Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

justified 46_1CO_04_04 For I know (4892 -sunedrion -) nothing (3762 -oudeis -) by myself (1683 -emautou -) ; yet (0235 -alla -) am I not hereby (5129 -toutoi -) {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -):but he that judgeth (0350 -anakrino -) me is the Lord (2962 -kurios -) .

justified 46_1CO_06_11 And such (5023 -tauta -) were some (5100 -tis -) of you:but ye are washed (0628 -apolouo -) , but ye are sanctified (0037 -hagiazo -) , but ye are {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) in the name (3686 -onoma -) of the Lord (2962 -kurios -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , and by the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) of our God (2316 -theos -) .

justified 54_1TI_03_16 And without (3672 -homologoumenos -) controversy (3672 -homologoumenos -) great (3173 -megas -) is the mystery (3466 -musterion -) of godliness (2150 -eusebeia -):God (2316 -theos -) was manifest (5319 -phaneroo -) in the flesh (4561 -sarx -) , {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) in the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , seen (3700 -optanomai -) of angels (0032 -aggelos -) , preached (2784 -kerusso -) unto the Gentiles (1484 -ethnos -) , believed (4100 -pisteuo -) on in the world (2889 -kosmos -) , received (0353 -analambano -) up into (1722 -en -) glory (1391 -doxa -) .

justified 44_ACT_13_39 And by him all (3956 -pas -) that believe (4100 -pisteuo -) are justified (1344 -dikaioo -) from all (3956 -pas -) things , from which (3739 -hos -) ye could (1410 -dunamai -) not be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by the law (3551 -nomos -) of Moses (3475 -Moseus -) .

justified 44_ACT_13_39 And by him all (3956 -pas -) that believe (4100 -pisteuo -) are {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) from all (3956 -pas -) things , from which (3739 -hos -) ye could (1410 -dunamai -) not be justified (1344 -dikaioo -) by the law (3551 -nomos -) of Moses (3475 -Moseus -) .

justified 26_EZE_16_51 Neither (03808 +lo) ) hath Samaria (08111 +Shom@rown ) committed (02398 +chata) ) half (02677 +chetsiy ) of thy sins (02403 +chatta)ah ) ; but thou hast multiplied (07235 +rabah ) thine abominations (08441 +tow(ebah ) more than they , and hast {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) thy sisters (00269 +)achowth ) in all (03605 +kol ) thine abominations (08441 +tow(ebah ) which (00834 +)aher ) thou hast done (06213 +(asah ) .

justified 26_EZE_16_52 Thou also (01571 +gam ) , which (00834 +)aher ) hast judged (06419 +palal ) thy sisters (00269 +)achowth ) , bear (05375 +nasa) ) thine own shame (03639 +k@limmah ) for thy sins (02403 +chatta)ah ) that thou hast committed (08581 +ta(ab ) more abominable (08581 +ta(ab ) than they:they are more righteous (06663 +tsadaq ) than thou:yea (01571 +gam ) , be thou confounded (00954 +buwsh ) also (01571 +gam ) , and bear (05375 +nasa) ) thy shame (03639 +k@limmah ) , in that thou hast {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) thy sisters (00269 +)achowth ) .

justified 48_GAL_02_16 Knowing (1492 -eido -) that a man (0444 -anthropos -) is not justified (1344 -dikaioo -) by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) , but by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , even (2532 -kai -) we have believed (4100 -pisteuo -) in Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , that we might be justified (1344 -dikaioo -) by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Christ (5547 -Christos -) , and not by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -):for by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) shall no (3956 -pas -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) .

justified 48_GAL_02_16 Knowing (1492 -eido -) that a man (0444 -anthropos -) is not justified (1344 -dikaioo -) by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) , but by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , even (2532 -kai -) we have believed (4100 -pisteuo -) in Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , that we might be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Christ (5547 -Christos -) , and not by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -):for by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) shall no (3956 -pas -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) be justified (1344 -dikaioo -) .

justified 48_GAL_02_16 Knowing (1492 -eido -) that a man (0444 -anthropos -) is not {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) , but by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , even (2532 -kai -) we have believed (4100 -pisteuo -) in Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) , that we might be justified (1344 -dikaioo -) by the faith (4102 -pistis -) of Christ (5547 -Christos -) , and not by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -):for by the works (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) shall no (3956 -pas -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) be justified (1344 -dikaioo -) .

justified 48_GAL_02_17 But if (1487 -ei -) , while we seek (2212 -zeteo -) to be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by Christ (5547 -Christos -) , we ourselves also (2532 -kai -) are found (2147 -heurisko -) sinners (0268 -hamartolos -) , [ is ] therefore (0686 -ara -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) the minister (1249 -diakonos -) of sin (0266 -hamartia -) ? God (1096 -ginomai -) forbid (1096 -ginomai -) .

justified 48_GAL_03_11 But that no (3762 -oudeis -) man (3762 -oudeis -) is {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by the law (3551 -nomos -) in the sight (3844 -para -) of God (2316 -theos -) , [ it is ] evident (1212 -delos -):for , The just (1342 -dikaios -) shall live (2198 -zao -) by faith (4102 -pistis -) .

justified 48_GAL_03_24 Wherefore (5620 -hoste -) the law (3551 -nomos -) was our schoolmaster (3807 -paidagogos -) [ to bring us ] unto Christ (5547 -Christos -) , that we might be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by faith (4102 -pistis -) .

justified 48_GAL_05_04 Christ (5547 -Christos -) is become (2673 -katargeo -) of no (2673 -katargeo -) effect (2673 -katargeo -) unto you , whosoever (3748 -hostis -) of you are {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by the law (3551 -nomos -) ; ye are fallen (1601 -ekpipto -) from grace (5485 -charis -) .

justified 23_ISA_43_09 Let all (03605 +kol ) the nations (01471 +gowy ) be gathered (06908 +qabats ) together (03162 +yachad ) , and let the people (03816 +l@om ) be assembled:who (04310 +miy ) among them can declare (05046 +nagad ) this (02063 +zo)th ) , and shew (08085 +shama( ) us former (07223 +ri)shown ) things ? let them bring (05414 +nathan ) forth their witnesses (05707 +(ed ) , that they may be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ):or let them hear (08085 +shama( ) , and say (00559 +)amar ) , [ It is ] truth (00571 +)emeth ) .

justified 23_ISA_43_26 Put me in remembrance (02142 +zakar ):let us plead (08199 +shaphat ) together (03162 +yachad ):declare (05608 +caphar ) thou , that thou mayest be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) .

justified 23_ISA_45_25 In the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) shall all (03605 +kol ) the seed (02233 +zera( ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) , and shall glory (01984 +halal ) .

justified 59_JAM_02_21 Was not Abraham (0011 -Abraam -)our father (3962 -pater -) {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by works (2041 -ergon -) , when he had offered (0399 -anaphero -) Isaac (2464 -Isaak -) his son (5207 -huios -) upon the altar (2379 -thusiasterion -) ?

justified 59_JAM_02_24 Ye see (3708 -horao -) then (5106 -toinun -) how that by works (2041 -ergon -) a man (0444 -anthropos -) is {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) , and not by faith (4102 -pistis -) only (3440 -monon -) .

justified 59_JAM_02_25 Likewise (3668 -homoios -) also (2532 -kai -) was not Rahab (4460 -Rhaab -) the harlot (4204 -porne -) {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by works (2041 -ergon -) , when she had received (5264 -hupodechomai -) the messengers (0032 -aggelos -) , and had sent (1524 -eiseimi -) [ them ] out another (2087 -heteros -) way (3598 -hodos -) ?

justified 24_JER_03_11 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto me , The backsliding (04878 +m@shuwbah ) Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) hath {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) herself more than treacherous (00898 +bagad ) Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) .

justified 18_JOB_11_02 Should not the multitude (07230 +rob ) of words (01697 +dabar ) be answered (06030 +(anah ) ? and should a man (00376 +)iysh ) full of talk (08193 +saphah ) be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) ?

justified 18_JOB_13_18 Behold (02009 +hinneh ) now (04994 +na) ) , I have (01961 +hayah ) ordered (06186 +(arak ) [ my ] cause (04941 +mishpat ) ; I know (03045 +yada( ) that I shall be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) .

justified 18_JOB_25_04 How (04100 +mah ) then can man (00582 +)enowsh ) be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) with God (00410 +)el ) ? or how (04100 +mah ) can he be clean (02135 +zakah ) [ that is ] born (03205 +yalad ) of a woman (00802 +)ishshah ) ?

justified 18_JOB_32_02 Then was kindled (02734 +charah ) the wrath (00639 +)aph ) of Elihu (00453 +)Eliyhuw ) the son (01121 +ben ) of Barachel (01292 +Barak)el ) the Buzite (00940 +Buwziy ) , of the kindred (04940 +mishpachah ) of Ram (07410 +Ram ):against Job (00347 +)Iyowb ) was his wrath (00639 +)aph ) kindled (02734 +charah ) , because (05921 +(al ) he {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) himself (05315 +nephesh ) rather than (04480 +min ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) .

justified 42_LUK_07_29 And all 3956 -pas - the people 2992 -laos - that heard 0191 -akouo - [ him ] , and the publicans 5052 -telesphoreo - , {justified} 1344 -dikaioo - God 2316 -theos - , being baptized 0907 -baptizo - with the baptism 0908 -baptisma - of John 2491 -Ioannes - .

justified 42_LUK_07_35 But wisdom 4678 -sophia - is {justified} 1344 -dikaioo - of all 3956 -pas - her children 5043 -teknon - .

justified 42_LUK_18_14 I tell 3004 -lego - you , this 3778 -houtos - man went 2597 -katabaino - down 2597 -katabaino - to his house 3624 -oikos - {justified} 1344 -dikaioo - [ rather ] than 2228 -e - the other 1565 -ekeinos -:for every 3956 -pas - one that exalteth 5312 -hupsoo - himself 1438 -heautou - shall be abased 5013 -tapeinoo - ; and he that humbleth 5013 -tapeinoo - himself 1438 -heautou - shall be exalted 5312 -hupsoo - .

justified 40_MAT_11_19 The Son (5207 -huios -) of man (0444 -anthropos -) came (2064 -erchomai -) eating (2068 -esthio -) and drinking (4095 -pino -) , and they say (3004 -lego -) , Behold (2400 -idou -) a man (0444 -anthropos -) gluttonous (5314 -phagos -) , and a winebibber (3630 -oinopotes -) , a friend (5384 -philos -) of publicans (5052 -telesphoreo -) and sinners (0268 -hamartolos -) . But wisdom (4678 -sophia -) is {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) of her children (5043 -teknon -) .

justified 40_MAT_12_37 For by thy words (3056 -logos -) thou shalt be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) , and by thy words (3056 -logos -) thou shalt be condemned (2613 -katadikazo -) .

justified 19_PSA_143_02 And enter (00935 +bow) ) not into judgment (04941 +mishpat ) with thy servant (05650 +(ebed ):for in thy sight (06440 +paniym ) shall no (03808 +lo) ) man living (02416 +chay ) be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) .

justified 19_PSA_51_04 Against thee , thee only (00905 +bad ) , have I sinned (02398 +chata) ) , and done (06213 +(asah ) [ this ] evil (07451 +ra( ) in thy sight (05869 +(ayin ):that thou mightest be {justified} (06663 +tsadaq ) when thou speakest (01696 +dabar ) , [ and ] be clear (02135 +zakah ) when thou judgest (08199 +shaphat ) .

justified 45_ROM_02_13 ( For not the hearers (0202 -akroates -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) [ are ] just (1342 -dikaios -) before (3844 -para -) God (2316 -theos -) , but the doers (4163 -poietes -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) shall be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) .

justified 45_ROM_03_04 God (1096 -ginomai -) forbid (1096 -ginomai -):yea (1161 -de -) , let God (2316 -theos -) be true (0227 -alethes -) , but every (3956 -pas -) man (0444 -anthropos -) a liar (5583 -pseustes -) ; as it is written (1125 -grapho -) , That thou mightest be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) in thy sayings (3056 -logos -) , and mightest overcome (3528 -nikao -) when (3588 -ho -) thou art judged (2919 -krino -) .

justified 45_ROM_03_20 Therefore (1360 -dioti -) by the deeds (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) there shall no (3956 -pas -) flesh (4561 -sarx -) be {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) in his sight (1799 -enopion -):for by the law (3551 -nomos -) [ is ] the knowledge (1922 -epignosis -) of sin (0266 -hamartia -) .

justified 45_ROM_03_24 Being {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) freely (1432 -dorean -) by his grace (5485 -charis -) through (1223 -dia -) the redemption (0629 -apolutrosis -) that is in Christ (5547 -Christos -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) :

justified 45_ROM_03_28 Therefore (3767 -oun -) we conclude (3049 -logizomai -) that a man (0444 -anthropos -) is {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by faith (4102 -pistis -) without (5565 -choris -) the deeds (2041 -ergon -) of the law (3551 -nomos -) .

justified 45_ROM_04_02 For if (1487 -ei -) Abraham (0011 -Abraam -)were {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by works (2041 -ergon -) , he hath (2192 -echo -) [ whereof ] to glory (2745 -kauchema -) ; but not before (4314 -pros -) God (2316 -theos -) .

justified 45_ROM_05_01 . Therefore (3767 -oun -) being {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by faith (4102 -pistis -) , we have (2192 -echo -) peace (1515 -eirene -) with God (2316 -theos -) through (1223 -dia -) our Lord (2962 -kurios -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) :

justified 45_ROM_05_09 Much (4183 -polus -) more (3123 -mallon -) then (3767 -oun -) , being now (3568 -nun -) {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by his blood (0129 -haima -) , we shall be saved (4982 -sozo -) from wrath (3709 -orge -) through (1223 -dia -) him .

justified 45_ROM_08_30 Moreover (1161 -de -) whom (3739 -hos -) he did predestinate (4309 -proorizo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) called (2564 -kaleo -):and whom (3739 -hos -) he called (2564 -kaleo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) justified (1344 -dikaioo -):and whom (3739 -hos -) he {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) glorified (1392 -doxazo -) .

justified 45_ROM_08_30 Moreover (1161 -de -) whom (3739 -hos -) he did predestinate (4309 -proorizo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) called (2564 -kaleo -):and whom (3739 -hos -) he called (2564 -kaleo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -):and whom (3739 -hos -) he justified (1344 -dikaioo -) , them he also (2532 -kai -) glorified (1392 -doxazo -) .

justified 56_TIT_03_07 That being {justified} (1344 -dikaioo -) by his grace (5485 -charis -) , we should be made (1096 -ginomai -) heirs (2818 -kleronomos -) according (2596 -kata -) to the hope (1680 -elpis -) of eternal (0166 -aionios -) life (2222 -zoe -) .

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