judge -0430 and , angels , exceeding , god , goddess , godly ,
gods , great , his , {judge} , judges , made , mighty , one ,
reign , the , to , very ,

judge -1777 contend , execute , {judge} , judged , judgeth ,
judgment , minister , plead , strife , strive ,

judge -1781 {judge} ,

judge -1784 dinaites , {judge} ,

judge -3198 appointed , arguing , chasten , chastened ,
convinced , correct , correcteth , correction , daysman ,
dispute , {judge} , maintain , plead , reason , rebuke , rebuked
, rebuketh , reprove , reproved , reprover , reproveth , wise ,

judge -6416 {judge} ,

judge -8199 avenged , condemn , contendeth , defend , deliver ,
execute , {judge} , judged , judges , judgest , judgeth ,
judging , judgment , plead , pleaded , pleadeth , reason , ruled

judged -1777 contend , execute , judge , {judged} , judgeth ,
judgment , minister , plead , strife , strive ,

judged -4941 cause , ceremonies , charge , crimes , custom ,
deserts , determination , discretion , disposing , due , fashion
, fashions , form , {judged} , judgment , judgments , just ,
justice , justly , law , lawful , manner , manners , measure ,
order , ordinance , ordinances , right , sentence , usest ,

judged -5307 accepted , cast , castedst , casteth , casting ,
ceased , died , divide , divided , down , fail , failed , fall ,
fallen , fallest , falleth , falling , fell , felled , fellest ,
felling , fugitives , have , inferior , {judged} , keepeth , lay
, lie , liest , lighted , lose , lost , lying , overthrow ,
overthrown , overwhelm , perish , present , presented ,
presenting , rot , slew , smite , throw ,

judged -6419 he , intreat , {judged} , judgment , pray , prayed ,
prayer , prayeth , praying , supplication , thought ,

judged -8199 avenged , condemn , contendeth , defend , deliver ,
execute , judge , {judged} , judges , judgest , judgeth ,
judging , judgment , plead , pleaded , pleadeth , reason , ruled

judges -0148 {judges} ,

judges -0430 and , angels , exceeding , god , goddess , godly ,
gods , great , his , judge , {judges} , made , mighty , one ,
reign , the , to , very ,

judges -1782 {judges} ,

judges -6414 {judges} ,

judges -8199 avenged , condemn , contendeth , defend , deliver ,
execute , judge , judged , {judges} , judgest , judgeth ,
judging , judgment , plead , pleaded , pleadeth , reason , ruled

judgest -8199 avenged , condemn , contendeth , defend , deliver ,
execute , judge , judged , judges , {judgest} , judgeth ,
judging , judgment , plead , pleaded , pleadeth , reason , ruled

judgeth -1777 contend , execute , judge , judged , {judgeth} ,
judgment , minister , plead , strife , strive ,

judgeth -8199 avenged , condemn , contendeth , defend , deliver ,
execute , judge , judged , judges , judgest , {judgeth} ,
judging , judgment , plead , pleaded , pleadeth , reason , ruled
