justus , AC , 1:23 , AC , 18:7

justus , COL , 4:11


Justus 2459 # Ioustos {ee-ooce'-tos}; of Latin origin ("just");
Justus, the name of three Christian: -- {Justus}.[ql


Justus Interlinear Index Study

Justus ACT 001 023 And they appointed <2476 -histemi -> two
<1417 -duo -> , Joseph <2501 -Ioseph -> called <2564 -kaleo ->
Barsabas <0923 -Barsabas -> , who <3739 -hos -> was surnamed
<1941 -epikaleomai -> {Justus} <2459 -Ioustos -> , and Matthias
<3159 -Matthias -> .

Justus ACT 018 007 . And he departed <1831 -exerchomai -> thence
<1564 -ekeithen -> , and entered <2064 -erchomai -> into <1519 -
eis -> a certain <5100 -tis -> [ man s ] house <3614 -oikia -> ,
named <3686 -onoma -> {Justus} <2459 -Ioustos -> , [ one ] that
worshipped <4576 -sebomai -> God <2316 -theos -> , whose <3739 -
hos -> house <3614 -oikia -> joined <4927 -sunomoreo -> hard
<4927 -sunomoreo -> to the synagogue <4864 -sunagoge -> .

Justus COL 004 011 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> , which <3588 -ho -
> is called <3004 -lego -> {Justus} <2459 -Ioustos -> , who
<3588 -ho -> are of the circumcision <4061 -peritome -> . These
<3778 -houtos -> only <3441 -monos -> [ are my ] fellowworkers
<4904 -sunergos -> unto the kingdom <0932 -basileia -> of God
<2316 -theos -> , which <3748 -hostis -> have been <1096 -
ginomai -> a comfort <3931 -paregoria -> unto me .


which is called justus

who was surnamed justus

* justus , 2459 ,

* justus , 2459 Ioustos ,


justus -2459 {justus},



Justus 2459 ** Ioustos ** {Justus}.


Justus ......... Justus 2459 -Ioustos->



Justus 2459 # Ioustos {ee-ooce'-tos}; of Latin origin ("just");
Justus, the name of three Christian: -- {Justus}.[ql


Justus 001 023 Act /${Justus /and Matthias .

Justus 018 007 Act /${Justus /one that
worshipped God , whose house joined hard to the synagogue .

Justus 003 011 Col /${Justus /who are of the
circumcision . These only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom
of God , which have been a comfort unto me .



justus And they appointed two, Joseph called
Barsabas, who was surnamed {Justus}, and Matthias.

justus And he departed thence, and entered into a
certain man's] house, named {Justus}, one] that worshipped God,
whose house joined hard to the synagogue.

justus And Jesus, which is called {Justus}, who are
of the circumcision. These only are my] fellowworkers unto the
kingdom of God, which have been a comfort unto me.
