judge Joh_08_15 /${judge /after the flesh ; I
judge no man .

judge Isa_11_03 /^{judge /after the sight of
his eyes , neither reprove after the hearing of his ears :

judge Eze_23_36 /^{judge /Aholah and Aholibah
? yea, declare unto them their abominations ;

judge Joe_03_12 /^{judge /all the heathen
round about .

judge Ezr_07_25 /^{judge /all the people that
are beyond the river , all such as know the laws of thy God ;
and teach ye them that know them not .

judge Mic_04_03 /^{judge /among many people ,
and rebuke strong nations afar off ; and they shall beat their
swords into plowshares , and their spears into pruninghooks :
nation shall not lift up a sword against nation , neither shall
they learn war any more.

judge Psa_110_06 /^{judge /among the heathen ,
he shall fill the places with the dead bodies ; he shall wound
the heads over many countries .

judge Isa_02_04 /^{judge /among the nations ,
and shall rebuke many people : and they shall beat their swords
into plowshares , and their spears into pruninghooks : nation
shall not lift up sword against nation , neither shall they
learn war any more.

judge Gen_15_14 /^{judge /and afterward shall
they come out with great substance .

judge Rev_06_10 /${judge /and avenge our blood
on them that dwell on the earth ?

judge Jud_02_18 /^{judge /and delivered them
out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge : for
it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of
them that oppressed them and vexed them.

judge 1Sa_24_15 /^{judge /and judge between me
and thee, and see , and plead my cause , and deliver me out of
thine hand .

judge Rev_19_11 /${judge /and make war .

judge Joh_05_30 /${judge /and my judgment is
just ; because I seek not mine own will , but the will of the
Father which hath sent me .

judge Luk_12_58 /${judge /and the judge
deliver thee to the officer , and the officer cast thee into
prison .

judge Mat_05_25 /${judge /and the judge
deliver thee to the officer , and thou be cast into prison .

judge Isa_03_02 /^{judge /and the prophet ,
and the prudent , and the ancient ,

judge 1Co_06_03 /${judge /angels ? how much
more things that pertain to this life ?

judge Joh_07_51 /${judge /any man , before it
hear him , and know what he doeth ?

judge Mic_07_03 /^{judge /asketh for a reward ;
and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire : so they
wrap it up .

Judge Jud_11_27 /^{Judge /be judge this day
between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon .

judge Exo_05_21 /^{judge /because ye have made
our savour to be abhorred in the eyes of Pharaoh , and in the
eyes of his servants , to put a sword in their hand to slay us.

judge Eze_34_17 /^{judge /between cattle and
cattle , between the rams and the he goats .

judge Eze_34_22 /^{judge /between cattle and
cattle .

judge 1Co_06_05 /${judge /between his brethren

judge 1Sa_24_15 /^{judge /between me and thee,
and see , and plead my cause , and deliver me out of thine hand .

judge 1Sa_24_12 /^{judge /between me and thee,
and the LORD avenge me of thee: but mine hand shall not be upon

judge Gen_16_05 /^{judge /between me and thee.

judge Exo_18_16 /^{judge /between one and
another , and I do make them know the statutes of God , and his
laws .

judge Eze_34_20 /^{judge /between the fat
cattle and between the lean cattle .

judge Num_35_24 /^{judge /between the slayer
and the revenger of blood according to these judgments :

judge Gen_31_37 /^{judge /betwixt us both .

judge Gen_31_53 /^{judge /betwixt us. And
Jacob sware by the fear of his father Isaac .

judge Luk_12_58 /${judge /deliver thee to the
officer , and the officer cast thee into prison .

judge Mat_05_25 /${judge /deliver thee to the
officer , and thou be cast into prison .

judge Deu_17_12 /^{judge /even that man shall
die : and thou shalt put away the evil from Israel .

judge 1Ki_07_07 /^{judge /even the porch of
judgment : and it was covered with cedar from one side of the
floor to the other .

judge Job_31_28 /^{judge /for I should have
denied the God that is above .

judge Jud_02_18 /^{judge /for it repented the
LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed
them and vexed them.

judge Mic_03_11 /^{judge /for reward , and the
priests thereof teach for hire , and the prophets thereof divine
for money : yet will they lean upon the LORD , and say , Is not
the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us.

judge Amo_02_03 /^{judge /from the midst
thereof, and will slay all the princes thereof with him, saith
the LORD .

judge Psa_75_07 /^{judge /he putteth down one,
and setteth up another.

judge Joh_18_31 /${judge /him according to
your law . The Jews therefore said unto him , It is not lawful
for us to put any man to death :

judge Joh_12_48 /${judge /him in the last day .

judge Joh_12_47 /${judge /him not : for I came
not to judge the world , but to save the world .

judge Rom_14_03 /${judge /him that eateth :
for God hath received him .

judge 1Sa_02_25 /^{judge /him: but if a man
sin against the LORD , who shall intreat for him?
Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their
father , because the LORD would slay them.

judge Psa_50_06 /^{judge /himself. Selah .

judge 1Sa_03_13 /^{judge /his house for ever
for the iniquity which he knoweth ; because his sons made
themselves vile , and he restrained them not.

judge Psa_135_14 /^{judge /his people , and he
will repent himself concerning his servants .

judge Deu_32_36 /^{judge /his people , and
repent himself for his servants , when he seeth that their power
is gone , and there is none shut up , or left .

judge Gen_49_16 /^{judge /his people , as one
of the tribes of Israel .

judge Psa_50_04 /^{judge /his people .

judge Heb_10_30 /${judge /his people .

judge Isa_05_03 /^{judge /I pray you, betwixt
me and my vineyard .

judge 2Sa_15_04 /^{judge /in the land , that
every man which hath any suit or cause might come unto me, and I
would do him justice !

Judge 1Co_11_13 /${Judge /in yourselves : is
it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered ?

judge Eze_44_24 /^{judge /it according to my
judgments : and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all
mine assemblies ; and they shall hallow my sabbaths .

judge Act_23_03 /${judge /me after the law ,
and commandest me to be smitten contrary to the law ?

judge Psa_54_01 /^{judge /me by thy strength .

Judge Psa_43_01 /^{Judge /me, O God , and
plead my cause against an ungodly nation : O deliver me from the
deceitful and unjust man .

judge Psa_07_08 /^{judge /me, O LORD ,
according to my righteousness , and according to mine integrity
that is in me.

Judge Psa_26_01 /^{Judge /me, O LORD ; for I
have walked in mine integrity : I have trusted also in the LORD ;
therefore I shall not slide .

Judge Psa_35_24 /^{Judge /me, O LORD my God ,
according to thy righteousness ; and let them not rejoice over

judge Zec_03_07 /^{judge /my house , and shalt
also keep my courts , and I will give thee places to walk among
these that stand by .

judge Joh_08_16 /${judge /my judgment is true :
for I am not alone , but I and the Father that sent me .

judge 2Ch_01_11 /^{judge /my people , over whom
I have made thee king :

judge Joh_08_15 /${judge /no man .

Judge Luk_06_37 /${Judge /not , and ye shall
not be judged : condemn not , and ye shall not be condemned :
forgive , and ye shall be forgiven :

Judge Mat_07_01 /${Judge /not , that ye be not
judged .

Judge Joh_07_24 /${Judge /not according to the
appearance , but judge righteous judgment .

judge 2Ch_19_06 /^{judge /not for man , but for
the LORD , who is with you in the judgment .

judge 1Co_04_03 /${judge /not mine own self .

judge Jer_05_28 /^{judge /not the cause , the
cause of the fatherless , yet they prosper ; and the right of
the needy do they not judge .

judge Isa_01_23 /^{judge /not the fatherless ,
neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them.

judge 1Co_04_05 /${judge /nothing before the
time , until the Lord come , who both will bring to light the
hidden things of darkness , and will make manifest the counsels
of the hearts : and then shall every man have praise of God .

judge Gen_19_09 /^{judge /now will we deal
worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the
man , even Lot , and came near to break the door .

Judge Heb_12_23 /${Judge /of all , and to the
spirits of just men made perfect ,

Judge Gen_18_25 /^{Judge /of all the earth do
right ?

judge Mic_05_01 /^{judge /of Israel with a rod
upon the cheek .

Judge Act_10_42 /${Judge /of quick and dead .

judge Act_18_15 /${judge /of such matters.

judge Psa_94_02 /^{judge /of the earth :
render a reward to the proud .

judge Psa_68_05 /^{judge /of the widows , is
God in his holy habitation .

judge Joh_08_26 /${judge /of you : but he that
sent me is true ; and I speak to the world those things which I
have heard of him .

judge Rom_14_13 /${judge /one another any more
: but judge this rather , that no man put a stumblingblock or an
occasion to fall in his brother's way .

judge Luk_12_14 /${judge /or a divider over
you ?

judge 1Co_11_31 /${judge /ourselves , we
should not be judged .

judge Act_07_27 /${judge /over us ?

judge Exo_02_14 /^{judge /over us? intendest
thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian ? And Moses
feared , and said , Surely this thing is known .

judge Joh_07_24 /${judge /righteous judgment .

judge Pro_31_09 /^{judge /righteously , and
plead the cause of the poor and needy .

judge Deu_01_16 /^{judge /righteously between
every man and his brother , and the stranger that is with him.

judge Act_07_07 /${judge /said God : and after
that shall they come forth , and serve me in this place .

judge Luk_18_06 /${judge /saith .

judge Deu_25_02 /^{judge /shall cause him to
lie down , and to be beaten before his face , according to his
fault , by a certain number .

judge 2Ti_04_08 /${judge /shall give me at that
day : and not to me only , but unto all them also that love his
appearing .

judge 1Sa_02_25 /^{judge /shall judge him: but
if a man sin against the LORD , who shall intreat for him?
Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their
father , because the LORD would slay them.

judge Exo_18_22 /^{judge /so shall it be
easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden with thee.

judge Jam_05_09 /${judge /standeth before the
door .

judge 2Co_05_14 /${judge /that if one died for
all , then were all dead :

judge Deu_17_09 /^{judge /that shall be in
those days , and enquire ; and they shall shew thee the sentence
of judgment :

judge Eze_22_02 /^{judge /the bloody city ?
yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations .

judge 1Ch_16_33 /^{judge /the earth .

judge Psa_82_08 /^{judge /the earth : for thou
shalt inherit all nations .

judge Psa_96_13 /^{judge /the earth : he shall
judge the world with righteousness , and the people with his
truth .

judge Psa_98_09 /^{judge /the earth : with
righteousness shall he judge the world , and the people with
equity .

judge 1Sa_02_10 /^{judge /the ends of the
earth ; and he shall give strength unto his king , and exalt the
horn of his anointed .

judge Isa_01_17 /^{judge /the fatherless ,
plead for the widow .

judge Psa_10_18 /^{judge /the fatherless and
the oppressed , that the man of the earth may no more oppress .

judge Jam_04_01 /${judge /the law , thou art
not a doer of the law , but a judge .

judge Isa_33_22 /^{judge /the LORD is our
lawgiver , the LORD is our king ; he will save us.

judge Oba_01_21 /^{judge /the mount of Esau ;
and the kingdom shall be the LORD'S .

judge Isa_03_13 /^{judge /the people .

judge Exo_18_13 /^{judge /the people : and the
people stood by Moses from the morning unto the evening .

judge Psa_07_08 /^{judge /the people : judge
me, O LORD , according to my righteousness , and according to
mine integrity that is in me.

judge Isa_51_05 /^{judge /the people ; the
isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust .

judge Exo_18_22 /^{judge /the people at all
seasons : and it shall be, that every great matter they shall
bring unto thee, but every small matter they shall judge : so
shall it be easier for thyself, and they shall bear the burden
with thee.

judge Psa_67_04 /^{judge /the people
righteously , and govern the nations upon earth . Selah .

judge Psa_96_10 /^{judge /the people
righteously .

judge Deu_16_18 /^{judge /the people with just
judgment .

judge Isa_11_04 /^{judge /the poor , and
reprove with equity for the meek of the earth : and he shall
smite the earth with the rod of his mouth , and with the breath
of his lips shall he slay the wicked .

judge Psa_72_04 /^{judge /the poor of the
people , he shall save the children of the needy , and shall
break in pieces the oppressor .

judge 1Pe_04_05 /${judge /the quick and the
dead .

judge 2Ti_04_01 /${judge /the quick and the
dead at his appearing and his kingdom ;

judge Ecc_03_17 /^{judge /the righteous and
the wicked : for there is a time there for every purpose and for
every work .

judge Act_07_35 /${judge /the same did God
send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel
which appeared to him in the bush .

judge Rom_02_16 /${judge /the secrets of men
by Jesus Christ according to my gospel .

judge 1Co_06_02 /${judge /the smallest matters

judge Psa_98_09 /^{judge /the world , and the
people with equity .

judge Joh_12_47 /${judge /the world , but to
save the world .

judge Rom_03_06 /${judge /the world ?

judge 1Co_06_02 /${judge /the world ? and if
the world shall be judged by you , are ye unworthy to judge the
smallest matters ?

judge Psa_09_08 /^{judge /the world in
righteousness , he shall minister judgment to the people in
uprightness .

judge Act_17_31 /${judge /the world in
righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained ; whereof he
hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him
from the dead .

judge Psa_96_13 /^{judge /the world with
righteousness , and the people with his truth .

judge Luk_19_22 /${judge /thee , thou wicked
servant . Thou knewest that I was an austere man , taking up
that I laid not down , and reaping that I did not sow :

judge Rom_02_27 /${judge /thee , who by the
letter and circumcision dost transgress the law ?

judge Eze_23_24 /^{judge /thee according to
their judgments .

judge Eze_07_08 /^{judge /thee according to
thy ways , and will recompense thee for all thine abominations .

judge Eze_07_03 /^{judge /thee according to
thy ways , and will recompense upon thee all thine abominations .

judge Eze_21_30 /^{judge /thee in the place
where thou wast created , in the land of thy nativity .

judge Eze_16_38 /^{judge /thee, as women that
break wedlock and shed blood are judged ; and I will give thee
blood in fury and jealousy .

judge Eze_24_14 /^{judge /thee, saith the Lord

judge Eze_23_45 /^{judge /them after the
manner of adulteresses , and after the manner of women that shed
blood ; because they are adulteresses , and blood is in their
hands .

judge 1Co_05_12 /${judge /them also that are
without ? do not ye judge them that are within ?

judge 1Co_05_12 /${judge /them that are within

judge Eze_20_04 /^{judge /them, son of man ,
wilt thou judge them? cause them to know the abominations of
their fathers :

judge Eze_07_27 /^{judge /them; and they shall
know that I am the LORD .

judge Deu_25_01 /^{judge /them; then they
shall justify the righteous , and condemn the wicked .

judge Eze_20_04 /^{judge /them? cause them to
know the abominations of their fathers :

judge 2Ch_20_12 /^{judge /them? for we have no
might against this great company that cometh against us; neither
know we what to do : but our eyes are upon thee.

judge Jud_11_27 /^{judge /this day between the
children of Israel and the children of Ammon .

judge Rom_14_13 /${judge /this rather , that
no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his
brother's way .

judge 2Ch_01_10 /^{judge /this thy people ,
that is so great ?

judge 1Ki_03_09 /^{judge /this thy so great a
people ?

judge Lam_03_59 /^{judge /thou my cause .

judge Job_22_13 /^{judge /through the dark
cloud ?

judge Rom_14_10 /${judge /thy brother ? or why
dost thou set at nought thy brother ? for we shall all stand
before the judgment seat of Christ .

judge Lev_19_15 /^{judge /thy neighbour .

judge 1Ki_03_09 /^{judge /thy people , that I
may discern between good and bad : for who is able to judge this
thy so great a people ?

judge Psa_72_02 /^{judge /thy people with
righteousness , and thy poor with judgment .

judge 2Ch_06_23 /^{judge /thy servants , by
requiting the wicked , by recompensing his way upon his own head
; and by justifying the righteous , by giving him according to
his righteousness .

judge 1Ki_08_32 /^{judge /thy servants ,
condemning the wicked , to bring his way upon his head ; and
justifying the righteous , to give him according to his
righteousness .

judge Psa_82_02 /^{judge /unjustly , and
accept the persons of the wicked ? Selah .

judge Act_24_10 /${judge /unto this nation , I
do the more cheerfully answer for myself :

judge Psa_58_01 /^{judge /uprightly , O ye
sons of men ?

judge Psa_75_02 /^{judge /uprightly .

judge 1Sa_08_05 /^{judge /us like all the
nations .

judge 1Sa_08_20 /^{judge /us, and go out
before us, and fight our battles .

judge 1Sa_08_06 /^{judge /us. And Samuel
prayed unto the LORD .

judge Jud_02_19 /^{judge /was dead , that they
returned , and corrupted themselves more than their fathers , in
following other gods to serve them, and to bow down unto them;
they ceased not from their own doings , nor from their stubborn
way .

judge Luk_18_02 /${judge /which feared not God
, neither regarded man :

judge 1Co_06_04 /${judge /who are least
esteemed in the church .

judge Eze_22_02 /^{judge /wilt thou judge the
bloody city ? yea, thou shalt shew her all her abominations .

judge Act_04_19 /${judge /ye .

judge Luk_12_57 /${judge /ye not what is right

judge Mat_07_02 /${judge /ye shall be judged :
and with what measure ye mete , it shall be measured to you
again .

judge 1Co_10_15 /${judge /ye what I say .

judge Eze_33_20 /^{judge /you every one after
his ways .

judge Col_02_16 /${judge /you in meat , or in
drink , or in respect of an holyday , or of the new moon , or of
the sabbath days:

judge Eze_11_11 /^{judge /you in the border of
Israel :

judge Eze_11_10 /^{judge /you in the border of
Israel ; and ye shall know that I am the LORD .

judge Eze_18_30 /^{judge /you, O house of
Israel , every one according to his ways , saith the Lord GOD .
Repent , and turn yourselves from all your transgressions ; so
iniquity shall not be your ruin .

judge Act_13_46 /${judge /yourselves unworthy
of everlasting life , lo , we turn to the Gentiles .

judged 1Pe_04_06 /${judged /according to men in
the flesh , but live according to God in the spirit .

judged Act_24_06 /${judged /according to our
law .

judged 1Co_05_03 /${judged /already , as though
I were present , concerning him that hath so done this deed ,

judged Eze_16_38 /^{judged /and I will give
thee blood in fury and jealousy .

judged Rev_11_18 /${judged /and that thou
shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets , and to
the saints , and them that fear thy name , small and great ; and
shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth .

judged 1Ki_03_28 /^{judged /and they feared the
king : for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him , to do
judgment .

judged Mat_07_02 /${judged /and with what
measure ye mete , it shall be measured to you again .

judged Rom_03_07 /${judged /as a sinner ?

judged Rom_02_12 /${judged /by the law ;

judged Jam_02_12 /${judged /by the law of
liberty .

judged 1Co_06_02 /${judged /by you , are ye
unworthy to judge the smallest matters ?

judged Luk_06_37 /${judged /condemn not , and
ye shall not be condemned : forgive , and ye shall be forgiven :

judged Rev_20_13 /${judged /every man according
to their works .

judged Act_26_06 /${judged /for the hope of the
promise made of God unto our fathers :

judged Heb_11_11 /${judged /him faithful who
had promised .

judged Eze_28_23 /^{judged /in the midst of her
by the sword upon her on every side ; and they shall know that I
am the LORD .

judged Psa_09_19 /^{judged /in thy sight .

judged Jud_03_10 /^{judged /Israel , and went
out to war : and the LORD delivered Chushanrishathaim king of
Mesopotamia into his hand ; and his hand prevailed against
Chushanrishathaim .

judged 2Ki_23_22 /^{judged /Israel , nor in all
the days of the kings of Israel , nor of the kings of Judah ;

judged Jud_12_08 /^{judged /Israel .

judged Jud_12_13 /^{judged /Israel .

judged Jud_12_11 /^{judged /Israel ; and he
judged Israel ten years .

judged 1Sa_07_17 /^{judged /Israel ; and there
he built an altar unto the LORD .

judged 1Sa_07_15 /^{judged /Israel all the days
of his life .

judged Jud_04_04 /^{judged /Israel at that time

judged Jud_12_14 /^{judged /Israel eight years .

judged 1Sa_04_18 /^{judged /Israel forty years .

judged 1Sa_07_16 /^{judged /Israel in all those
places .

judged Jud_15_20 /^{judged /Israel in the days
of the Philistines twenty years .

judged Jud_12_09 /^{judged /Israel seven years .

judged Jud_12_07 /^{judged /Israel six years .
Then died Jephthah the Gileadite , and was buried in one of the
cities of Gilead .

judged Jud_12_11 /^{judged /Israel ten years .

judged Jud_10_02 /^{judged /Israel twenty and
three years , and died , and was buried in Shamir .

judged Jud_10_03 /^{judged /Israel twenty and
two years .

judged Jud_16_31 /^{judged /Israel twenty years

judged Psa_109_07 /^{judged /let him be
condemned : and let his prayer become sin .

judged Act_16_15 /${judged /me to be faithful
to the Lord , come into my house , and abide there. And she
constrained us .

judged Gen_30_06 /^{judged /me, and hath also
heard my voice , and hath given me a son : therefore called she
his name Dan .

judged 1Co_14_24 /${judged /of all :

judged 1Co_10_29 /${judged /of another man's
conscience ?

judged 1Co_02_15 /${judged /of no man .

judged Act_25_20 /${judged /of these matters .

judged Act_25_09 /${judged /of these things
before me ?

judged 1Co_04_03 /${judged /of you , or of
man's judgment : yea , I judge not mine own self .

judged Rev_20_12 /${judged /out of those things
which were written in the books , according to their works .

judged Jer_22_16 /^{judged /the cause of the
poor and needy ; then it was well with him: was not this to know
me? saith the LORD .

judged 1Sa_07_06 /^{judged /the children of
Israel in Mizpeh .

judged Rev_19_02 /${judged /the great whore ,
which did corrupt the earth with her fornication , and hath
avenged the blood of his servants at her hand .

judged Exo_18_26 /^{judged /the people at all
seasons : the hard causes they brought unto Moses , but every
small matter they judged themselves.

judged Eze_35_11 /^{judged /thee.

judged Eze_36_19 /^{judged /them.

judged Exo_18_26 /^{judged /themselves.

judged Rev_16_05 /${judged /thus .

judged Eze_16_52 /^{judged /thy sisters , bear
thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more
abominable than they : they are more righteous than thou: yea,
be thou confounded also, and bear thy shame , in that thou hast
justified thy sisters .

judged Act_25_10 /${judged /to the Jews have I
done no wrong , as thou very well knowest .

judged Dan_09_12 /^{judged /us, by bringing
upon us a great evil : for under the whole heaven hath not been
done as hath been done upon Jerusalem .

judged 1Co_11_32 /${judged /we are chastened of
the Lord , that we should not be condemned with the world .

judges Act_13_20 /${judges /about the space of
four hundred and fifty years , until Samuel the prophet .

judges Hos_07_07 /^{judges /all their kings are
fallen : there is none among them that calleth unto me.

judges Jos_23_02 /^{judges /and for their
officers , and said unto them, I am old and stricken in age :

judges 027 001 Jos /^{judges /and for their
officers ; and they presented themselves before God .

Judges Deu_16_18 /^{Judges /and officers shalt
thou make thee in all thy gates , which the LORD thy God giveth
thee, throughout thy tribes : and they shall judge the people
with just judgment .

judges 2Ch_01_02 /^{judges /and to every
governor in all Israel , the chief of the fathers .

judges Exo_22_09 /^{judges /and whom the judges
shall condemn , he shall pay double unto his neighbour .

judges Zep_03_03 /^{judges /are evening wolves ;
they gnaw not the bones till the morrow .

judges Psa_141_06 /^{judges /are overthrown in
stony places , they shall hear my words ; for they are sweet .

judges Isa_01_26 /^{judges /as at the first ,
and thy counsellors as at the beginning : afterward thou shalt
be called , The city of righteousness , the faithful city .

judges Deu_01_16 /^{judges /at that time ,
saying , Hear the causes between your brethren , and judge
righteously between every man and his brother , and the stranger
that is with him.

judges Jud_02_17 /^{judges /but they went a
whoring after other gods , and bowed themselves unto them: they
turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in ,
obeying the commandments of the LORD ; but they did not so.

judges Exo_21_22 /^{judges /determine.

judges Job_12_17 /^{judges /fools .

judges Exo_21_06 /^{judges /he shall also bring
him to the door , or unto the door post ; and his master shall
bore his ear through with an aul ; and he shall serve him for
ever .

judges 1Sa_08_02 /^{judges /in Beersheba .

judges 2Ch_19_05 /^{judges /in the land
throughout all the fenced cities of Judah , city by city ,

judges Deu_25_01 /^{judges /may judge them;
then they shall justify the righteous , and condemn the wicked .

judges Jam_02_04 /${judges /of evil thoughts ?

judges Num_25_05 /^{judges /of Israel , Slay ye
every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor .

judges 1Ch_17_06 /^{judges /of Israel , whom I
commanded to feed my people , saying , Why have ye not built me
an house of cedars ?

judges Pro_08_16 /^{judges /of the earth .

judges Psa_02_10 /^{judges /of the earth .

judges Psa_148_11 /^{judges /of the earth :

judges Isa_40_23 /^{judges /of the earth as
vanity .

judges Hos_13_10 /^{judges /of whom thou saidst
, Give me a king and princes ?

judges 1Sa_08_01 /^{judges /over Israel .

judges Rut_01_01 /^{judges /ruled , that there
was a famine in the land . And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah
went to sojourn in the country of Moab , he, and his wife , and
his two sons .

judges Deu_21_02 /^{judges /shall come forth ,
and they shall measure unto the cities which are round about him
that is slain :

judges Exo_22_09 /^{judges /shall condemn , he
shall pay double unto his neighbour .

judges Deu_19_18 /^{judges /shall make diligent
inquisition : and, behold, if the witness be a false witness ,
and hath testified falsely against his brother ;

judges Jos_08_33 /^{judges /stood on this side
the ark and on that side before the priests the Levites , which
bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD , as well the stranger ,
as he that was born among them; half of them over against mount
Gerizim , and half of them over against mount Ebal ; as Moses
the servant of the LORD had commanded before , that they should
bless the people of Israel .

judges 2Ch_19_06 /^{judges /Take heed what ye do
: for ye judge not for man , but for the LORD , who is with you
in the judgment .

judges 2Ki_23_22 /^{judges /that judged Israel ,
nor in all the days of the kings of Israel , nor of the kings of
Judah ;

judges Dan_09_12 /^{judges /that judged us, by
bringing upon us a great evil : for under the whole heaven hath
not been done as hath been done upon Jerusalem .

judges Dan_03_02 /^{judges /the treasurers ,
the counsellors , the sheriffs , and all the rulers of the
provinces , to come to the dedication of the image which
Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up .

judges Dan_03_03 /^{judges /the treasurers ,
the counsellors , the sheriffs , and all the rulers of the
provinces , were gathered together unto the dedication of the
image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up ; and they stood
before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up .

judges Jud_02_18 /^{judges /then the LORD was
with the judge , and delivered them out of the hand of their
enemies all the days of the judge : for it repented the LORD
because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them
and vexed them.

judges Ezr_10_14 /^{judges /thereof, until the
fierce wrath of our God for this matter be turned from us.

judges Job_09_24 /^{judges /thereof; if not,
where , and who is he?

judges 2Sa_07_11 /^{judges /to be over my people
Israel , and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies .
Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house .

judges 1Ch_17_10 /^{judges /to be over my
people Israel . Moreover I will subdue all thine enemies .
Furthermore I tell thee that the LORD will build thee an house .

judges Exo_22_08 /^{judges /to see whether he
have put his hand unto his neighbour's goods .

judges Jud_02_16 /^{judges /which delivered
them out of the hand of those that spoiled them.

judges Ezr_07_25 /^{judges /which may judge all
the people that are beyond the river , all such as know the laws
of thy God ; and teach ye them that know them not .

judges Deu_19_17 /^{judges /which shall be in
those days ;

judgest Rom_02_01 /${judgest /another , thou
condemnest thyself ; for thou that judgest doest the same things

judgest Jam_04_01 /${judgest /another ?

judgest Rom_14_04 /${judgest /another man's
servant ? to his own master he standeth or falleth . Yea , he
shall be holden up : for God is able to make him stand .

judgest Rom_02_01 /${judgest /doest the same
things .

judgest Rom_02_01 /${judgest /for wherein thou
judgest another , thou condemnest thyself ; for thou that
judgest doest the same things .

judgest Jer_11_20 /^{judgest /righteously , that
triest the reins and the heart , let me see thy vengeance on
them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause .

judgest Rom_02_03 /${judgest /them which do such
things , and doest the same , that thou shalt escape the
judgment of God ?

judgeth 1Pe_01_17 /${judgeth /according to every
man's work , pass the time of your sojourning here in fear :

judgeth 1Co_02_15 /${judgeth /all things , yet
he himself is judged of no man .

judgeth Psa_82_01 /^{judgeth /among the gods .

judgeth Job_36_31 /^{judgeth /he the people ; he
giveth meat in abundance .

judgeth Rev_18_08 /${judgeth /her .

judgeth Joh_12_48 /${judgeth /him : the word
that I have spoken , the same shall judge him in the last day .

judgeth Jam_04_01 /${judgeth /his brother ,
speaketh evil of the law , and judgeth the law : but if thou
judge the law , thou art not a doer of the law , but a judge .

judgeth Psa_58_11 /^{judgeth /in the earth .

judgeth 1Co_04_04 /${judgeth /me is the Lord .

judgeth Joh_05_22 /${judgeth /no man , but hath
committed all judgment unto the Son :

judgeth 1Pe_02_23 /${judgeth /righteously :

judgeth Jam_04_01 /${judgeth /the law : but if
thou judge the law , thou art not a doer of the law , but a
judge .

judgeth Pro_29_14 /^{judgeth /the poor , his
throne shall be established for ever .

judgeth Psa_07_11 /^{judgeth /the righteous ,
and God is angry with the wicked every day .

judgeth 1Co_05_13 /${judgeth /Therefore put away
from among yourselves that wicked person .

judgeth Job_21_22 /^{judgeth /those that are
high .
