is ......... a man is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... According as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... and as is the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

is ......... And as it is appointed 0606 -apokeimai->

is ......... And blessed is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->

is ......... And he is before 4253 -pro->

is ......... And he is the head 2776 -kephale->

is ......... And he is the propitiation 2434 -hilasmos->

is ......... and he is the saviour 4990 -soter->

is ......... and he that is chief 2233 -hegeomai->

is ......... and he that is holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... and he that is righteous 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... and he that is unjust 0094 -adikos->

is ......... and he which is filthy 4510 -rhupoo->

is ......... and in him is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... And in them is fulfilled 0378 -anapleroo->

is ......... and is a discerner 2924 -kritikos->

is ......... and is alive 0326 -anazao->

is ......... and is alive 2198 -zao->

is ......... and is baptized 0907 -baptizo->

is ......... and is become 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... and is cast 1544 -ekballo->

is ......... and is departed 4198 -poreuomai->

is ......... and is found 2147 -heurisko->

is ......... and is kind 5541 -chresteuomai->

is ......... and is mad 3105 -mainomai->

is ......... and is nigh 1451 -eggus->

is ......... and is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... and is not able 2480 -ischuo->

is ......... and is not rich 4147 -plouteo->

is ......... and is of the seven 2033 -hepta->

is ......... and is on 1722 -en->

is ......... and is profitable 5624 -ophelimos->

is ......... and is set 2523 -kathizo->

is ......... and is withered 3583 -xeraino->

is ......... and is worse 5501 -cheiron->

is ......... and it is certain 1212 -delos->

is ......... And it is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... and it is marvellous 2298 -thaumastos->

is ......... and it is set 5394 -phlogizo->

is ......... And it is the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... And it is yet 2089 -eti->

is ......... And let him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao->

is ......... And let him that is in the field 0068 -agros->

is ......... And let him that is on 1909 -epi->

is ......... and so is also 2532 -kai->

is ......... and that there is none 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... and that which is born 1080 -gennao->

is ......... and there is a sin 0266 -hamartia->

is ......... and there is a spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

is ......... and there is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... and there is none 3756 -ou->

is ......... and we are in him that is true 0228 -alethinos->

is ......... And when he is come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... as he is , so 2532 -kai->

is ......... as he is a child 3516 -nepios->

is ......... as he is in the light 5457 -phos->

is ......... as he is pure 0053 -hagnos->

is ......... as he is righteous 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... as in me is , I am ready 4289 -prothumos->

is ......... as is not so 3761 -oude->

is ......... As is the earthy 5517 -choikos->

is ......... as it is also 2532 -kai->

is ......... as it is fit 0433 -aneko->

is ......... as it is in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

is ......... as it is meet 0514 -axios->

is ......... as it is meet 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... as it is now 3568 -nun->

is ......... as it is said 2046 -ereo->

is ......... as it is with you :

is ......... as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... As it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... as she is delivered 1080 -gennao->

is ......... but , as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... but as it is in truth 0230 -alethos->

is ......... But as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... but for you it is safe 0809 -askemon->

is ......... But he is a Jew 2453 -Ioudaios->

is ......... But he that is an hireling 3411 -misthotos->

is ......... but he that is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... but he that is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... but he that is greatest 3187 -meizon->

is ......... But he that is greatest 3187 -meizon->

is ......... But he that is joined 2853 -kollao->

is ......... but he that is least 3398 -mikros->

is ......... But he that is married 1060 -gameo->

is ......... But he that is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

is ......... but is abundant 4052 -perisseuo->

is ......... but is clean 2513 -katharos->

is ......... but is earthly 1919 -epigeios->

is ......... but is in danger 1777 -enochos->

is ......... but is longsuffering to us -ward 2248 -hemas->

is ......... but is mighty 1414 -dunateo->

is ......... But is now 3568 -nun->

is ......... but is of the world 2889 -kosmos->

is ......... but is passed 3327 -metabaino->

is ......... but is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... But is under 5259 -hupo->

is ......... but it is evil 2556 -kakos->

is ......... But it is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... But it is happened 4819 -sumbaino->

is ......... but it is the same 0846 -autos->

is ......... But she is happier 3107 -makarios->

is ......... but she that is married 1060 -gameo->

is ......... but that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... but that which is natural 5591 -psuchikos->

is ......... but the same which is made 3076 -lupeo->

is ......... but there is one 0243 -allos->

is ......... but to them it is not given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... But to us there is but one 1520 -heis->

is ......... But with me it is a very 1646 -elachistos->

Is ......... by , Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... by and by he is offended 4624 -skandalizo->

is ......... by them is manifest 5319 -phaneroo->

is ......... child is set 2749 -keimai->

is ......... country , that is , an heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

is ......... day : it is not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... even to him who is raised 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... for he is a babe 3516 -nepios->

is ......... for he is a liar 5583 -pseustes->

is ......... for he is faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... for he is kind 5543 -chrestos->

is ......... for he is lunatick 4583 -seleniazomai->

is ......... for he is mine 3427 -moi->

is ......... For he is not a God 2316 -theos->

is ......... For he is not a Jew 2453 -Ioudaios->

is ......... for he is on 1537 -ek->

is ......... For he is our peace 1515 -eirene->

is ......... for he is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... For he is the minister 1249 -diakonos->

is ......... for he is the minister 1249 -diakonos->

is ......... For he that is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... For he that is dead 0599 -apothnesko->

is ......... For he that is entered 1525 -eiserchomai->

is ......... For he that is mighty 1415 -dunatos->

is ......... For he that is not against 2596 -kata->

is ......... for in them is filled 5055 -teleo->

is ......... For it is a good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... For it is a shame 0149 -aischron->

is ......... for it is a shame 0149 -aischron->

is ......... for it is better 2909 -kreitton->

is ......... For it is better 2909 -kreitton->

is ......... For it is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... For it is evident 4271 -prodelos->

is ......... For it is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... for it is God s 2316 -theos->

is ......... for it is his footstool 5286 -hupopodion->

is ......... For it is impossible 0102 -adunatos->

is ......... for it is not fit 2520 -katheko->

is ......... for it is not meet 2570 -kalos->

is ......... for it is not permitted 2010 -epitrepo->

is ......... For it is not possible 0102 -adunatos->

is ......... for it is not subject 5293 -hupotasso->

is ......... For it is not ye that speak 2980 -laleo->

is ......... For it is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->

is ......... for it is the city 4172 -polis->

is ......... for it is the number 0706 -arithmos->

is ......... for it is the power 1411 -dunamis->

is ......... for it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... For it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... for it is your 5216 -humon->

is ......... for masteries , yet is he not crowned 4737 -

is ......... for that is even 2532 -kai->

is ......... for that is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... for that is unprofitable 0255 -alusiteles->

is ......... for that which is conceived 1080 -gennao->

is ......... for that which is highly 5308 -hupselos->

is ......... for that which is put in to fill 4138 -pleroma->

is ......... for the mastery is temperate 1467 -egkrateuomai->

is ......... For the Son of man is as a man 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... for there is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... For there is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... For there is no 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... for there is none 3777 -oute->

is ......... For there is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... for there is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... For there is nothing 5100 -tis->

is ......... for there is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... For there is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... For there is verily 3303 -men->

is ......... For unto you is born 5088 -tikto->

is ......... For unto you it is given 5483 -charizomai->

is ......... for us : for it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... for when he is tried 1384 -dokimos->

is ......... forasmuch as he is the image 1504 -eikon->

is ......... hand is not mine to give 1325 -didomi->

is ......... he is , and yet he hath opened 0455 -anoigo->

is ......... he is .

is ......... he is : but when 3752 -hotan->

is ......... he is a debtor 3784 -opheilo->

is ......... He is a good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... he is a liar 5583 -pseustes->

is ......... he is a new 2537 -kainos->

is ......... He is a prophet 4396 -prophetes->

is ......... he is able 1410 -dunamai->

is ......... he is an hireling 3411 -misthotos->

is ......... He is antichrist 0500 -antichristos->

is ......... he is at 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... He is beside 1839 -existemi->

is ......... he is betrayed 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... he is born 1080 -gennao->

is ......... he is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... he is come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... he is comforted 3870 -parakaleo->

is ......... he is convinced 1651 -elegcho->

is ......... He is dead 0599 -apothnesko->

is ......... he is divided 3307 -merizo->

is ......... he is faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... He is guilty 1777 -enochos->

is ......... he is his friend 5384 -philos->

is ......... he is in the desert 2048 -eremos->

is ......... he is in the light 5457 -phos->

is ......... he is in the secret 5009 -tameion->

is ......... he is judged 0350 -anakrino->

is ......... he is like 1503 -eiko->

is ......... He is like 3664 -homoios->

is ......... he is like 3664 -homoios->

is ......... he is lodged 3579 -xenizo->

is ......... he is Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... he is made 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... he is my partner 2844 -koinonos->

is ......... he is none 3756 -ou->

is ......... he is not ashamed 1870 -epaischunomai->

is ......... He is not here 5602 -hode->

is ......... he is not here 5602 -hode->

is ......... He is not the God 2316 -theos->

is ......... He is of age 2244 -helikia->

is ......... he is precious 5092 -time->

is ......... He is proud 5187 -tuphoo->

is ......... He is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... he is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... he is the eighth 3590 -ogdoos->

is ......... he is the mediator 3316 -mesites->

is ......... he is the Son 5207 -huios->

is ......... he is there 1563 -ekei->

is ......... He it is , to whom 3739 -hos->

is ......... He it is , who 3588 -ho->

is ......... he receiveth them , of whom it is witnessed 3140 -

is ......... he that is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... He that is faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... he that is holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... he that is in the world 2889 -kosmos->

is ......... He that is not with me is against 2596 -kata->

is ......... He that is not with me is against 2596 -kata->

is ......... He that is of God 2316 -theos->

is ......... he that is of the earth 1093 -ge->

is ......... he that is sent 0652 -apostolos->

is ......... he that is true 0228 -alethinos->

is ......... He that is unjust 0091 -adikeo->

is ......... He that is unmarried 0022 -agamos->

is ......... her that is divorced 0630 -apoluo->

is ......... her that is put 0630 -apoluo->

is ......... here is thy pound 3414 -mna->

is ......... here is water 5204 -hudor->

is ......... him , and it is he that talketh 2980 -laleo->

Is ......... him , Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... him , it is manifest 1212 -delos->

is ......... him , that is , mine 1699 -emos->

is ......... him , that is , on 1519 -eis->

is ......... him : for she is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos->

is ......... him ; and after that he is killed 0615 -apokteino->

is ......... him as he is .

is ......... him is not condemned 2919 -krino->

is ......... him not : for he that is not against 2596 -kata->

is ......... him not : for there is no 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... him that is from the beginning 0746 -arche->

is ......... him that is true 0228 -alethinos->

is ......... Him that is weak 0770 -astheneo->

is ......... him who is invisible 0517 -aoratos->

is ......... him with thee : for he is profitable 2173 -

is ......... I say , that it is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... in her is of the Holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... in it is worthy 0514 -axios->

is ......... in me , it is better 3123 -mallon->

is ......... in me by that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... in that he is exalted 5311 -hupsos->

is ......... in that he is made 5014 -tapeinosis->

is ......... in that which is another 0245 -allotrios->

is ......... in that which is least 1646 -elachistos->

is ......... in that which is not corruptible 0862 -aphthartos->

is ......... in that which is to come 3195 -mello->

is ......... in you that which is wellpleasing 2101 -euarestos->

is ......... is , and go 5217 -hupago->

is ......... is , and is in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

is ......... is , and is in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

is ......... is , and of that which is to come 3195 -mello->

is ......... is , and of that which is to come 3195 -mello->

is ......... is , and the other 0243 -allos->

is ......... is , and to morrow 0839 -aurion->

is ......... is , and which 3588 -ho->

is ......... is , and which 3588 -ho->

is ......... is , being interpreted 3177 -methermeneuo->

is ......... is , but the Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is , but the Son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is , God 2316 -theos->

is ......... is , Hear 0191 -akouo->

is ......... is , King 0935 -basileus->

is ......... is , that they might be saved 4991 -soteria->

is ......... is , that we trouble 3926 -parenochleo->

is ......... is , The sons 5207 -huios->

is ......... is , there 1563 -ekei->

is ......... is , there is no 3761 -oude->

is ......... is , there is no 3761 -oude->

is ......... is , there is no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... is , there is no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... is , there must also of necessity 0318 -anagke->

is ......... is , thither 1563 -ekei->

is ......... is , when 3753 -hote->

is ......... is .

is ......... is : and thou holdest 2902 -krateo->

is ......... is ; but exhorting 3870 -parakaleo->

is ......... is ?

is ......... is a consuming 2654 -katanalisko->

is ......... is a deceiver 4108->

is ......... is a deceiver 4108->

is ......... is a desert 2048 -eremos->

is ......... is a faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is a fire 4442 -pur->

is ......... is a great 3173 -megas->

is ......... is a liar 5583 -pseustes->

is ......... is a little 3398 -mikros->

is ......... is a man 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... is a marvellous 2298 -thaumastos->

is ......... is a murderer 0443 -anthropoktonos->

is ......... is a murderer 5406 -phoneus->

is ......... is a perfect 5046 -teleios->

is ......... is a Roman 4514 -Rhomaios->

is ......... is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos->

is ......... is a son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is a Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... is a thief 2812 -kleptes->

is ......... is a true 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is a wise 4680 -sophos->

is ......... is a witness 3140 -martureo->

is ......... is a worshipper 3511 -neokoros->

is ......... is Abaddon 0003 -Abaddon->

is ......... is Abaddon 0003 -Abaddon->

is ......... is able 1410 -dunamai->

is ......... is able 1415 -dunatos->

is ......... is abomination 0946 -bdelugma->

is ......... is above 0509 -anothen->

is ......... is above 1883 -epano->

is ......... is above 1909 -epi->

is ......... is above 5228 -huper->

is ......... is acceptable 2101 -euarestos->

is ......... is acceptable 5285 -hupopneo->

is ......... is accepted 1184 -dektos->

is ......... is according 2596 -kata->

is ......... is administered 1247 -diakoneo->

is ......... is after 2596 -kata->

is ......... is again 3825 -palin->

is ......... is against 1909 -epi->

is ......... is Agar 0028 -Agar->

is ......... is all 3956 -pas->

is ......... is also 2532 -kai->

is ......... is alway 3842 -pantote->

is ......... is an evil 4190 -poneros->

is ......... is an hard 4642 -skleros->

is ......... is an idolater 1496 -eidololatres->

is ......... is an open 0455 -anoigo->

is ......... is angry 3710 -orgizo->

is ......... is another 2087 -heteros->

Is ......... Is any 5100 -tis->

is ......... is any 5100 -tis->

is ......... is Apollos 0625 -Apollos->

is ......... is approved 1384 -dokimos->

is ......... is as grass 5528 -chortos->

is ......... is as large 5118 -tosoutos->

is ......... is as the sand 0285 -ammos->

is ......... is at 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... is at 1451 -eggus->

is ......... is at 1722 -en->

is ......... is at 1764 -enistemi->

is ......... is at 2186 -ephistemi->

is ......... is become 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is become 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is become 1519 -eis->

is ......... is become 2673 -katargeo->

is ......... is before 1799 -enopion->

is ......... is betrayed 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... is better 5543 -chrestos->

is ......... is blasphemed 0987 -blasphemeo->

is ......... is blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

is ......... is blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

is ......... is boasting 2746 -kauchesis->

is ......... is bold 5111 -tolmao->

is ......... is born 1080 -gennao->

is ......... is bound 1210 -deo->

is ......... is broken 2806 -klao->

is ......... is brought 1533 -eisphero->

is ......... is brought 2049 -eremoo->

is ......... is brought 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... is builded 2680 -kataskeuazo->

is ......... is but for a moment 3910 -parautika->

is ......... is by interpretation 2059 -hermeneuo->

is ......... is by one 1520 -heis->

is ......... is by the sea 2281 -thalassa->

is ......... is called 1941 -epikaleomai->

is ......... is called 1951 -epilegomai->

is ......... is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... is called 3004 -lego->

is ......... is called Paul 3972 -Paulos->

is ......... is cankered 2728 -katioo->

is ......... is cast 0906 -ballo->

is ......... is cast 2598 -kataballo->

is ......... is charity 0026 -agape->

Is ......... Is Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is Christ s 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is come 0864 -aphikneomai->

is ......... is come 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is come 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... is come 1904 -eperchomai->

is ......... is come 2049 -eremoo->

is ......... is come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is come 2064->

is ......... is come 2064->

is ......... is come 2240 -heko->

is ......... is come 2597 -katabaino->

is ......... is come 3854 -paraginomai->

is ......... is come 3918 -pareimi->

is ......... is come 3936 -paristemi->

is ......... is come 5348 -phthano->

is ......... is come that judgment 2917 -krima->

is ......... is come unto the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

is ......... is coming 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is committed 4100 -pisteuo->

is ......... is commonly 1310 -diaphemizo->

is ......... is compassed 4029 -perikeimai->

is ......... is confusion 0181 -akatastasia->

is ......... is corrupt 5351 -phtheiro->

is ......... is counted 3049 -logizomai->

is ......... is created 2936 -ktizo->

is ......... is crucified 4717 -stauroo->

is ......... is crucified 4957 -sustauroo->

is ......... is damned 2632 -katakrino->

is ......... is David s 1138 -Dabid->

is ......... is dead 0599 -apothnesko->

is ......... is dead 2348 -thnesko->

is ......... is dead 3498 -nekros->

is ......... is death 2288 -thanatos->

is ......... is deep 0901 -bathus->

is ......... is defiled 3392 -miaino->

is ......... is defiled 3435 -moluno->

is ......... is delivered 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... is desert 2048 -eremos->

is ......... is destruction 0684 -apoleia->

is ......... is Diana 0735 -Artemis->

is ......... is done 4238 -prasso->

is ......... is drink 4213 -posis->

is ......... is drunken 3184 -methuo->

is ......... is due ; custom 5056 -telos->

is ......... is earthly 1093 -ge->

is ......... is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... is easy 5543 -chrestos->

is ......... is effectual 1754 -energeo->

is ......... is Elias 2243 -Helias->

is ......... is enlarged 4115 -platuno->

is ......... is enmity 2189 -echthra->

is ......... is eternal 0166 -aionios->

is ......... is even 0737 -arti->

is ......... is even 2532 -kai->

is ......... is every 3956 -pas->

is ......... is evil 4190 -poneros->

is ......... is exceeding 4036 -perilupos->

is ......... is excess 0810 -asotia->

is ......... is expedient 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... is faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is fallen 4098 -pipto->

is ......... is far 4183 -polus->

is ......... is far 4206 -porrho->

is ......... is far spent 2827 -klino->

is ......... is far spent 4298 -prokopto->

is ......... is first 4412 -proton->

is ......... is fit 2111 -euthetos->

is ......... is flesh 4561 -sarx->

is ......... is foolishness 3472 -moria->

is ......... is for ever 0165 -aion->

is ......... is for us entered 1525 -eiserchomai->

is ......... is for you a faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is for your 5212 -humeteros->

is ......... is forgiven 0863 -aphiemi->

is ......... is found 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is free 1658 -eleutheros->

is ......... is freed 1344 -dikaioo->

is ......... is from above 0509 -anothen->

is ......... is from heaven 3772 -ouranos->

is ......... is from Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

is ......... is fulfilled 4137 -pleroo->

is ......... is full 1073 -gemo->

is ......... is full 5460 -photeinos->

is ......... is full of darkness 4652 -skoteinos->

is ......... is gain 2771 -kerdos->

is ......... is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... is given by inspiration 2315 -theopneustos->

is ......... is glorified 1392 -doxazo->

is ......... is glorious 1391 -doxa->

is ......... is God 2316 -theos->

Is ......... Is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... is God s 2316 -theos->

is ......... is godliness 2150 -eusebeia->

is ......... is gone 0565 -aperchomai->

is ......... is gone 1831 -exerchomai->

is ......... is gone 4198 -poreuomai->

is ......... is gone astray 4105 -planao->

is ......... is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... is good 2750 -keiria->

is ......... is gracious 5543 -chrestos->

is ......... is great 3173 -megas->

is ......... is great 4183 -polus->

is ......... is greater 3187 -meizon->

is ......... is greatest 3187 -meizon->

is ......... is grievously 2560 -kakos->

is ......... is happened 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is he , Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is he , of whom 3739 -hos->

is ......... is he , that was in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

is ......... is he , whosoever 1437 -ean->

is ......... is he : hold 2902 -krateo->

is ......... is he : others 0243 -allos->

is ......... is he ; take 2902 -krateo->

is ......... is he ?

is ......... is he ? He said 3004 -lego->

is ......... is he ? They say 3004 -lego->

is ......... is he brought 1402 -douloo->

is ......... is he his son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is he not also 2532 -kai->

is ......... is he of whom 3739 -hos->

is ......... is he that betrayeth 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... is he that calleth 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... is he that came 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is he that cometh 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is he that condemneth 2632 -katakrino->

is ......... is he that condemneth 4314 -pros->

is ......... is he that gave 1325 -didomi->

is ......... is he that hath 2192 -echo->

is ......... is he that heareth 0191 -akouo->

is ......... is he that is born 5088 -tikto->

is ......... is he that is born 5088 -tikto->

is ......... is he that is in you , than 2228 -e->

is ......... is he that is in you , than 2228 -e->

is ......... is he that keepeth 5083 -tereo->

is ......... is he that layeth up treasure 2343 -thesaurizo->

is ......... is he that overcometh 3528 -nikao->

is ......... is he that planteth 5452 -phuteuo->

is ......... is he that prophesieth 4395 -propheteuo->

is ......... is he that readeth 0314 -anaginosko->

is ......... is he that shall eat 5315 -phago->

is ......... is he that smote 3817 -paio->

is ......... is he that was spoken 4483 -rheo->

is ......... is he that watcheth 1127 -gregoreuo->

is ......... is he that will harm 2559 -kakoo->

Is ......... Is he the God 2316 -theos->

is ......... is he then 2532 -kai->

is ......... is he then his son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is he which 3588 -ho->

is ......... is he which baptizeth 0907 -baptizo->

is ......... is he whom 3739 -hos->

is ......... is heard 1522 -eisakouo->

is ......... is here 5602 -hode->

is ......... is hewn 1581 -ekkopto->

is ......... is hid 2928 -krupto->

is ......... is his body 4983 -soma->

is ......... is his commandment 1785 -entole->

is ......... is his name 3686 -onoma->

is ......... is holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... is honourable 5093 -timios->

is ......... is hungry 3983 -peinao->

is ......... is Hymenaeus 5211 -Humenaios->

is ......... is hypocrisy 5272 -hupokrisis->

is ......... is idolatry 1495 -eidololatreia->

is ......... is impossible 0102 -adunatos->

is ......... is in all 3956 -pas->

is ......... is in Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is in danger 2793 -kinduneuo->

is ......... is in darkness 4653 -skotia->

is ......... is in Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

is ......... is in faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... is in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

is ......... is in him .

is ......... is in him ? even 2532 -kai->

is ......... is in his hand 5495 -cheir->

is ......... is in his Son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is in Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

is ......... is in me , and I in him .

is ......... is in me , no 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... is in my members 3196 -melos->

is ......... is in secret 2729 -katischuo->

is ......... is in the bosom 2859 -kolpos->

is ......... is in the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

is ......... is in the law 3551 -nomos->

is ......... is in the midst 3319 -mesos->

is ......... is in the sight 1799 -enopion->

is ......... is in thee be not darkness 4655 -skotos->

is ......... is in thee by the putting 1936 -epithesis->

is ......... is in their mouth 4750 -stoma->

is ......... is in their shame 0152 -aischune->

is ......... is in thine 4675 -sou->

is ......... is in you , except 1509 -ei me ti->

is ......... is in you in Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is in you of a truth 3689 -ontos->

is ......... is increased 0837 -auzano->

is ......... is indeed 0230 -alethos->

is ......... is indeed 2532 -kai->

is ......... is it , if 1487 -ei->

is ......... is it , Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is it ?

is ......... is it ago since 5613 -hos->

is ......... is it but that he also 2532 -kai->

is ......... is it comely 4241 -prepo->

is ......... is it easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... is it for them that trust 3982 -peitho->

is ......... is it I ?

Is ......... Is it I ? and another 0243 -allos->

is ......... is it I ? He said 3004 -lego->

is ......... is it in the world 2889 -kosmos->

Is ......... Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

Is ......... Is it not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... is it not the communion 2842 -koinonia->

Is ......... Is it so 3779 -houto->

is ......... is it that he eateth 2068 -esthio->

is ......... is it that I hear 0191 -akouo->

is ......... is it that smote 3817 -paio->

is ......... is it that thou , being 5607 -on->

is ......... is it that thou wilt manifest 1718 -emphanizo->

is ......... is it that ye do not discern this 5126 -touton->

is ......... is it that ye do not understand 3539 -noieo->

is ......... is it that ye do not understand 4920 -suniemi->

is ......... is it that ye have 2192 -echo->

is ......... is it that ye have agreed 4856 -sumphoneo->

is ......... is it that ye sought 2212 -zeteo->

is ......... is it then 3767 -oun->

is ......... is it therefore 3767 -oun->

is ......... is it therefore 5124 -touto->

is ......... is it wherein 3757 -hou->

is ......... is it which these 3778 -houtos->

is ......... is Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

IS ......... IS JESUS 2424 -Iesous->

is ......... is John 2491 -Ioannes->

is ......... is judged 0350 -anakrino->

is ......... is judged 2919 -krino->

is ......... is just 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... is just 1738 -endikos->

is ......... is justified 1344 -dikaioo->

is ......... is known 1097 -ginosko->

is ......... is laid 0606 -apokeimai->

is ......... is laid 1945 -epikeimai->

is ......... is laid 2749 -keimai->

is ......... is left 0863 -aphiemi->

is ......... is Legion 3003 -legeon->

is ......... is less 3398 -mikros->

is ......... is liberty 1657 -eleutheria->

is ......... is life 2222 -zoe->

is ......... is light 1645 -elaphros->

is ......... is light 5457 -phos->

is ......... is like 1503 -eiko->

is ......... is like 3664 -homoios->

is ......... is like 3666 -homoioo->

is ......... is likened 3666 -homoioo->

is ......... is Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is love 0026 -agape->

is ......... is love 0026->

is ......... is love 0026->

is ......... is made 0770 -astheneo->

is ......... is made 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is made 2758 -kenoo->

is ......... is made 3670 -homologeo->

is ......... is made 5048 -teleioo->

is ......... is made 5319 -phaneroo->

is ......... is man 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... is manifest 5319 -phaneroo->

is ......... is manifested 5319 -phaneroo->

is ......... is meat 1035 -brosis->

is ......... is merciful 3629 -oiktirmon->

is ......... is mine 1698 -emoi->

is ......... is more 0316 -anagkaios->

is ......... is more 4053 -perissos->

is ......... is more 4056 -perissoteros->

is ......... is more 4119 -pleion->

is ......... is more than raiment 1742 -enduma->

is ......... is mount 3735 -oros->

is ......... is my beloved 0027 -agapetos->

is ......... is my blood 0129 -haima->

is ......... is my body 4983 -soma->

is ......... is my boldness 3954 -parrhesia->

is ......... is my brother 0080 -adephos->

is ......... is my commandment 1785 -entole->

is ......... is my covenant 1242 -diatheke->

is ......... is my Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is my flesh 4561 -sarx->

is ......... is my footstool 5286 -hupopodion->

is ......... is my glorying 2746 -kauchesis->

is ......... is my helper 0998 -boethos->

is ......... is my kingdom 0932 -basileia->

is ......... is my liberty 1657 -eleutheria->

is ......... is my mother 3384 -meter->

is ......... is my neighbour 4139 -plesion->

is ......... is my record 3144 -martus->

is ......... is my reward 3408 -misthos->

is ......... is my soul 5590 -psuche->

is ......... is my throne 2362 -thronos->

is ......... is my witness 3144 -martus->

is ......... is named 3687 -onomazo->

is ......... is near 1451 -eggus->

is ......... is new 2537 -kainos->

is ......... is nigh 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... is nigh 1451 -eggus->

is ......... is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... is no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... is no sooner risen 0393 -anatello->

is ......... is not a mediator of one 1520 -heis->

is ......... is not above 5228 -huper->

is ......... is not another 0243 -allos->

is ......... is not ascended 0305 -anabaino->

is ......... is not ashamed 1870 -epaischunomai->

is ......... is not bound 1210 -deo->

is ......... is not by and by .

is ......... is not Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is not come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is not counted 1075 -genealogeo->

is ......... is not dead 0599 -apothnesko->

is ......... is not easily provoked 3947 -paroxuno->

is ......... is not edified 3618 -oikodomeo->

is ......... is not entered 1525 -eiserchomai->

is ......... is not for fornication 4202 -porneia->

is ......... is not good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... is not greater 3187 -meizon->

is ......... is not grievous 3636 -okneros->

is ......... is not he that sitteth 0345 -anakeimai->

is ......... is not his mother 3384 -meter->

is ......... is not hope 1680 -elpis->

is ......... is not imputed 1677 -ellogeo->

is ......... is not in him .

is ......... is not in us .

is ......... is not in vain 2756 -kenos->

is ......... is not in word 3056 -logos->

is ......... is not justified 1344 -dikaioo->

is ......... is not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... is not made 2749 -keimai->

is ......... is not made 5048 -teleioo->

is ......... is not meat 1035 -brosis->

is ......... is not mine 1699 -emos->

is ......... is not mocked 3456 -mukterizo->

is ......... is not of faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... is not of God 2316 -theos->

is ......... is not of men 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... is not of the Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is not of the woman 1135 -gune->

is ......... is not of this 5127 -toutou->

is ......... is not one 1520 -heis->

is ......... is not quenched 4570 -sbennumi->

is ......... is not quickened 2227 -zoopoieo->

is ......... is not right 2117 -euthus->

is ......... is not slack 1019 -braduno->

is ......... is not sufficient 0714 -arkeo->

is ......... is not the author of confusion 0181 -akatastasia->

is ......... is not the God 2316 -theos->

Is ......... Is not the life 5590 -psuche->

is ......... is not the same 0846 -autos->

is ......... is not this 3778 -houtos->

Is ......... Is not this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... is not thy husband 0435 -aner->

is ......... is not true 0227 -alethes->

is ......... is not under bondage 1402 -douloo->

is ......... is not unrighteous 0094 -adikos->

is ......... is not unto death 2288 -thanatos->

is ......... is not weak 0770 -astheneo->

is ......... is not without 0820 -atimos->

is ......... is not yet 3768 -oupo->

is ......... is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... is now 2236 -hedista->

is ......... is now 3568 -nun->

is ......... is of a truth 0230 -alethos->

is ......... is of any private 2398 -idios->

is ......... is of Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is of faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... is of force 0949 -bebaios->

is ......... is of God 2316 -theos->

is ......... is of many 4183 -polus->

is ......... is of the devil 1228 -diabolos->

is ......... is of the earth 1093 -ge->

is ......... is of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

is ......... is of the law 3551 -nomos->

is ......... is of the man 0435 -aner->

is ......... is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

is ......... is of you kept 0650 -apostereo->

is ......... is offended 4624 -skandalizo->

is ......... is offered 1494 -eidolothuton->

is ......... is on them that fear 5399 -phobeo->

is ......... is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... is one 2087 -heteros->

is ......... is one greater 3187 -meizon->

is ......... is one of them .

is ......... is one of you , a servant 1401 -doulos->

is ......... is one of you . They shall make 1107 -gnorizo->

is ......... is open 0071 -ago->

is ......... is open 0455 -anoigo->

is ......... is opened 0455 -anoigo->

is ......... is ordained 2525 -kathistemi->

is ......... is our father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is our hope 1680 -elpis->

is ......... is our love 0026 -agape->

is ......... is our preaching 2782 -kerugma->

is ......... is our salvation 4991 -soteria->

is ......... is our son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is over 0495 -antiperan->

is ......... is over 1909 -epi->

is ......... is overcome 2274 -hettao->

is ......... is partaker 2841->

is ......... is partaker 2841->

is ......... is past 0565 -aperchomai->

is ......... is past 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is past 3855 -parago->

is ......... is Paul 3972 -Paulos->

is ......... is perfect 5046 -teleios->

is ......... is perfected 5048 -teleioo->

is ......... is Peter 4074 -Petros->

is ......... is piped 0832 -auleo->

is ......... is plenteous 4183 -polus->

is ......... is poured 2767 -kerannumi->

is ......... is preached 2097 -euaggelizo->

is ......... is preached 2605 -kataggello->

is ......... is preferred 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... is present 3873 > with me .

is ......... is present 3873 > with me ; but how to perform 2716

is ......... is present 3873> with me .

is ......... is present 3873> with me ; but how to perform 2716 -

is ......... is profitable 5624 -ophelimos->

is ......... is put 0630 -apoluo->

is ......... is quick 2198 -zao->

is ......... is read 0314 -anaginosko->

is ......... is ready 1451 -eggus->

is ......... is ready 2092 -hetoimos->

is ......... is ready 4289 -prothumos->

is ......... is red 4449 -purrhazo->

is ......... is rejected 0096 -adokimos->

is ......... is renewed 0341 -anakainoo->

is ......... is reserved 5083 -tereo->

is ......... is revealed 0601 -apokalupto->

is ......... is rich 4147 -plouteo->

is ......... is right 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... is righteous 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... is ripe 3583 -xeraino->

is ......... is risen 0450 -anistemi->

is ......... is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... is sacrificed 2380 -thuo->

is ......... is salvation 4991 -soteria->

is ......... is sanctified 0037 -hagiazo->

is ......... is secret 2927 -kruptos->

is ......... is sent 0649 -apostello->

is ......... is set 0630 -apoluo->

is ......... is set 2523 -kathizo->

is ......... is set 3908 -paratithemi->

is ......... is she made 2049 -eremoo->

is ......... is she that believed 4100 -pisteuo->

is ......... is shed 1632 -ekcheo->

is ......... is short 4958 -sustello->

is ......... is sick 0770 -astheneo->

is ......... is sin 0266 -hamartia->

is ......... is single 0573 -haplous->

is ......... is Six 1803 -hex->

is ......... is sold 4453 -poleo->

is ......... is sown 4687 -speiro->

is ......... is spilled 1632 -ekcheo->

is ......... is spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

is ......... is spoken 2605 -kataggello->

is ......... is spoken 2980 -laleo->

is ......... is spread 1831 -exerchomai->

is ......... is sprung 0393 -anatello->

is ......... is stronger 2478 -ischuros->

is ......... is subject 5293 -hupotasso->

is ......... is subverted 1612 -ekstrepho->

is ......... is sufficient 0714 -arkeo->

is ......... is sufficient 2425 -hikanos->

is ......... is swallowed 2666 -katapino->

is ......... is taken 0142 -airo->

is ......... is taken 0353 -analambano->

is ......... is tamed 1150 -damazo->

is ......... is thankworthy 5485 -charis->

is ......... is that bread 0740 -artos->

is ......... is that circumcision 4061 -peritome->

is ......... is that darkness 4655 -skotos->

is ......... is that faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is that good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... is that great 3173 -megas->

is ......... is that Moses 3475 -Moseus->

is ......... is that of the heart 2588 -kardia->

is ......... is that saying 3056 -logos->

is ......... is that servant 1401 -doulos->

is ......... is that Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... is that spirit of antichrist 0500 -antichristos->

is ......... is that thou hast 2192 -echo->

is ......... is that to thee ?

is ......... is that to thee ? follow 0190 -akoloutheo->

is ......... is that to us ? see 3700 -optanomai->

is ......... is that toucheth 0680 -haptomai->

is ......... is that which 3588 -ho->

is ......... is that which was spoken 2046 -ereo->

is ......... is the accepted 2144 -euprosdektos->

is ......... is the avenger 1558 -ekdikos->

is ......... is the beginning 0746 -arche->

is ......... is the blessed 3107 -makarios->

is ......... is the blood 0129 -haima->

is ......... is the bond 4886 -sundesmos->

is ......... is the book 0976 -biblos->

is ......... is the bread 0740 -artos->

is ......... is the breadth 4114 -platos->

is ......... is the bridegroom 3566 -numphios->

is ......... is the cause 0156 -aitia->

is ......... is the chief 4413 -protos->

is ......... is the Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... is the church 1577 -ekklesia->

is ......... is the commandment 1785->

is ......... is the commandment 1785->

is ......... is the condemnation 2920 -krisis->

is ......... is the confidence 3954 -parrhesia->

is ......... is the covenant 1242 -diatheke->

is ......... is the day 2250 -hemera->

is ......... is the Devil 1228 -diabolos->

is ......... is the disciple 3101 -mathetes->

is ......... is the disputer 4804 -suzetetes->

is ......... is the earnest 0728 -arrhabon->

is ......... is the end 4930 -sunteleia->

is ......... is the end 5056 -telos->

is ......... is the enemy 2190 -echthros->

is ......... is the evil 2549 -kakia->

is ......... is the exceeding 5235 -huperballo->

is ......... is the eye 3788 -ophthalmos->

is ......... is the father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is the Father s 3962 -pater->

is ......... is the feast of the passover 3957 -pascha->

is ......... is the fellowship 2842 -koinonia->

is ......... is the fig 4808 -suke->

is ......... is the figure 5179 -tupos->

is ......... is the first 4413 -protos->

is ......... is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

is ......... is the fourteenth 5065 -tessareskaidekatos->

is ......... is the free 5486 -charisma->

is ......... is the fruit 2590 -karpos->

is ......... is the fulfilling 4138 -pleroma->

is ......... is the gate 4439 -pule->

is ......... is the glory 1391 -doxa->

is ......... is the great 3173 -megas->

is ......... is the greatest 3187 -meizon->

is ......... is the guestchamber 2646 -kataluma->

is ......... is the head 2776 -kephale->

is ......... is the heir 2818 -kleronomos->

is ......... is the hope 1680 -elpis->

is ......... is the house 3624 -oikos->

is ......... is the husbandman 1092 -georgos->

is ......... is the image 1504 -eikon->

is ......... is the joy of you all 3956 -pas->

is ......... is the judgment 2920 -krisis->

is ......... is the King 0935 -basileus->

IS ......... IS THE KING 0935 -basileus->

is ......... is the kingdom 0932 -basileia->

is ......... is the knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

is ......... is the Lamb 0721 -arnion->

Is ......... Is the law 3551 -nomos->

is ......... is the law 3551 -nomos->

is ......... is the least 3398 -mikros->

is ......... is the light 3088 -luchnos->

is ......... is the light 5457 -phos->

is ......... is the Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is the Lord s 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is the love 0026 -agape->

is ......... is the man 0435 -aner->

is ......... is the man 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... is the message 0031 -aggelia->

is ......... is the message 1860 -epaggelia->

is ......... is the mind 3563 -nous->

is ......... is the mind 5427 -phronema->

is ......... is the mother 3384 -meter->

is ......... is the mystery 3466 -musterion->

is ......... is the new 2537 -kainos->

is ......... is the offence 4625 -skandalon->

is ......... is the patience 5281 -hupomone->

is ......... is the place 5117 -topos->

is ......... is the promise 1860 -epaggelia->

is ......... is the Prophet 4396 -prophetes->

is ......... is the record 3141 -marturia->

is ......... is the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

is ......... is the reward 3408 -misthos->

is ......... is the riches 4149 -ploutos->

is ......... is the righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

is ......... is the righteousness 1345 -dikaioma->

is ......... is the root 4491 -rhiza->

is ......... is the same also 2532 -kai->

is ......... is the Saviour 4990 -soter->

is ......... is the sceptre 4464 -rhabdos->

is ......... is the scribe 1122 -grammateus->

is ......... is the second 1208 -deuteros->

is ......... is the servant 1401 -doulos->

is ......... is the shepherd 4166 -poimen->

is ......... is the sixth 1623 -hektos->

is ......... is the Son 5207 -huios->

is ......... is the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... is the substance 5287 -hupostasis->

is ......... is the temple 3485 -naos->

is ......... is the third 5154 -tritos->

is ......... is the token 4592 -semeion->

is ......... is the tongue 1100 -glossa->

is ......... is the transgression 0458 -anomia->

is ......... is the true 0227 -alethes->

is ......... is the true 0228 -alethinos->

is ......... is the very 0230 -alethos->

is ......... is the victory 3529 -nike->

is ......... is the way 3598 -hodos->

is ......... is the will 2307 -thelema->

is ......... is the wise 4680 -sophos->

is ......... is the witness 3141 -marturia->

is ......... is the womb 2836 -koilia->

is ......... is the word 3056 -logos->

is ......... is the word 4487 -rhema->

is ......... is the work 2041 -ergon->

is ......... is the world 2889 -kosmos->

is ......... is their belly 2836 -koilia->

is ......... is then 3767 -oun->

is ......... is there any creature 2937 -ktisis->

is ......... is there of circumcision 4061 -peritome->

is ......... is there of you , whom 3739 -hos->

is ......... is there respect 3382 -meros->

is ......... is there salvation 4991 -soteria->

is ......... is there that knoweth 1097 -ginosko->

Is ......... Is there unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->

is ......... is therefore 0686 -ara->

is ......... is thine 4674 -sos->

is ......... is this 3588 -ho->

Is ......... Is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... is this 5124 -touto->

is ......... is through 1223 -dia->

is ......... is thy faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... is thy Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is thy judgment 2920 -krisis->

is ......... is thy name 3686 -onoma->

is ......... is thy sting 2759 -kentron->

is ......... is thy victory 3534 -nikos->

is ......... is to be burned 2740 -kausis->

is ......... is to bury 1779 -entaphiazo->

is ......... is to come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is to come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... is to do 4160 -poieo->

is ......... is to say 3004 -lego->

is ......... is to them an end 4009 -peras->

is ......... is to them an evident 1732 -endeixis->

is ......... is to them that perish 0622 -apollumi->

is ......... is transformed 3345 -metaschematizo->

is ......... is troubled 5015 -tarasso->

is ......... is true 0227 -alethes->

is ......... is true 0258 -alopex->

is ......... is true 4103 -pistos->

is ......... is truth 0225 -aletheia->

is ......... is turned 1994 -epistrepho->

is ......... is under 5259 -hupo->

is ......... is unfruitful 0175 -akarpos->

is ......... is unjust 0094 -adikos->

is ......... is unskilful 0552 -apeiros->

is ......... is unstable 0182 -akatastatos->

is ......... is unto me , if 1437 -ean->

is ......... is unto you , and to your 5216 -humon->

is ......... is upon me , because 1752 -heneka->

is ......... is upon the sea 3864 -parathalassios->

is ......... is upon thee , and thou shalt be blind 5185 -

is ......... is upon their heart 2588 -kardia->

is ......... is vain 3152 -mataios->

is ......... is very 0662 -apotolmao->

is ......... is very 0846 -autos->

is ......... is very 4184 -polusplagchnos->

is ......... is waxed 3975 -pachuno->

is ......... is weak 0770 -astheneo->

is ......... is weak 0772 -asthenes->

is ......... is well 2100 -euaresteo->

is ......... is well 2101 -euarestos->

is ......... is well 2106 -eudokeo->

is ......... is willing 4289 -prothumos->

is ......... is wisdom 4678 -sophia->

is ......... is wiser 4680 -sophos->

is ......... is with me , to give 0591 -apodidomi->

is ......... is with me .

is ......... is with me . Take 0353 -analambano->

is ......... is with men 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... is with the Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... is with the Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... is with thee : blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

is ......... is with them ?

is ......... is with them ? as long 5550 -chronos->

is ......... is with them ? but the days 2250 -hemera->

is ......... is with us unto this 5026 -taute->

is ......... is withered 3583 -xeraino->

is ......... is within 1787 -entos->

is ......... is without 1622 -ektos->

is ......... is without 1855 -exothen->

is ......... is witness 3144 -martus->

is ......... is worse 5501 -cheiron->

is ......... is worshipped 2323 -therapeuo->

is ......... is worthy 0514 -axios->

is ......... is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... is yet 2089 -eti->

is ......... is yet 2236 -hedista->

is ......... is your 5216 -humon->

is ......... is your glory 1391 -doxa->

is ......... it away : and he that is in the field 0068 -agros->

is ......... it from thee : for it is profitable 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... it from thee : it is better 2570 -kalos->

is ......... it is .

is ......... It is a faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... It is a fearful 5398 -phoberos->

is ......... It is a gift 1435 -doron->

is ......... it is a glory 1391 -doxa->

is ......... it is a righteous 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... it is a shame 0819 -atimia->

is ......... It is a spirit 5326 -phantasma->

is ......... it is accepted 2144 -euprosdektos->

is ......... It is also 2532 -kai->

is ......... it is an unruly 0183 -akataschetos->

is ......... It is because 3754 -hoti->

is ......... it is better 2570 -kalos->

is ......... it is briefly 0346 -anakephalaiomai->

is ......... it is but the third 5154 -tritos->

is ......... it is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... It is Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... it is come 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... it is contained 4023 -periecho->

is ......... It is Corban 2878 -korban->

is ......... it is day 2250 -hemera->

is ......... It is done 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... it is done 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... it is dressed 1090 -georgeo->

is ......... It is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... it is enough 0566 -apechei->

is ......... It is enough 0713 -arketos->

is ......... It is even 1063 -gar->

is ......... it is evident 1212 -delos->

is ......... It is excluded 1576 -ekkleio->

is ......... It is expedient 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... It is finished 5055 -teleo->

is ......... it is for your 5213 -humin->

is ......... it is for your 5216 -humon->

is ......... it is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... It is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... It is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... it is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... it is good 2750 -keiria->

is ......... it is grown 0837 -auzano->

is ......... it is hard 4642 -skleros->

is ......... it is hid 2572 -kalupto->

is ......... it is high time 5610 -hora->

is ......... it is I ; be not afraid 5399 -phobeo->

is ......... it is impossible 0102 -adunatos->

is ......... It is impossible 0418 -anendektos->

is ......... It is John 2491 -Ioannes->

is ......... it is lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... It is like 3664 -homoios->

is ......... It is like 5613 -hos->

is ......... It is more 3122 -malista->

is ......... it is my Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... It is neither 3777 -oute->

is ......... it is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... it is no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... It is not expedient 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... it is not good 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... it is not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... It is not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... It is not meet 2570 -kalos->

is ......... it is not of him that willeth 2309 -thelo->

is ......... It is not reason 0701 -arestos->

is ......... It is not the manner 1485 -ethos->

is ......... it is not the will 2307 -thelema->

is ......... it is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... it is now 3568 -nun->

is ......... it is of faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... it is of Moses 3475 -Moseus->

is ......... it is of necessity 0316 -anagkaios->

is ......... it is of no 3361 -me->

is ......... it is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... it is prepared 2090 -hetoimazo->

is ......... it is raised 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... It is reported 0191 -akouo->

is ......... it is required 2212 -zeteo->

is ......... it is said 3004 -lego->

is ......... It is sown 4687 -speiro->

is ......... it is sown 4687 -speiro->

is ......... it is spoken 0483 -antilego->

is ......... it is superfluous 4053 -perissos->

is ......... it is that saith 3004 -lego->

is ......... it is the gift 1435 -doron->

is ......... it is the greatest 3187 -meizon->

is ......... it is the last 2078 -eschatos->

is ......... It is the Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... it is the power 1411 -dunamis->

is ......... it is the price 5092 -time->

is ......... It is the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->

is ......... It is the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

is ......... it is thenceforth 2089 -eti->

is ......... it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... It is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... it not , to him it is sin 0266 -hamartia->

is ......... it not ; for it is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... it out : it is better 2570 -kalos->

is ......... Let him that is taught 2727 -katecheo->

is ......... let him which is in the field 0068 -agros->

is ......... Let him which is on 1909 -epi->

is ......... man is preached 2605 -kataggello->

is ......... man is renewed 0341 -anakainoo->

is ......... man is tempted 3985 -peirazo->

is ......... man is the great 3173 -megas->

is ......... man that is among 1722 -en->

is ......... man that is called 3687 -onomazo->

is ......... me , is not worthy 0514 -axios->

is ......... me : for he that is least 3398 -mikros->

is ......... me is at 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... me is mightier 2478 -ischuros->

is ......... me is not worthy 0514 -axios->

is ......... me is preferred 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... me is the Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... me is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... me is true 0227 -alethes->

is ......... me is true 0228 -alethinos->

is ......... me is with me : the Father 3962 -pater->

is ......... me is with me on 1909 -epi->

is ......... means he is made 4982 -sozo->

is ......... not , is like 3664 -homoios->

is ......... not , it is no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... not : he is of age 2244 -helikia->

is ......... not ; but he that is begotten 1080 -gennao->

is ......... not ; she is not dead 0599 -apothnesko->

is ......... not in me , he is cast 0906 -ballo->

is ......... not is condemned 2919 -krino->

is ......... not itself , is not puffed 5448 -phusioo->

is ......... not that which is evil 2556 -kakos->

is ......... notwithstanding he that is least 3398 -mikros->

is ......... of heaven is as a man 0444 -anthropos->

is ......... of him which is weak 0772 -asthenes->

is ......... of man is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... of me is not after 2596 -kata->

is ......... of me is true 0227 -alethes->

is ......... of that which is abolished 2673 -katargeo->

is ......... of that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... of the gospel is committed 4100 -pisteuo->

is ......... of them : for that is delivered 3860 -paradidomi->

is ......... of them ; as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... of them is forgotten 1950 -epilanthanomai->

is ......... of them is lost 0622 -apollumi->

is ......... of them is she ? for seven 2033 -hepta->

is ......... of them is without 0880 -aphonos->

is ......... of us is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... of you is a devil 1228 -diabolos->

is ......... of you is stedfast 0949 -bebaios->

is ......... of you that is a father 3962 -pater->

is ......... one that is born 1080 -gennao->

is ......... one that is indebted 3784 -opheilo->

is ......... one that is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

is ......... one that is perfect 2675 -katartizo->

is ......... ourselves , it is to God 2316 -theos->

is ......... out ; and when he is come 2064 -erchomai->

Is ......... own ? Is thine 4675 -sou->

is ......... part he is glorified 1392 -doxazo->

is ......... part is full 1073 -gemo->

is ......... place , this is not to eat 5315 -phago->

is ......... point , he is guilty 1777 -enochos->

is ......... purpose is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... sacrifices there is a remembrance 0364 -anamnesis->

is ......... said , He is like 3664 -homoios->

Is ......... said , Is it I ?

is ......... sake . He that is able 1410 -dunamai->

is ......... saying , It is the voice 5456 -phone->

is ......... seeing that he is Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... she is at 1657 -eleutheria->

is ......... she is come 4301 -prolambano->

is ......... she is free 1658 -eleutheros->

is ......... she is in travail 5088 -tikto->

is ......... she is loosed 2673 -katargeo->

is ......... she is nourished 5142 -trepho->

is ......... she that is a widow 5503 -chera->

is ......... so is the gift 1434 -dorema->

is ......... so that she is no 3361 -me->

is ......... that , as he is Christ s 5547 -Christos->

is ......... that he is , and that he is a rewarder 3406 -

is ......... that he is , and that he is a rewarder 3406 -

is ......... that he is a debtor 3781 -opheiletes->

is ......... that he is able 1415 -dunatos->

is ......... that he is both 2532 -kai->

is ......... that he is Christ s 5547 -Christos->

is ......... that he is excepted 1622 -ektos->

is ......... that he is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... that he is not aware 1097 -ginosko->

is ......... that he is righteous 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... that he is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... that he is the Son 5207 -huios->

is ......... that he is your 5216 -humon->

is ......... that he that is of the contrary 1727 -enantios->

is ......... that he that is such 5108 -toioutos->

is ......... that he which is accused 2723 -kategoreo->

is ......... that in me ( that is , in my flesh 4561 -sarx->

is ......... that in them is :

is ......... that is , Be opened 1272 -dianoigo->

is ......... that is , eight 3638 -oktos->

is ......... that is , God 2316 -theos->

is ......... that is , of other 0245 -allotrios->

is ......... that is , of the angel 0032 -aggelos->

is ......... that is , of their brethren 0080 -adephos->

is ......... That is , that I may be comforted 4837 -

is ......... that is , the day before 4315 -prosabbaton->

is ......... that is , the devil 1228 -diabolos->

is ......... that is , the fruit 2590 -karpos->

is ......... that is , the word 4487 -rhema->

is ......... That is , They which are the children 5043 -teknon->

is ......... that is , to bring 0321 -anago->

is ......... that is , to bring 2609 -katago->

is ......... that is a Jew 2453 -Ioudaios->

is ......... that is a Roman 4514 -Rhomaios->

is ......... that is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos->

is ......... that is an heretick 0141 -hairetikos->

is ......... that is an householder 3617 -oikodespotes->

is ......... that is at 1722 -en->

is ......... that is begotten 1080 -gennao->

is ......... that is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... that is called 3004 -lego->

is ......... that is circumcised 4059 -peritemno->

is ......... that is from above 0509 -anothen->

is ......... that is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... that is in Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... that is in me .

is ......... that is in the world 2889 -kosmos->

is ......... that is in thee , even 2531 -kathos->

is ......... that is in thee , which 3739 -hos->

is ......... that is in thee , which 3748 -hostis->

is ......... that is in thee be darkness 4655 -skotos->

is ......... that is in their house 3624 -oikos->

is ......... that is in them , because 1223 -dia->

is ......... that is in thine 2398 -idios->

is ......... that is in thine 4674 -sos->

is ......... that is in thine 4675 -sou->

is ......... that is in thy brother s 0080 -adephos->

is ......... that is in you with meekness 4240 -prautes->

is ......... that is laid 5087 -tithemi->

is ......... that is made 5499 -cheiropoietos->

is ......... that is named 3687 -onomazo->

is ......... that is not manifest 0852 -aphanes->

is ......... that is not put 0506 -anupotaktos->

is ......... that is passed 1330 -dierchomai->

is ......... that is risen 1453 -egeiro->

is ......... that is seen 0991 -blepo->

is ......... that is set 2749 -keimai->

is ......... that is set 4295 -prokeimai->

is ......... that is thine 4674 -sos->

is ......... that is to be brought 5342 -phero->

is ......... that is to say , a gift 1435 -doron->

is ......... that is to say , his flesh 4561 -sarx->

is ......... that is to say , My God 2316 -theos->

is ......... that is to say , not of this 5026 -taute->

is ......... that is to say , The field 5564 -chorion->

is ......... that is to say 3004 -lego->

is ......... that is upon it , he is guilty 3784 -opheilo->

is ......... that is upon it , he is guilty 3784 -opheilo->

is ......... that is worshipped 4574 -sebasma->

is ......... that is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... That it is a prophet 4396 -prophetes->

is ......... that it is an unlawful 0111 -athemitos->

is ......... That it is Elias 2243 -Helias->

is ......... that it is expedient 4851 -sumphero->

is ......... that it is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... that it is he which 3588 -ho->

is ......... that it is I myself : handle 5584 -pselaphao->

is ......... that it is near 1451 -eggus->

is ......... that it is nigh 1451 -eggus->

is ......... that it is the firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

is ......... that it is the last 2078 -eschatos->

is ......... that there is another 2087 -heteros->

is ......... that there is any 3361 -me->

is ......... that there is fornication 4202 -porneia->

is ......... that there is no 3361 -me->

is ......... that there is not a wise 4680 -sophos->

is ......... that there is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... that there is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... that was , and is not , and yet 2539 -kaiper->

is ......... that was , and is not , even 2532 -kai->

is ......... that which is against 3844 -para->

is ......... that which is appointed 1299 -diatasso->

is ......... That which is born 1080 -gennao->

is ......... that which is committed 3872 -parakatatheke->

is ......... that which is done 2673 -katargeo->

is ......... that which is evil 2556 -kakos->

is ......... that which is evil 4190 -poneros->

is ......... that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... that which is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... that which is honest 2570 -kalos->

is ......... that which is in part 3313 -meros->

is ......... that which is just 1342 -dikaios->

is ......... that which is lacking 5303 -husterema->

is ......... that which is lame 5560 -cholos->

is ......... that which is lost 0622 -apollumi->

is ......... that which is offered 1494 -eidolothuton->

is ......... that which is perfect 5046 -teleios->

is ......... that which is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

is ......... that which is unseemly 0808 -aschemosune->

is ......... that which is within 1787 -entos->

is ......... that which is within 2081 -esothen->

is ......... that which is worse 1640 -elasson->

is ......... the thing which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... thee that which is convenient 0433 -aneko->

is ......... their part he is evil 0987 -blasphemeo->

is ......... them , he it is that loveth 0025 -agapao->

Is ......... them , Is it not written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... them , which is the angel 0032 -aggelos->

is ......... them , which is the angel 0032 -aggelos->

is ......... them : for he is Lord 2962 -kurios->

is ......... them from thee : it is better 2570 -kalos->

is ......... them is the devil 1228 -diabolos->

is ......... them me , is greater 3187 -meizon->

is ......... then is it no 3765 -ouketi->

is ......... There is a certain 5100 -tis->

is ......... There is a lad 3808 -paidarion->

is ......... There is a natural 5591 -psuchikos->

is ......... there is a remnant 3005 -leimma->

is ......... There is a sin 0266 -hamartia->

is ......... there is among 1722 -en->

is ......... There is another 0243 -allos->

is ......... there is at 1722 -en->

is ......... There is difference 3307 -merizo->

is ......... there is laid 0606 -apokeimai->

is ......... there is made 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... There is neither 3756 -ou->

is ......... there is neither 3756 -ou->

is ......... there is no 3361 -me->

is ......... There is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... there is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... there is none 3756 -ou->

is ......... There is none 3756 -ou->

is ......... there is none 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... there is not a greater 3187 -meizon->

is ......... there is not in every 3956 -pas->

is ......... There is nothing 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... There is one 0243 -allos->

is ......... There is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... there is one that accuseth 2723 -kategoreo->

is ......... there is one that seeketh 2212 -zeteo->

is ......... there is room 5117 -topos->

is ......... There is therefore 0686 -ara->

is ......... there is utterly 3654 -holos->

is ......... they , It is his angel .

is ......... they that were with him , ( which is the sect 0139 -

is ......... thine eye is evil 4190 -poneros->

Is ......... thing ; Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... thing is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... thing is needful 5532 -chreia->

is ......... thing is this 3778 -houtos->

is ......... thing is true 0257 -halon->

is ......... thing that is common 2839 -koinos->

is ......... thing that is contrary 0480 -antikeimai->

is ......... things , and is truth 0227 -alethes->

is ......... things , is it a great 3173 -megas->

is ......... things is at 1448 -eggizo->

is ......... things is blind 5185 -tuphlos->

is ......... things is death 2288 -thanatos->

is ......... things is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... This is the stone 3037 -lithos->

is ......... this is the sum 2774 -kephalaion->

is ......... this is written 1125 -grapho->

Is ......... thou ? Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... thou me ? it is hard 4642 -skleros->

is ......... thy way : for he is a chosen 1589 -ekloge->

is ......... to do that thing which is least 1646 -elachistos->

is ......... to him , He that is washed 3068 -louo->

is ......... to him it is unclean 2839 -koinos->

is ......... to him that is of power 1410 -dunamai->

is ......... to him that is ready 2093 -hetoimos->

is ......... to that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... to that which is said 2046 -ereo->

is ......... to them that were with him ; which it is not lawful
1832 -exesti->

is ......... to you is the word 3056 -logos->

is ......... trial which is to try 3986 -peirasmos->

is ......... unto her , There is none 3762 -oudeis->

Is ......... unto him , Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... unto him , It is not lawful 1832 -exesti->

is ......... unto him , It is said 2046 -ereo->

is ......... unto him , It is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... unto him by and by , when he is come 1525 -

is ......... unto him that is able 1410 -dunamai->

is ......... unto him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao->

is ......... unto him that is athirst 1372 -dipsao->

is ......... unto me , It is done 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... unto me , It is done 1096 -ginomai->

is ......... unto me : It is good 2570 -kalos->

is ......... unto that which is good 0018 -agathos->

is ......... unto them , He that is without 0361 -anamartetos->

Is ......... unto them , Is a candle 3088 -luchnos->

Is ......... unto them , Is it lawful 1832 -exesti->

Is ......... unto them , Is it not written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... unto them , It is enough 2425 -hikanos->

is ......... unto them , It is I ; be not afraid 5399 -phobeo->

is ......... unto them , It is not for you to know 1097 -ginosko-

is ......... unto them , It is one 1520 -heis->

is ......... unto them , It is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... unto them , Unto you it is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... unto them , When it is evening 3798 -opsios->

is ......... unto you , as it is in all 3956 -pas->

is ......... unto you , is Christ 5547 -Christos->

is ......... unto you , It is easier 2123 -eukopoteros->

is ......... unto you , there is joy 5479 -chara->

is ......... unto you , There is no 3762 -oudeis->

is ......... unto you , who is a beloved 0027 -agapetos->

is ......... Unto you it is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... up that which is behind 5303 -husterema->

is ......... upon you , but for that which is comely 2158 -

is ......... upon you , which is spoken 2046 -ereo->

is ......... us , is God 2316 -theos->

is ......... us , who is holy 3741 -hosios->

is ......... us ; he that is not of God 2316 -theos->

is ......... us and you there is a great 3173 -megas->

is ......... us is for us .

is ......... us is on 5228 -huper->

is ......... vail is done 2763 -kerameus->

is ......... was , and is , and is to come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... was , and is , and is to come 2064 -erchomai->

is ......... was , and is not ; and shall ascend 0305 -anabaino->

is ......... was with him : for he is a Galilaean 1057 -

is ......... when he is drawn 1828 -exelko->

is ......... when he is not aware 1097 -ginosko->

is ......... when he is nothing 3367 -medeis->

is ......... when he is old 1088 -geron->

is ......... when he is tempted 3985 -peirazo->

is ......... when it is finished 0658 -apoteleo->

is ......... when it is rolled 1507 -heilisso->

is ......... when she is shaken 4579 -seio->

is ......... when there is no 3361 -me->

is ......... which is , being interpreted 3177 -methermeneuo->

is ......... Which is a manifest token 1730 -endeigma->

is ......... which is a servant 1249 -diakonos->

is ......... which is above 0507 -ano->

is ......... which is according 2596 -kata->

is ......... which is among 1722 -en->

is ......... which is an haven 3040 -limen->

is ......... which is by faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... which is by him hath given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... which is by interpretation 2059 -hermeneuo->

is ......... which is by nature 5449 -phusis->

is ......... which is called 2564 -kaleo->

is ......... which is called 3004 -lego->

is ......... which is done to the fig 4808 -suke->

is ......... which is far 3123 -mallon->

is ......... which is given 1325 -didomi->

is ......... which is in God 2316 -theos->

is ......... which is in his house 3624 -oikos->

is ......... which is in you , which 3739 -hos->

is ......... which is instructed 3100 -matheteuo->

is ......... which is not unto death 2288 -thanatos->

is ......... which is of faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... which is of the faith 4102 -pistis->

is ......... which is of the law 3551 -nomos->

is ......... which is one inwardly 2927 -kruptos->

is ......... which is one outwardly 5318 -phaneros->

is ......... which is outward 5318 -phaneros->

is ......... which is spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

is ......... which is the Holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... which is the sea 2281 -thalassa->

is ......... which is to day 4594 -semeron->

is ......... which is to say 3004 -lego->

is ......... which is under 5259 -hupo->

is ......... which is wild 0065 -agrielaios->

is ......... which is your 5216 -humon->

is ......... who is consecrated 5048 -teleioo->

is ......... who is our life 2222 -zoe->

is ......... who is rich 4145 -plousios->

is ......... who is the faithful 4103 -pistos->

is ......... with us : for it is toward 4314 -pros->

is ......... ye : for it is not ye that speak 2980 -laleo->

is ......... ye not that he which is joined 2853 -kollao->

is ......... you , as it is written 1125 -grapho->

is ......... you but such as is common 0442 -anthropinos->

is ......... you is holy 0040 -hagios->

is ......... you that there is no 3756 -ou->

is ......... you that which is your 5212 -humeteros->
