fellowlabourers Php_04_03 /${fellowlabourers /whose
names are in the book of life .

labourers Mat_20_08 /${labourers /and give them
their hire , beginning from the last unto the first .

labourers Luk_10_02 /${labourers /are few : pray
ye therefore the Lord of the harvest , that he would send forth
labourers into his harvest .

labourers Mat_09_37 /${labourers /are few ;

labourers Mat_20_02 /${labourers /for a penny a
day , he sent them into his vineyard .

labourers Mat_09_38 /${labourers /into his harvest

labourers Luk_10_02 /${labourers /into his harvest

labourers Mat_20_01 /${labourers /into his
vineyard .

labourers 1Co_03_09 /${labourers /together with
God : ye are God's husbandry , ye are God's building .

labourers Jam_05_04 /${labourers /who have reaped
down your fields , which is of you kept back by fraud , crieth :
and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the
ears of the Lord of sabaoth .
