

law Neh_08_14 /^{law /which the LORD had
commanded by Moses , that the children of Israel should dwell in
booths in the feast of the seventh month :

law Num_19_02 /^{law /which the LORD hath
commanded , saying , Speak unto the children of Israel , that
they bring thee a red heifer without spot , wherein is no
blemish , and upon which never came yoke :

law Deu_17_11 /^{law /which they shall teach
thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee,
thou shalt do : thou shalt not decline from the sentence which
they shall shew thee, to the right hand , nor to the left .

law Gal_03_17 /${law /which was four hundred
and thirty years after , cannot disannul , that it should make
the promise of none effect .

law Neh_10_29 /^{law /which was given by
Moses the servant of God , and to observe and do all the
commandments of the LORD our Lord , and his judgments and his
statutes ;

law 2Ki_23_24 /^{law /which were written in
the book that Hilkiah the priest found in the house of the LORD .

law Joh_07_19 /${law /Why go ye about to
kill me ?

law 1Co_06_06 /${law /with brother , and
that before the unbelievers .

law Rut_01_22 /^{law /with her, which
returned out of the country of Moab : and they came to Bethlehem
in the beginning of barley harvest .

law Rut_01_07 /^{law /with her; and they
went on the way to return unto the land of Judah .

law Rut_02_19 /^{law /with whom she had
wrought , and said , The man's name with whom I wrought to day
is Boaz .

law Rom_04_15 /${law /worketh wrath : for
where no law is , there is no transgression .

law Rom_02_15 /${law /written in their
hearts , their conscience also bearing witness , and their
thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another ;

law Gal_05_04 /${law /ye are fallen from
grace .

law Mal_02_08 /^{law /ye have corrupted the
covenant of Levi , saith the LORD of hosts .

law Psa_119_003 /^{law /yea, I shall observe
it with my whole heart .

law Neh_09_29 /^{law /yet they dealt proudly
, and hearkened not unto thy commandments , but sinned against
thy judgments , , he shall live in them; and withdrew the
shoulder , and hardened their neck , and would not hear .

lawful Eze_18_05 /^{lawful /and right ,

lawful Eze_18_19 /^{lawful /and right , and
hath kept all my statutes , and hath done them, he shall surely
live .

lawful Eze_33_19 /^{lawful /and right , he
shall live thereby.

lawful Eze_18_27 /^{lawful /and right , he
shall save his soul alive .

lawful Eze_18_21 /^{lawful /and right , he
shall surely live , he shall not die .

lawful Eze_33_14 /^{lawful /and right ;

lawful Eze_33_16 /^{lawful /and right ; he
shall surely live .

lawful Act_19_39 /${lawful /assembly .

lawful Isa_49_24 /^{lawful /captive delivered ?

lawful Mar_10_02 /${lawful /for a man to put
away his wife ? tempting him .

lawful Mat_19_03 /${lawful /for a man to put
away his wife for every cause ?

lawful 2Co_12_04 /${lawful /for a man to utter .

lawful Mat_12_04 /${lawful /for him to eat ,
neither for them which were with him , but only for the priests ?

lawful 1Co_10_23 /${lawful /for me , but all
things are not expedient : all things are lawful for me , but
all things edify not .

lawful 1Co_10_23 /${lawful /for me , but all
things edify not .

lawful 1Co_06_12 /${lawful /for me , but I will
not be brought under the power of any .

lawful Mat_20_15 /${lawful /for me to do what I
will with mine own ? Is thine eye evil , because I am good ?

lawful Joh_05_10 /${lawful /for thee to carry
thy bed .

lawful Mat_14_04 /${lawful /for thee to have
her .

lawful Mar_06_18 /${lawful /for thee to have
thy brother's wife .

lawful Mat_27_06 /${lawful /for to put them
into the treasury , because it is the price of blood .

lawful Luk_20_22 /${lawful /for us to give
tribute unto Caesar , or no ?

lawful Joh_18_31 /${lawful /for us to put any
man to death :

lawful Act_16_21 /${lawful /for us to receive ,
neither to observe , being Romans .

lawful Act_22_25 /${lawful /for you to scourge
a man that is a Roman , and uncondemned ?

lawful Luk_06_09 /${lawful /on the sabbath days
to do good , or to do evil ? to save life , or to destroy it?

lawful Mar_03_04 /${lawful /to do good on the
sabbath days , or to do evil ? to save life , or to kill ? But
they held their peace .

lawful Luk_06_02 /${lawful /to do on the
sabbath days ?

lawful Mat_12_02 /${lawful /to do upon the
sabbath day .

lawful Mat_12_12 /${lawful /to do well on the
sabbath days .

lawful Mar_02_26 /${lawful /to eat but for the
priests , and gave also to them which were with him ?

lawful Luk_06_04 /${lawful /to eat but for the
priests alone ?

lawful Mar_12_14 /${lawful /to give tribute to
Caesar , or not ?

lawful Mat_22_17 /${lawful /to give tribute
unto Caesar , or not ?

lawful Luk_14_03 /${lawful /to heal on the
sabbath day ?

lawful Mat_12_10 /${lawful /to heal on the
sabbath days ? that they might accuse him .

lawful Ezr_07_24 /^{lawful /to impose toll ,
tribute , or custom , upon them.

lawful 1Co_06_12 /${lawful /unto me , but all
things are not expedient : all things are lawful for me , but I
will not be brought under the power of any .

lawgiver Gen_49_10 /^{lawgiver /from between his
feet , until Shiloh come ; and unto him shall the gathering of
the people be.

lawgiver Isa_33_22 /^{lawgiver /the LORD is our
king ; he will save us.

lawgiver Deu_33_21 /^{lawgiver /was he seated ;
and he came with the heads of the people , he executed the
justice of the LORD , and his judgments with Israel .

lawgiver Jam_04_01 /${lawgiver /who is able to
save and to destroy : who art thou that judgest another ?

lawgiver Num_21_18 /^{lawgiver /with their staves
. And from the wilderness they went to Mattanah :

lawless 1Ti_01_09 /${lawless /and disobedient ,
for the ungodly and for sinners , for unholy and profane , for
murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers , for manslayers ,

laws Eze_44_24 /^{laws /and my statutes in
all mine assemblies ; and they shall hallow my sabbaths .

laws Exo_18_20 /^{laws /and shalt shew them
the way wherein they must walk , and the work that they must do .

laws Dan_07_25 /^{laws /and they shall be
given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of
time .

laws Est_03_08 /^{laws /are diverse from all
people ; neither keep they the king's laws : therefore it is not
for the king's profit to suffer them.

laws Neh_09_14 /^{laws /by the hand of Moses
thy servant :

laws Isa_24_05 /^{laws /changed the ordinance
, broken the everlasting covenant .

laws Neh_09_13 /^{laws /good statutes and
commandments :

laws Heb_10_16 /${laws /into their hearts ,
and in their minds will I write them ;

laws Heb_08_10 /${laws /into their mind , and
write them in their hearts : and I will be to them a God , and
they shall be to me a people :

laws Est_01_19 /^{laws /of the Persians and
the Medes , that it be not altered , That Vashti come no more
before king Ahasuerus ; and let the king give her royal estate
unto another that is better than she.

laws Ezr_07_25 /^{laws /of thy God ; and
teach ye them that know them not .

laws Psa_105_45 /^{laws /Praise ye the LORD .

laws Est_03_08 /^{laws /therefore it is not
for the king's profit to suffer them.

laws Eze_43_11 /^{laws /thereof: and write it
in their sight , that they may keep the whole form thereof, and
all the ordinances thereof, and do them.

laws Eze_44_05 /^{laws /thereof; and mark
well the entering in of the house , with every going forth of
the sanctuary .

laws Dan_09_10 /^{laws /which he set before
us by his servants the prophets .

laws Lev_26_46 /^{laws /which the LORD made
between him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the
hand of Moses .

lawyer Tit_03_13 /${lawyer /and Apollos on
their journey diligently , that nothing be wanting unto them .

lawyer Mat_22_35 /${lawyer /asked him a
question, tempting him , and saying ,

lawyer Luk_10_25 /${lawyer /stood up , and
tempted him , saying , Master , what shall I do to inherit
eternal life ?

lawyers Luk_14_03 /${lawyers /and Pharisees ,
saying , Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath day ?

lawyers Luk_11_45 /${lawyers /and said unto him ,
Master , thus saying thou reproachest us also .

lawyers Luk_11_52 /${lawyers /for ye have taken
away the key of knowledge : ye entered not in yourselves , and
them that were entering in ye hindered .

lawyers Luk_11_46 /${lawyers /for ye lade men
with burdens grievous to be borne , and ye yourselves touch not
the burdens with one of your fingers .

lawyers Luk_07_30 /${lawyers /rejected the
counsel of God against themselves , being not baptized of him .

unlawful 2Pe_02_08 /${unlawful /deeds ;

unlawful Act_10_28 /${unlawful /thing for a man
that is a Jew to keep company , or come unto one of another
nation ; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man
common or unclean .
