adonijah feareth king solomon <1KI1 -:51 >

after certain days king agrippa

after these things did king ahasuerus promote haman

against him came up nebuchadnezzar king <2CH36 -:6 >

against king ahaz came from damascus <2KI16 -:11 >

all king solomon's drinking vessels <1KI10 -:21 >

also king solomon <2CH5 -:6 >

anointed thee king over israel <2SA12 -:7 >

archers shot at king josiah <2CH35 -:23 >

as king cyrus

as they were making their hearts merry

asking no question for conscience sake <1CO10 -:27 >

asking no question for conscience sake <1CO10 -:25 >

asking them questions

asking you <1SA12 -:17 >

baasha king <1KI15 -:16 >

baasha king <1KI15 -:17 >

baasha king <1KI15 -:32 >

baasha king

babylon made king

babylon made mattaniah his father's brother king <2KI24 -:17 >

baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine >

bathsheba therefore went unto king solomon <1KI2 -:19 >

be king over israel for ever <1CH28 -:4 >

be lacking from thy meat offering

be their king

because manasseh king <2KI21 -:11 >

before he had done speaking

before there reigned any king over

behold king solomon with

behold your king

benhadad hearkened unto king asa <2CH16 -:4 >

benhadad king <2CH16 -:2 >

benhadad king <2KI6 -:24 >

bless our lord king david <1KI1 -:47 >

boil breaking forth

boil breaking forth

book which jehoiakim king

break thy league with baasha king <1KI15 -:19 >

break thy league with baasha king <2CH16 -:3 >

breaking bread from house

breaking down

breaking forth <1CH14 -:11 >

breaking forth

bringing back our king <2SA19 -:43 >

but hazael king <2KI13 -:22 >

but king joram was returned <2KI9 -:15 >

but king rehoboam made speed <2CH10 -:18 >

but king solomon loved many strange women <1KI11 -:1 >

but peter continued knocking

but sihon king

but speaking

but taking my leave <2CO2 -:13 >

but when king david heard <2SA13 -:21 >

but when they saw him walking upon

but who can withhold himself from speaking

by david king <2CH29 -:27 >

by taking heed

came unto king solomon's table <1KI4 -:27 >

captivity which had been carried away with jeconiah king -:6 >

certain fearful looking for

chief priests mocking said among themselves with

come seeking fruit on this fig tree

come unto you speaking with tongues <1CO14 -:6 >

david was anointed king over all israel <1CH14 -:8 >

disciples saw him walking on

doth their king inherit gad

drinking himself drunk <1KI16 -:9 >

drinking himself drunk <1KI20 -:16 >

drinking such things as they give

drinking vessels <2CH9 -:20 >

drinking wine

drinking wine

drinking wine

dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad <2PE2 -:16 >

egypt made eliakim his brother king over judah <2CH36 -:4 >

elias talking with him

fierce king shall rule over them

flaming fire taking vengeance on them <2TH1 -:8 >

foolish taking root

for john came neither eating nor drinking

for looking after those things which are coming on >

for their king shall go into captivity

for thou hast made me king over <2CH1 -:9 >

for why should he see your faces worse liking than

from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee 15 >

from walking up

god made him king over all israel

god save king solomon <1KI1 -:34 >

god save king solomon <1KI1 -:39 >

god speaking out

great king above all gods

great king against it

great king over all

great quaking fell upon them

had conspired against king amon <2KI21 -:24 >

had conspired against king amon <2CH33 -:25 >

haman said unto king ahasuerus

have anointed thee king over <2KI9 -:6 >

have anointed thee king over israel <2KI9 -:3 >

have anointed thee king over israel <2KI9 -:12 >

he also rebelled against king nebuchadnezzar <2CH36 -:13 >

he had made saul king over israel <1SA15 -:35 >

he hath made thee king over them <2CH2 -:11 >

he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness >

he left off talking with him

he made king solomon for <1KI7 -:40 >

he made solomon his son king over israel <1CH23 -:1 >

he went about seeking some

her king as thou didst unto jericho

her king is cut off as

his king shall be higher than agag

his might wherewith he fought against amaziah king <2KI13 -:12

house which king solomon built for <1KI6 -:2 >

israel assembled themselves unto king solomon at <1KI8 -:2 >

it was told king david <2SA6 -:12 >

it was told king solomon <1KI2 -:29 >

jerusalem made ahaziah his youngest son king <2CH22 -:1 >

jerusalem unto king hezekiah with

jesus looking upon them saith

judah by taking vengeance

judah have anointed me king over them <2SA2 -:7 >

king according

king advanced him

king after him <1KI1 -:20 >

king after him <1KI1 -:27 >

king against <2CH26 -:13 >

king agrippa

king agrippa

king agrippa

king agrippa

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus

king ahasuerus answered

king ahasuerus by

king ahasuerus commanded vashti

king ahasuerus give

king ahasuerus laid

king ahasuerus said unto esther

king ahasuerus sat on

king ahasuerus was appeased

king ahasuerus' name

king ahaz <2CH28 -:22 >

king ahaz commanded <2KI16 -:16 >

king ahaz commanded urijah <2KI16 -:15 >

king ahaz cut off <2KI16 -:17 >

king ahaz died was this burden

king ahaz had sent from damascus <2KI16 -:11 >

king ahaz sent <2KI16 -:10 >

king ahaz went <2KI16 -:10 >

king also <2KI11 -:17 >

king also <2SA13 -:36 >

king also himself passed over <2SA15 -:23 >

king also rejoiced with great joy <1CH29 -:9 >

king also said unto them <1KI1 -:33 >

king among his sons <1SA16 -:1 >

king an answer unto rehum

king an hundred <1KI10 -:10 >

king an hundred <2CH9 -:9 >

king answered <1KI12 -:13 >

king answered <1KI13 -:6 >

king answered <1KI3 -:27 >

king answered <2SA14 -:18 >

king answered <2SA19 -:38 >

king answered

king answered

king answered

king answered them roughly <2CH10 -:13 >

king answered unto daniel

king appoint officers

king appointed <2KI7 -:17 >

king appointed them

king appointed unto her <2KI8 -:6 >

king arad

king arad

king arising from

king arose <2KI7 -:12 >

king arose <2SA13 -:31 >

king arose <2SA19 -:8 >

king arose very early

king artaxerxes gave unto ezra

king artaxerxes' letter

king as he goeth out <2KI11 -:8 >

king asa built with them geba <1KI15 -:22 >

king asa sent them <1KI15 -:18 >

king asked <2KI8 -:6 >

king asked him secretly

king at jerusalem <1KI10 -:26 >

king at jerusalem <2CH1 -:14 >

king at jerusalem <2CH9 -:25 >

king at meat <1SA20 -:5 >

king back <2SA19 -:10 >

king back <2SA19 -:11 >

king bade <2CH10 -:12 >

king be queen instead

king be swallowed up <2SA17 -:16 >

king beat down <2KI23 -:12 >

king begat solomon

king belshazzar

king bowed himself upon <1KI1 -:47 >

king brought forth

king by <1KI20 -:38 >

king by course <1CH28 -:1 >

king by judgment establisheth

king called <2SA21 -:2 >

king called <2SA9 -:9 >

king called for jehoiada <2CH24 -:6 >

king came <1CH17 -:16 >

king came

king came down <2KI7 -:17 >

king cast them <1KI7 -:46 >

king cast them <2CH4 -:17 >

king charged thee <2SA18 -:12 >

king come <2SA24 -:21 >

king commanded <1KI5 -:17 >

king commanded <2CH29 -:24 >

king commanded <2SA21 -:14 >

king commanded

king commanded

king commanded

king commanded

king commanded all <2KI23 -:21 >

king commanded benaiah <1KI2 -:46 >

king commanded ebedmelech

king commanded hilkiah <2CH34 -:20 >

king commanded hilkiah <2KI22 -:12 >

king commanded hilkiah <2KI23 -:4 >

king commanded it so

king commanded jerahmeel

king commanded joab <2SA18 -:5 >

king communed with them

king concerning

king covered his face <2SA19 -:4 >

king cried aloud

king cried with <2SA19 -:4 >

king cyrus

king cyrus made

king darius

king david <1CH18 -:10 >

king david <1CH27 -:24 >

king david <1CH29 -:24 >

king david <2SA16 -:6 >

king david <2SA3 -:31 >

king david longed <2SA13 -:39 >

king david made <2SA5 -:3 >

king david said <1CH21 -:24 >

king david said <1KI1 -:32 >

king david sent <2SA19 -:11 >

king david took exceeding much brass <2SA8 -:8 >

king david's <1CH27 -:31 >

king david's <2CH23 -:9 >

king delight <2SA24 -:3 >

king delight

king delighted

king delighteth

king delighteth

king delighteth

king delighteth

king departed until <2SA19 -:24 >

king desireth not any dowry <1SA18 -:25 >

king did according

king did pleased all <2SA3 -:36 >

king died <1KI22 -:37 >

king do <1CH21 -:23 >

king do

king doth not fetch home again his banished <2SA14 -:13 >

king doth sit <2SA19 -:8 >

king doth speak this thing as one which is faulty <2SA14 -:13 >

king entered into <2CH12 -:11 >

king establisheth may be changed

king eternal <1TI1 -:16 >

king exceeding glad for him

king for <2CH9 -:8 >

king for ever

king for her house <2KI8 -:3 >

king for her house <2KI8 -:5 >

king for his work <1CH4 -:23 >

king for judgment <2SA15 -:2 >

king for judgment <2SA15 -:6 >

king from <2CH23 -:20 >

king from <2KI11 -:19 >

king g

king gave all <2SA18 -:5 >

king give her royal estate u

king glad with their wickedness

king granted

king granted him all his request

king greatly desire thy beauty

king had appointed <1KI12 -:12 >

king had appointed

king had at sea <1KI10 -:22 >

king had burned

king had commanded

king had heard <2CH34 -:19 >

king had heard <2KI22 -:11 >

king had heard

king had judged <1KI3 -:28 >

king had made <2CH7 -:6 >

king had made for fear

king had ordained

king had promoted him

king had said he should bring them

king had sent

king had sent captains

king had set up

king had so commanded concerning him

king had taken counsel <2CH30 -:2 >

king hallow <1KI8 -:64 >

king hath brought me into his chambers

king hath commanded his servant <2SA9 -:11 >

king hath commanded me <1SA21 -:2 >

king hath delight <1SA18 -:22 >

king hath demanded cannot

king hath fulfilled <2SA14 -:22 >

king hath said <1KI2 -:38 >

king hath said <2KI1 -:9 >

king hath said

king hath sent with him zadok <1KI1 -:44 >

king hath set up

king hath spoken <2SA14 -:19 >

king hear <1SA26 -:19 >

king hear us when we call

king heard <2KI6 -:30 >

king heard

king hearkened not unto <1KI12 -:15 >

king hearkened not unto <2CH10 -:15 >

king hearkened not unto them <1KI12 -:16 >

king hearkened unto them <2CH24 -:17 >

king held out

king held out

king herod heard

king hezekiah <2KI18 -:9 >

king hezekiah

king hezekiah came <2KI19 -:5 >

king hezekiah came

king hezekiah did sennacherib king <2KI18 -:13 >

king hezekiah with <2KI18 -:17 >

king his dreams

king his father <2CH25 -:3 >

king his father <2KI14 -:5 >

king how he had restored <2KI8 -:5 >

king humbled themselves <2CH12 -:6 >

king impute <1SA22 -:15 >

king inquired

king into <1KI1 -:15 >

king into

king into

king is come again <2SA19 -:30 >

king it is prepared

king jareb

king jareb

king jehoash <2KI12 -:6 >

king jehoiachin's captivity

king jehoram <2CH22 -:11 >

king jehoram went out <2KI3 -:6 >

king jehoshaphat <2CH19 -:2 >

king jeroboam <1KI15 -:1 >

king jeroboam began abijah <2CH13 -:1 >

king joram <2KI11 -:2 >

king joram went back <2KI8 -:29 >

king josiah <2CH35 -:16 >

king josiah <2KI22 -:3 >

king josiah <2KI23 -:23 >

king josiah went against him <2KI23 -:29 >

king kept <2CO11 -:32 >

king kissed absalom <2SA14 -:33 >

king kissed barzillai <2SA19 -:39 >

king knew her not <1KI1 -:4 >

king knoweth

king lamented over abner <2SA3 -:33 >

king leaned answered <2KI7 -:2 >

king left ten women <2SA15 -:16 >

king lemuel

king lifted up his voice <2SA3 -:32 >

king live for ever

king liveth <2SA15 -:21 >

king loved esther above all

king maacah <2SA10 -:6 >

king made <1KI10 -:12 >

king made <1KI10 -:18 >

king made <2CH9 -:11 >

king made <2CH9 -:17 >

king made

king made

king made

king made

king made an image

king made daniel

king made silver <1KI10 -:27 >

king made silver <2CH1 -:15 >

king made silver <2CH9 -:27 >

king may get heat <1KI1 -:2 >

king may see <2SA24 -:3 >

king my father brought out

king named belteshazzar

king nebuchadnezzar

king nebuchadnezzar

king nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face

king nebuchadnezzar have seen

king nebuchadnezzar king <2KI25 -:8 >

king nebuchadnezzar sent <2CH36 -:10 >

king nebuchadnezzar thy father

king nebuchadnezzar what shall be

king no more

king now speak <2SA14 -:18 >

king o

king on his face upon <2SA24 -:20 >

king only <2SA17 -:2 >

king only

king over

king over all

king over his people <1SA15 -:1 >

king over israel <1KI14 -:14 >

king over israel <1KI16 -:16 >

king over israel <1KI19 -:16 >

king over jordan <2SA19 -:15 >

king over me

king over syria <1KI19 -:15 >

king over syria <2KI8 -:13 >

king over thee

king over them

king over them

king over them

king over themselves <2KI8 -:20 >

king over this people <1KI14 -:2 >

king over us <1SA10 -:19 >

king over us <1SA8 -:19 >

king over you <1SA12 -:13 >

king over you <1SA12 -:1 >

king over you <2SA3 -:17 >

king passed by <1KI20 -:39 >

king promoted shadrach

king put <1KI2 -:35 >

king put <2CH17 -:19 >

king put benaiah <1KI2 -:35 >

king put them <1KI10 -:17 >

king put them <2CH9 -:16 >

king ready

king recompense it me with such <2SA19 -:36 >

king rehoboam <1KI14 -:25 >

king rehoboam consulted with <1KI12 -:6 >

king rehoboam forsook <2CH10 -:13 >

king rehoboam made <1KI14 -:27 >

king rehoboam shishak king <2CH12 -:2 >

king rehoboam took counsel with <2CH10 -:6 >

king reigned over <1CH1 -:43 >

king remember <2SA14 -:11 >

king remembered not <2CH24 -:22 >

king requireth

king returned <2SA19 -:15 >

king returned out

king rideth upon

king rose early <2CH29 -:20 >

king rose up <1KI2 -:19 >

king rose up

king round about <2CH23 -:10 >

king round about <2CH23 -:7 >

king round about <2KI11 -:8 >

king said <1CH19 -:5 >

king said <1KI1 -:16 >

king said <1KI3 -:24 >

king said <1KI3 -:25 >

king said <1SA17 -:56 >

king said <1SA22 -:16 >

king said <1SA22 -:18 >

king said <2CH18 -:15 >

king said <2CH35 -:23 >

king said <2KI1 -:11 >

king said <2SA10 -:5 >

king said <2SA13 -:25 >

king said <2SA14 -:10 >

king said <2SA14 -:19 >

king said <2SA14 -:24 >

king said <2SA16 -:10 >

king said <2SA16 -:3 >

king said <2SA18 -:25 >

king said <2SA18 -:26 >

king said <2SA18 -:27 >

king said <2SA18 -:29 >

king said <2SA18 -:30 >

king said <2SA21 -:6 >

king said <2SA24 -:2 >

king said <2SA9 -:3 >

king said

king said

king said

king said

king said

king said

king said

king said

king said again unto esther on

king said also unto zadok <2SA15 -:27 >

king said moreover <1KI2 -:44 >

king said unto <1KI13 -:7 >

king said unto <1SA22 -:17 >

king said unto <2SA14 -:8 >

king said unto <2SA18 -:2 >

king said unto

king said unto all <1CH29 -:1 >

king said unto araunah <2SA24 -:24 >

king said unto barzillai <2SA19 -:33 >

king said unto cushi <2SA18 -:32 >

king said unto esther

king said unto esther at

king said unto haman

king said unto hazael <2KI8 -:8 >

king said unto her <1KI2 -:20 >

king said unto her <1SA28 -:13 >

king said unto her <2KI6 -:28 >

king said unto her <2SA14 -:5 >

king said unto him <1KI2 -:31 >

king said unto him <1KI22 -:16 >

king said unto him <1KI22 -:15 >

king said unto him <2CH18 -:14 >

king said unto him <2SA13 -:26 >

king said unto him <2SA15 -:9 >

king said unto him <2SA19 -:25 >

king said unto him <2SA19 -:29 >

king said unto him <2SA9 -:2 >

king said unto him <2SA9 -:4 >

king said unto him

king said unto his servants <2SA3 -:38 >

king said unto jeremiah

king said unto jeremiah

king said unto joab <2SA14 -:21 >

king said unto me

king said unto me

king said unto me

king said unto nathan <2SA7 -:2 >

king said unto shimei <2SA19 -:23 >

king said unto thee

king said unto them <2SA18 -:4 >

king said unto them

king said unto zadok <2SA15 -:25 >

king said unto ziba <2SA16 -:2 >

king sat

king sat him down <1SA20 -:24 >

king sat upon his royal throne

king sat upon his seat <1SA20 -:25 >

king saved us out <2SA19 -:9 >

king saw <2KI16 -:12 >

king saw

king saw

king saw esther

king say <1KI22 -:8 >

king say so <1KI1 -:36 >

king say unto them on his right hand

king sealed it with his own signet

king sent <1KI2 -:36 >

king sent <1KI2 -:42 >

king sent <1SA22 -:11 >

king sent <2CH34 -:29 >

king sent <2KI23 -:1 >

king sent

king sent

king sent

king sent after <2KI7 -:14 >

king sent an executioner

king sent jehucal

king sent jehudi

king sent men into egypt

king sent shaphan <2KI22 -:3 >

king sent unto him <2KI1 -:9 >

king shall answer

king shall appoint <2SA15 -:15 >

king shall be <2SA15 -:21 >

king shall do according

king shall joy

king shall mourn

king shall now be comfortable <2SA14 -:17 >

king shall perish

king shall perish from gaza

king shall reign

king shall reign

king shall reign over us <1SA12 -:12 >

king shall rejoice

king shall sleep with his fathers <1KI1 -:21 >

king should have no damage

king should take it <2SA19 -:19 >

king sin against his servant <1SA19 -:4 >

king sixscore talents <1KI9 -:14 >

king sleep

king slept with his fathers <2KI14 -:22 >

king slept with his fathers <2CH26 -:2 >

king solomon <1KI1 -:53 >

king solomon <1KI10 -:10 >

king solomon <1KI12 -:2 >

king solomon <1KI2 -:45 >

king solomon <1KI7 -:14 >

king solomon <1KI8 -:5 >

king solomon <1KI9 -:28 >

king solomon <2CH8 -:18 >

king solomon <2CH9 -:20 >

king solomon answered <1KI2 -:22 >

king solomon for <1KI7 -:45 >

king solomon for <2CH4 -:16 >

king solomon gave <2CH9 -:12 >

king solomon gave unto <1KI10 -:13 >

king solomon made <1KI9 -:26 >

king solomon made for <1KI7 -:51 >

king solomon made himself

king solomon made two hundred targets <1KI10 -:16 >

king solomon made two hundred targets <2CH9 -:15 >

king solomon offered <2CH7 -:5 >

king solomon passed all <2CH9 -:22 >

king solomon raised <1KI5 -:13 >

king solomon sent <1KI7 -:13 >

king solomon sent by <1KI2 -:25 >

king solomon's officers <2CH8 -:10 >

king sought

king spake

king spake

king spake

king spake

king spake

king spake

king spake unto ashpenaz

king spared mephibosheth <2SA21 -:7 >

king speaketh against caesar

king stood <2CH34 -:31 >

king stood at his pillar at <2CH23 -:13 >

king stood by <2KI11 -:14 >

king stood by <2KI23 -:3 >

king stood by <2SA18 -:4 >

king stood up upon his feet <1CH28 -:2 >

king stretched forth

king sware <1KI1 -:29 >

king sware secretly unto jeremiah

king sware unto him <2SA19 -:23 >

king take <2SA13 -:33 >

king take <2SA24 -:22 >

king take out

king talked with gehazi <2KI8 -:4 >

king tell his servants

king then

king then sitting

king thereof

king thereof

king thereof

king thereof

king thereof

king thereof as he did unto

king thereof he utterly destroyed

king thereof with

king this day <2SA4 -:8 >

king thought

king thy judgments

king thy lord <1SA26 -:15 >

king tidings <2SA18 -:19 >

king took <2SA20 -:3 >

king took <2SA21 -:8 >

king took all judah <2CH16 -:6 >

king took counsel <1KI12 -:28 >

king took his ring from his hand

king took off his ring

king trusteth

king turned his face <2CH6 -:3 >

king turned his face about <1KI8 -:14 >

king under

king unto <2CH8 -:15 >

king unto

king unto

king unto her

king unto jerusalem <2SA19 -:34 >

king uzziah died

king very wroth

king walketh before you <1SA12 -:2 >

king was <2CH26 -:21 >

king was angry

king was astonied

king was come <2SA13 -:6 >

king was come from damascus <2KI16 -:12 >

king was come over <2SA19 -:39 >

king was exceeding sorry

king was grieved for his son <2SA19 -:2 >

king was merry with wine

king was much moved <2SA18 -:33 >

king was sorry

king was stayed up <1KI22 -:35 >

king was very old <1KI1 -:15 >

king went <1KI3 -:4 >

king went

king went forth <2SA15 -:16 >

king went forth <2SA15 -:17 >

king went into <1KI14 -:28 >

king went on <2SA19 -:40 >

king went out <2SA19 -:19 >

king went up into <2CH34 -:30 >

king went up into <2KI23 -:2 >

king what shall come

king what thou hast seen <2SA18 -:21 >

king when he cometh <2CH23 -:7 >

king whom ye have chosen <1SA12 -:13 >

king will enrich him with great riches <1SA17 -:25 >

king will hear <2SA14 -:16 >

king will perform <2SA14 -:15 >

king with

king with his face <1KI1 -:23 >

king with ointment

king with one assent <2CH18 -:12 >

king with one mouth <1KI22 -:13 >

king word again <1KI2 -:30 >

king word again <2CH34 -:28 >

king word again <2KI22 -:20 >

king word again <2KI22 -:9 >

king word back again <2CH34 -:16 >

king would not hearken unto them <2CH10 -:16 >

king would not put <1SA22 -:17 >

king zedekiah <2KI25 -:2 >

king zedekiah

king zedekiah

king zedekiah had made

let king solomon swear unto me <1KI1 -:51 >

let my lord king david live for ever <1KI1 -:31 >

levy which king solomon raised <1KI9 -:15 >

like unto him was there no king before him <2KI23 -:25 >

living god speaking out

long time therefore abode they speaking boldly

looking back

looking diligently lest any man fail

looking for <2PE3 -:12 >

looking for

looking for

looking for

looking round about upon them all

looking stedfastly on him

looking toward gilgal

looking unto jesus

looking up

looking up

looking up

looking upon jesus as he walked

lord anointed thee king over israel <1SA15 -:17 >

lord as king instead <1CH29 -:23 >

lord had confirmed him king over israel <1CH14 -:2 >

lord had established him king over israel <2SA5 -:12 >

lord hath rejected thee from being king over israel <1SA15 -:
26 >

lord shall be king over all

lord sitteth king for ever

lord working with

lurking places

lurking places where he hideth himself <1SA23 -:23 >

made him king instead <2KI14 -:21 >

made him king over all israel <1KI12 -:20 >

made him king over gilead <2SA2 -:9 >

made zedekiah his brother king over judah <2CH36 -:10 >

make david king over all israel <1CH12 -:38 >

make for king solomon for <2CH4 -:11 >

making brick both yesterday

making confession <2CH30 -:22 >

making him very glad

making himself equal with god

making known all <1CH17 -:19 >

making many books

making melody

making mention <1TH1 -:2 >

making mention

making mention

making merry <1KI4 -:20 >

making peace

making request

making supplication before his god

making war against it

making wise

meet king david <2SA19 -:16 >

meet king saul <1SA18 -:6 >

mighty king shall stand up

mine for you all making request with joy

molten looking glass

moreover jeremiah said unto king zedekiah

moses had done speaking with them

mouth speaking great thin

mouth speaking great things

my lord king david <1KI1 -:37 >

new king over egypt

next unto king ahasuerus

no man speaking by <1CO12 -:3 >

not seeking mine own profit <1CO10 -:33 >

now as he was speaking with me

now king david was old <1KI1 -:1 >

o king agrippa

o king agrippa

o king nebuchadnezzar

one king shall be king

one speaking unto him from off

others mocking said

our king may judge us <1SA8 -:20 >

people heard jeremiah speaking these words

preacher was king over israel

pricking brier unto

priest give king david's spears <2KI11 -:10 >

princes walking as servants upon

prison awaking out

prophet anoint him there king over israel <1KI1 -:34 >

prophet spake all these words unto zedekiah king

prophet unto king hezekiah <2KI20 -:14 >

prophet unto king hezekiah

provoking him <1KI16 -:7 >

provoking one another

ride upon king david's mule <1KI1 -:38 >

royal majesty as had not been on any king before him <1CH29 -:
25 >

saul looking out at <1CH15 -:29 >

saw king david leaping <2SA6 -:16 >

seeking for jesus

seeking goodly pearls

seeking him

seeking judgment

seeking rest

seeking rest

seeking whom he may devour <1PE5 -:8 >

set my king upon my holy hill

shaking will he fight with it

shalt be king over israel <1KI11 -:37 >

sheba gave king solomon <2CH9 -:9 >

shemeber king

shinab king

shishak king <1KI14 -:25 >

sihon king <1KI4 -:19 >

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sihon king

sing praises unto our king

six working days

smoking flax shall he not quench

smoking flax shall he not quench

smoking furnace

so benhadad hearkened unto king asa <1KI15 -:20 >

so esther was taken unto king ahasuerus into his house royal

so hazael king <2KI13 -:24 >

so king <2KI17 -:4 >

so king rehoboam strengthened himself <2CH12 -:13 >

so king solomon exceeded all <1KI10 -:23 >

so king solomon sent <1KI1 -:53 >

so king solomon was king over all israel <1KI4 -:1 >

so sennacherib king <2KI19 -:36 >

so sennacherib king

so shishak king <2CH12 -:9 >

so they left off speaking with him

so when they continued asking him

solomon made affinity with pharaoh king <1KI3 -:1 >

speak thou unto pharaoh king

speak unto pharaoh king

speak unto pharaoh king

speaking all

speaking all these words

speaking all these words

speaking evil <1PE4 -:4 >

speaking lies <1TI4 -:2 >

speaking lies

speaking oppression

speaking peace

speaking perverse things

speaking such words unto them

speaking these words unto saul <1SA24 -:16 >

speaking things which they ought not <1TI5 -:13 >

speaking unto

speaking unto all

speaking unto me out

speaking unto moses

speaking unto saul <1SA18 -:1 >

speaking vanity

stinking savour

succour hadadezer king <2SA8 -:5 >

sucking child

sucking child cleaveth

sucking child shall play on

sucking lamb <1SA7 -:9 >

taking him up into an high mountain

taking nothing <3JO1 -:7 >

taking occasion by

taking occasion by

taking them by their arms

taking up

taking wages <2CO11 -:8 >

talmai king <1CH3 -:2 >

talmai king <2SA3 -:3 >

their heart by asking meat for their lust

their king

their king from off his head <1CH20 -:2 >

their king shall go into captivity

their king shall pass before them

them also king david dedicated unto <1CH18 -:11 >

then amaziah king <2CH25 -:17 >

then hazael king <2KI12 -:17 >

then horam king

then king <2KI8 -:16 >

then king asa made <1KI15 -:22 >

then king darius wrote unto all people

then king david answered <1KI1 -:28 >

then king david sent <2SA9 -:5 >

then king jehoash called for jehoiada <2KI12 -:7 >

then king rehoboam sent adoram <1KI12 -:18 >

then king rehoboam sent hadoram <2CH10 -:18 >

then king solomon gave hiram twenty cities <1KI9 -:11 >

then king solomon sware by <1KI2 -:23 >

then no king <1KI22 -:47 >

then rezin king <2KI16 -:5 >

then she left speaking unto her

then toi sent joram his son unto king david <2SA8 -:10 >

then was king belshazzar greatly troubled

then went king david <2SA7 -:18 >

there is another king

there is no king saved by

there they anointed david king over <2SA2 -:4 >

there they made saul king before <1SA11 -:15 >

there was nothing lacking <1SA30 -:19 >

there were also women looking on afar off

therefore jehoash king <2KI14 -:11 >

therefore king rehoboam made speed <1KI12 -:18 >

therefore made he thee king <1KI10 -:9 >

therefore made he thee king over them <2CH9 -:8 >

these smoking firebrands

they anointed david king over israel <2SA5 -:3 >

they anointed david king over israel <1CH11 -:3 >

they had anointed david king over israel <2SA5 -:17 >

they had anointed him king <1KI5 -:1 >

they left off speaking

they made him king <2KI11 -:12 >

they may serve nebuchadnezzar king

they see jesus walking on

they shall be heard for their much speaking

they sinned yet more against him by provoking

they were talking with jesus

thief be found breaking up

thirty years old when he stood before pharaoh king >

this day king over israel <2SA19 -:22 >

this king

those officers provided victual for king solomon <1KI4 -:27 >

thou art my king

thou hast made thy servant king instead <1KI3 -:7 >

thou holdest mine eyes waking

thou king <2CH35 -:21 >

thou king

thou king jehoshaphat <2CH20 -:15 >

thou mayest be their king

thou shalt be king over israel <1SA23 -:17 >

thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto sihon king >

thou shalt surely be king <1SA24 -:20 >

though anointed king <2SA3 -:39 >

three looking toward <1KI7 -:25 >

three looking toward <1KI7 -:25 >

three looking toward <1KI7 -:25 >

three looking toward <1KI7 -:25 >

three looking toward <2CH4 -:4 >

three looking toward <2CH4 -:4 >

three looking toward <2CH4 -:4 >

three looking toward <2CH4 -:4 >

through breaking

thus saith cyrus king <2CH36 -:23 >

thus saith cyrus king

thus saith sennacherib king <2CH32 -:10 >

thy children walking <2JO1 -:4 >

thy king cometh

thy king cometh unto thee

thy king cometh unto thee

thy king which thou shalt set over thee

thy lips from speaking guile

thy making

thy making

thy people still are talking against thee by

thy son benhadad king <2KI8 -:9 >

tidal king

till another king arose

time did king ahaz send unto <2CH28 -:16 >

time rezin king <2KI16 -:6 >

tirhakah king <2KI19 -:9 >

told king david <2SA17 -:17 >

told king david <2SA17 -:21 >

trumpet talking with me

truth ye anoint me king over you

unto king david <1KI1 -:13 >

unto king solomon <1KI8 -:1 >

vashti come no more before king ahasuerus

verily our lord king david hath made solomon king <1KI1 -:43 >

voice speaking unto me

walking after their own lusts <2PE3 -:3 >

walking after their own lusts

walking by

walking naked

walking on

walking upon

walking with slanders

war against hazael king <2CH22 -:5 >

war against hazael king <2KI8 -:28 >

we have no king

we have no king but caesar

we will not make any king <2KI10 -:5 >

when adonizedek king

when he fought against hazael king <2KI8 -:29 >

when he fought with hazael king <2CH22 -:6 >

when he fought with hazael king <2KI9 -:15 >

when jabin king

when king david came <2SA16 -:5 >

when king hezekiah heard <2KI19 -:1 >

when king hezekiah heard

when king jeroboam heard <1KI13 -:4 >

when king zedekiah sent unto him pashur

when nebuchadnezzar king

when nebuchadrezzar king

when saul was king over us <2SA5 -:2 >

when thy king

when thy king

when toi king <2SA8 -:9 >

wherefore adonizedek king

wherefore king darius signed

which also king david did dedicate unto <2SA8 -:11 >

which fled from his lord hadadezer king <1KI11 -:23 >

which is lacking <1TH3 -:10 >

which king ahaz <2CH29 -:19 >

which king rehoboam made shields <2CH12 -:10 >

which king solomon had made

which nebuchadnezzar king

which nebuchadrezzar king

which nebuchadrezzar king

which was lacking <2CO11 -:9 >

which was lacking on your part they have supplied <1CO16 -:17 >

which was made king over

while they are yet speaking

who is this king

who shall entice ahab king <2CH18 -:19 >

whom king david made rulers over <1CH26 -:32 >

whom nebuchadnezzar king <2KI25 -:22 >

whom nebuchadrezzar king

whom tilgathpilneser king <1CH5 -:6 >

whom zedekiah king

whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant

wide breaking

will be king <1KI1 -:5 >

will be thy king

will bring upon tyrus nebuchadrezzar king

will deliver zedekiah king

will give pharaohhophra king

window saw king david dancing <1CH15 -:29 >

wise king scattereth

with birsha king

with looking

with tidal king

woman forget her sucking child

working death

working deceitfully

working miracles

working not at all <2TH3 -:11 >

working salvation

working whereby he is able even

working with

working with our own hands <1CO4 -:12 >

yet among many nations was there no king like him

yet making many rich <2CO6 -:10 >

yet talking with him

you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature -:27 >

you with taking thought can add

your king which ye shall have chosen you <1SA8 -:18 >
