Jabin Psa_83_09 /^{Jabin /at the brook of
Kison :

Jabin Jud_04_02 /^{Jabin /king of Canaan ,
that reigned in Hazor ; the captain of whose host was Sisera ,
which dwelt in Harosheth of the Gentiles .

Jabin Jud_04_24 /^{Jabin /king of Canaan .

Jabin Jos_11_01 /^{Jabin /king of Hazor had
heard those things, that he sent to Jobab king of Madon , and to
the king of Shimron , and to the king of Achshaph ,

Jabin Jud_04_24 /^{Jabin /the king of Canaan ,
until they had destroyed Jabin king of Canaan .

Jabin Jud_04_23 /^{Jabin /the king of Canaan
before the children of Israel .

Jabin Jud_04_17 /^{Jabin /the king of Hazor
and the house of Heber the Kenite .

Jabin's Jud_04_07 /^{Jabin's /army , with his
chariots and his multitude ; and I will deliver him into thine
hand .
