kill Num_14_15 /^{kill /all this people as
one man , then the nations which have heard the fame of thee
will speak , saying ,

kill Ecc_03_03 /^{kill /and a time to heal ;
a time to break down , and a time to build up ;

kill Mat_23_34 /${kill /and crucify ; and
some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues , and persecute
them from city to city :

kill Jam_04_02 /${kill /and desire to have ,
and cannot obtain : ye fight and war , yet ye have not , because
ye ask not .

kill Act_10_13 /${kill /and eat .

kill Deu_12_15 /^{kill /and eat flesh in all
thy gates , whatsoever thy soul lusteth after , according to the
blessing of the LORD thy God which he hath given thee: the
unclean and the clean may eat thereof, as of the roebuck , and
as of the hart .

kill Deu_32_39 /^{kill /and I make alive ; I
wound , and I heal : neither is there any that can deliver out
of my hand .

kill Est_03_13 /^{kill /and to cause to
perish , all Jews , both young and old , little children and
women , in one day , even upon the thirteenth day of the twelfth
month , which is the month Adar , and to take the spoil of them
for a prey .

kill Joh_10_10 /${kill /and to destroy : I am
come that they might have life , and that they might have it
more abundantly .

kill 2Ki_05_07 /^{kill /and to make alive ,
that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy
? wherefore consider , I pray you, and see how he seeketh a
quarrel against me.

kill Mat_05_21 /${kill /and whosoever shall
kill shall be in danger of the judgment :

kill 2Sa_21_04 /^{kill /any man in Israel .
And he said , What ye shall say , that will I do for you.

kill Jud_20_31 /^{kill /as at other times ,
in the highways , of which one goeth up to the house of God ,
and the other to Gibeah in the field , about thirty men of
Israel .

kill Mar_03_04 /${kill /But they held their
peace .

kill 1Sa_19_01 /^{kill /David .

kill Mar_10_19 /${kill /Do not steal , Do not
bear false witness , Defraud not , Honour thy father and mother .

kill Luk_18_20 /${kill /Do not steal , Do not
bear false witness , Honour thy father and thy mother .

kill Num_31_17 /^{kill /every male among the
little ones , and kill every woman that hath known man by lying
with him .

kill Num_31_17 /^{kill /every woman that hath
known man by lying with him .

kill Rev_02_23 /${kill /her children with
death ; and all the churches shall know that I am he which
searcheth the reins and hearts : and I will give unto every one
of you according to your works .

kill Mat_21_38 /${kill /him , and let us
seize on his inheritance .

kill Mar_12_07 /${kill /him , and the
inheritance shall be ours .

kill Mat_17_23 /${kill /him , and the third
day he shall be raised again . And they were exceeding sorry .

kill Joh_05_18 /${kill /him , because he not
only had broken the sabbath , but said also that God was his
Father , making himself equal with God .

kill Luk_20_14 /${kill /him , that the
inheritance may be ours .

kill Act_21_31 /${kill /him , tidings came
unto the chief captain of the band , that all Jerusalem was in
an uproar .

kill Joh_07_01 /${kill /him .

kill Act_23_15 /${kill /him .

kill Act_09_24 /${kill /him .

kill Act_25_03 /${kill /him .

kill Psa_59_01 /^{kill /him .>> Deliver me
from mine enemies , O my God : defend me from them that rise up
against me.

kill Act_09_23 /${kill /him :

kill Mar_10_34 /${kill /him : and the third
day he shall rise again .

kill Mar_09_31 /${kill /him ; and after that
he is killed , he shall rise the third day .

kill Luk_22_02 /${kill /him ; for they feared
the people .

kill Lev_20_04 /^{kill /him not :

kill 2Sa_13_28 /^{kill /him, fear not: have
not I commanded you? be courageous , and be valiant .

kill 2Sa_14_07 /^{kill /him, for the life of
his brother whom he slew ; and we will destroy the heir also:
and so they shall quench my coal which is left , and shall not
leave to my husband neither name nor remainder upon the earth .

kill 1Sa_17_09 /^{kill /him, then shall ye be
our servants , and serve us.

kill Gen_37_21 /^{kill /him.

kill Gen_04_15 /^{kill /him.

kill Exo_04_24 /^{kill /him.

kill Mat_26_04 /${kill /him.

kill Jud_16_02 /^{kill /him.

kill Exo_01_16 /^{kill /him: but if it be a
daughter , then she shall live .

kill Deu_13_09 /^{kill /him; thine hand shall
be first upon him to put him to death , and afterwards the hand
of all the people .

kill Joh_08_22 /${kill /himself ? because he
saith , Whither I go , ye cannot come .

kill Deu_04_42 /^{kill /his neighbour
unawares , and hated him not in times past ; and that fleeing
unto one of these cities he might live :

kill Lev_22_28 /^{kill /it and her young both
in one day .

kill Lev_03_02 /^{kill /it at the door of the
tabernacle of the congregation : and Aaron's sons the priests
shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about .

kill Lev_03_08 /^{kill /it before the
tabernacle of the congregation : and Aaron's sons shall sprinkle
the blood thereof round about upon the altar .

kill Lev_03_13 /^{kill /it before the
tabernacle of the congregation : and the sons of Aaron shall
sprinkle the blood thereof upon the altar round about .

kill Exo_12_06 /^{kill /it in the evening .

kill Lev_04_24 /^{kill /it in the place where
they kill the burnt offering before the LORD : it is a sin
offering .

kill Lev_01_11 /^{kill /it on the side of the
altar northward before the LORD : and the priests , Aaron's sons
, shall sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar .

kill Exo_22_01 /^{kill /it, or sell it; he
shall restore five oxen for an ox , and four sheep for a sheep .

kill Luk_15_23 /${kill /it; and let us eat ,
and be merry :

kill 1Ki_11_40 /^{kill /Jeroboam . And
Jeroboam arose , and fled into Egypt , unto Shishak king of
Egypt , and was in Egypt until the death of Solomon .

kill Joh_08_40 /${kill /me , a man that hath
told you the truth , which I have heard of God : this did not
Abraham .

kill Act_07_28 /${kill /me , as thou diddest
the Egyptian yesterday ?

kill Joh_08_37 /${kill /me , because my word
hath no place in you .

kill Joh_07_19 /${kill /me ?

kill Gen_26_07 /^{kill /me for Rebekah ;
because she was fair to look upon .

kill 1Ki_12_27 /^{kill /me, and go again to
Rehoboam king of Judah .

kill Exo_02_14 /^{kill /me, as thou killedst
the Egyptian ? And Moses feared , and said , Surely this thing
is known .

kill Gen_12_12 /^{kill /me, but they will
save thee alive .

kill Num_11_15 /^{kill /me, I pray thee, out
of hand , if I have found favour in thy sight ; and let me not
see my wretchedness .

kill 1Sa_30_15 /^{kill /me, nor deliver me
into the hands of my master , and I will bring thee down to this
company .

kill 1Sa_17_09 /^{kill /me, then will we be
your servants : but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then
shall ye be our servants , and serve us.

kill Act_26_21 /${kill /me.

kill 2Sa_14_32 /^{kill /me.

kill 1Sa_16_02 /^{kill /me. And the LORD said
, Take an heifer with thee , and say , I am come to sacrifice to
the LORD .

kill Jam_02_11 /${kill /Now if thou commit no
adultery , yet if thou kill , thou art become a transgressor of
the law .

kill Jud_20_39 /^{kill /of the men of Israel
about thirty persons : for they said , Surely they are smitten
down before us, as in the first battle .

kill Deu_12_21 /^{kill /of thy herd and of
thy flock , which the LORD hath given thee, as I have commanded
thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates whatsoever thy soul
lusteth after .

kill Rev_06_04 /${kill /one another : and
there was given unto him a great sword .

kill Isa_29_01 /^{kill /sacrifices .

kill Mat_05_21 /${kill /shall be in danger of
the judgment :

kill Luk_12_04 /${kill /the body , and after
that have no more that they can do .

kill Mat_10_28 /${kill /the body , but are
not able to kill the soul : but rather fear him which is able to
destroy both soul and body in hell .

kill Exo_29_11 /^{kill /the bullock before
the LORD , by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .

kill Lev_04_04 /^{kill /the bullock before
the LORD .

kill Lev_01_05 /^{kill /the bullock before
the LORD : and the priests , Aaron's sons , shall bring the
blood , and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that
is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation .

kill Lev_16_11 /^{kill /the bullock of the
sin offering which is for himself:

kill Lev_04_33 /^{kill /the burnt offering .

kill Lev_14_19 /^{kill /the burnt offering :

kill Lev_04_24 /^{kill /the burnt offering
before the LORD : it is a sin offering .

kill Lev_07_02 /^{kill /the burnt offering
shall they kill the trespass offering : and the blood thereof
shall he sprinkle round about upon the altar .

kill Lev_16_15 /^{kill /the goat of the sin
offering , that is for the people , and bring his blood within
the vail , and do with that blood as he did with the blood of
the bullock , and sprinkle it upon the mercy seat , and before
the mercy seat :

kill Lev_14_25 /^{kill /the lamb of the
trespass offering , and the priest shall take some of the blood
of the trespass offering , and put it upon the tip of the right
ear of him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his
right hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot :

kill Lev_14_50 /^{kill /the one of the birds
in an earthen vessel over running water :

kill 2Ch_35_06 /^{kill /the passover , and
sanctify yourselves, and prepare your brethren , that they may
do according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

kill Exo_12_21 /^{kill /the passover .

kill Act_27_42 /${kill /the prisoners , lest
any of them should swim out , and escape .

kill Exo_29_20 /^{kill /the ram , and take of
his blood , and put it upon the tip of the right ear of Aaron ,
and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons , and upon the
thumb of their right hand , and upon the great toe of their
right foot , and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about .

kill Lev_14_13 /^{kill /the sin offering and
the burnt offering , in the holy place : for as the sin offering
is the priest's , so is the trespass offering : it is most holy :

kill Num_35_27 /^{kill /the slayer ; he shall
not be guilty of blood :

kill Mat_10_28 /${kill /the soul : but rather
fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell .

kill Lev_07_02 /^{kill /the trespass offering
: and the blood thereof shall he sprinkle round about upon the
altar .

kill Lev_20_16 /^{kill /the woman , and the
beast : they shall surely be put to death ; their blood shall be
upon them.

kill Luk_13_31 /${kill /thee .

kill Joh_07_20 /${kill /thee ?

kill Num_22_29 /^{kill /thee.

kill Gen_27_42 /^{kill /thee.

kill Jud_15_13 /^{kill /thee. And they bound
him with two new cords , and brought him up from the rock .

kill 1Sa_24_10 /^{kill /thee: but mine eye
spared thee; and I said , I will not put forth mine hand against
my lord ; for he is the LORD'S anointed .

kill 1Sa_19_02 /^{kill /thee: now therefore,
I pray thee, take heed to thyself until the morning , and abide
in a secret place, and hide thyself:

kill 1Sa_19_17 /^{kill /thee?

kill Rev_09_05 /${kill /them , but that they
should be tormented five months : and their torment was as the
torment of a scorpion , when he striketh a man .

kill Rev_11_07 /${kill /them .

kill Eze_34_03 /^{kill /them that are fed :
but ye feed not the flock .

kill Exo_16_03 /^{kill /this whole assembly
with hunger .

kill Jam_02_11 /${kill /thou art become a
transgressor of the law .

kill Rom_13_09 /${kill /Thou shalt not steal ,
Thou shalt not bear false witness , Thou shalt not covet ; and
if there be any other commandment , it is briefly comprehended
in this saying , namely , Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself .

kill Isa_14_30 /^{kill /thy root with famine ,
and he shall slay thy remnant .

kill Exo_17_03 /^{kill /us and our children
and our cattle with thirst ?

kill Num_16_13 /^{kill /us in the wilderness ,
except thou make thyself altogether a prince over us?

kill Jud_13_23 /^{kill /us, he would not have
received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands ,
neither would he have shewed us all these things, nor would as
at this time have told us such things as these .

kill 2Ki_07_04 /^{kill /us, we shall but die .

kill Rev_06_08 /${kill /with sword , and with
hunger , and with death , and with the beasts of the earth .

kill 2Ki_11_15 /^{kill /with the sword . For
the priest had said , Let her not be slain in the house of the

kill Mat_24_09 /${kill /you : and ye shall be
hated of all nations for my name's sake .

kill Exo_22_24 /^{kill /you with the sword ;
and your wives shall be widows , and your children fatherless .

killed Gen_37_31 /^{killed /a kid of the goats ,
and dipped the coat in the blood ;

killed Exo_21_29 /^{killed /a man or a woman ;
the ox shall be stoned , and his owner also shall be put to
death .

killed Rom_08_36 /${killed /all the day long ;
we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter .

killed Psa_44_22 /^{killed /all the day long;
we are counted as sheep for the slaughter .

killed 2Ch_29_22 /^{killed /also the lambs , and
they sprinkled the blood upon the altar .

killed Mar_08_31 /${killed /and after three
days rise again .

killed Mat_22_04 /${killed /and all things are
ready : come unto the marriage .

killed 1Ki_21_19 /^{killed /and also taken
possession ? And thou shalt speak unto him, saying , Thus saith
the LORD , In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth
shall dogs lick thy blood , even thine.

killed Mat_16_21 /${killed /and be raised again
the third day .

killed Mar_12_05 /${killed /and many others ;
beating some , and killing some .

killed Lam_02_21 /^{killed /and not pitied .

killed Mat_21_35 /${killed /another , and
stoned another .

killed Num_31_19 /^{killed /any person , and
whosoever hath touched any slain , purify both yourselves and
your captives on the third day , and on the seventh day .

killed Rev_06_11 /${killed /as they were,
should be fulfilled .

killed Lev_04_15 /^{killed /before the LORD .

killed Lev_06_25 /^{killed /before the LORD :
it is most holy .

killed Rev_09_18 /${killed /by the fire , and
by the smoke , and by the brimstone , which issued out of their
mouths .

killed Rev_09_20 /${killed /by these plagues
yet repented not of the works of their hands , that they should
not worship devils , and idols of gold , and silver , and brass ,
and stone , and of wood : which neither can see , nor hear ,
nor walk :

killed Luk_15_30 /${killed /for him the fatted
calf .

killed 1Sa_25_11 /^{killed /for my shearers ,
and give it unto men , whom I know not whence they be?

killed Luk_12_05 /${killed /hath power to cast
into hell ; yea , I say unto you , Fear him .

killed Mar_09_31 /${killed /he shall rise the
third day .

killed Pro_09_02 /^{killed /her beasts ; she
hath mingled her wine ; she hath also furnished her table .

killed Act_23_21 /${killed /him : and now are
they ready , looking for a promise from thee .

killed Mar_06_19 /${killed /him ; but she could
not :

killed Mar_12_08 /${killed /him, and cast him
out of the vineyard .

killed 2Ki_15_25 /^{killed /him, and reigned in
his room.

killed 1Ki_16_10 /^{killed /him, in the twenty
and seventh year of Asa king of Judah , and reigned in his stead.

killed 1Ki_16_07 /^{killed /him.

killed 2Sa_21_17 /^{killed /him. Then the men of
David sware unto him, saying , Thou shalt go no more out with us
to battle , that thou quench not the light of Israel .

killed Luk_20_15 /${killed /him. What therefore
shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them ?

killed Act_16_27 /${killed /himself , supposing
that the prisoners had been fled .

killed Lev_14_05 /^{killed /in an earthen
vessel over running water :

killed 1Sa_28_24 /^{killed /it, and took flour ,
and kneaded it, and did bake unleavened bread thereof:

killed Lev_08_19 /^{killed /it; and Moses
sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about .

killed Act_12_02 /${killed /James the brother
of John with the sword .

killed Act_23_27 /${killed /of them : then came
I with an army , and rescued him , having understood that he was
a Roman .

killed Lev_14_06 /^{killed /over the running
water :

killed Act_23_12 /${killed /Paul .

killed Lev_06_25 /^{killed /shall the sin
offering be killed before the LORD : it is most holy .

killed 2Ch_18_02 /^{killed /sheep and oxen for
him in abundance , and for the people that he had with him, and
persuaded him to go up with him to Ramothgilead .

killed 1Ch_19_18 /^{killed /Shophach the
captain of the host .

killed 2Ch_29_22 /^{killed /the bullocks , and
the priests received the blood , and sprinkled it on the altar :
likewise, when they had killed the rams , they sprinkled the
blood upon the altar : they killed also the lambs , and they
sprinkled the blood upon the altar .

killed Luk_15_27 /${killed /the fatted calf ,
because he hath received him safe and sound .

killed Jam_05_06 /${killed /the just ; and he
doth not resist you .

killed 2Ch_25_03 /^{killed /the king his father .

killed 1Th_02_15 /${killed /the Lord Jesus ,
and their own prophets , and have persecuted us ; and they
please not God , and are contrary to all men :

killed 2Ch_35_11 /^{killed /the passover , and
the priests sprinkled the blood from their hands , and the
Levites flayed them.

killed Mar_14_12 /${killed /the passover , his
disciples said unto him , Where wilt thou that we go and prepare
that thou mayest eat the passover ?

killed Ezr_06_20 /^{killed /the passover for
all the children of the captivity , and for their brethren the
priests , and for themselves.

killed 2Ch_35_01 /^{killed /the passover on the
fourteenth day of the first month .

killed 2Ch_30_15 /^{killed /the passover on the
fourteenth day of the second month : and the priests and the
Levites were ashamed , and sanctified themselves, and brought in
the burnt offerings into the house of the LORD .

killed Num_16_41 /^{killed /the people of the

killed Act_03_15 /${killed /the Prince of life ,
whom God hath raised from the dead ; whereof we are witnesses .

killed Mat_23_31 /${killed /the prophets .

killed 2Ch_29_22 /^{killed /the rams , they
sprinkled the blood upon the altar : they killed also the lambs ,
and they sprinkled the blood upon the altar .

killed 1Sa_24_11 /^{killed /thee not, know thou
and see that there is neither evil nor transgression in mine
hand , and I have not sinned against thee; yet thou huntest my
soul to take it.

killed Luk_11_48 /${killed /them , and ye build
their sepulchres .

killed Luk_11_47 /${killed /them .

killed 2Ch_29_24 /^{killed /them, and they made
reconciliation with their blood upon the altar , to make an
atonement for all Israel : for the king commanded that the burnt
offering and the sin offering should be made for all Israel .

killed Rom_11_03 /${killed /thy prophets , and
digged down thine altars ; and I am left alone , and they seek
my life .

killed 2Sa_12_09 /^{killed /Uriah the Hittite
with the sword , and hast taken his wife to be thy wife , and
hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon .

killed Rev_13_10 /${killed /with the sword .
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints .

killedst 1Sa_24_18 /^{killedst /me not.

killedst Exo_02_14 /^{killedst /the Egyptian ?
And Moses feared , and said , Surely this thing is known .

killest Luk_13_34 /${killest /the prophets , and
stonest them that are sent unto thee ; how often would I have
gathered thy children together , as a hen doth gather her brood
under her wings , and ye would not !

killest Mat_23_37 /${killest /the prophets , and
stonest them which are sent unto thee , how often would I have
gathered thy children together , even as a hen gathereth her
chickens under her wings , and ye would not !

killeth Lev_24_21 /^{killeth /a beast , he shall
restore it: and he that killeth a man , he shall be put to death

killeth Lev_24_18 /^{killeth /a beast shall make
it good ; beast for beast .

killeth Lev_24_21 /^{killeth /a man , he shall
be put to death .

killeth Lev_17_03 /^{killeth /an ox , or lamb ,
or goat , in the camp , or that killeth it out of the camp ,

killeth Isa_66_03 /^{killeth /an ox is as if he
slew a man ; he that sacrificeth a lamb , as if he cut off a
dog's neck ; he that offereth an oblation , as if he offered
swine's blood ; he that burneth incense , as if he blessed an
idol . Yea, they have chosen their own ways , and their soul
delighteth in their abominations .

killeth 1Sa_02_06 /^{killeth /and maketh alive :
he bringeth down to the grave , and bringeth up .

killeth Lev_24_17 /^{killeth /any man shall
surely be put to death .

killeth Num_35_30 /^{killeth /any person , the
murderer shall be put to death by the mouth of witnesses : but
one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to
die .

killeth Num_35_11 /^{killeth /any person at
unawares .

killeth Jos_20_09 /^{killeth /any person at
unawares might flee thither, and not die by the hand of the
avenger of blood , until he stood before the congregation .

killeth Jos_20_03 /^{killeth /any person
unawares and unwittingly may flee thither: and they shall be
your refuge from the avenger of blood .

killeth Num_35_15 /^{killeth /any person
unawares may flee thither.

killeth 2Co_03_06 /${killeth /but the spirit
giveth life .

killeth 1Sa_17_25 /^{killeth /him, the king will
enrich him with great riches , and will give him his daughter ,
and make his father's house free in Israel .

killeth 1Sa_17_27 /^{killeth /him.

killeth Pro_21_25 /^{killeth /him; for his hands
refuse to labour .

killeth Deu_19_04 /^{killeth /his neighbour
ignorantly , whom he hated not in time past ;

killeth Lev_17_03 /^{killeth /it out of the camp

killeth Job_05_02 /^{killeth /the foolish man ,
and envy slayeth the silly one .

killeth Job_24_14 /^{killeth /the poor and needy
, and in the night is as a thief .

killeth 1Sa_17_26 /^{killeth /this Philistine ,
and taketh away the reproach from Israel ? for who is this
uncircumcised Philistine , that he should defy the armies of the
living God ?

killeth Rev_13_10 /${killeth /with the sword
must be killed with the sword . Here is the patience and the
faith of the saints .

killeth Joh_16_02 /${killeth /you will think
that he doeth God service .

killing Hos_04_02 /^{killing /and stealing , and
committing adultery , they break out , and blood toucheth blood .

killing Jud_09_24 /^{killing /of his brethren .

killing 2Ch_30_17 /^{killing /of the passovers
for every one that was not clean , to sanctify them unto the

killing Isa_22_13 /^{killing /sheep , eating
flesh , and drinking wine : let us eat and drink ; for to morrow
we shall die .

killing Mar_12_05 /${killing /some .

skill Dan_09_22 /^{skill /and understanding .

skill Ecc_09_11 /^{skill /but time and chance
happeneth to them all.

skill Dan_01_17 /^{skill /in all learning and
wisdom : and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams .

skill 2Ch_34_12 /^{skill /of instruments of
musick .

skill 2Ch_02_08 /^{skill /to cut timber in
Lebanon ; and, behold, my servants shall be with thy servants ,

skill 2Ch_02_07 /^{skill /to grave with the
cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem , whom
David my father did provide .

skill 1Ki_05_06 /^{skill /to hew timber like
unto the Sidonians .
