Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Amalekite 06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an Amalekite (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendants of Amalek : -- {Amalekite} (- s) .

Amalekite 06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an {Amalekite} (or collectively the Amalekites) or descendants of Amalek : -- Amalekite (- s) .

Amalekites 06003 ## ` Amaleqiy {am-aw-lay-kee'} ; patronymically from 06002 ; an Amalekite (or collectively the {Amalekites}) or descendants of Amalek : -- Amalekite (- s) .

Anakite 00289 ## 'Achiyman {akh-ee-man'} ; or'Achiyman {akh-ee-mawn'} ; from 00251 and 04480 ; brother of a portion (i . e . gift) ; Achiman , the name of an {Anakite} and of an Israelite : -- Ahiman .

Anakite 06062 ## ` Anaqiy {an-aw-kee'} ; patronymically from 06061 ; an {Anakite} or descendant of Anak : -- Anakim .

Apharsathkite 00671 ## 'Apharc@kay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sek-ah'ee} ; or'Apharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an Apharsekite or {Apharsathkite} , an unknown Assyrian tribe : -- Apharsachites , Apharasthchites .

Apharsekite 00671 ## 'Apharc@kay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sek-ah'ee} ; or'Apharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an {Apharsekite} or Apharsathkite , an unknown Assyrian tribe : -- Apharsachites , Apharasthchites .

Arkite 00757 ## 'Arkiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from another place (in Palestine) of similar name with 00751 ; an {Arkite} or native of Erek : -- Archi , Archite .

Arkite 06208 ## ` Arqiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning a tush ; an Arkite or inhabitant of Erek : -- {Arkite} .

Arkite 06208 ## ` Arqiy {ar-kee'} ; patrial from an unused name meaning a tush ; an {Arkite} or inhabitant of Erek : -- Arkite .

Chanokite 02599 ## Chanokiy {khan-o-kee'} ; patronymically from 02585 ; a {Chanokite} (collectively) or descendants of Chanok : -- Hanochites .

Chelkite 02516 ## Chelqiy {khel-kee'} ; patronymically from 02507 ; a {Chelkite} or descendant of Chelek : -- Helkites .

Helkites 02516 ## Chelqiy {khel-kee'} ; patronymically from 02507 ; a Chelkite or descendant of Chelek : -- {Helkites} .

kite 00344 ## 'ayah {ah-yaw'} ; perhaps from 00337 ; the screamer , i . e . a hawk : -- {kite} , vulture .

kite 01676 ## da'ah {daw-aw'} ; from 01675 ; the {kite} (from its rapid flight) : -- vulture . See 07201 .

Shushankite 07801 ## Shuwshankiy (Aramaic) {shoo-shan-kee'} ; of foreign origin ; a {Shushankite} (collectively) or inhabitants of some unknown place in Assyrian : -- Susanchites .

Sukkite 05525 ## Cukkiy {sook-kee'} ; patrial from an unknown name (perhaps 05520) ; a {Sukkite} , or inhabitant of some place near Egypt (i . e . hut-dwellers) : -- Sukkiims .