Joab 2Sa_02_24 /^{Joab /also and Abishai
pursued after Abner : and the sun went down when they were come
to the hill of Ammah , that lieth before Giah by the way of the
wilderness of Gibeon .

Joab 2Sa_18_02 /^{Joab /and a third part under
the hand of Abishai the son of Zeruiah , Joab's brother , and a
third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite . And the king
said unto the people , I will surely go forth with you myself

Joab 2Sa_02_18 /^{Joab /and Abishai , and
Asahel : and Asahel was as light of foot as a wild roe .

Joab 2Sa_18_05 /^{Joab /and Abishai and Ittai ,
saying , Deal gently for my sake with the young man , even with
Absalom . And all the people heard when the king gave all the
captains charge concerning Absalom .

Joab 2Sa_20_10 /^{Joab /and Abishai his
brother pursued after Sheba the son of Bichri .

Joab 2Sa_03_30 /^{Joab /and Abishai his
brother slew Abner , because he had slain their brother Asahel
at Gibeon in the battle .

Joab 2Sa_24_04 /^{Joab /and against the
captains of the host . And Joab and the captains of the host
went out from the presence of the king , to number the people of
Israel .

Joab 2Sa_10_07 /^{Joab /and all the host of
the mighty men .

Joab 1Ch_19_08 /^{Joab /and all the host of
the mighty men .

Joab 2Sa_03_23 /^{Joab /and all the host that
was with him were come , they told Joab , saying , Abner the son
of Ner came to the king , and he hath sent him away , and he is
gone in peace .

Joab 1Ch_02_16 /^{Joab /and Asahel , three .

Joab 1Ch_02_54 /^{Joab /and half of the
Manahethites , the Zorites .

Joab 2Sa_20_17 /^{Joab /And he answered , I am
he. Then she said unto him, Hear the words of thine handmaid .
And he answered , I do hear .

Joab 2Sa_20_22 /^{Joab /And he blew a trumpet ,
and they retired from the city , every man to his tent . And
Joab returned to Jerusalem unto the king .

Joab 2Sa_20_11 /^{Joab /and he that is for
David , let him go after Joab .

Joab 2Sa_02_32 /^{Joab /and his men went all
night , and they came to Hebron at break of day .

Joab 2Sa_11_01 /^{Joab /and his servants with
him, and all Israel ; and they destroyed the children of Ammon ,
and besieged Rabbah . But David tarried still at Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_03_29 /^{Joab /and on all his
father's house ; and let there not fail from the house of Joab
one that hath an issue , or that is a leper , or that leaneth on
a staff , or that falleth on the sword , or that lacketh bread .

Joab 2Sa_18_21 /^{Joab /and ran .

Joab 2Sa_18_10 /^{Joab /and said , Behold, I
saw Absalom hanged in an oak .

Joab 2Sa_02_26 /^{Joab /and said , Shall the
sword devour for ever ? knowest thou not that it will be
bitterness in the latter end ? how long shall it be then, ere
thou bid the people return from following their brethren ?

Joab 2Sa_11_14 /^{Joab /and sent it by the
hand of Uriah .

Joab 2Sa_24_04 /^{Joab /and the captains of
the host went out from the presence of the king , to number the
people of Israel .

Joab 1Ch_19_14 /^{Joab /and the people that
were with him drew nigh before the Syrians unto the battle ; and
they fled before him.

Joab 2Sa_11_11 /^{Joab /and the servants of my
lord , are encamped in the open fields ; shall I then go into
mine house , to eat and to drink , and to lie with my wife ? as
thou livest , and as thy soul liveth , I will not do this thing .

Joab 2Sa_11_17 /^{Joab /and there fell some of
the people of the servants of David ; and Uriah the Hittite died

Joab 1Ki_02_30 /^{Joab /and thus he answered

Joab 2Sa_03_31 /^{Joab /and to all the people
that were with him, Rend your clothes , and gird you with
sackcloth , and mourn before Abner . And king David himself
followed the bier .

Joab 1Ch_21_02 /^{Joab /and to the rulers of
the people , Go , number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan ; and
bring the number of them to me, that I may know it.

Joab 1Ki_02_33 /^{Joab /and upon the head of
his seed for ever : but upon David , and upon his seed , and
upon his house , and upon his throne , shall there be peace for
ever from the LORD .

Joab 1Ch_27_07 /^{Joab /and Zebadiah his son
after him: and in his course were twenty and four thousand .

Joab 1Ch_21_03 /^{Joab /answered , The LORD
make his people an hundred times so many more as they be: but,
my lord the king , are they not all my lord's servants ? why
then doth my lord require this thing? why will he be a cause of
trespass to Israel ?

Joab 2Sa_20_20 /^{Joab /answered and said ,
Far be it , far be it from me, that I should swallow up or
destroy .

Joab 2Sa_14_31 /^{Joab /arose , and came to
Absalom unto his house , and said unto him, Wherefore have thy
servants set my field on fire ?

Joab 2Sa_14_23 /^{Joab /arose and went to
Geshur , and brought Absalom to Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_20_15 /^{Joab /battered the wall , to
throw it down .

Joab 2Sa_14_21 /^{Joab /Behold now, I have
done this thing : go therefore, bring the young man Absalom
again .

Joab 2Sa_20_21 /^{Joab /Behold, his head shall
be thrown to thee over the wall .

Joab 2Sa_14_32 /^{Joab /Behold, I sent unto
thee, saying , Come hither, that I may send thee to the king ,
to say , Wherefore am I come from Geshur ? it had been good for
me to have been there still: now therefore let me see the king's
face ; and if there be any iniquity in me, let him kill me.

Joab 2Sa_19_01 /^{Joab /Behold, the king
weepeth and mourneth for Absalom .

Joab 2Sa_02_28 /^{Joab /blew a trumpet , and
all the people stood still , and pursued after Israel no more,
neither fought they any more .

Joab 2Sa_18_16 /^{Joab /blew the trumpet , and
the people returned from pursuing after Israel : for Joab held
back the people .

Joab 2Sa_18_22 /^{Joab /But howsoever , let me,
I pray thee, also run after Cushi . And Joab said , Wherefore
wilt thou run , my son , seeing that thou hast no tidings ready ?

Joab 2Sa_03_22 /^{Joab /came from pursuing a
troop , and brought in a great spoil with them: but Abner was
not with David in Hebron ; for he had sent him away , and he was
gone in peace .

Joab 2Sa_19_05 /^{Joab /came into the house to
the king , and said , Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all
thy servants , which this day have saved thy life , and the
lives of thy sons and of thy daughters , and the lives of thy
wives , and the lives of thy concubines ;

Joab 1Ch_19_15 /^{Joab /came to Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_03_24 /^{Joab /came to the king , and
said , What hast thou done ? behold, Abner came unto thee; why
is it that thou hast sent him away , and he is quite gone ?

Joab 2Sa_14_33 /^{Joab /came to the king , and
told him: and when he had called for Absalom , he came to the
king , and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the
king : and the king kissed Absalom .

Joab 2Sa_20_16 /^{Joab /Come near hither, that
I may speak with thee.

Joab 1Ch_21_04 /^{Joab /departed , and went
throughout all Israel , and came to Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_11_07 /^{Joab /did , and how the
people did , and how the war prospered .

Joab 2Sa_14_20 /^{Joab /done this thing : and
my lord is wise , according to the wisdom of an angel of God ,
to know all things that are in the earth .

Joab 2Sa_10_13 /^{Joab /drew nigh , and the
people that were with him, unto the battle against the Syrians :
and they fled before him.

Joab 1Ch_11_26 /^{Joab /Elhanan the son of
Dodo of Bethlehem ,

Joab 2Sa_14_22 /^{Joab /fell to the ground on
his face , and bowed himself, and thanked the king : and Joab
said , To day thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy
sight , my lord , O king , in that the king hath fulfilled the
request of his servant .

Joab 1Ki_02_28 /^{Joab /fled unto the
tabernacle of the LORD , and caught hold on the horns of the
altar .

Joab 1Ki_02_28 /^{Joab /for Joab had turned
after Adonijah , though he turned not after Absalom . And Joab
fled unto the tabernacle of the LORD , and caught hold on the
horns of the altar .

Joab 2Sa_12_26 /^{Joab /fought against Rabbah
of the children of Ammon , and took the royal city .

Joab 1Ch_21_05 /^{Joab /gave the sum of the
number of the people unto David . And all they of Israel were a
thousand thousand and an hundred thousand men that drew sword :
and Judah was four hundred threescore and ten thousand men that
drew sword .

Joab 2Sa_24_09 /^{Joab /gave up the sum of the
number of the people unto the king : and there were in Israel
eight hundred thousand valiant men that drew the sword ; and the
men of Judah were five hundred thousand men .

Joab 2Sa_11_22 /^{Joab /had sent him for.

Joab 1Ki_02_28 /^{Joab /had turned after
Adonijah , though he turned not after Absalom . And Joab fled
unto the tabernacle of the LORD , and caught hold on the horns
of the altar .

Joab 2Sa_14_19 /^{Joab /he bade me, and he put
all these words in the mouth of thine handmaid :

Joab 1Ch_11_20 /^{Joab /he was chief of the
three : for lifting up his spear against three hundred , he slew
them, and had a name among the three .

Joab 1Ki_01_41 /^{Joab /heard the sound of
the trumpet , he said , Wherefore is this noise of the city
being in an uproar ?

Joab 2Sa_18_16 /^{Joab /held back the people .

Joab 2Sa_18_14 /^{Joab /I may not tarry thus
with thee . And he took three darts in his hand , and thrust
them through the heart of Absalom , while he was yet alive in
the midst of the oak .

Joab 1Ch_20_01 /^{Joab /led forth the power
of the army , and wasted the country of the children of Ammon ,
and came and besieged Rabbah . But David tarried at Jerusalem .
And Joab smote Rabbah , and destroyed it.

Joab 2Sa_11_25 /^{Joab /Let not this thing
displease thee, for the sword devoureth one as well as another :
make thy battle more strong against the city , and overthrow it:
and encourage thou him.

Joab 2Sa_02_14 /^{Joab /Let the young men now
arise , and play before us. And Joab said , Let them arise .

Joab Ezr_08_09 /^{Joab /Obadiah the son of
Jehiel , and with him two hundred and eighteen males .

Joab 2Sa_11_16 /^{Joab /observed the city ,
that he assigned Uriah unto a place where he knew that valiant
men were.

Joab 2Sa_03_29 /^{Joab /one that hath an issue
, or that is a leper , or that leaneth on a staff , or that
falleth on the sword , or that lacketh bread .

Joab 2Sa_14_03 /^{Joab /put the words in her
mouth .

Joab 1Ch_11_08 /^{Joab /repaired the rest of
the city .

Joab Psa_60_01 /^{Joab /returned , and smote
of Edom in the valley of salt twelve thousand .>> O God , thou
hast cast us off , thou hast scattered us, thou hast been
displeased ; O turn thyself to us again .

Joab 2Sa_02_30 /^{Joab /returned from
following Abner : and when he had gathered all the people
together , there lacked of David's servants nineteen men and
Asahel .

Joab 2Sa_10_14 /^{Joab /returned from the
children of Ammon , and came to Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_20_22 /^{Joab /returned to Jerusalem
unto the king .

Joab 2Sa_02_27 /^{Joab /said , As God liveth ,
unless thou hadst spoken , surely then in the morning the people
had gone up every one from following his brother .

Joab 2Sa_02_14 /^{Joab /said , Let them arise .

Joab 2Sa_14_22 /^{Joab /said , To day thy
servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight , my lord ,
O king , in that the king hath fulfilled the request of his
servant .

Joab 2Sa_18_22 /^{Joab /said , Wherefore wilt
thou run , my son , seeing that thou hast no tidings ready ?

Joab 2Sa_20_09 /^{Joab /said to Amasa , Art
thou in health , my brother ? And Joab took Amasa by the beard
with the right hand to kiss him.

Joab 2Sa_18_20 /^{Joab /said unto him, Thou
shalt not bear tidings this day , but thou shalt bear tidings
another day : but this day thou shalt bear no tidings , because
the king's son is dead .

Joab 2Sa_24_03 /^{Joab /said unto the king ,
Now the LORD thy God add unto the people , how many soever they
be, an hundredfold , and that the eyes of my lord the king may
see it: but why doth my lord the king delight in this thing ?

Joab 2Sa_18_11 /^{Joab /said unto the man that
told him, And, behold, thou sawest him, and why didst thou not
smite him there to the ground ? and I would have given thee ten
shekels of silver , and a girdle .

Joab 1Ch_19_10 /^{Joab /saw that the battle
was set against him before and behind , he chose out of all the
choice of Israel , and put them in array against the Syrians .

Joab 2Sa_10_09 /^{Joab /saw that the front of
the battle was against him before and behind , he chose of all
the choice men of Israel , and put them in array against the
Syrians :

Joab 2Sa_03_23 /^{Joab /saying , Abner the son
of Ner came to the king , and he hath sent him away , and he is
gone in peace .

Joab 1Sa_26_06 /^{Joab /saying , Who will go
down with me to Saul to the camp ? And Abishai said , I will go
down with thee.

Joab 2Sa_11_06 /^{Joab /saying, Send me Uriah
the Hittite . And Joab sent Uriah to David .

Joab 2Sa_11_18 /^{Joab /sent and told David
all the things concerning the war ;

Joab 2Sa_12_27 /^{Joab /sent messengers to
David , and said , I have fought against Rabbah , and have taken
the city of waters .

Joab 2Sa_18_29 /^{Joab /sent the king's
servant , and me thy servant , I saw a great tumult , but I knew
not what it was.

Joab 2Sa_14_02 /^{Joab /sent to Tekoah , and
fetched thence a wise woman , and said unto her, I pray thee,
feign thyself to be a mourner , and put on now mourning apparel ,
and anoint not thyself with oil , but be as a woman that had a
long time mourned for the dead :

Joab 2Sa_11_06 /^{Joab /sent Uriah to David .

Joab 1Ki_02_31 /^{Joab /shed , from me, and
from the house of my father .

Joab 1Ch_20_01 /^{Joab /smote Rabbah , and
destroyed it.

Joab 2Sa_24_02 /^{Joab /the captain of the
host , which was with him, Go now through all the tribes of
Israel , from Dan even to Beersheba , and number ye the people ,
that I may know the number of the people .

Joab 1Ki_01_19 /^{Joab /the captain of the
host : but Solomon thy servant hath he not called .

Joab 1Ki_11_21 /^{Joab /the captain of the
host was dead , Hadad said to Pharaoh , Let me depart , that I
may go to mine own country .

Joab 1Ki_11_15 /^{Joab /the captain of the
host was gone up to bury the slain , after he had smitten every
male in Edom ;

Joab 1Ch_04_14 /^{Joab /the father of the
valley of Charashim ; for they were craftsmen .

Joab 2Sa_23_37 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,

Joab 1Ch_11_39 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,

Joab 2Sa_02_13 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,
and the servants of David , went out , and met together by the
pool of Gibeon : and they sat down , the one on the one side of
the pool , and the other on the other side of the pool .

Joab 1Ki_01_07 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,
and with Abiathar the priest : and they following Adonijah
helped him.

Joab 1Ch_26_28 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,
had dedicated ; and whosoever had dedicated any thing, it was
under the hand of Shelomith , and of his brethren .

Joab 2Sa_23_18 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah ,
was chief among three . And he lifted up his spear against three
hundred , and slew them, and had the name among three .

Joab 1Ki_02_22 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah .

Joab 1Ch_27_24 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah
began to number , but he finished not, because there fell wrath
for it against Israel ; neither was the number put in the
account of the chronicles of king David .

Joab 1Ki_02_05 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah
did to me, and what he did to the two captains of the hosts of
Israel , unto Abner the son of Ner , and unto Amasa the son of
Jether , whom he slew , and shed the blood of war in peace , and
put the blood of war upon his girdle that was about his loins ,
and in his shoes that were on his feet .

Joab 2Sa_14_01 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah
perceived that the king's heart was toward Absalom .

Joab 1Ch_18_15 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah
was over the host ; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud , recorder

Joab 2Sa_08_16 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah was
over the host ; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder ;

Joab 1Ch_11_06 /^{Joab /the son of Zeruiah
went first up , and was chief .

Joab 2Sa_18_12 /^{Joab /Though I should
receive a thousand shekels of silver in mine hand , yet would I
not put forth mine hand against the king's son : for in our
hearing the king charged thee and Abishai and Ittai , saying ,
Beware that none touch the young man Absalom .

Joab 2Sa_02_22 /^{Joab /thy brother ?

Joab 2Sa_18_21 /^{Joab /to Cushi , Go tell the
king what thou hast seen . And Cushi bowed himself unto Joab ,
and ran .

Joab 2Sa_14_29 /^{Joab /to have sent him to
the king ; but he would not come to him: and when he sent again
the second time , he would not come .

Joab 2Sa_20_13 /^{Joab /to pursue after Sheba
the son of Bichri .

Joab 2Sa_20_09 /^{Joab /took Amasa by the
beard with the right hand to kiss him.

Joab 2Sa_03_27 /^{Joab /took him aside in the
gate to speak with him quietly , and smote him there under the
fifth rib, that he died , for the blood of Asahel his brother .

Joab Neh_07_11 /^{Joab /two thousand and
eight hundred and eighteen .

Joab Ezr_02_06 /^{Joab /two thousand eight
hundred and twelve .

Joab 2Sa_03_26 /^{Joab /was come out from
David , he sent messengers after Abner , which brought him again
from the well of Sirah : but David knew it not.

Joab 1Ki_02_29 /^{Joab /was fled unto the
tabernacle of the LORD ; and, behold, he is by the altar . Then
Solomon sent Benaiah the son of Jehoiada , saying , Go , fall
upon him.

Joab 2Sa_23_24 /^{Joab /was one of the thirty ;
Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem ,

Joab 2Sa_20_23 /^{Joab /was over all the host
of Israel : and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over the
Cherethites and over the Pelethites :

Joab 1Ch_21_04 /^{Joab /Wherefore Joab
departed , and went throughout all Israel , and came to
Jerusalem .

Joab 2Sa_17_25 /^{Joab /which Amasa was a
man's son , whose name was Ithra an Israelite , that went in to
Abigail the daughter of Nahash , sister to Zeruiah Joab's mother

Joab 2Sa_14_19 /^{Joab /with thee in all this?
And the woman answered and said , As thy soul liveth , my lord
the king , none can turn to the right hand or to the left from
ought that my lord the king hath spoken : for thy servant Joab ,
he bade me, and he put all these words in the mouth of thine
handmaid :

Joab's 2Sa_18_15 /^{Joab's /armour compassed
about and smote Absalom , and slew him.

Joab's 2Sa_18_02 /^{Joab's /brother , and a
third part under the hand of Ittai the Gittite . And the king
said unto the people , I will surely go forth with you myself

Joab's 2Sa_20_08 /^{Joab's /garment that he had
put on was girded unto him, and upon it a girdle with a sword
fastened upon his loins in the sheath thereof; and as he went
forth it fell out .

Joab's 2Sa_20_10 /^{Joab's /hand : so he smote
him therewith in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to the
ground , and struck him not again ; and he died . So Joab and
Abishai his brother pursued after Sheba the son of Bichri .

Joab's 2Sa_20_07 /^{Joab's /men , and the
Cherethites , and the Pelethites , and all the mighty men : and
they went out of Jerusalem , to pursue after Sheba the son of
Bichri .

Joab's 2Sa_20_11 /^{Joab's /men stood by him,
and said , He that favoureth Joab , and he that is for David ,
let him go after Joab .

Joab's 2Sa_17_25 /^{Joab's /mother .
