enjoined Job_36_23 /^{enjoined /him his way ? or
who can say , Thou hast wrought iniquity ?

enjoined Est_09_31 /^{enjoined /them, and as they
had decreed for themselves and for their seed , the matters of
the fastings and their cry .

enjoined Heb_09_20 /${enjoined /unto you .

joined 2Ch_18_01 /^{joined /affinity with Ahab .

joined 1Ki_20_29 /^{joined /and the children of
Israel slew of the Syrians an hundred thousand footmen in one
day .

joined Exo_28_07 /^{joined /at the two edges
thereof; and so it shall be joined together .

joined 1Sa_04_02 /^{joined /battle , Israel was
smitten before the Philistines : and they slew of the army in
the field about four thousand men .

joined Gen_14_08 /^{joined /battle with them in
the vale of Siddim ;

joined Act_18_07 /${joined /hard to the
synagogue .

joined Luk_15_15 /${joined /himself to a
citizen of that country ; and he sent him into his fields to
feed swine .

joined Isa_56_03 /^{joined /himself to the LORD
, speak , saying , The LORD hath utterly separated me from his
people : neither let the eunuch say , Behold, I am a dry tree .

joined Num_25_03 /^{joined /himself unto
Baalpeor : and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel .

joined 2Ch_20_36 /^{joined /himself with him to
make ships to go to Tarshish : and they made the ships in
Eziongeber .

joined Eze_46_22 /^{joined /of forty cubits
long and thirty broad : these four corners were of one measure .

joined Eze_01_11 /^{joined /one to another ,
and two covered their bodies .

joined Job_41_17 /^{joined /one to another ,
they stick together , that they cannot be sundered .

joined Eze_01_09 /^{joined /one to another ;
they turned not when they went ; they went every one straight
forward .

joined Ezr_04_12 /^{joined /the foundations .

joined Act_05_36 /${joined /themselves : who
was slain ; and all , as many as obeyed him , were scattered ,
and brought to nought .

joined Psa_106_28 /^{joined /themselves also
unto Baalpeor , and ate the sacrifices of the dead .

joined Est_09_27 /^{joined /themselves unto
them, so as it should not fail , that they would keep these two
days according to their writing , and according to their
appointed time every year ;

joined 2Ch_20_37 /^{joined /thyself with Ahaziah
, the LORD hath broken thy works . And the ships were broken ,
that they were not able to go to Tarshish .

joined Ecc_09_04 /^{joined /to all the living
there is hope : for a living dog is better than a dead lion .

joined 1Co_06_16 /${joined /to an harlot is one
body ? for two , saith he , shall be one flesh .

joined Hos_04_17 /^{joined /to idols : let him
alone .

joined 1Ki_07_32 /^{joined /to the base : and
the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit .

joined Zec_02_11 /^{joined /to the LORD in that
day , and shall be my people : and I will dwell in the midst of
thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me
unto thee.

joined Mat_19_06 /${joined /together , let not
man put asunder .

joined Mar_10_09 /${joined /together , let not
man put asunder .

joined Exo_28_07 /^{joined /together .

joined Job_41_23 /^{joined /together : they are
firm in themselves; they cannot be moved .

joined Eph_04_16 /${joined /together and
compacted by that which every joint supplieth , according to the
effectual working in the measure of every part , maketh increase
of the body unto the edifying of itself in love .

joined 1Co_01_10 /${joined /together in the
same mind and in the same judgment .

joined Gen_14_03 /^{joined /together in the
vale of Siddim , which is the salt sea .

joined Neh_04_06 /^{joined /together unto the
half thereof: for the people had a mind to work .

joined Num_25_05 /^{joined /unto Baalpeor .

joined Eph_05_31 /${joined /unto his wife , and
they two shall be one flesh .

joined Gen_29_34 /^{joined /unto me, because I
have born him three sons : therefore was his name called Levi .

joined Job_03_06 /^{joined /unto the days of
the year , let it not come into the number of the months .

joined 1Co_06_17 /${joined /unto the Lord is
one spirit .

joined Num_18_04 /^{joined /unto thee, and keep
the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation , for all the
service of the tabernacle : and a stranger shall not come nigh
unto you.

joined Num_18_02 /^{joined /unto thee, and
minister unto thee: but thou and thy sons with thee shall
minister before the tabernacle of witness .

joined Isa_13_15 /^{joined /unto them shall
fall by the sword .

joined Isa_14_20 /^{joined /with them in burial
, because thou hast destroyed thy land , and slain thy people :
the seed of evildoers shall never be renowned .

joined Isa_14_01 /^{joined /with them, and they
shall cleave to the house of Jacob .

joined Psa_83_08 /^{joined /with them: they
have holpen the children of Lot . Selah .
