Izhar 1Ch_06_02 /^{Izhar /and Hebron , and
Uzziel .

Izhar 1Ch_06_18 /^{Izhar /and Hebron , and
Uzziel .

Izhar Exo_06_18 /^{Izhar /and Hebron , and
Uzziel : and the years of the life of Kohath were an hundred
thirty and three years .

Izhar 1Ch_23_12 /^{Izhar /Hebron , and Uzziel ,
four .

Izhar Exo_06_21 /^{Izhar /Korah , and Nepheg ,
and Zichri .

Izhar 1Ch_23_18 /^{Izhar /Shelomith the chief .

Izhar Num_16_01 /^{Izhar /the son of Kohath ,
the son of Levi , and Dathan and Abiram , the sons of Eliab ,
and On , the son of Peleth , sons of Reuben , took men:

Izhar 1Ch_06_38 /^{Izhar /the son of Kohath ,
the son of Levi , the son of Israel .

Izharites 1Ch_26_29 /^{Izharites /Chenaniah and
his sons were for the outward business over Israel , for
officers and judges .

Izharites 1Ch_24_22 /^{Izharites /Shelomoth : of
the sons of Shelomoth ; Jahath .

Izharites 1Ch_26_23 /^{Izharites /the Hebronites ,
and the Uzzielites :
