in ......... Abraham 11 > , when he was in Mesopotamia 3318 -

in ......... Abraham 11> , when he was in Mesopotamia 3318 -

in ......... an one in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... and are given in marriage 1548 -ekgamisko->

in ......... And as it was in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... and be in health 5198 -hugiaino->

in ......... and digged 3736 > in the earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... and digged 3736> in the earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... and giving in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->

in ......... And he was in the hinder 4403 -prumna->

in ......... And I was with you in weakness 0769 -astheneia->

in ......... and in a trance 1611 -ekstasis->

in ......... and in all 3837 -pantachou->

in ......... and in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... and in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... and in breaking 2800 -klasis->

in ......... and in deeds 2041 -ergon->

in ......... and in dens 4693 -spelaion->

in ......... and in earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... and in every 2596 -kata->

in ......... and in favour 5485 -charis->

in ......... and in fear 5401 -phobos->

in ......... and in fetters 3976 -pede->

in ......... And in hell 0086 -haides->

in ......... And in her was found 2147 -heurisko->

in ......... and in him Amen 0281 -amen->

in ......... and in him is no 3756 -ou->

in ......... and in his Father s 3962 -pater->

in ......... and in his hand 5495 -cheir->

in ......... And in his name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... and in his own house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... and in his right 4993 -sophroneo->

in ......... and in how 3745 -hosos->

in ......... and in Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

in ......... and in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... and in mountains 3735 -oros->

in ......... and in much 4183 -polus->

in ......... And in nothing 3367 -medeis->

in ......... and in order 5010 -taxis->

in ......... and in prayers 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... and in prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... and in righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

in ......... and in Samaria 4540 -Samareia->

in ......... and in secret 2927 -kruptos->

in ......... and in spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... And in that day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... And in that same 0846 -autos->

in ......... and in the bond 4886 -sundesmos->

in ......... and in the comfort 3874 -paraklesis->

in ......... and in the corners 1137 -gonia->

in ......... and in the country 0068 -agros->

in ......... and in the day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... And in the day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... and in the defence 0627 -apologia->

in ......... and in the earthquake 4578 -seismos->

in ......... And in the evening 3798 -opsios->

in ......... and in the Father 3962 -pater->

in ......... And in the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

in ......... and in the garden 2779 -kepos->

in ......... and in the Holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... And in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... and in the kingdom 0932 -basileia->

in ......... and in the knowledge 1108 -gnosis->

in ......... and in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... And in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... and in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... and in the moon 4582 -selene->

in ......... And in the morning 4404 -proi->

in ......... and in the parts 3313 -meros->

in ......... and in the power 2904 -kratos->

in ......... and in the presence 1799 -enopion->

in ......... and in the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

in ......... and in the psalms 5568 -psalmos->

in ......... and in the Red 2281 -thalassa->

in ......... and in the rocks 4073 -petra->

in ......... And in the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... and in the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... and in the sea 2281 -thalassa->

in ......... and in the shadow 4639 -skia->

in ......... And in the sixth 1623 -hektos->

in ......... and in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... and in the stars 0798 -astron->

in ......... and in the stone 5586 -psephos->

in ......... and in the streets 4505 -rhume->

in ......... And in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... and in the synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... and in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... and in the time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... and in the tombs 3418 -mnema->

in ......... and in the water 5204 -hudor->

in ......... and in the wilderness 2048 -eremos->

in ......... and in the world 0165 -aion->

in ......... And in their hands 5495 -cheir->

in ......... and in their minds 1271 -dianoia->

in ......... And in their mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura->

in ......... And in them is fulfilled 0378 -anapleroo->

in ......... and in them that perish 0622 -apollumi->

in ......... and in them the names 3686 -onoma->

in ......... And in these 5125 -toutois->

in ......... And in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... And in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... And in those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... And in those 5025 -tautais->

in ......... and in three 5140 -treis->

in ......... and in thy heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... and in thy name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... and in thy sight 1799 -enopion->

in ......... and in time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... and in truth 0225 -aletheia->

in ......... and in you all 3956 -pas->

in ......... and in your 5209 -humas->

in ......... and in your 5216 -humon->

in ......... And let him that is in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... and let them which are in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... and looking in , saw 0991 -blepo->

in ......... and not in another 2087 -heteros->

in ......... and not in heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... and not in the letter 1121 -gramma->

in ......... and not in the oldness 3821 -palaiotes->

in ......... and of things in the sea 1724 -enalios->

in ......... and of those things in the which 3739 -hos->

in ......... and such as are in the sea 2281 -thalassa->

in ......... and that are in earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... and them in Hierapolis 2404 -Hierapolis->

in ......... And there shall in no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... And there was in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... And there were in the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... And they were in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... and things in earth 1919 -epigeios->

in ......... and was in the deserts 2048 -eremos->

in ......... and we are in him that is true 0228 -alethinos->

in ......... And we were in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... and we were in that city 4172 -polis->

in ......... and were in doubt 1280 -diaporeo->

in ......... and wounded him in the head 2775 -kephalaioo->

in ......... and ye in me , and I in you .

in ......... and ye in me , and I in you .

in ......... are given in marriage 1061 -gamisko->

in ......... are given in marriage 1548 -ekgamisko->

in ......... are had in remembrance 3415 -mnaomai->

in ......... are in all 3650 -holos->

in ......... are in Asia 0773 -Asia->

in ......... are in Asia 0773 -Asia->

in ......... are in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... are in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... are in kings 0933 -basileion->

in ......... are in peace 1515 -eirene->

in ......... are in the book 0976 -biblos->

in ......... are in the four 5064 -tessares->

in ......... are in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... are in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... are in their generation 1074 -genea->

in ......... are in their ways 3598 -hodos->

in ......... are not in darkness 4655 -skotos->

in ......... are we in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... are with me in bed 2845 -koite->

in ......... are ye in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... art in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... art in me , and I in thee , that they also 2532 -

in ......... art in me , and I in thee , that they also 2532 -

in ......... as he is in the light 5457 -phos->

in ......... as in a day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... as in a glass 2734 -katoptrizomai->

in ......... as in a strange 0245 -allotrios->

in ......... as in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... as in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... as in me is , I am ready 4289 -prothumos->

in ......... as in the day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... as in the provocation 3894 -parapikrasmos->

in ......... as it is in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... as it was in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... as lieth in you , live 1514 -eireneuo->

in ......... as thou art in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... as we are in word 3056 -logos->

in ......... away in his ways 4197 -poreia->

in ......... be , ye are in heaviness 3076 -lupeo->

in ......... be in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... be in his day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... be in subjection 5293 -hupotasso->

in ......... be in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... be in vain 2756 -kenos->

in ......... be in you , the body 4983 -soma->

in ......... be in you , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... be not in the winter 5494 -cheimon->

in ......... being in subjection 5293 -hupotasso->

In ......... but , In Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

in ......... But , when he was in Rome 4516 -Rhome->

in ......... but as it is in truth 0230 -alethos->

in ......... but as it were in secret 2927 -kruptos->

in ......... But hath in due 2398 -idios->

in ......... but he that giveth her not in marriage 1547 -

in ......... But in a great 3173 -megas->

in ......... But in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... but in deed 2041 -ergon->

in ......... but in demonstration 0585 -apodeixis->

in ......... but in every 3596 -hodoiporeo->

in ......... But in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... but in fleshy 4560 -sarkinos->

in ......... but in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... but in him was yea 3483 -nai->

in ......... but in his own country 3968 -patris->

in ......... but in lowliness 5012 -tapeinophrosune->

in ......... but in mine 3450 -mou->

in ......... but in power 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... but in singleness 0572 -haplotes->

in ......... but in that he liveth 2198 -zao->

in ......... But in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... but in the Greek 1673 -Hellenikos->

in ......... but in the Greek 1673 -Hellenikos->

in ......... but in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->

in ......... but in the living 2198 -zao->

in ......... but in the power 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... but in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... but in the tombs 3418 -mnema->

in ......... But in those 0846 -autos->

in ......... But in those 3588 -ho->

in ......... but in uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->

in ......... but in understanding 5424 -phren->

in ......... But in vain 3155 -maten->

in ......... but in works 2041 -ergon->

in ......... but is in danger 1777 -enochos->

in ......... but it shall be in thy mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... but not in despair 1820 -exaporeomai->

in ......... But of him are ye in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... but to be in silence 2271 -hesuchia->

in ......... but was in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... but was in that place 5117 -topos->

in ......... But ye are not in the flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... by him , in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... by him in store 2343 -thesaurizo->

in ......... by him in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... by them in shining 0797 -astrapto->

in ......... by them in white 3022 -leukos->

in ......... by us in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... by us in nothing 3367 -medeis->

in ......... came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the
temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... came 3719 early 3719 in the morning to him in the
temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... clothing are in kings 0935 -basileus->

in ......... contained in ordinances 1378 -dogma->

in ......... even in him :

in ......... even in his Son 5207 -huios->

in ......... even in this 3588 -ho->

in ......... even in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... fast in one 1520 -heis->

in ......... fast in the faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... fast in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... fervently for you in prayers 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... For as in Adam 0076 -Adam->

in ......... For as in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... For as ye in times 4218 -pote->

in ......... For he that in these 5125 -toutois->

in ......... For I am in a strait 4912 -sunecho->

in ......... For in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... for in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... for in due 2398 -idios->

in ......... For in eating 5315 -phago->

in ......... For in him dwelleth 2730 -katoikeo->

in ......... For in him we live 2198 -zao->

in ......... For in Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

in ......... For in many 4183 -polus->

in ......... for in one 3391 -mia->

in ......... For in one 3391 -mia->

in ......... for in one hour 5610 -hora->

in ......... for in so 5124 -touto->

in ......... for in such an hour 5610 -hora->

in ......... For in that he died 0599 -apothnesko->

in ......... For in that he himself 0846 -autos->

in ......... For in that he put 5293 -hupotasso->

in ......... For in that she hath poured 0906 -ballo->

in ......... for in the like 5024 -tauta->

in ......... For in the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

in ......... for in them is filled 5055 -teleo->

in ......... for in them ye think 1380 -dokeo->

in ......... For in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... For in those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... for that which is put in to fill 4138 -pleroma->

in ......... for them in the inn 2646 -kataluma->

in ......... for us in the flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... for us in the house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... For we are in danger 2793 -kinduneuo->

in ......... For we that are in this 3588 -ho->

in ......... for you , and them that are in Laodicea 2993 -

in ......... for you in the sight 1799 -enopion->

in ......... forth in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... good in thy sight 1715 -emprosthen->

in ......... had in reputation 5093 -timios->

in ......... hand , in thy glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... hand in the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

in ......... Hath in these 5130 -touton->

in ......... he him up in his arms 0043 -agkale->

in ......... he in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... he is in the desert 2048 -eremos->

in ......... he is in the light 5457 -phos->

in ......... he is in the secret 5009 -tameion->

in ......... he not in .

in ......... he that giveth her in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->

in ......... he that is in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... he them in , and lodged 3579 -xenizo->

in ......... he was in a certain 1520 -heis->

in ......... he was in Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

in ......... he was in Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

in ......... he was in the mountains 3735 -oros->

in ......... He was in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... her ; and in like 5615 -hosautos->

in ......... her in an upper 5253 -huperoion->

in ......... her in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... her in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... her in whatsoever 0302 -an->

in ......... here in fear 5401 -phobos->

in ......... him ; howbeit in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... him even as he was in the ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... him from them , and in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... him in , and came 2064 -erchomai->

in ......... him in , and to lay 5087 -tithemi->

in ......... him in a figure 3850 -parabole->

in ......... him in a gorgeous 2986 -lampros->

in ......... him in a manger 5336 -phatne->

in ......... him in a sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->

in ......... him in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... him in because 1223 -dia->

in ......... him in himself 1438 -heautou->

in ......... him in his arms 1723 -enagkalizomai->

in ......... him in his talk 3056 -logos->

in ......... him in his words 3056 -logos->

in ......... him in letters 1121 -gramma->

in ......... him in love 0026 -agape->

in ......... him in prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... him in spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... him in sunder , and will appoint 5087 -tithemi->

in ......... him in swaddling 4683 -sparganoo->

in ......... him in the last 2078 -eschatos->

in ......... him in the linen 4616 -sindon->

in ......... him in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... him in the presence 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... him in the prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... him in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... him in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... him in whom 3739 -hos->

in ......... him shall be in him a well 4077 -pege->

in ......... him unto them in the absence 0817 -ater->

in ......... How that in a great 4183 -polus->

in ......... Howbeit in vain 3155 -maten->

in ......... I have in a figure 3345 -metaschematizo->

in ......... I have in you .

in ......... I in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... I in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... I in them , and thou in me , that they may be made
5048 -teleioo->

in ......... I in them , and thou in me , that they may be made
5048 -teleioo->

In ......... I thee : In the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... I thee in Crete 2914 -Krete->

in ......... I to them in parables 3850 -parabole->

in ......... I was in a trance 1611 -ekstasis->

in ......... I was in the city 4172 -polis->

in ......... I was in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... I was in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... I was with them in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... I with you in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in , and came 1096 -ginomai->

in ......... in , and danced 3738 -orcheomai->

in ......... in , and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

in ......... in , and found 2147 -heurisko->

in ......... in , and prayed 4336 -proseuchomai->

in ......... in , and putting 2007 -epitithemi->

in ......... in , and sat 0377 -anapipto->

in ......... in , and sat 2521 -kathemai->

in ......... in , and shall not be able 2480 -ischuo->

in ......... in , and told 0518 -apaggello->

in ......... in , and took 2902 -krateo->

in ......... in , choke 4846 -sumpnigo->

in ......... in , Cornelius 2883 -Kornelios->

in ......... in , he saith 3004 -lego->

in ......... in , he shall be saved 4982 -sozo->

in ......... in , save 1508 -ei me->

in ......... in , say 2036 -epo->

in ......... in , than all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in , that my house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... in , the more 4119 -pleion->

in ......... in , they went 0305 -anabaino->

in ......... in , who 3748 -hostis->

in ......... in .

in ......... in : for God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in : therefore 3767 -oun->

in ......... in ? or 2228 -e->

in ......... in a basket 4553 -sargane->

in ......... in a basket 4711 -spuris->

in ......... in a bed 2825 -kline->

in ......... in a bodily 4984 -somatikos->

in ......... in a book 0975 -biblion->

in ......... in a book 0975 -biblion->

in ......... in a bush 0942 -batos->

in ......... in a certain 4225 -pou->

in ......... in a certain 5100 -tis->

in ......... in a charger 4094 -pinax->

in ......... in a city 4172 -polis->

in ......... in a cloud 3507 -nephele->

in ......... in a company 2828 -klisia->

in ......... in a corner 1137 -gonia->

in ......... in a dark 0850 -auchmeros->

in ......... in a day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in a desert 2048 -eremos->

in ......... in a dream 3677 -onar->

in ......... in a fault 3900 -paraptoma->

in ......... in a field 0068 -agros->

in ......... in a flame 5395 -phlox->

in ......... in a furnace 2575 -kaminos->

in ......... in a glass 2072 -esoptron->

in ......... in a good 2570 -kalos->

in ......... in a good 2573 -kalos->

in ......... in a lawful 1772 -ennomos->

in ......... in a little 4142 -ploiarion->

in ......... in a long white 3022 -leukos->

in ......... in a manger 5336 -phatne->

In ......... In a moment 0823 -atomos->

in ......... in a moment 4743 -stigme->

in ......... in a mystery 3466 -musterion->

in ......... in a place 5117 -topos->

in ......... in a place where 0296 -amphodon->

in ......... in a pure 2513 -katharos->

in ......... in a race 4712 -stadion->

in ......... in a readiness 2092 -hetoimos->

in ......... in a ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... in a ship 4493 -rhipe->

in ......... in a strange 0245 -allotrios->

in ......... in a very 1646 -elachistos->

in ......... in a vision 3705 -horama->

in ......... in a voluntary 2309 -thelo->

in ......... in a window 2376 -thuris->

in ......... in a word 3056 -logos->

in ......... in abasing 5013 -tapeinoo->

in ......... in Abraham 11 > .

in ......... in Abraham 11>

in ......... in Abraham 11> .

in ......... in admiration 2296 -thaumazo->

in ......... in Adria 0099 -Adrias->

in ......... in adultery 3430 -moicheia->

in ......... in adultery 3431 -moicheuo->

in ......... in Aenon 0137 -Ainon->

in ......... in afflictions 2347 -thlipsis->

in ......... in all 0537 -hapas->

in ......... in all 3650 -holos->

In ......... In all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in also 2532 -kai->

in ......... in among 1519 -eis->

in ......... in among 1722 -en->

in ......... in an agony 0074 -agonia->

in ......... in an honest 2570 -kalos->

in ......... in an unknown tongue 1100 -glossa->

in ......... in and dwell 2730 -katoikeo->

in ......... in and going 1607 -ekporeuomai->

in ......... in and out , and find 2147 -heurisko->

in ......... in and out among 1909 -epi->

in ......... in another 0245 -allotrios->

in ......... in another 2087 -heteros->

in ......... in Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia->

in ......... in any 1536 -ei tis->

in ......... in any 3367 -medeis->

in ......... in any 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... in any house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... in any matter 4229 -pragma->

in ......... in appearance 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... in Arabia 0688 -Arabia->

in ......... in Asia 0773 -Asia->

in ......... in at 1223 -dia->

in ......... in at 1519 -eis->

in ......... in because 1223 -dia->

in ......... in beds 2895 -krabbatos->

in ......... in believing 4100 -pisteuo->

in ......... in Bethabara 0962 -Bethabara->

in ......... in Bethany 0963 -Bethania->

in ......... in Bethlehem 0965 -Bethleem->

in ......... in birth 5605 -odino->

in ......... in blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->

in ......... in blood 0129 -haima->

in ......... in body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in boldly 5111 -tolmao->

in ......... in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

in ......... in bondage 1402 -douloo->

in ......... in bonds 0254 -halusis->

in ......... in bonds 1198 -desmios->

in ......... in bonds 1210 -deo->

in ......... in building 3618 -oikodomeo->

In ......... In burnt 3646 -holokautoma->

in ......... in business 4710 -spoude->

in ......... in by the door 2374 -thura->

in ......... in Caesarea 2542 -Kaisereia->

in ......... in Cana 2580 -Kana->

in ......... in Capernaum 2584 -Kapernaoum->

in ......... in Cenchrea 2747 -Kegchreai->

in ......... in charity 0026 -agape->

in ......... in Charran 5488 -Charrhan->

in ......... in childbearing 5042 -teknogonia->

in ......... in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... in closets 5009 -tameion->

in ......... in cold 5592 -psuchos->

in ......... in conversation 0391 -anastrophe->

in ......... in corruption 5356 -phthora->

in ......... in craftiness 3834 -panourgia->

In ......... In Damascus 1154 -Damaskos->

in ......... in damnable 0684 -apoleia->

in ......... in darkness 4653 -skotia->

in ......... in darkness 4655 -skotos->

in ......... in David 1138 -Dabid->

in ......... in death 2288 -thanatos->

in ......... in deaths 2288 -thanatos->

in ......... in Decapolis 1179 -Dekapolis->

in ......... in deed 2041 -ergon->

in ......... in departing 0868 -aphistemi->

in ......... in desert 2048 -eremos->

in ......... in deserts 2047 -eremia->

in ......... in destruction 3639 -olethros->

in ......... in dishonour 0819 -atimia->

in ......... in distresses 4730 -stenochoria->

in ......... in divers places 5117 -topos->

in ......... in doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->

in ......... in doubt 0639 -aporeo->

in ......... in drink 4213 -posis->

in ......... in due 2398 -idios->

in ......... in due season 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in due time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... in earthen 3749 -ostrakinos->

in ......... in Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

in ......... in error 4106 -plane->

in ......... in everlasting 0126 -aidios->

in ......... in every 0376 -anaperos->

in ......... in every 2596 -kata->

in ......... in every 3596 -hodoiporeo->

in ......... in every 3956 -pas->

In ......... In every 3956 -pas->

in ......... in exchange 0465 -antallagma->

in ......... in faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... in fashion 4976 -schema->

in ......... in fastings 3521 -nesteia->

in ......... in few 3641 -oligos->

in ......... in fight 4171 -polemos->

in ......... in fine linen 1039 -bussinos->

in ......... in five 4002 -pente->

In ......... In flaming 5395 -phlox->

in ......... in full 4136 -plerophoria->

in ......... in Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

in ......... in glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... in glorying 2744 -kauchaomai->

in ......... in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in good 2570 -kalos->

in ......... in goodly 2986 -lampros->

in ......... in grace 5485 -charis->

in ......... in graves 3418 -mnema->

in ......... in guile 1388 -dolos->

in ......... in hand 2021 -epicheireo->

in ......... in hath not ceased 1257 -dialeipo->

in ......... in heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... in heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

in ......... in Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->

in ......... in hell 0086 -haides->

in ......... in hell 1067 -geena->

in ......... in her , came 2064 -erchomai->

in ......... in her body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in her hand 5495 -cheir->

in ......... in her heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in her is of the Holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... in her mind what 4217 -potapos->

in ......... in her old 1094 -geras->

in ......... in her womb 2836 -koilia->

in ......... in Herod s 2264 -Herodes->

in ......... in high 2032 -epouranios->

in ......... in him , and he in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in him , and he in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in him , and he in him . And hereby 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... in him , and he in him . And hereby 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... in him , and he in us , because 3754 -hoti->

in ......... in him , and he in us , because 3754 -hoti->

in ......... in him , but we shall live 2198 -zao->

in ......... in him , God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in him , not having 2192 -echo->

in ......... in him , that , if 1437 -ean->

in ......... in him , when he saw 2334 -theoreo->

in ......... in him , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in him , yet desired 0154 -aiteo->

in ......... in him .

in ......... in him . And again 3825 -palin->

in ......... in him . But Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

in ......... in him . When 3752 -hotan->

in ......... in him : and he cannot 1410 -dunamai->

in ......... in him : I will therefore 3767 -oun->

in ......... in him ; that , when 3752 -hotan->

in ......... in him ?

in ......... in him and in you : because 3754 -hoti->

in ......... in him and in you : because 3754 -hoti->

in ......... in him are yea 3483 -nai->

in ......... in him no 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... in him of whom 3739 -hos->

in ......... in him ought 3784 -opheilo->

in ......... in him purifieth 0048 -hagnizo->

in ......... in him shall receive 2983 -lambano->

in ......... in him shall the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

in ......... in him should not perish 0622 -apollumi->

in ......... in him sinneth 0264 -hamartano->

in ......... in him verily 0230 -alethos->

In ......... In him was life 2222 -zoe->

in ......... in himself 0848 -hautou->

in ......... in himself 1438 -heautou->

in ......... in his blood 0129 -haima->

in ......... in his bosom 2859 -kolpos->

in ......... in his brother s 0080 -adephos->

in ......... in his chariot 0716 -harma->

in ......... in his deed 4162 -poiesis->

in ......... in his face 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... in his feet 4228 -pous->

in ......... in his field 0068 -agros->

in ......... in his flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... in his forehead 3359 -metopon->

in ......... in his glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... in his goodness 5544 -chrestotes->

in ......... in his hand 5495 -cheir->

in ......... in his hands 5495 -cheir->

in ......... in his heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in his house 3624 -oikos->

In ......... In his humiliation 5014 -tapeinosis->

in ......... in his journey 3598 -hodos->

in ......... in his kindness 5544 -chrestotes->

in ......... in his kingdom 0932 -basileia->

in ......... in his light 5457 -phos->

in ......... in his love 0026 -agape->

in ......... in his mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... in his name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in his own 0848 -hautou->

in ......... in his own 2398 -idios->

in ......... in his own body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in his own country 3968 -patris->

in ......... in his own glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... in his own house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... in his presence 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in his right 1188 -dexios->

in ......... in his saints 0040 -hagios->

in ......... in his sickle 1407 -drepanon->

in ......... in his sight 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in his sight 2714 -katenopion->

in ......... in his speech 3424 -mogilalos->

in ......... in his spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in his strength 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... in his teeth 3679 -oneidizo->

in ......... in his temple 3485 -naos->

in ......... in his throne 2362 -thronos->

in ......... in his time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in his times 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in his vineyard 0290 -ampelon->

in ......... in hither 5602 -hode->

in ......... in holiness 0042 -hagiosune->

In ......... In holiness 3742 -hosiotes->

in ......... in honour 5092 -time->

In ......... In hope 1680 -elpis->

in ......... in hope 1680 -elpis->

in ......... in hunger 3042 -limos->

in ......... in hypocrisy 5272 -hupokrisis->

in ......... in imprisonments 5438 -phulake->

in ......... in incorruption 0861 -aphthrsia->

in ......... in infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

in ......... in Israel 2474 -Israel->

in ......... in it , and built 3618 -oikodomeo->

in ......... in it , no , not so much as to set 0968 -bema->

in ......... in it .

in ......... in it : for the glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... in it is worthy 0514 -axios->

in ......... in Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

in ......... in Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

in ......... in Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

in ......... in Jewry 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... in Joppa 2445 -Ioppe->

in ......... in Jordan 2446 -Iordanes->

In ......... In journeyings 3597 -hodoiporia->

in ......... in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... in judgment 2920 -krisis->

in ......... in knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

in ......... in labour 4904 -sunergos->

in ......... in labours 2873 -kopos->

in ......... in lasciviousness 0766 -aselgeia->

in ......... in law 3565 -numphe->

in ......... in law 3994 -penthera->

in ......... in law 3995 -pentheros->

in ......... in life 2222 -zoe->

in ......... in light 5457 -phos->

in ......... in like 3779 -houto->

In ......... In like 5615 -hosautos->

in ......... in long clothing 4749 -stole->

in ......... in long robes 4749 -stole->

in ......... in love 0026 -agape->

in ......... in Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->

in ......... in malice 2549 -kakia->

in ......... in many 4119 -pleion->

in ......... in many 4183 -polus->

in ......... in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->

in ......... in may see 0991 -blepo->

in ......... in me , And he was reckoned 3049 -logizomai->

in ......... in me , and I in him , the same 3778 -houtos->

in ......... in me , and I in him , the same 3778 -houtos->

in ......... in me , and I in him .

in ......... in me , and I in him .

in ......... in me , and I in you . As the branch 2814 -klema->

in ......... in me , and I in you . As the branch 2814 -klema->

in ......... in me , and my words 4487 -rhema->

in ......... in me , and now 3568 -nun->

in ......... in me , do 4238 -prasso->

in ......... in me , he doeth 4160 -poieo->

in ......... in me , it is better 3123 -mallon->

in ......... in me , it were better 4851 -sumphero->

in ......... in me , that I might preach 2097 -euaggelizo->

in ......... in me , though 2579 -kan->

in ......... in me , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in me , while I stood 2476 -histemi->

in ......... in me .

in ......... in me : and the life which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in me : or 1161 -de->

in ......... in me ? the words 4487 -rhema->

in ......... in me all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in me by that which is good 0018 -agathos->

in ......... in me mightily 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... in me shall never 0165 -aion->

in ......... in me that beareth 5342 -phero->

in ......... in me toward 1519 -eis->

in ......... in meats 1033 -broma->

In ......... In meekness 4236 -praiotes->

in ......... in memory what 5101 -tis->

in ......... in men 0444 -anthropos->

in ......... in mercy 1656 -eleos->

in ......... in Mesopotamia 3318 -Mesopotamia->

in ......... in mind 3563 -nous->

in ......... in mine 1699 -emos->

in ......... in mine 3450 -mou->

in ......... in modest 2887 -kosmios->

in ......... in more 4119 -pleion->

in ......... in Moses 3475 -Moseus->

in ......... in much 4183 -polus->

in ......... in multitude 4128 -plethos->

in ......... in my absence 0666 -apousia->

in ......... in my blood 0129 -haima->

in ......... in my body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in my bonds 1199 -desmon->

in ......... in my Father s 3962 -pater->

In ......... In my Father s 3962 -pater->

in ......... in my flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... in my folly 0877 -aphrosune->

in ......... in my heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in my house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... in my infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

in ......... in my kingdom 0932 -basileia->

in ......... in my love 0026 -agape->

in ......... in my members 3196 -melos->

in ......... in my name 3686 -onoma->

In ......... In my name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in my prayers 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... in my right 1188 -dexios->

in ......... in my spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in my sufferings 3804 -pathema->

in ......... in my vineyard 0290 -ampelon->

in ......... in my womb 2836 -koilia->

in ......... in my word 3056 -logos->

in ......... in my wrath 3709 -orge->

in ......... in necessities 0318 -anagke->

in ......... in newness 2538 -kainotes->

in ......... in no 3361 -me->

in ......... in no 3367 -medeis->

in ......... in no 3843 -pantos->

in ......... in nothing 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... in number 0706 -arithmos->

in ......... in obeying 5218 -hupakoe->

in ......... in of a better 2909 -kreitton->

in ......... in of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

in ......... in once 2178 -ephapax->

in ......... in one 0848 -hautou->

in ......... in one 1520 -heis->

in ......... in one 3391 -mia->

in ......... in one 5100 -tis->

in ......... in one all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in order 1299 -diatasso->

in ......... in order 1930 -epidiorthoo->

in ......... in order 2517 -kathexes->

in ......... in Osee 5617 -Hosee->

in ......... in other 0244 -allotriepiskopos->

in ......... in other 2087 -heteros->

in ......... in our body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in our eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

in ......... in our God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in our Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... in our members 3196 -melos->

in ......... in our mortal 2349 -thnetos->

in ......... in our own 2398 -idios->

in ......... in our streets 4113 -plateia->

in ......... in our tongues 1100 -glossa->

in ......... in ourselves 1438 -heautou->

in ......... in pain together 4944 -sunodino->

in ......... in Pamphylia 3828 -Pamphulia->

in ......... in parables 3850 -parabole->

in ......... in part 3313 -meros->

in ......... in particular 3313 -meros->

in ......... in patience 5281 -hupomone->

in ......... in Paul 3972 -Paulos->

in ......... in peace 1515 -eirene->

in ......... in peace 1518 -eirenopoios->

in ......... in Perga 4011 -Perge->

in ......... in Pergamos 4010 -Pergamos->

in ......... in perils 2794 -kindunos->

in ......... in persecutions 1375 -diogmos->

in ......... in Peter 4074 -Petros->

in ......... in Philadelphia 5359 -Philadelpheia->

in ......... in pieces 1288 -diaspao->

in ......... in pieces : neither 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... in Pisidia 4099 -Pisidia->

in ......... in pleasure 4684 -spatalao->

in ......... in pleasure 5171 -truphao->

in ......... in Pontus 4195 -Pontos->

in ......... in power 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... in power 2479 -ischus->

in ......... in prayer 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... in preaching the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

in ......... in presence 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in presence 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... in pretence 4392 -prophasis->

in ......... in prison 3860 -paradidomi->

in ......... in prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... in prisons 5438 -phulake->

in ......... in privily 3922 -pareiserchomai->

in ......... in psalms 5568 -psalmos->

in ......... in psalms 5568->

in ......... in psalms 5568->

in ......... in pure 2513 -katharos->

in ......... in purity 0047 -hagneia->

in ......... in purple 4209 -porphura->

in ......... in putting 0555 -apekdusis->

in ......... in question 1458 -egkaleo->

in ......... in question 2919 -krino->

In ......... In Rama 4471 -Rhama->

in ......... in ranks 4237 -prasia->

in ......... in remembrance 0362 -anemeno->

in ......... in remembrance 0364 -anamnesis->

in ......... in remembrance 3415 -mnaomai->

in ......... in remembrance 3420 -mneme->

in ......... in remembrance 5179 -tupos->

in ......... in remembrance 5294 -hupotithemi->

in ......... in reproaches 5196 -hubris->

in ......... in reputation 1784 -entimos->

in ......... in respect 2596 -kata->

in ......... in respect 3313 -meros->

in ......... in riches 5536 -chrema->

in ......... in righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

in ......... in rowing 1643 -elauno->

in ......... in royal 0937 -basilikos->

in ......... in sackcloth 4526 -sakkos->

in ......... in sacrifice 1494 -eidolothuton->

in ......... in sanctification 0038 -hagiasmos->

in ......... in Sardis 4554 -Sardeis->

in ......... in season 2121 -eukairos->

in ......... in secret 2729 -katischuo->

in ......... in sheepskins 3374 -melote->

in ......... in ships 4143 -ploion->

in ......... in sight 3706 -horasis->

in ......... in signs 4591 -semaino->

in ......... in silence 2271 -hesuchia->

in ......... in Siloam 4611 -Siloam->

in ......... in sin 0266 -hamartia->

in ......... in sincerity 0861 -aphthrsia->

in ......... in singleness 0572 -haplotes->

in ......... in sins 0266 -hamartia->

in ......... in sins 3900 -paraptoma->

in ......... in Sion 4622 -Sion->

in ......... in sleep 5258 -hupnos->

in ......... in Smyrna 4668 -Smurnaios->

in ......... in Sodom 4670 -Sodoma->

in ......... in soft 3120 -malakos->

in ......... in Solomon s 4672 -Solomon->

in ......... in speech 3056 -logos->

in ......... in spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in stewards 3623 -oikonomos->

in ......... in stone 2991 -laxeutos->

in ......... in stones 3037 -lithos->

in ......... in store 2343 -thesaurizo->

in ......... in straightway 2112 -eutheos->

in ......... in strength 1743 -endunamoo->

In ......... In stripes 4127 -plege->

in ......... in stripes 4127 -plege->

in ......... in subjection 5292 -hupotage->

in ......... in subjection 5293 -hupotasso->

in ......... in such 5108 -toioutos->

in ......... in supplications 1162 -deesis->

in ......... in swaddling 4683 -sparganoo->

in ......... in tabernacles 4633 -skene->

in ......... in Tarsus 5019 -Tarsos->

in ......... in that case , he saith 3004 -lego->

in ......... in that city 4172 -polis->

In ......... In that day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in that day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in that he did 0015 -agathopoieo->

in ......... in that he feared 2124 -eulabeia->

in ......... in that he hath raised 0450 -anistemi->

in ......... in that he is exalted 5311 -hupsos->

in ......... in that he is made 5014 -tapeinosis->

In ......... In that he saith 3004 -lego->

In ......... In that hour 5610 -hora->

in ......... in that I have betrayed 3860 -paradidomi->

in ......... in that instant 5610 -hora->

in ......... in that land 5561 -chora->

in ......... in that place 5117 -topos->

in ......... in that saidst 2046 -ereo->

In ......... In that same 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... in that they received 1209 -dechomai->

in ......... in that thing which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in that which is another 0245 -allotrios->

in ......... in that which is least 1646 -elachistos->

in ......... in that which is not corruptible 0862 -aphthartos->

in ......... in that which is to come 3195 -mello->

in ......... in that ye have ministered 1247 -diakoneo->

in ......... in the air 0109 -aer->

in ......... in the apostles 0652 -apostolos->

in ......... in the audience 0189 -akoe->

in ......... in the audience 0191 -akouo->

In ......... In the beginning 0746 -arche->

in ......... in the beginning 0746 -arche->

in ......... in the behalf 5228 -huper->

in ......... in the beloved 0025 -agapao->

in ......... in the blood 0129 -haima->

In ......... In the body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in the body 4983 -soma->

in ......... in the bond 4886 -sundesmos->

in ......... in the book 0975 -biblion->

in ......... in the book 0976 -biblos->

in ......... in the books 0975 -biblion->

in ......... in the borders 3725 -horion->

in ......... in the bowels 4698 -splagchnon->

in ......... in the branches 2798 -klados->

in ......... in the bush 0942 -batos->

in ......... in the child 3813 -paidion->

in ......... in the children 5207 -huios->

in ......... in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... in the city 4172 -polis->

in ......... in the cloud 3507 -nephele->

in ......... in the clouds 3507 -nephele->

in ......... in the company 4923 -sunodia->

in ......... in the council 4892 -sunedrion->

in ......... in the cross 4716 -stauros->

in ......... in the cup 4221 -poterion->

in ......... in the daily 2522 -kathemerinos->

in ......... in the day 2250 -hemera->

In ......... In the day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in the days 1909 -epi->

in ......... in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in the deep 1037 -buthos->

in ......... in the dens 4693 -spelaion->

in ......... in the depth 3989 -pelagos->

in ......... in the desert 2048 -eremos->

in ......... in the doctrine 1322->

in ......... in the doctrine 1322->

in ......... in the dry 3584 -xeros->

in ......... in the ear 3775 -ous->

in ......... in the ear 4719 -stachus->

in ......... in the earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... in the east 0395 -anatole->

In ......... In the end 3796 -opse->

in ......... in the end 4930 -sunteleia->

in ......... in the enduring 5281 -hupomone->

in ......... in the evil 4190 -poneros->

in ......... in the face 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... in the faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... in the fear 5401 -phobos->

in ......... in the feast 1859 -heorte->

in ......... in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... in the fifteenth 4003 -pentekaidekatos->

in ......... in the fire 4442 -pur->

in ......... in the first 4413 -protos->

in ......... in the firstbegotten 4416 -prototokos->

in ......... in the flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... in the flesh 4561->

in ......... in the flesh 4561->

in ......... in the flood 2627 -kataklusmos->

in ......... in the form 3444 -morphe->

in ......... in the fulness 4138 -pleroma->

in ......... in the gainsaying 0485 -antilogia->

in ......... in the glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... in the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

in ......... in the grace 5485 -charis->

in ......... in the great 3173 -megas->

in ......... in the hand 5495 -cheir->

in ......... in the heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in the heavens 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais->

in ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->

in ......... in the Hebrew 1447 -Hebraisti->

in ......... in the highest 4411 -protoklisia->

in ......... in the highest 5310 -hupsistos->

in ......... in the Holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... in the holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... in the horses 2462 -hippos->

in ......... in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... in the imagination 1271 -dianoia->

in ......... in the inner 2080 -eso->

in ......... in the insurrection 4714 -stasis->

in ......... in the island 3520 -nesos->

in ......... in the isle 3520 -nesos->

in ......... in the Jews 2454 -Ioudaismos->

in ......... in the judgment 0968 -bema->

in ......... in the kingdom 0932 -basileia->

in ......... in the knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

in ......... in the lake 3041 -limne->

in ......... in the Lamb s 0721 -arnion->

in ......... in the land 1093 -ge->

in ......... in the land 5561 -chora->

in ......... in the last 2078 -eschatos->

In ......... In the last 2078 -eschatos->

In ......... In the law 3551 -nomos->

in ......... in the law 3551 -nomos->

in ......... in the least 1646 -elachistos->

in ......... in the liberty 1657 -eleutheria->

in ......... in the light 5457 -phos->

in ......... in the likeness 3667 -homoioma->

in ......... in the likeness of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis-

in ......... in the living 2198 -zao->

in ......... in the loins 3751 -osphus->

in ......... in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... in the love 0026 -agape->

in ......... in the lowest 2078 -eschatos->

in ......... in the lust 1939 -epithumia->

in ......... in the marketplace 0058 -agora->

in ......... in the marketplaces 0058 -agora->

in ......... in the markets 0058 -agora->

In ......... In the mean 3342 -metaxu->

In ......... In the mean time , when there were gathered 1996 -

in ......... in the measure 3358 -metron->

In ......... In the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... in the midst 3321 -mesouranema->

in ......... in the mire 1004 -borboros->

in ......... in the morning , and taught 1321 -didasko->

in ......... in the morning , they came 2064 -erchomai->

in ......... in the morning 4404 -proi->

in ......... in the morning 4405 -proia->

in ......... in the morning he came 3854 -paraginomai->

in ......... in the morning the first 3391 -mia->

in ......... in the morning to hire 3409 -misthoo->

in ......... in the mount 3735 -oros->

in ......... in the mystery 3466 -musterion->

In ......... In the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in the night 3571 -nux->

in ......... in the old 4218 -pote->

in ......... in the order 5010 -taxis->

in ......... in the palace 0833 -aule->

in ......... in the place 5117 -topos->

in ......... in the plain 3977 -pedinos->

in ......... in the pool 2861 -kolumbethra->

in ......... in the power 1411 -dunamis->

in ......... in the presence 0561 -apenanti->

in ......... in the presence 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in the presence 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... in the present 3918 -pareimi->

in ......... in the press 3793 -ochlos->

in ......... in the prison 1201 -desmoterion->

in ......... in the prison 3612 -oikema->

in ......... in the prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... in the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

in ......... in the rain 5205 -huetos->

in ......... in the reading 0320 -angnosis->

in ......... in the region 5561 -chora->

in ......... in the regions 2825 -kline->

in ......... in the regions beyond 5238 -huperekeina->

In ......... In the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

in ......... in the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

in ......... in the right 1188 -dexios->

in ......... in the room 0473 -anti->

in ......... in the saints 0040 -hagios->

in ......... in the same 0846 -autos->

In ......... In the same 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... in the same 5026 -taute->

in ......... in the same city 4172 -polis->

in ......... in the school 4981 -schole->

in ......... in the scripture 1124 -graphe->

in ......... in the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

in ......... in the sea 2281 -thalassa->

in ......... in the second 1208 -deuteros->

in ......... in the selfsame 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... in the sepulchre 3418 -mnema->

in ......... in the shambles 3111 -makellon->

in ......... in the ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... in the sickle 1407 -drepanon->

in ......... in the sight 1715 -emprosthen->

in ......... in the sight 1726 -enantion->

in ......... in the sight 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in the sight 2714 -katenopion->

in ......... in the sight 3844 -para->

in ......... in the Son 5207 -huios->

in ......... in the sounds 5353 -phthoggos->

in ......... in the speech 3072 -Lukaonisti->

in ......... in the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in the steps 2487 -ichnos->

in ......... in the stocks 3586 -xulon->

in ......... in the streets 0058 -agora->

in ......... in the streets 4113 -plateia->

in ......... in the sun 2246 -helios->

in ......... in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... in the synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... in the temple 3485 -naos->

in ......... in the third 5154 -tritos->

in ......... in the throne 2362 -thronos->

in ......... in the time 1909 -epi->

in ......... in the town 2968 -kome->

in ......... in the treasury 1049 -gazophulakion->

in ......... in the truth 0225 -aletheia->

in ......... in the truth 0225->

in ......... in the truth 0225->

in ......... in the twinkling 4493 -rhipe->

in ......... in the unity 1775 -henotes->

in ......... in the unrighteous 0094 -adikos->

in ......... in the upper 5250 -huperpleonazo->

in ......... in the vanity 3153 -mataiotes->

in ......... in the very 1888 -epautophoroi->

in ......... in the vine 0288 -ampelos->

in ......... in the vision 3706 -horasis->

in ......... in the volume 2777 -kephalis->

in ......... in the waters 5204 -hudor->

in ......... in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... in the week 4521 -sabbaton->

in ......... in the whale s 2785 -ketos->

in ......... in the which 3739 -hos->

In ......... In the which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in the whole 3650 -holos->

in ......... in the wilderness 2047 -eremia->

in ......... in the wilderness 2048 -eremos->

in ......... in the wisdom 4678 -sophia->

in ......... in the womb 2836 -koilia->

in ......... in the word 3056 -logos->

in ......... in the word 4487 -rhema->

in ......... in the work 2041 -ergon->

in ......... in the works 2041 -ergon->

in ......... in the world 2889 -kosmos->

In ......... In the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... in the world to come 3195 -mello->

in ......... in thee , and that my name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in thee , had been done 1096 -ginomai->

in ......... in thee : for thy merchants 1713 -emporos->

in ......... in thee ;

in ......... in thee ; and no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... in thee ; and the sound 5456 -phone->

in ......... in thee ; and the voice 5456 -phone->

in ......... in thee I am well 2106 -eudokeo->

in ......... in thee one stone 3037 -lithos->

in ......... in their affliction 2347 -thlipsis->

in ......... in their cities 4172 -polis->

in ......... in their foreheads 3359 -metopon->

in ......... in their hands 5495 -cheir->

in ......... in their heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... in their imaginations 1261 -dialogismos->

in ......... in their knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

in ......... in their law 3551 -nomos->

in ......... in their lust 3715 -orexis->

in ......... in their own 0848 -hautou->

in ......... in their own craftiness 3834 -panourgia->

in ......... in their proper 2398 -idios->

in ......... in their purse 2223 -zone->

in ......... in their right 1188 -dexios->

in ......... in their season 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in their seasons 2540 -kairos->

in ......... in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... in their tails 3769 -oura->

in ......... in their vessels 0030 -aggeion->

in ......... in them , and walk 1704 -emperipateo->

in ......... in them .

in ......... in them . Woe 3759 -ouai->

in ......... in them : for in doing 4160 -poieo->

in ......... in them : for in doing 4160 -poieo->

in ......... in them ; and I will be their God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in them ; for God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in them of these 5130 -touton->

in ......... in them that are saved 4982 -sozo->

in ......... in them that do 4238 -prasso->

in ......... in them that heard 0191 -akouo->

in ......... in them that perish 0622 -apollumi->

in ......... in them therefore 3767 -oun->

in ......... in themselves 0848 -hautou->

in ......... in themselves 1438 -heautou->

in ......... in thereat 0846 -autos->

in ......... in these 3588 -ho->

In ......... In these 5025 -tautais->

in ......... in these 5025 -tautais->

in ......... in these 5125 -toutois->

in ......... in Thessalonica 2332 -Thessalonike->

in ......... in thine 4675 -sou->

in ......... in things pertaining to God 2316 -theos->

in ......... in this 3568 -nun->

in ......... in this 3588 -ho->

in ......... in this 3779 -houto->

in ......... in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... in this 5124 -touto->

in ......... in this 5126 -touton->

In ......... In this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... in thither 1563 -ekei->

in ......... in those 1565 -ekeinos->

In ......... In those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... in those 3588 -ho->

in ......... in those 5025 -tautais->

in ......... in those 5125 -toutois->

in ......... in those that are unlearned 2399 -idiotes->

in ......... in those things whereof 3739 -hos->

in ......... in three 5140 -treis->

in ......... in through the gates 4440 -pulon->

in ......... in thy country 3968 -patris->

in ......... in thy field 0068 -agros->

in ......... in thy grandmother 3125 -mamme->

in ......... in thy house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... in thy kingdom 0932 -basileia->

in ......... in thy love 0026 -agape->

in ......... in thy name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... in thy obedience 5218 -hupakoe->

in ......... in thy presence 1799 -enopion->

in ......... in thy sayings 3056 -logos->

in ......... in thy sharp 3691 -oxus->

in ......... in thy sickle 1407 -drepanon->

in ......... in thy sight 1715 -emprosthen->

in ......... in thy womb 1064 -gaster->

in ......... in Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->

in ......... in time 2121 -eukairos->

in ......... in time 3819 -palai->

in ......... in time 4218 -pote->

in ......... in times 1074 -genea->

in ......... in times 4218 -pote->

in ......... in to him , and saying 2036 -epo->

in ......... in to him , and will sup 1172 -deipneo->

in ......... in to men 0435 -aner->

in ......... in to see 2300 -theaomai->

in ......... in to tarry 3306 -meno->

in ......... in tongue 1100 -glossa->

in ......... in torments 0931 -basanos->

in ......... in travel 4898 -sunekdemos->

in ......... in trespasses 3900 -paraptoma->

in ......... in tribulation 2347 -thlipsis->

in ......... in tribulations 2347 -thlipsis->

in ......... in trust 4100 -pisteuo->

in ......... in truth 0225 -aletheia->

in ......... in truth 0225->

in ......... in truth 0225->

in ......... in truth 0226 -aletheuo->

in ......... in tumults 0181 -akatastasia->

in ......... in twain 1417 -duo->

in ......... in two 1417 -duo->

in ......... in Tyre 5184 -Turos->

in ......... in unawares 3921 -pareisduno->

in ......... in unbelief 0543 -apeitheia->

in ......... in unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

in ......... in uncertain 0083 -adelotes->

in ......... in uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->

in ......... in understanding 5424 -phren->

in ......... in unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->

in ......... in unto her , and said 2036 -epo->

in ......... in unto him ,

in ......... in unto the offerings 1435 -doron->

in ......... in unto the people 1218 -demos->

in ......... in unto them , and three 5140 -treis->

in ......... in unto you , that it was not in vain 2756 -kenos->

in ......... in unto you , that it was not in vain 2756 -kenos->

in ......... in us ,

in ......... in us , and his love 0025 -agapao->

in ......... in us , and shall be with us for ever 0165->

in ......... in us , and shall be with us for ever 0165->

in ......... in us , but life 2222 -zoe->

in ......... in us , but ye are straitened 4729 -stenochoreo->

in ......... in us , by the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

in ......... in us , so 3779 -houto->

in ......... in us , who walk 4043 -peripateo->

in ......... in us .

in ......... in us : that the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... in us lusteth 1971 -epipotheo->

in ......... in us not to think 5426 -phroneo->

in ......... in vain 1432 -dorean->

in ......... in vain 1500 -eike->

in ......... in vain 2756 -kenos->

in ......... in vain 2761 -kenos->

in ......... in wait 3180 -methodeia->

in ......... in was made 1096 -ginomai->

in ......... in watchings 0070 -agrupnia->

in ......... in water 5204 -hudor->

in ......... in we had 2192 -echo->

in ......... in weakness 0769 -astheneia->

In ......... In weariness 2873 -kopos->

in ......... in well 0018 -agathos->

in ......... in well 2569 -kalopoieo->

in ......... in well 2570 -kalos->

in ......... in what 4169 -poios->

in ......... in whatsoever 3739 -hos->

in ......... in where 3699 -hopou->

in ......... in which 3739 -hos->

In ......... In which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in white 3022 -leukos->

in ......... in whom , though now 0737 -arti->

in ......... in whom 3739 -hos->

In ......... In whom 3739 -hos->

in ......... in whom 3939 -paroikeo->

in ......... in wickedness 4190 -poneros->

in ......... in will 1479 -ethelothreskeia->

in ......... in wisdom 4678 -sophia->

in ......... in with him to the marriage 1062 -gamos->

in ......... in with Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

in ......... in with us unto James 2385 -Iakobos->

in ......... in word 3056 -logos->

in ......... in words 3056 -logos->

in ......... in ye hindered 2967 -koluo->

in ......... in years 2250 -hemera->

in ......... in you ,

in ......... in you , and that your 5216 -humon->

in ......... in you , and ye have overcome 3528 -nikao->

in ......... in you , and ye in him , according 2596 -kata->

in ......... in you , and ye in him , according 2596 -kata->

in ......... in you , and ye need 5532 -chreia->

in ......... in you , had been done 1096 -ginomai->

in ......... in you , he that raised 1453 -egeiro->

in ......... in you , since 0575 -apo->

in ......... in you , the hope 1680 -elpis->

in ......... in you , they had a great 3819 -palai->

in ......... in you , when he told 0312 -anaggello->

in ......... in you , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... in you , ye also 2532 -kai->

in ......... in you , ye shall ask 0154 -aiteo->

in ......... in you , yea 0235 -alla->

in ......... in you .

in ......... in you . Now 1161 -de->

in ......... in you :

in ......... in you : for whom 3739 -hos->

in ......... in you ?

in ......... in you all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in you both 2532 -kai->

in ......... in you in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in you in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... in you in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... in you in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... in you richly 4146 -plousios->

in ......... in you that believe 4100 -pisteuo->

in ......... in you that which is wellpleasing 2101 -euarestos->

in ......... in you the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... in you through 1722 -en->

in ......... in you will perform 2005 -epiteleo->

in ......... in your 1438 -heautou->

in ......... in your 3588 -ho->

in ......... in your 5212 -humeteros->

in ......... in your 5213 -humin->

in ......... in your 5216 -humon->

In ......... In your 5216 -humon->

in ......... in yourselves , neither 3756 -ou->

in ......... in yourselves 0846 -autos->

in ......... in yourselves 1438 -heautou->

in ......... is , and is in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

in ......... is he , that was in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... is he that is in you , than 2228 -e->

in ......... is in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... is in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... is in danger 2793 -kinduneuo->

in ......... is in darkness 4653 -skotia->

in ......... is in Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

in ......... is in faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... is in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... is in him .

in ......... is in him ? even 2532 -kai->

in ......... is in his hand 5495 -cheir->

in ......... is in his Son 5207 -huios->

in ......... is in Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

in ......... is in me , and I in him .

in ......... is in me , and I in him .

in ......... is in me , no 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... is in my members 3196 -melos->

in ......... is in secret 2729 -katischuo->

in ......... is in the bosom 2859 -kolpos->

in ......... is in the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

in ......... is in the law 3551 -nomos->

in ......... is in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... is in the sight 1799 -enopion->

in ......... is in thee be not darkness 4655 -skotos->

in ......... is in thee by the putting 1936 -epithesis->

in ......... is in their mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... is in their shame 0152 -aischune->

in ......... is in thine 4675 -sou->

in ......... is in you , except 1509 -ei me ti->

in ......... is in you in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... is in you in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... is in you of a truth 3689 -ontos->

in ......... is it in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... is not in him .

in ......... is not in us .

in ......... is not in vain 2756 -kenos->

in ......... is not in word 3056 -logos->

in ......... it , in remembrance 0364 -anamnesis->

in ......... it away : and he that is in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... it in a clean 2513 -katharos->

in ......... it in a secret 2926 -krupte->

in ......... it in a sepulchre 3418 -mnema->

in ......... it in a tomb 3419 -mnemeion->

in ......... it in his own new 2537 -kainos->

in ......... it in linen 3608 -othonion->

in ......... it in linen 4616 -sindon->

in ......... it in the city 4172 -polis->

in ......... it in the lusts 1939 -epithumia->

in ......... it in three 5140 -treis->

in ......... it up ; and it was in my mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... it up in three 5140 -treis->

in ......... let him which is in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... let them that be in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... let them which are in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... let them which be in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... man be in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... man in his own 2398 -idios->

in ......... man in vile 4508 -rhuparos->

in ......... may be in secret 2927 -kruptos->

in ......... me , but in part 3313 -meros->

in ......... me , I in like 2504 -kago->

in ......... me , in the regeneration 3824 -paliggenesia->

in ......... me : I was in prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... me by and by in a charger 4094 -pinax->

in ......... me by the lying in wait 1917 -epiboule->

in ......... me in :

in ......... me in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... me in bright 2986 -lampros->

in ......... me in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... me in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... me may be in them , and I in them .

in ......... me may be in them , and I in them .

in ......... me not in : naked 1131 -gumnos->

in ......... me that I am in the Father 3962 -pater->

in ......... meat in his house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... meat in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... meat in the idol s 1493 -eidoleion->

in ......... meat in the Pharisee s 5330 -Pharisaios->

in ......... men , in that he hath raised 0450 -anistemi->

in ......... men in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... men in one 3391 -mia->

in ......... men shall be in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... might be in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... not as in my presence 3952 -parousia->

in ......... not do , in that it was weak 0770 -astheneo->

in ......... not for him , and in an hour 5610 -hora->

in ......... not in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... not in any 5100 -tis->

in ......... not in because 1223 -dia->

in ......... not in chambering 2845 -koite->

in ......... Not in circumcision 4061 -peritome->

in ......... not in heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... not in iniquity 0093 -adikia->

in ......... not in Israel 2474 -Israel->

in ......... not in knowledge 1108 -gnosis->

in ......... not in me , he is cast 0906 -ballo->

in ......... not in my covenant 1242 -diatheke->

in ......... not in old 4218 -pote->

in ......... not in rioting 2970 -komos->

in ......... not in strife 2054 -eris->

in ......... not in tables 4109 -plax->

in ......... not in temples 3485 -naos->

in ......... not in the abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

in ......... not in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... not in the doctrine 1322->

in ......... not in the doctrine 1322->

in ......... not in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... Not in the lust 3806 -pathos->

in ......... not in the truth 0225 -aletheia->

in ......... not in the words 3056 -logos->

in ......... not in thine 4675 -sou->

in ......... not in word 3056 -logos->

in ......... not in yourselves 0846 -autos->

in ......... not still in unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

in ......... not unto you in word 3056 -logos->

in ......... of God in a dream 3677 -onar->

in ......... of him in Jordan 2446 -Iordanes->

in ......... of him in peace 1515 -eirene->

in ......... of him in the river 4215 -potamos->

in ......... of in the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

in ......... of me , in faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... of me in Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

in ......... of me in my bonds 1199 -desmon->

in ......... of thee in my prayers 1162 -deesis->

in ......... of thee in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... of their lying in wait 1747 -enedra->

in ......... of them in breaking 2800 -klasis->

in ......... of them in secret 2931 -kruphe->

in ......... of them in the body 4983 -soma->

in ......... of them which are in darkness 4655 -skotos->

in ......... of things in heaven 2032 -epouranios->

in ......... of things in the heavens 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... of you : for in nothing 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... of you in my prayers 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... of you in our prayers 4335 -proseuche->

in ......... of you should be in vain 2788 -kithara->

in ......... on in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... one of you in particular 1520 -heis->

in ......... one of you in the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... out ; and let not them that are in the countries
5561 -chora->

in ......... out in the council 4892 -sunedrion->

in ......... out in the rock 4073 -petra->

in ......... out in those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... over them in it .

in ......... past in the Jews 2454 -Ioudaismos->

in ......... past in the lusts 1939 -epithumia->

in ......... persons , and in the market 0058 -agora->

in ......... places in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... pouring in oil 1637 -elaion->

in ......... sakes forgave I it in the person 4383 -prosopon->

in ......... shall be in danger 1777 -enochos->

in ......... shall be in divers places 5117 -topos->

in ......... shall be in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... shall be in it ; and his servants 1401 -doulos->

in ......... shall be in their foreheads 3359 -metopon->

in ......... shall in no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... shall it be in the day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... shall it be in the end 4930 -sunteleia->

in ......... shall lie in the street 4113 -plateia->

in ......... shalt thou be with me in paradise 3857 -paradeisos->

in ......... she is in travail 5088 -tikto->

in ......... so long in the temple 3485 -naos->

in ......... stand we in jeopardy 2793 -kinduneuo->

in ......... still in Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

in ......... still in the house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... still in the same place 5117 -topos->

in ......... that are in authority 5247 -huperoche->

in ......... that are in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... that are in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... that are in the graves 3419 -mnemeion->

in ......... that are in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... that are in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... that are in them , heard 0191 -akouo->

in ......... that be in Rome 4516 -Rhome->

in ......... that be in the earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... that he had lain in the grave 3419 -mnemeion->

in ......... that he was in the house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... that I am in my Father 3962 -pater->

in ......... that in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... that in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... That in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... That in Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

in ......... that in Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

in ......... that in me ( that is , in my flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... that in me ( that is , in my flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... that in me first 4413 -protos->

in ......... that in nothing 3762 -oudeis->

in ......... that in simplicity 0572 -haplotes->

in ......... That in the ages 0165 -aion->

in ......... that in the beginning 0746 -arche->

in ......... That in the dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->

in ......... that in the last 2078 -eschatos->

in ......... that in the latter 5305 -husteron->

in ......... that in the mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... that in the wisdom 4678 -sophia->

in ......... that in thee also 2532 -kai->

in ......... that in them is :

in ......... that is in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... that is in me .

in ......... that is in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... that is in thee , even 2531 -kathos->

in ......... that is in thee , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... that is in thee , which 3748 -hostis->

in ......... that is in thee be darkness 4655 -skotos->

in ......... that is in their house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... that is in them , because 1223 -dia->

in ......... that is in thine 2398 -idios->

in ......... that is in thine 4674 -sos->

in ......... that is in thine 4675 -sou->

in ......... that is in thy brother s 0080 -adephos->

in ......... that is in you with meekness 4240 -prautes->

in ......... that they be in behaviour 2688 -katastema->

in ......... that thou art in the gall 5521 -chole->

in ......... that thou in thy lifetime 2222 -zoe->

in ......... that were in Bethlehem 0965 -Bethleem->

in ......... that were in his house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... that were in Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

in ......... that which is in part 3313 -meros->

in ......... that ye are in our hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... that ye being in time 4218 -pote->

in ......... the Father that in him should all 3956 -pas->

in ......... the same in hope 1680 -elpis->

in ......... the things contained in the law 3551 -nomos->

in ......... the things done in his body 4983 -soma->

in ......... the things that are in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... thee , even in thy mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... thee : and in their hands 5495 -cheir->

in ......... thee in ? or 2228 -e->

in ......... thee in a time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... thee in any 3364 -ou me->

in ......... thee in on 3840 -pantothen->

in ......... thee in remembrance 0363 -anamimnesko->

in ......... thee in the garden 2779 -kepos->

in ......... thee in the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... them , in seeing 0990 -blemma->

in ......... them in again 3825 -palin->

in ......... them in bundles 1197 -desme->

in ......... them in condemning 2919 -krino->

in ......... them in her heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... them in hold 5084 -teresis->

in ......... them in like 3664 -homoios->

in ......... them in mind 5279 -hupomimnesko->

in ......... them in remembrance 5279 -hupomimnesko->

in ......... them in the common 1219 -demosios->

in ......... them in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... them in the name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... them in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... them in their hands 5495 -cheir->

in ......... them in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... them in their synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... them in thy name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... them not in the prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... them that are in bonds 1198 -desmios->

in ......... them that were in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... them up in his arms 1723 -enagkalizomai->

in ......... them up in the nurture 3809 -paideia->

in ......... them up in their hearts 2588 -kardia->

in ......... them which are in any 3956 -pas->

in ......... themselves in him .

in ......... there be in any 5100 -tis->

in ......... there is not in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... There was in a city 4172 -polis->

in ......... There was in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... there were in the church 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... they be things in earth 1093 -ge->

in ......... they in the ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... they in the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... they shall be in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

in ......... they that are in the flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... they that were in the ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... they which are in Asia 0773 -Asia->

in ......... thing , in faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... thing in my name 3686 -onoma->

in ......... thing in secret 2927 -kruptos->

in ......... things , and we in him ; and one 1520 -heis->

in ......... things , in bringing 0071 -ago->

in ......... things , in which 3739 -hos->

in ......... things ; in which 3739 -hos->

in ......... things be in you , and abound 4121 -pleonazo->

in ......... things give in charge 3853 -paraggello->

in ......... things in a green 5200 -hugros->

in ......... things in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... things in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... things in his exhortation 3870 -parakaleo->

in ......... things in subjection 5293 -hupotasso->

in ......... things in the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

in ......... things in vain 1500 -eike->

in ......... things in your 5216 -humon->

in ......... things to you in truth 0225 -aletheia->

in ......... things unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

in ......... things were done in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... thou in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... thou in hither 5602 -hode->

in ......... thou in the things which 3739 -hos->

in ......... thou not that I am in the Father 3962 -pater->

in ......... thou unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

in ......... thyself in the house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... times and in divers 4187 -polutropos->

in ......... to be in bondage 1398 -douleuo->

in ......... to be in me .

in ......... to be in want 5302 -hustereo->

in ......... to be somewhat in conference 4323 -prosanatithemi->

in ......... to him in the bush 0942 -batos->

in ......... to him in the mount 3735 -oros->

in ......... to him in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... to him in the wilderness 2048 -eremos->

in ......... to him in well 0016 -agathopolia->

in ......... to me I will in no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... to me in that day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... to pass , that in the place 5117 -topos->

in ......... to pass in Iconium 2430 -Ikonion->

in ......... to pass in the days 1909 -epi->

in ......... to pass in the last 2078 -eschatos->

in ......... to pass in those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... to pass in those 5025 -tautais->

in ......... to thee in the mount 3735 -oros->

in ......... to them which are in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... to us in Asia 0773 -Asia->

in ......... to us in the likeness 3666 -homoioo->

In ......... to you . In the mouth 4750 -stoma->

in ......... to you in heaviness 3077 -lupe->

in ......... to you in sheep s 4263 -probaton->

in ......... unto Abraham 11> , And in thy seed 4690 -sperma->

In ......... unto Abraham 11> , saying , In thee shall all 3956 -

In ......... unto him , In Bethlehem 0965 -Bethleem->

in ......... unto him in a dream 3677 -onar->

in ......... unto me in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... unto me in the bonds 1199 -desmon->

in ......... unto thee in order 2517 -kathexes->

in ......... unto thee in the way 3598 -hodos->

In ......... unto them , In what 3699 -hopou->

in ......... unto them : for there lie in wait 1748 -enedreuo->

in ......... unto them in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... unto them in carnal 4559 -sarkikos->

in ......... unto them in his doctrine 1322 -didache->

in ......... unto them in parables 3850 -parabole->

in ......... unto them in the Hebrew 1446 -Hebrais->

in ......... unto them in the porch 4745 -stoa->

in ......... unto you , as it is in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... unto you , That in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... unto you , that in me ye might have 2192 -echo->

in ......... unto you , That in this 5602 -hode->

in ......... unto you ; in both which 3739 -hos->

in ......... unto you in an epistle 1992 -epistole->

in ......... unto you in few 1024 -brachus->

in ......... unto you in proverbs 3942 -paroimia->

in ......... unto you in some 3313 -meros->

in ......... unto you in the way 3598 -hodos->

in ......... up for you in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... up in a napkin 4676 -soudarion->

in ......... up in him , and stablished 0950 -bebaioo->

in ......... up in his father s 3962 -pater->

in ......... up in prison 5438 -phulake->

in ......... up in store 0597 -apothesaurizo->

in ......... up in the judgment 2920 -krisis->

in ......... up in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... up in the words 3056 -logos->

in ......... up in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... up in victory 3534 -nikos->

in ......... us , in that , while we were yet 2089 -eti->

in ......... us in all 3650 -holos->

in ......... us in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... us in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... us in him before 4253 -pro->

in ......... us in part 3313 -meros->

in ......... us in the faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... us in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... us in times 4218 -pote->

in ......... us with you in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... was faithful in all 3650 -holos->

in ......... was in an uproar 4797 -sugcheo->

in ......... was in Bethany 0963 -Bethania->

in ......... was in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... was in Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

in ......... was in man 0444 -anthropos->

in ......... was in the beginning 0746 -arche->

in ......... was in the field 0068 -agros->

in ......... was in the isle 3520 -nesos->

in ......... was in the midst 3319 -mesos->

in ......... was in the transgression 3847 -parabasis->

in ......... was in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... was in them did signify 1213 -deloo->

in ......... was it not in thine 4674 -sos->

in ......... we in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... we not in the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... we that we are in him .

in ......... we were in the flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... were in bondage 1402 -douloo->

in ......... were in Christ 5547 -Christos->

in ......... were in expectation 4328 -prosdokao->

in ......... were in heaven 3772 -ouranos->

in ......... were in Israel 2474 -Israel->

in ......... were in it ; and death 2288 -thanatos->

in ......... were in the other 2087 -heteros->

in ......... were in the sea 2281 -thalassa->

in ......... were in the ship 4143 -ploion->

in ......... were in the world 2889 -kosmos->

in ......... were in them : and they were judged 2919 -krino->

in ......... were in those 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... were with her in the house 3614 -oikia->

in ......... when he was in circumcision 4061 -peritome->

in ......... when we were with him in the holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... whether in the body 4983 -soma->

in ......... which are in Laodicea 2993 -Laodikeia->

in ......... which is in God 2316 -theos->

in ......... which is in his house 3624 -oikos->

in ......... which is in you , which 3739 -hos->

in ......... which was bestowed upon me was not in vain 2756 -

in ......... which was in my flesh 4561 -sarx->

in ......... which ye shall in no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... with him in baptism 0908 -baptisma->

in ......... with him in glory 1391 -doxa->

in ......... with him in many 2425 -hikanos->

in ......... with him in the city 4172 -polis->

in ......... with me , that in thy stead 5228 -huper->

in ......... with me in my temptations 3986 -peirasmos->

in ......... with me in my throne 2362 -thronos->

in ......... with me in the days 2250 -hemera->

in ......... with me in the dish 5165 -trublion->

in ......... with me in the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

in ......... with me in white 3022 -leukos->

in ......... with me in your 3588 -ho->

in ......... with them in the blood 0129 -haima->

in ......... with them in the clouds 3507 -nephele->

in ......... with water , and were in jeopardy 2793 -kinduneuo->

in ......... with you , and shall be in you .

in ......... with you in my Father s 3962 -pater->

in ......... with you in the temple 2411 -hieron->

in ......... wives , they were given in marriage 1547 -ekgamizo->

in ......... ye be in the faith 4102 -pistis->

in ......... ye in at 1223 -dia->

in ......... ye in him :

in ......... ye in light 5457 -phos->

in ......... ye in like 2532 -kai->

in ......... ye in my love 0026 -agape->

in ......... ye in that day 2250 -hemera->

in ......... ye in the city 4172 -polis->

in ......... ye in the presence 1715 -emprosthen->

in ......... ye in your 5216 -humon->

in ......... ye shall in no 3364 -ou me->

in ......... ye to be in all holy 0040 -hagios->

in ......... you , in that night 3571 -nux->

in ......... you , in turning 0654 -apostrepho->

in ......... you ; in the which 3739 -hos->

in ......... you in all 3956 -pas->

in ......... you in Christ s 5547 -Christos->

in ......... you in darkness 4653 -skotia->

in ......... you in due time 2540 -kairos->

in ......... you in every 3956 -pas->

in ......... you in meat 1035 -brosis->

in ......... you in mind 1878 -epanamimnesko->

in ......... you in my heart 2588 -kardia->

in ......... you in my journey 1279 -diaporeuomai->

in ......... you in remembrance 5179 -tupos->

in ......... you in remembrance 5280 -hupomnesis->

in ......... you in that hour 5610 -hora->

in ......... you in that same 1565 -ekeinos->

in ......... you in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

in ......... you in the same 0846 -autos->

in ......... you in their synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

in ......... you in this 5026 -taute->

in ......... you in this 5129 -toutoi->

in ......... you in time past 4302 -prolego->

in ......... yourselves in the sight 1799 -enopion->
