Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0934 + a royal +/ . basileios {bas-il'-i-os}; from 0935 + king + KING + King + kings + a king + a king + a King + O king + is King + the King + the king + thy King + as kings + us kings + And king + THE KING + OF KINGS + of kings + and King + and kings + thou King + the kings + sake king + The kings + For kings + him a king + the king s + thou a king + is the King + be the King + thee O king + IS THE KING + of the king + And the king + And the King + not The King + For the king + of the kings + do the kings + and the kings + of the king s + unto the King + unto the king + thou the King + And the kings + unto the kings + shall the King + he be the King + to be their king + thou be the king + But when the king + unto you the King + And when the king + it be to the king + with him the king + unto them The kings + of it and the kings + clothing are in kings +/ ; kingly (in nature): --royal .