foreknew Rom_11_02 /${foreknew /Wot ye not what
the scripture saith of Elias ? how he maketh intercession to God
against Israel , saying ,

knew 2Co_12_02 /${knew /a man in Christ above
fourteen years ago , ; or whether out of the body , I cannot
tell : God knoweth ; such an one caught up to the third heaven .

knew Joh_02_24 /${knew /all men,

knew Act_16_03 /${knew /all that his father
was a Greek .

knew Rev_19_12 /${knew /but he himself .

knew 1Sa_20_09 /^{knew /certainly that evil
were determined by my father to come upon thee, then would not I
tell it thee?

knew 1Sa_26_17 /^{knew /David's voice , and
said , Is this thy voice , my son David ? And David said , It is
my voice , my lord , O king .

knew Gen_04_01 /^{knew /Eve his wife ; and
she conceived , and bare Cain , and said , I have gotten a man
from the LORD .

knew Deu_34_10 /^{knew /face to face ,

knew 1Co_02_08 /${knew /for had they known it,
they would not have crucified the Lord of glory .

knew Joh_13_28 /${knew /for what intent he
spake this unto him .

knew Joh_06_64 /${knew /from the beginning
who they were that believed not , and who should betray him .

knew Rom_01_21 /${knew /God , they glorified
him not as God , neither were thankful ; but became vain in
their imaginations , and their foolish heart was darkened .

knew 1Sa_01_19 /^{knew /Hannah his wife ; and
the LORD remembered her.

knew Gen_38_26 /^{knew /her again no more.

knew Mat_01_25 /${knew /her not till she had
brought forth her firstborn son : and he called his name JESUS .

knew 1Ki_01_04 /^{knew /her not.

knew Jud_19_25 /^{knew /her, and abused her
all the night until the morning : and when the day began to
spring , they let her go .

knew Mar_06_54 /${knew /him ,

knew Mar_06_33 /${knew /him , and ran afoot
thither out of all cities , and outwent them , and came together
unto him .

knew Mar_01_34 /${knew /him .

knew Luk_24_31 /${knew /him ; and he vanished
out of their sight .

knew 1Sa_10_11 /^{knew /him beforetime saw
that, behold, he prophesied among the prophets , then the people
said one to another , What is this that is come unto the son of
Kish ? Is Saul also among the prophets ?

knew Mat_17_12 /${knew /him not , but have
done unto him whatsoever they listed . Likewise shall also the
Son of man suffer of them .

knew Act_13_27 /${knew /him not , nor yet the
voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day , they
have fulfilled them in condemning him.

knew Joh_01_10 /${knew /him not .

knew 1Jo_03_01 /${knew /him not .

knew Joh_01_33 /${knew /him not : but he that
sent me to baptize with water , the same said unto me , Upon
whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending , and remaining on him
, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost .

knew Joh_01_31 /${knew /him not : but that he
should be made manifest to Israel , therefore am I come
baptizing with water .

knew Job_02_12 /^{knew /him not, they lifted
up their voice , and wept ; and they rent every one his mantle ,
and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven .

knew 1Ki_18_07 /^{knew /him, and fell on his
face , and said , Art thou that my lord Elijah ?

knew Gen_42_08 /^{knew /his brethren , but
they knew not him.

knew Luk_12_47 /${knew /his lord's will , and
prepared not himself, neither did according to his will , shall
be beaten with many stripes.

knew Deu_33_09 /^{knew /his own children :
for they have observed thy word , and kept thy covenant .

knew Gen_04_17 /^{knew /his wife ; and she
conceived , and bare Enoch : and he builded a city , and called
the name of the city , after the name of his son , Enoch .

knew Gen_04_25 /^{knew /his wife again ; and
she bare a son , and called his name Seth : For God , said she,
hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel , whom Cain slew .

knew Joh_04_01 /${knew /how the Pharisees had
heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John ,

knew Joh_06_61 /${knew /in himself that his
disciples murmured at it , he said unto them , Doth this offend
you ?

knew Gen_37_33 /^{knew /it , and said , It is
my son's coat ; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is
without doubt rent in pieces .

knew 2Sa_03_26 /^{knew /it not.

knew Gen_28_16 /^{knew /it not.

knew Hos_08_04 /^{knew /it not: of their
silver and their gold have they made them idols , that they may
be cut off .

knew Pro_24_12 /^{knew /it not; doth not he
that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy
soul , doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man
according to his works ?

knew Psa_35_15 /^{knew /it not; they did tear
me, and ceased not:

knew Mar_15_45 /${knew /it of the centurion ,
he gave the body to Joseph .

knew 1Sa_22_22 /^{knew /it that day , when
Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would surely tell Saul : I
have occasioned the death of all the persons of thy father's
house .

knew Jer_41_04 /^{knew /it,

knew Luk_09_11 /${knew /it, followed him :
and he received them , and spake unto them of the kingdom of God
, and healed them that had need of healing .

knew Mar_08_17 /${knew /it, he saith unto
them , Why reason ye , because ye have no bread ? perceive ye
not yet , neither understand ? have ye your heart yet hardened ?

knew Mat_12_15 /${knew /it, he withdrew
himself from thence : and great multitudes followed him , and he
healed them all ;

knew 1Sa_26_12 /^{knew /it, neither awaked :
for they were all asleep ; because a deep sleep from the LORD
was fallen upon them.

knew Act_26_05 /${knew /me from the beginning
, if they would testify , that after the most straitest sect of
our religion I lived a Pharisee .

knew Jer_02_08 /^{knew /me not: the pastors
also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by
Baal , and walked after things that do not profit .

knew Jud_11_39 /^{knew /no man . And it was a
custom in Israel ,

knew 2Co_05_21 /${knew /no sin ; that we might
be made the righteousness of God in him .

knew Luk_12_48 /${knew /not , and did commit
things worthy of stripes , shall be beaten with few stripes. For
unto whomsoever much is given , of him shall be much required :
and to whom men have committed much , of him they will ask the
more .

knew 2Sa_15_11 /^{knew /not any thing .

knew 1Sa_20_39 /^{knew /not any thing : only
Jonathan and David knew the matter .

knew 1Co_01_21 /${knew /not God , it pleased
God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe .

knew Gal_04_08 /${knew /not God , ye did
service unto them which by nature are no gods .

knew Gen_42_08 /^{knew /not him.

knew Job_29_16 /^{knew /not I searched out .

knew Exo_01_08 /^{knew /not Joseph .

knew Act_07_18 /${knew /not Joseph .

knew Luk_02_43 /${knew /not of it.

knew Gen_39_06 /^{knew /not ought he had,
save the bread which he did eat . And Joseph was a goodly person,
and well favoured .

knew Dan_11_38 /^{knew /not shall he honour
with gold , and silver , and with precious stones , and pleasant
things .

knew 2Sa_22_44 /^{knew /not shall serve me.

knew Jud_20_34 /^{knew /not that evil was
near them.

knew Jud_13_16 /^{knew /not that he was an
angel of the LORD .

knew Hos_11_03 /^{knew /not that I healed

knew Joh_20_14 /${knew /not that it was Jesus

knew Joh_21_04 /${knew /not that it was Jesus

knew Jud_14_04 /^{knew /not that it was of
the LORD , that he sought an occasion against the Philistines :
for at that time the Philistines had dominion over Israel .

knew 1Sa_14_03 /^{knew /not that Jonathan was
gone .

knew Gen_42_23 /^{knew /not that Joseph
understood them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter .

knew Gen_31_32 /^{knew /not that Rachel had
stolen them.

knew Jer_11_19 /^{knew /not that they had
devised devices against me, saying, Let us destroy the tree with
the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from the land of the
living , that his name may be no more remembered .

knew Num_22_34 /^{knew /not that thou
stoodest in the way against me: now therefore, if it displease
thee , I will get me back again .

knew Act_27_39 /${knew /not the land : but
they discovered a certain creek with a shore , into the which
they were minded , if it were possible , to thrust in the ship .

knew Jud_02_10 /^{knew /not the LORD , nor
yet the works which he had done for Israel .

knew 1Sa_02_12 /^{knew /not the LORD .

knew Joh_20_09 /${knew /not the scripture ,
that he must rise again from the dead .

knew Isa_55_05 /^{knew /not thee shall run
unto thee because of the LORD thy God , and for the Holy One of
Israel ; for he hath glorified thee.

knew Mat_24_39 /${knew /not until the flood
came , and took them all away ; so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be .

knew 2Sa_18_29 /^{knew /not what it was.

knew Joh_02_09 /${knew /not whence it was :
the water knew ; the governor of the feast called the bridegroom

knew Act_19_32 /${knew /not wherefore they
were come together .

knew Neh_02_16 /^{knew /not whither I went ,
or what I did ; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews , nor
to the priests , nor to the nobles , nor to the rulers , nor to
the rest that did the work .

knew Deu_29_26 /^{knew /not, and whom he had
not given unto them:

knew Jer_44_03 /^{knew /not, neither they, ye,
nor your fathers .

knew Deu_08_16 /^{knew /not, that he might
humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at
thy latter end ;

knew Deu_32_17 /^{knew /not, to new gods that
came newly up , whom your fathers feared not.

knew Psa_35_11 /^{knew /not.

knew Job_42_03 /^{knew /not.

knew Zec_07_14 /^{knew /not. Thus the land
was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor returned
: for they laid the pleasant land desolate .

knew Isa_42_25 /^{knew /not; and it burned
him, yet he laid it not to heart .

knew Isa_42_16 /^{knew /not; I will lead them
in paths that they have not known : I will make darkness light
before them, and crooked things straight . These things will I
do unto them, and not forsake them.

knew 1Sa_22_15 /^{knew /nothing of all this,
less or more .

knew Jud_03_02 /^{knew /nothing thereof;

knew Act_12_14 /${knew /Peter's voice , she
opened not the gate for gladness , but ran in , and told how
Peter stood before the gate .

knew 2Co_12_03 /${knew /such a man , : God
knoweth ;

knew Mat_27_18 /${knew /that for envy they
had delivered him .

knew Luk_23_07 /${knew /that he belonged unto
Herod's jurisdiction , he sent him to Herod , who himself also
was at Jerusalem at that time .

knew Jon_01_10 /^{knew /that he fled from the
presence of the LORD , because he had told them.

knew Joh_05_06 /${knew /that he had been now
a long time in that case, he saith unto him , Wilt thou be made
whole ?

knew Mar_12_12 /${knew /that he had spoken
the parable against them : and they left him , and went their
way .

knew Act_19_34 /${knew /that he was a Jew ,
all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out ,
Great is Diana of the Ephesians .

knew Act_22_29 /${knew /that he was a Roman ,
and because he had bound him .

knew Jud_13_21 /^{knew /that he was an angel
of the LORD .

knew Luk_04_41 /${knew /that he was Christ .

knew Joh_12_09 /${knew /that he was there :
and they came not for Jesus sake only , but that they might see
Lazarus also , whom he had raised from the dead .

knew Joh_13_01 /${knew /that his hour was
come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father ,
having loved his own which were in the world , he loved them
unto the end .

knew Joh_04_53 /${knew /that it was at the
same hour , in the which Jesus said unto him , Thy son liveth :
and himself believed , and his whole house .

knew 1Sa_20_33 /^{knew /that it was
determined of his father to slay David .

knew Act_03_10 /${knew /that it was he which
sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple : and they were
filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto
him .

knew Zec_11_11 /^{knew /that it was the word
of the LORD .

knew Luk_07_37 /${knew /that Jesus sat at
meat in the Pharisee's house , brought an alabaster box of
ointment ,

knew 1Sa_03_20 /^{knew /that Samuel was
established to be a prophet of the LORD .

knew 1Sa_23_09 /^{knew /that Saul secretly
practised mischief against him; and he said to Abiathar the
priest , Bring hither the ephod .

knew Mar_15_10 /${knew /that the chief
priests had delivered him for envy .

knew Act_28_01 /${knew /that the island was
called Melita .

knew 2Ch_33_13 /^{knew /that the LORD he was
God .

knew 1Sa_18_28 /^{knew /that the LORD was
with David , and that Michal Saul's daughter loved him.

knew Dan_05_21 /^{knew /that the most high
God ruled in the kingdom of men , and that he appointeth over it
whomsoever he will .

knew Gen_38_09 /^{knew /that the seed should
not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his
brother's wife , that he spilled it on the ground , lest that he
should give seed to his brother .

knew Gen_08_11 /^{knew /that the waters were
abated from off the earth .

knew Dan_06_10 /^{knew /that the writing was
signed , he went into his house ; and his windows being open in
his chamber toward Jerusalem , he kneeled upon his knees three
times a day , and prayed , and gave thanks before his God , as
he did aforetime .

knew Jer_44_15 /^{knew /that their wives had
burned incense unto other gods , and all the women that stood by
, a great multitude , even all the people that dwelt in the land
of Egypt , in Pathros , answered Jeremiah , saying ,

knew Joh_16_19 /${knew /that they were
desirous to ask him , and said unto them , Do ye enquire among
yourselves of that I said , A little while , and ye shall not
see me : and again , a little while , and ye shall see me ?

knew Gen_03_07 /^{knew /that they were naked ;
and they sewed fig leaves together , and made themselves aprons

knew Eze_10_20 /^{knew /that they were the
cherubims .

knew Jer_32_08 /^{knew /that this was the
word of the LORD .

knew Jon_04_02 /^{knew /that thou art a
gracious God , and merciful , slow to anger , and of great
kindness , and repentest thee of the evil .

knew Isa_48_04 /^{knew /that thou art
obstinate , and thy neck is an iron sinew , and thy brow brass ;

knew Joh_11_42 /${knew /that thou hearest me
always : but because of the people which stand by I said it,
that they may believe that thou hast sent me .

knew Isa_48_08 /^{knew /that thou wouldest
deal very treacherously , and wast called a transgressor from
the womb .

knew 2Sa_11_16 /^{knew /that valiant men were.

knew Joh_02_09 /${knew /the governor of the
feast called the bridegroom ,

knew Col_01_06 /${knew /the grace of God in
truth :

knew Num_24_16 /^{knew /the knowledge of the
most High , which saw the vision of the Almighty , falling into
a trance, but having his eyes open :

knew 1Sa_20_39 /^{knew /the matter .

knew Joh_18_02 /${knew /the place : for Jesus
ofttimes resorted thither with his disciples .

knew Est_01_13 /^{knew /the times , law and
judgment :

knew Jud_18_03 /^{knew /the voice of the
young man the Levite : and they turned in thither, and said unto
him, Who brought thee hither ? and what makest thou in this
place? and what hast thou here?

knew Mat_25_24 /${knew /thee that thou art an
hard man , reaping where thou hast not sown , and gathering
where thou hast not strawed :

knew Jer_01_05 /^{knew /thee; and before thou
camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained
thee a prophet unto the nations .

knew Eze_19_07 /^{knew /their desolate
palaces , and he laid waste their cities ; and the land was
desolate , and the fulness thereof, by the noise of his roaring .

knew Luk_06_08 /${knew /their thoughts , and
said to the man which had the withered hand , Rise up , and
stand forth in the midst . And he arose and stood forth .

knew Mat_12_25 /${knew /their thoughts , and
said unto them , Every kingdom divided against itself is brought
to desolation ; and every city or house divided against itself
shall not stand :

knew 2Ki_04_39 /^{knew /them not.

knew Gen_42_07 /^{knew /them, but made
himself strange unto them, and spake roughly unto them; and he
said unto them, Whence come ye? And they said , From the land of
Canaan to buy food .

knew Isa_48_07 /^{knew /them.

knew Act_09_30 /${knew /they brought him down
to Caesarea , and sent him forth to Tarsus .

knew Mar_06_38 /${knew /they say , Five , and
two fishes .

knew Luk_18_34 /${knew /they the things which
were spoken .

knew 001 005 Jud /${knew /this , how that the
Lord , having saved the people out of the land of Egypt ,
afterward destroyed them that believed not .

knew Col_02_01 /${knew /what great conflict I
have for you , and for them at Laodicea , and for as many as
have not seen my face in the flesh ;

knew Joh_06_06 /${knew /what he would do .

knew Gen_09_24 /^{knew /what his younger son
had done unto him.

knew Joh_02_25 /${knew /what was in man .

knew 1Sa_22_17 /^{knew /when he fled , and
did not shew it to me. But the servants of the king would not
put forth their hand to fall upon the priests of the LORD .

knew Joh_11_57 /${knew /where he were , he
should shew it, that they might take him .

knew Job_23_03 /^{knew /where I might find
him! that I might come even to his seat !

knew Joh_13_11 /${knew /who should betray him
; therefore said he , Ye are not all clean .

knew 2Sa_11_20 /^{knew /ye not that they would
shoot from the wall ?

knew Mat_07_23 /${knew /you : depart from me ,
ye that work iniquity .

knew Deu_09_24 /^{knew /you.

knewest Dan_05_22 /^{knewest /all this ;

knewest Psa_142_03 /^{knewest /my path . In the
way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.

knewest Rut_02_11 /^{knewest /not heretofore .

knewest Luk_19_44 /${knewest /not the time of
thy visitation .

knewest Deu_08_03 /^{knewest /not, neither did
thy fathers know ; that he might make thee know that man doth
not live by bread only , but by every word that proceedeth out
of the mouth of the LORD doth man live .

knewest Isa_48_08 /^{knewest /not; yea, from
that time that thine ear was not opened : for I knew that thou
wouldest deal very treacherously , and wast called a
transgressor from the womb .

knewest Mat_25_26 /${knewest /that I reap where
I sowed not , and gather where I have not strawed :

knewest Luk_19_22 /${knewest /that I was an
austere man , taking up that I laid not down , and reaping that
I did not sow :

knewest Neh_09_10 /^{knewest /that they dealt
proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a name , as it is
this day .

knewest Joh_04_10 /${knewest /the gift of God ,
and who it is that saith to thee , Give me to drink ; thou
wouldest have asked of him , and he would have given thee living
water .
