Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
jesus also being baptized 42_LUK_03_21

jesus answered 43_JOH_01_48

jesus answered 43_JOH_01_50

jesus answered 43_JOH_11_09

jesus answered 43_JOH_12_30

jesus answered 43_JOH_13_26

jesus answered 43_JOH_13_07

jesus answered 43_JOH_14_23

jesus answered 43_JOH_18_36

jesus answered 43_JOH_18_37

jesus answered 43_JOH_18_08

jesus answered 43_JOH_19_11

jesus answered 43_JOH_02_19

jesus answered 43_JOH_03_10

jesus answered 43_JOH_03_03

jesus answered 43_JOH_03_05

jesus answered 43_JOH_04_10

jesus answered 43_JOH_04_13

jesus answered 43_JOH_06_29

jesus answered 43_JOH_07_21

jesus answered 43_JOH_08_14

jesus answered 43_JOH_08_19

jesus answered 43_JOH_08_49

jesus answered 43_JOH_08_54

jesus answered 43_JOH_09_03

jesus answered 42_LUK_10_41

jesus answered 42_LUK_22_51

jesus answered 42_LUK_04_08

jesus answered 41_MAR_10_29

jesus answered 41_MAR_10_05

jesus answered 41_MAR_10_51

jesus answered 41_MAR_11_14

jesus answered 41_MAR_11_29

jesus answered 41_MAR_12_35

jesus answered 41_MAR_14_48

jesus answered 40_MAT_11_04

jesus answered 40_MAT_16_17

jesus answered 40_MAT_17_11

jesus answered 40_MAT_21_21

jesus answered 40_MAT_21_24

jesus answered 40_MAT_22_01

jesus answered 40_MAT_22_29

jesus answered 40_MAT_24_04

jesus answered him 43_JOH_13_36

jesus answered him 43_JOH_13_38

jesus answered him 43_JOH_13_08

jesus answered him 43_JOH_18_20

jesus answered him 43_JOH_18_23

jesus answered him 43_JOH_18_34

jesus answered him 42_LUK_04_04

jesus answered him 41_MAR_12_29

jesus answered them 43_JOH_10_25

jesus answered them 43_JOH_10_32

jesus answered them 43_JOH_10_34

jesus answered them 43_JOH_12_23

jesus answered them 43_JOH_16_31

jesus answered them 43_JOH_06_26

jesus answered them 43_JOH_06_70

jesus answered them 43_JOH_07_16

jesus answered them 43_JOH_08_34

jesus answering said 42_LUK_10_30

jesus answering said 42_LUK_17_17

jesus answering said 42_LUK_09_41

jesus answering said unto him 42_LUK_04_12

jesus answering said unto him 42_LUK_07_40

jesus answering said unto him 41_MAR_13_02

jesus answering said unto him 40_MAT_03_15

jesus answering said unto them 42_LUK_13_02

jesus answering said unto them 42_LUK_20_34

jesus answering said unto them 42_LUK_05_31

jesus answering said unto them 41_MAR_12_17

jesus answering said unto them 41_MAR_12_24

jesus answering saith unto them 41_MAR_11_22

jesus answering saith unto them 41_MAR_11_33

jesus answering spake unto 42_LUK_14_03

jesus answering them began 41_MAR_13_05

jesus answering them said 42_LUK_06_03

jesus apart 40_MAT_17_19

jesus arose 40_MAT_09_19

jesus asked him 42_LUK_08_30

jesus asked them 40_MAT_22_41

jesus began 40_MAT_11_07

jesus began both 44_ACT_01_01

jesus being full 42_LUK_04_01

jesus by night 43_JOH_19_39

jesus by night 43_JOH_03_02

jesus by night 43_JOH_07_50

jesus called 40_MAT_18_02

jesus called his disciples 41_MAR_08_01

jesus came 40_MAT_17_07

jesus came 40_MAT_28_18

jesus came from nazareth 41_MAR_01_09

jesus came into galilee 41_MAR_01_14

jesus charged them 40_MAT_17_09

jesus christ 62_1JO_02_01

jesus christ 62_1JO_05_06

jesus christ 60_1PE_01_01

jesus christ 60_1PE_01_13

jesus christ 60_1PE_01_02

jesus christ 60_1PE_01_07

jesus christ 60_1PE_03_21

jesus christ 54_1TI_04_06

jesus christ 47_2CO_01_19

jesus christ 47_2CO_04_06

jesus christ 61_2PE_01_01

jesus christ 55_2TI_02_03

jesus christ 55_2TI_02_08

jesus christ 44_ACT_16_18

jesus christ 44_ACT_03_06

jesus christ 44_ACT_04_10

jesus christ 48_GAL_01_12

jesus christ 48_GAL_02_16

jesus christ 48_GAL_02_16

jesus christ 58_HEB_13_08

jesus christ 43_JOH_17_03

jesus christ 65_JDE_01_01

jesus christ 65_JDE_01_01

jesus christ 41_MAR_01_01

jesus christ 40_MAT_01_01

jesus christ 57_PHM_01_01

jesus christ 57_PHM_01_09

jesus christ 50_PHP_01_01

jesus christ 50_PHP_01_19

jesus christ PHP1 -:41

jesus christ 50_PHP_01_06

jesus christ 50_PHP_01_08

jesus christ 66_REV_01_01

jesus christ 66_REV_01_02

jesus christ 66_REV_01_09

jesus christ 66_REV_01_09

jesus christ 66_REV_12_17

jesus christ 45_ROM_01_01

jesus christ 45_ROM_01_06

jesus christ 45_ROM_15_16

jesus christ 45_ROM_16_25

jesus christ 45_ROM_05_15

jesus christ 45_ROM_05_17

jesus christ 56_TIT_01_01

jesus christ by 54_1TI_01_01

jesus christ by 47_2CO_01_01

jesus christ by 55_2TI_01_01

jesus christ by 51_COL_01_01

jesus christ by 49_EPH_01_01

jesus christ for 44_ACT_02_38

jesus christ for me by my coming 50_PHP_01_26

jesus christ for you gentiles 49_EPH_03_01

jesus christ from 60_1PE_01_03

jesus christ himself being 49_EPH_02_20

jesus christ his son cleanseth us from all sin 62_1JO_01_07

jesus christ is 47_2CO_13_05

jesus christ is 44_ACT_08_37

jesus christ is come 62_1JO_04_02

jesus christ is come 62_1JO_04_03

jesus christ is come 63_2JO_01_07

jesus christ maketh thee whole 44_ACT_09_34

jesus christ might be given 48_GAL_03_22

jesus christ neither circumcision availeth any thing 48_GAL_05_06

jesus christ once 58_HEB_10_10

jesus christ our lord 46_1CO_01_02

jesus christ our lord 54_1TI_01_01

jesus christ through 46_1CO_01_01

jesus christ unto all 45_ROM_03_22

jesus christ was 45_ROM_15_08

jesus christ was on this wise 40_MAT_01_18

jesus could no more openly enter into 41_MAR_01_45

jesus cried 43_JOH_12_44

jesus cried with 41_MAR_15_37

jesus departed from thence 40_MAT_15_29

jesus did 43_JOH_04_54

jesus did 43_JOH_06_14

jesus died 52_1TH_04_14

jesus entered into jerusalem 41_MAR_11_11

jesus every knee should bow PHP1 -:40

jesus going up 40_MAT_20_17

jesus had healed on 42_LUK_13_14

jesus had lain 43_JOH_20_12

jesus had said unto him 43_JOH_13_29

jesus had spoken unto him 43_JOH_04_50

jesus have sent mine angel 66_REV_22_16

jesus heard 43_JOH_09_35

jesus himself began 42_LUK_03_23

jesus himself drew near 42_LUK_24_15

jesus himself stood 42_LUK_24_36

jesus his mother 43_JOH_19_25

jesus increased 42_LUK_02_52

jesus is 46_1CO_12_03

jesus is 62_1JO_02_22

jesus is 62_1JO_04_15

jesus is 62_1JO_05_01

jesus is 43_JOH_20_31

jesus is 66_REV_19_10

jesus knew their thoughts 40_MAT_12_25

jesus knowing 43_JOH_13_03

jesus knowing 43_JOH_19_28

jesus knowing their thoughts said 40_MAT_09_04

jesus lifted up 43_JOH_11_41

jesus looked round about 41_MAR_10_23

jesus looking upon them saith 41_MAR_10_27

jesus made 43_JOH_04_01

jesus met them 40_MAT_28_09

jesus might be fulfilled 43_JOH_18_32

jesus might be made manifest 47_2CO_04_10

jesus might be made manifest 47_2CO_04_11

jesus our lord 61_2PE_01_02

jesus passed by 40_MAT_20_30

jesus prevented him 40_MAT_17_25

jesus put forth 40_MAT_08_03

jesus rebuked 42_LUK_09_42

jesus rebuked 40_MAT_17_18

jesus rebuked him 42_LUK_04_35

jesus rebuked him 41_MAR_01_25

jesus returned 42_LUK_04_14

jesus said 43_JOH_11_39

jesus said 43_JOH_13_31

jesus said 43_JOH_06_10

jesus said 43_JOH_09_39

jesus said 42_LUK_08_45

jesus said 42_LUK_08_46

jesus said 41_MAR_14_18

jesus said 41_MAR_14_06

jesus said 41_MAR_14_62

jesus said 40_MAT_15_16

jesus said 40_MAT_19_18

jesus said unto 40_MAT_08_13

jesus said unto her 43_JOH_11_25

jesus said unto her 43_JOH_04_17

jesus said unto her 43_JOH_08_11

jesus said unto him 43_JOH_09_37

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_18_19

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_18_42

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_19_09

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_23_43

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_09_50

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_09_58

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_09_60

jesus said unto him 42_LUK_09_62

jesus said unto him 41_MAR_10_18

jesus said unto him 41_MAR_10_52

jesus said unto him 41_MAR_14_72

jesus said unto him 41_MAR_09_23

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_19_21

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_22_37

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_26_34

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_26_50

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_27_11

jesus said unto him 40_MAT_04_07

jesus said unto simon 42_LUK_05_10

jesus said unto them 43_JOH_06_35

jesus said unto them 43_JOH_08_42

jesus said unto them 43_JOH_08_58

jesus said unto them 43_JOH_09_41

jesus said unto them 42_LUK_20_08

jesus said unto them 41_MAR_01_17

jesus said unto them 41_MAR_10_39

jesus said unto them 41_MAR_02_19

jesus said unto them 40_MAT_17_20

jesus said unto them 40_MAT_17_22

jesus said unto them 40_MAT_19_28

jesus said unto them 40_MAT_24_02

jesus said unto them 40_MAT_09_15

jesus saith 43_JOH_13_10

jesus saith 43_JOH_21_15

jesus saith 43_JOH_21_17

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_11_23

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_11_40

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_02_04

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_20_15

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_20_16

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_20_17

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_04_16

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_04_21

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_04_26

jesus saith unto her 43_JOH_04_07

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_14_06

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_14_09

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_02_03

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_20_29

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_21_22

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_04_50

jesus saith unto him 43_JOH_05_08

jesus saith unto him 41_MAR_14_30

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_17_26

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_18_22

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_26_64

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_08_20

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_08_04

jesus saith unto him 40_MAT_08_07

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_11_44

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_18_05

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_02_07

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_21_10

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_21_12

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_04_34

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_08_25

jesus saith unto them 43_JOH_08_39

jesus saith unto them 41_MAR_14_27

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_13_51

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_15_34

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_21_16

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_21_31

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_21_42

jesus saith unto them 40_MAT_09_28

jesus sat over against 41_MAR_12_41

jesus saw nathanael coming 43_JOH_01_47

jesus scribes 40_MAT_15_01

jesus seeing their faith said unto 40_MAT_09_02

jesus should die for 43_JOH_11_51

jesus showed himself 43_JOH_21_14

jesus standing on 44_ACT_07_55

jesus stood 43_JOH_07_37

jesus stood 42_LUK_18_40

jesus stood before 40_MAT_27_11

jesus stood on 43_JOH_21_04

jesus stood still 41_MAR_10_49

jesus stood still 40_MAT_20_32

jesus straitly charged them 40_MAT_09_30

jesus then cometh 43_JOH_21_13

jesus therefore 43_JOH_18_04

jesus therefore 43_JOH_04_06

jesus therefore again groaning 43_JOH_11_38

jesus therefore answered 43_JOH_06_43

jesus therefore walked no more openly among 43_JOH_11_54

jesus took 43_JOH_06_11

jesus took bread 41_MAR_14_22

jesus took bread 40_MAT_26_26

jesus walked 43_JOH_10_23

jesus was christ 44_ACT_18_28

jesus was come out 43_JOH_04_47

jesus was coming 43_JOH_11_20

jesus was coming 43_JOH_12_12

jesus was found alone 42_LUK_09_36

jesus was left alone 43_JOH_08_09

jesus was not come 43_JOH_06_17

jesus was not there 43_JOH_06_24

jesus was not yet glorified 43_JOH_07_39

jesus was there 43_JOH_02_01

jesus went about all 40_MAT_09_35

jesus went about all galilee 40_MAT_04_23

jesus went before them 41_MAR_10_32

jesus went forth 40_MAT_14_14

jesus went into 41_MAR_11_15

jesus went into 40_MAT_21_12

jesus went not with his disciples into 43_JOH_06_22

jesus went out 41_MAR_08_27

jesus went out 40_MAT_24_01

jesus went unto 43_JOH_08_01

jesus went up 43_JOH_02_13

jesus went up 43_JOH_05_01

jesus went up into 43_JOH_06_03

jesus wept 43_JOH_11_35

jesus whom thou persecutest 44_ACT_26_15

jesus whom thou persecutest 44_ACT_09_05

jesus will god bring with him 52_1TH_04_14