Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
justify ^ 42_LUK_10_29 But <1161> he, willing <2309> (5723) to {justify} <1344> (5721) himself <1438>, said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> Jesus <2424>, And <2532> who <5101> is <2076> (5748) my <3450> neighbour <4139>?

justify ^ 45_ROM_03_30 Seeing <1897> it is one <1520> God <2316>, which <3739> shall {justify} <1344> (5692) the circumcision <4061> by <1537> faith <4102>, and <2532> uncircumcision <0203> through <1223> faith <4102>.

justify ^ 48_GAL_03_08 And <1161> the scripture <1124>, foreseeing <4275> (5631) that <3754> God <2316> would {justify} <1344> (5719) the heathen <1484> through <1537> faith <4102>, preached before the gospel <4283> (5662) unto Abraham <0011>, saying, <3754> In <1722> thee <4671> shall <1757> <0> all <3956> nations <1484> be blessed <1757> (5701).

justify ^ 42_LUK_16_15 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) they which {justify} <1344> (5723) yourselves <1438> before <1799> men <0444>; but <1161> God <2316> knoweth <1097> (5719) your <5216> hearts <2588>: for <3754> that which is highly esteemed <5308> among <1722> men <0444> is <2076> (5748) abomination <0946> in the sight <1799> of God <2316>.