Kir 2Ki_16_09 /^{Kir /and slew Rezin .

Kir Isa_15_01 /^{Kir /of Moab is laid waste ,
and brought to silence ;

Kir Amo_01_05 /^{Kir /saith the LORD .

Kir Isa_22_06 /^{Kir /uncovered the shield .

Kirharaseth 2Ki_03_25 /^{Kirharaseth /left they the
stones thereof; howbeit the slingers went about it, and smote it.

Kirhareseth Isa_16_07 /^{Kirhareseth /shall ye mourn
; surely they are stricken .

Kirheres Jer_48_36 /^{Kirheres /because the
riches that he hath gotten are perished .

Kiriathaim Jer_48_23 /^{Kiriathaim /and upon
Bethgamul , and upon Bethmeon ,

Kiriathaim Jer_48_01 /^{Kiriathaim /is confounded
and taken : Misgab is confounded and dismayed .

Kirjath Jos_18_28 /^{Kirjath /fourteen cities
with their villages . This is the inheritance of the children of
Benjamin according to their families .

Kirjathaim Jos_13_19 /^{Kirjathaim /and Sibmah ,
and Zarethshahar in the mount of the valley ,

Kirjathaim 1Ch_06_76 /^{Kirjathaim /with her
suburbs .

Kirjatharba Neh_11_25 /^{Kirjatharba /and in the
villages thereof, and at Dibon , and in the villages thereof,
and at Jekabzeel , and in the villages thereof,

Kirjatharba Gen_23_02 /^{Kirjatharba /the same is
Hebron in the land of Canaan : and Abraham came to mourn for
Sarah , and to weep for her.

Kirjatharba Jos_14_15 /^{Kirjatharba /which Arba was
a great man among the Anakims . And the land had rest from war .

Kirjatharba Jos_15_54 /^{Kirjatharba /which is
Hebron , and Zior ; nine cities with their villages :

Kirjatharba Jos_20_07 /^{Kirjatharba /which is
Hebron , in the mountain of Judah .

Kirjatharim Ezr_02_25 /^{Kirjatharim /Chephirah ,
and Beeroth , seven hundred and forty and three .

Kirjathbaal Jos_18_14 /^{Kirjathbaal /which is
Kirjathjearim , a city of the children of Judah : this was the
west quarter .

Kirjathbaal Jos_15_60 /^{Kirjathbaal /which is
Kirjathjearim , and Rabbah ; two cities with their villages :

Kirjathjearim Jos_18_14 /^{Kirjathjearim /a city of
the children of Judah : this was the west quarter .

Kirjathjearim Jos_15_60 /^{Kirjathjearim /and Rabbah ;
two cities with their villages :

Kirjathjearim Jos_18_15 /^{Kirjathjearim /and the
border went out on the west , and went out to the well of waters
of Nephtoah :

Kirjathjearim 1Sa_07_01 /^{Kirjathjearim /came , and
fetched up the ark of the LORD , and brought it into the house
of Abinadab in the hill , and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep
the ark of the LORD .

Kirjathjearim Neh_07_29 /^{Kirjathjearim /Chephirah ,
and Beeroth , seven hundred forty and three .

Kirjathjearim 1Ch_02_52 /^{Kirjathjearim /had sons ;
Haroeh , and half of the Manahethites .

Kirjathjearim Jud_18_12 /^{Kirjathjearim /in Judah :
wherefore they called that place Mahanehdan unto this day :
behold, it is behind Kirjathjearim .

Kirjathjearim 1Sa_06_21 /^{Kirjathjearim /saying , The
Philistines have brought again the ark of the LORD ; come ye
down , and fetch it up to you.

Kirjathjearim 1Sa_07_02 /^{Kirjathjearim /that the
time was long ; for it was twenty years : and all the house of
Israel lamented after the LORD .

Kirjathjearim 1Ch_02_53 /^{Kirjathjearim /the Ithrites
, and the Puhites , and the Shumathites , and the Mishraites ;
of them came the Zareathites , and the Eshtaulites .

Kirjathjearim 2Ch_01_04 /^{Kirjathjearim /to the place
which David had prepared for it: for he had pitched a tent for
it at Jerusalem .

Kirjathjearim 1Ch_13_06 /^{Kirjathjearim /which
belonged to Judah , to bring up thence the ark of God the LORD ,
that dwelleth between the cherubims , whose name is called on it.

Kirjathjearim Jer_26_20 /^{Kirjathjearim /who
prophesied against this city and against this land according to
all the words of Jeremiah :

Kirjathsannah Jos_15_49 /^{Kirjathsannah /which is
Debir ,

Kirjathsepher Jos_15_16 /^{Kirjathsepher /and taketh
it, to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife .

Kirjathsepher Jud_01_12 /^{Kirjathsepher /and taketh
it, to him will I give Achsah my daughter to wife .

skirt Deu_27_20 /^{skirt /And all the people
shall say , Amen .

skirt Hag_02_12 /^{skirt /do touch bread , or
pottage , or wine , or oil , or any meat , shall it be holy ?
And the priests answered and said , No.

skirt Zec_08_23 /^{skirt /of him that is a Jew
, saying , We will go with you: for we have heard that God is
with you.

skirt Hag_02_12 /^{skirt /of his garment , and
with his skirt do touch bread , or pottage , or wine , or oil ,
or any meat , shall it be holy ? And the priests answered and
said , No.

skirt 1Sa_15_27 /^{skirt /of his mantle , and
it rent .

skirt 1Sa_24_04 /^{skirt /of Saul's robe
privily .

skirt 1Sa_24_11 /^{skirt /of thy robe , and
killed thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil
nor transgression in mine hand , and I have not sinned against
thee; yet thou huntest my soul to take it.

skirt 1Sa_24_11 /^{skirt /of thy robe in my
hand : for in that I cut off the skirt of thy robe , and killed
thee not, know thou and see that there is neither evil nor
transgression in mine hand , and I have not sinned against thee;
yet thou huntest my soul to take it.

skirt Eze_16_08 /^{skirt /over thee, and
covered thy nakedness : yea, I sware unto thee, and entered into
a covenant with thee, saith the Lord GOD , and thou becamest

skirt Rut_03_09 /^{skirt /over thine handmaid ;
for thou art a near kinsman .

skirts Jer_13_22 /^{skirts /discovered , and
thy heels made bare .

skirts Jer_02_34 /^{skirts /is found the blood
of the souls of the poor innocents : I have not found it by
secret search , but upon all these.

skirts Psa_133_02 /^{skirts /of his garments ;

skirts Lam_01_09 /^{skirts /she remembereth not
her last end ; therefore she came down wonderfully : she had no
comforter . O LORD , behold my affliction : for the enemy hath
magnified himself.

skirts Nah_03_05 /^{skirts /upon thy face , and
I will shew the nations thy nakedness , and the kingdoms thy
shame .

skirts Jer_13_26 /^{skirts /upon thy face ,
that thy shame may appear .
