Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
disallowed ^ 60_1PE_02_07 Unto you <5213> therefore <3767> which <3588> believe <4100> (5723) he is precious <5092>: but <1161> unto them which be disobedient <0544> (5723), the stone <3037> which <3739> the builders <3618> (5723) {disallowed} <0593> (5656), the same <3778> is made <1096> (5675) <1519> the head <2776> of the corner <1137>,

disallowed ^ 60_1PE_02_04 To <4314> whom <3739> coming <4334> (5740), as unto a living <2198> (5723) stone <3037>, {disallowed} <0593> (5772) indeed <3303> of <5259> men <0444>, but <1161> chosen <1588> of <3844> God <2316>, and precious <1784>,

disannul ^ 48_GAL_03_17 And <1161> this <5124> I say <3004> (5719), that the covenant <1242>, that was confirmed before <4300> (5772) of <5259> God <2316> in <1519> Christ <5547>, the law <3551>, which was <1096> (5756) four hundred <5071> and <2532> thirty <5144> years <2094> after <3326>, cannot <3756> {disannul} <0208> (5719), that <1519> it should make <2673> <0> the promise <1860> of none effect <2673> (5658).

disannulleth ^ 48_GAL_03_15 Brethren <0080>, I speak <3004> (5719) after the manner of <2596> men <0444>; Though it be but <3676> a man's <0444> covenant <1242>, yet if it be confirmed <2964> (5772), no man <3762> {disannulleth} <0114> (5719), or <2228> addeth thereto <1928> (5736).

disannulling ^ 58_HEB_07_18 For <1063> there is <1096> (5736) verily <3303> a {disannulling} <0115> of the commandment <1785> going before <4254> (5723) for <1223> the weakness <0772> and <2532> unprofitableness <0512> thereof <0846>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_40 And <2532> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of Zacharias <2197>, and <2532> saluted <0782> (5662) {Elisabeth} <1665>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_41 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, when <5613> Elisabeth <1665> heard <0191> (5656) the salutation <0783> of Mary <3137>, the babe <1025> leaped <4640> (5656) in <1722> her <0846> womb <2836>; and <2532> {Elisabeth} <1665> was filled <4130> (5681) with the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>:

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_05 There was <1096> (5633) in <1722> the days <2250> of Herod <2264>, the king <0935> of Judaea <2449>, a certain <5100> priest <2409> named <3686> Zacharias <2197>, of <1537> the course <2183> of Abia <7>: and <2532> his <0846> wife <1135> was of <1537> the daughters <2364> of Aaron <2>, and <2532> her <0846> name <3686> was {Elisabeth} <1665>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_07 And <2532> they <0846> had <2258> (5713) no <3756> child <5043>, because <2530> that {Elisabeth} <1665> was <2258> (5713) barren <4723>, and <2532> they <0846> both <0297> were <2258> (5713) now well stricken <4260> (5761) in <1722> years <2250>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_13 But <1161> the angel <0032> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> him <0846>, Fear <5399> (5737) not <3361>, Zacharias <2197>: for <1360> thy <4675> prayer <1162> is heard <1522> (5681); and <2532> thy <4675> wife <1135> {Elisabeth} <1665> shall bear <1080> (5692) thee <4671> a son <5207>, and <2532> thou shalt call <2564> (5692) his <0846> name <3686> John <2491>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_41 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, when <5613> {Elisabeth} <1665> heard <0191> (5656) the salutation <0783> of Mary <3137>, the babe <1025> leaped <4640> (5656) in <1722> her <0846> womb <2836>; and <2532> Elisabeth <1665> was filled <4130> (5681) with the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>:

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_36 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), thy <4675> cousin <4773> {Elisabeth} <1665>, she <0846> hath <4815> <0> also <2532> conceived <4815> (5761) a son <5207> in <1722> her <0846> old age <1094>: and <2532> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the sixth <1623> month <3376> with her <0846>, who <3588> was called <2564> (5746) barren <4723>.

Elisabeth ^ 42_LUK_01_24 And <1161> after <3326> those <5025> days <2250> his <0846> wife <1135> {Elisabeth} <1665> conceived <4815> (5627), and <2532> hid <4032> (5707) herself <1438> five <4002> months <3376>, saying <3004> (5723),

Elisabeth's ^ 42_LUK_01_57 Now <1161> {Elisabeth's} <1665> full <4130> <0> time <5550> came <4130> (5681) that she <0846> should be delivered <5088> (5629); and <2532> she brought forth <1080> (5656) a son <5207>.

Isaac ^ 44_ACT_03_13 The God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> of {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> of Jacob <2384>, the God <2316> of our <2257> fathers <3962>, hath glorified <1392> (5656) his <0846> Son <3816> Jesus <2424>; whom <3739> ye <5210> delivered up <3860> (5656), and <2532> denied <0720> (5662) him <0846> in <2596> the presence <4383> of Pilate <4091>, when he was determined <2919> (5660) to let <0630> <0> him <1565> go <0630> (5721).

Isaac ^ 44_ACT_07_08 And <2532> he gave <1325> (5656) him <0846> the covenant <1242> of circumcision <4061>: and <2532> so <3779> Abraham begat <1080> (5656) Isaac <2464>, and <2532> circumcised <4059> (5627) him <0846> the eighth <3590> day <2250>; and <2532> {Isaac} <2464> begat Jacob <2384>; and <2532> Jacob <2384> begat the twelve <1427> patriarchs <3966>.

Isaac ^ 44_ACT_07_32 Saying, I <1473> am the God <2316> of thy <4675> fathers <3962>, the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>. Then <1161> Moses <3475> trembled <1096> (5637) <1790>, and durst <5111> (5707) not <3756> behold <2657> (5658).

Isaac ^ 44_ACT_07_08 And <2532> he gave <1325> (5656) him <0846> the covenant <1242> of circumcision <4061>: and <2532> so <3779> Abraham begat <1080> (5656) {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> circumcised <4059> (5627) him <0846> the eighth <3590> day <2250>; and <2532> Isaac <2464> begat Jacob <2384>; and <2532> Jacob <2384> begat the twelve <1427> patriarchs <3966>.

Isaac ^ 48_GAL_04_28 Now <1161> we <2249>, brethren <0080>, as <2596> <0> {Isaac} <2464> was <2596>, are <2070> (5748) the children <5043> of promise <1860>.

Isaac ^ 58_HEB_11_20 By faith <4102> {Isaac} <2464> blessed <2127> (5656) Jacob <2384> and <2532> Esau <2269> concerning <4012> things to come <3195> (5723).

Isaac ^ 58_HEB_11_09 By faith <4102> he sojourned <3939> (5656) in <1519> the land <1093> of promise <1860>, as <5613> in a strange country <0245>, dwelling <2730> (5660) in <1722> tabernacles <4633> with <3326> {Isaac} <2464> and <2532> Jacob <2384>, the heirs with him <4789> of the same <0846> promise <1860>:

Isaac ^ 58_HEB_11_17 By faith <4102> Abraham <0011>, when he was tried <3985> (5746), offered up <4374> (5754) {Isaac} <2464>: and <2532> he that had received <0324> (5666) the promises <1860> offered up <4374> (5707) his only begotten <3439> son,

Isaac ^ 58_HEB_11_18 Of <4314> whom <3739> it was said <2980> (5681), That <3754> in <1722> {Isaac} <2464> shall <2564> <0> thy <4671> seed <4690> be called <2564> (5701):

Isaac ^ 59_JAM_02_21 Was <1344> <0> not <3756> Abraham <0011> our <2257> father <3962> justified <1344> (5681) by <1537> works <2041>, when he had offered <0399> (5660) {Isaac} <2464> his <0846> son <5207> upon <1909> the altar <2379>?

Isaac ^ 42_LUK_20_37 Now <1161> that <3754> the dead <3498> are raised <1453> (5743), even <2532> Moses <3475> shewed <3377> (5656) at <1909> the bush <0942>, when <5613> he calleth <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962> the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>.

Isaac ^ 42_LUK_03_34 Which was the son of Jacob <2384>, which was the son of {Isaac} <2464>, which was the son of Abraham <0011>, which was the son of Thara <2291>, which was the son of Nachor <3493>,

Isaac ^ 42_LUK_13_28 There <1563> shall be <2071> (5704) weeping <2805> and <2532> gnashing <1030> of teeth <3599>, when <3752> ye shall see <3700> (5667) Abraham <0011>, and <2532> {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, and <2532> all <3956> the prophets <4396>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>, and <1161> you <5209> yourselves thrust <1544> (5746) out <1854>.

Isaac ^ 41_MAR_12_26 And <1161> as touching <4012> the dead <3498>, that <3754> they rise <1453> (5743): have ye <0314> <0> not <3756> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the book <0976> of Moses <3475>, how <5613> in <1909> the bush <0942> God <2316> spake <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), I <1473> am the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>?

Isaac ^ 40_MAT_01_02 Abraham <0011> begat <1080> (5656) Isaac <2464>; and <1161> {Isaac} <2464> begat <1080> (5656) Jacob <2384>; and <1161> Jacob <2384> begat <1080> (5656) Judas <2455> and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>;

Isaac ^ 40_MAT_01_02 Abraham <0011> begat <1080> (5656) {Isaac} <2464>; and <1161> Isaac <2464> begat <1080> (5656) Jacob <2384>; and <1161> Jacob <2384> begat <1080> (5656) Judas <2455> and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>;

Isaac ^ 40_MAT_08_11 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> many <4183> shall come <2240> (5692) from <0575> the east <0395> and <2532> west <1424>, and <2532> shall sit down <0347> (5701) with <3326> Abraham <0011>, and <2532> {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> Jacob <2384>, in <1722> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

Isaac ^ 40_MAT_22_32 I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the God <2316> of Abraham <0011>, and <2532> the God <2316> of {Isaac} <2464>, and <2532> the God <2316> of Jacob <2384>? God <2316> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> the God <2316> of the dead <3498>, but <0235> of the living <2198> (5723).

Isaac ^ 45_ROM_09_07 Neither <3761>, because <3754> they are <1526> (5748) the seed <4690> of Abraham <0011>, are they all <3956> children <5043>: but <0235>, In <1722> {Isaac} <2464> shall <2564> <0> thy <4671> seed <4690> be called <2564> (5701).

Isaac ^ 45_ROM_09_10 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> this; but <0235> when Rebecca <4479> also <2532> had conceived <2845> by <1537> one <1520> <2192> (5723), even by our <2257> father <3962> {Isaac} <2464>;