kneel Psa_95_06 /^{kneel /before the LORD our
maker .

kneel Gen_24_11 /^{kneel /down without the
city by a well of water at the time of the evening , even the
time that women go out to draw water.

kneeled Act_07_60 /${kneeled /down , and cried
with a loud voice , Lord , lay not this sin to their charge. And
when he had said this , he fell asleep .

kneeled Luk_22_41 /${kneeled /down , and prayed ,

kneeled Act_09_40 /${kneeled /down , and prayed ;
and turning him to the body said , Tabitha , arise . And she
opened her eyes : and when she saw Peter , she sat up .

kneeled Act_20_36 /${kneeled /down , and prayed
with them all .

kneeled Act_21_05 /${kneeled /down on the shore ,
and prayed .

kneeled 2Ch_06_13 /^{kneeled /down upon his knees
before all the congregation of Israel , and spread forth his
hands toward heaven ,

kneeled Mar_10_17 /${kneeled /to him , and asked
him , Good Master , what shall I do that I may inherit eternal
life ?

kneeled Dan_06_10 /^{kneeled /upon his knees
three times a day , and prayed , and gave thanks before his God ,
as he did aforetime .

kneeling Mat_17_14 /${kneeling /down to him , and
saying ,

kneeling Mar_01_40 /${kneeling /down to him , and
saying unto him , If thou wilt , thou canst make me clean .

kneeling 1Ki_08_54 /^{kneeling /on his knees with
his hands spread up to heaven .
