-apeirastos- ......... be tempted 0551 -apeirastos- >

-apeirastos- ......... cannot 0551 -apeirastos- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... being led 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... but they led 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogeo- ......... him by the hand 5496 -cheiragogeo- >

-cheiragogos- ......... him by the hand 5497 -cheiragogos- >

-cheiragogos- ......... some to lead 5497 -cheiragogos- >

-ekpeirazo- ......... let us tempt 1598 -ekpeirazo- >

-ekpeirazo- ......... Thou shalt not tempt 1598 -ekpeirazo- >

-ekpeirazo- ......... up , and tempted 1598 -ekpeirazo- >

-machaira- ......... a sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... and the sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... but a sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... by a sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... his sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... not the sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... of the sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... out his sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... swords 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... the sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... thy sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... up thy sword 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... with swords 3162 -machaira- >

-machaira- ......... with the sword 3162 -machaira- >

-peira- ......... trial 3984 -peira- >

-peirao- ......... and went 3987 -peirao- >

-peirao- ......... he assayed 3987 -peirao- >

-peirasmos- ......... And my temptation 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... and temptations 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... but will with the temptation 3986 -
peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... of temptation 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... out of temptations 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... temptation 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... temptations 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... the temptation 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... trial which is to try 3986 -peirasmos- >

-peirasmos- ......... with me in my temptations 3986 -peirasmos-

-peirazo- ......... about 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... Abraham 11 > , when he was tried 3985 -
peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... Abraham 11> , when he was tried 3985 -
peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... and tempting 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... and thou hast tried 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... And when the tempter 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... be tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... being tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... Examine 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... hath gone 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... have tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... him a question , tempting 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... I am tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... man is tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... points tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... tempt 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... tempteth 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... tempting 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... that ye may be tried 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... the tempter 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... them that are tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... they assayed 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... to be tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... to prove 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... to tempt 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... to try 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... unto him , tempting 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... were tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... when he is tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-peirazo- ......... you to be tempted 3985 -peirazo- >

-seira- ......... them into chains 4577 -seira- >

-speira- ......... a band 4686 -speira- >

-speira- ......... band 4686 -speira- >

-speira- ......... of the band 4686 -speira- >

-speira- ......... the band 4686 -speira- >

-Thuateira- ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- >

-Thuateira- ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- >

-Thuateira- ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- >

-Thuateira- ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira- >

admiration ......... admiration 2295 -thauma->

admiration ......... in admiration 2296 -thaumazo->

conspiracy ......... conspiracy 4945 -sunomosia->

inspiration ......... is given by inspiration 2315 -theopneustos-

miracle ......... a miracle 1411 -dunamis->

miracle ......... miracle 4592 -semeion->

miracle ......... not the miracle of the loaves 0740 -artos->

miracle ......... the miracle 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... and miracles 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... his miracles 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... miracles 1411 -dunamis->

miracles ......... miracles 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... of miracles 1411 -dunamis->

miracles ......... of miracles 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... that miracles 1411 -dunamis->

miracles ......... the miracles 1411 -dunamis->

miracles ......... the miracles 4592 -semeion->

miracles ......... you by miracles 1411 -dunamis->

Sapphira ......... with Sapphira 4551 -Sappheire->

Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->

Thyatira ......... and unto Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->

Thyatira ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->

Thyatira ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->
