Jeush 1Ch_07_10 /^{Jeush /and Benjamin , and
Ehud , and Chenaanah , and Zethan , and Tharshish , and
Ahishahar .

Jeush 1Ch_23_10 /^{Jeush /and Beriah . These
four were the sons of Shimei .

Jeush 1Ch_23_11 /^{Jeush /and Beriah had not
many sons ; therefore they were in one reckoning , according to
their father's house .

Jeush Gen_36_14 /^{Jeush /and Jaalam , and
Korah .

Jeush 1Ch_01_35 /^{Jeush /and Jaalam , and
Korah .

Jeush Gen_36_05 /^{Jeush /and Jaalam , and
Korah : these are the sons of Esau , which were born unto him in
the land of Canaan .

Jeush 011 009 WIICh /^{Jeush /and Shamariah ,
and Zaham .

Jeush Gen_36_18 /^{Jeush /duke Jaalam , duke
Korah : these were the dukes that came of Aholibamah the
daughter of Anah , Esau's wife .
